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单词 mark
释义 Word family  adjective marked ≠ unmarked verb mark adverb markedly  Related topics: Sportmark1 /mɑːk $ mɑːrk/ ●●● S2 W2 verb  1  write on STH 在某物上写 [transitive]WRITE to write or draw on something, so that someone will notice what you have written 写[画]…做记号,在…上做记号 I’ve marked the pages you need to look at. 我把你需要看的几页做了记号。mark something with something When you’re done, put your sheet in the envelope marked with your name. 做完后将纸放进写有你名字的信封里。mark something on something Peter marked his name on the first page. 彼得在第一页上写下他的名字。mark something personal/fragile/urgent etc a document marked ‘confidential’ 标有“机密”字样的文件mark somebody present/absent (=write on an official list that someone is there or not there, especially in school) 记某人出席/缺席 Any student who is more than 20 minutes late for class will be marked absent. 上课迟到20分钟以上的学生都将被记为缺席。 All school uniform should be clearly marked with the child’s name. 所有校服都应该清晰地标明学生的名字。2  damage 损坏 [intransitive, transitive]MARK to make a mark on something in a way that spoils its appearance or damages it, or to become spoiled in this way 留下痕迹,弄污 Take off your shoes so you don’t mark the floor. 把鞋脱掉,免得弄脏地板。 The disease had marked her face for life. 这场疾病在她脸上留下了终身的疤痕。 The table marks easily, so please be careful. 这桌子很容易留下印痕,所以请小心点。3  celebrate 庆祝 [transitive]CELEBRATE to celebrate an important event 庆祝,纪念〔重要事件〕 celebrations to mark Australia Day 澳大利亚国庆节的庆祝活动mark something with something Carter’s 90th birthday will be marked with a large party at the Savoy Hotel. 卡特90岁生日将在萨沃伊酒店举办盛宴庆贺。 Mrs Lawson was presented with a gold watch to mark the occasion. 劳森太太被赠予一块金表作为纪念。4  show position 显示位置 [transitive]SHOW/LET somebody SEE something to show where something is 标示〔某物的位置〕 A simple wooden cross marked her grave. 一个简单的木十字架标出了她坟墓的位置。 He had marked the route on the map in red. 他用红色在地图上标出了路线。mark something with something Troop positions were marked with colored pins. 军队阵地用彩色大头针标出。 She placed a bookmark between the pages to mark her place. 她在书中夹了一个书签表明自己看到哪里。5  year/month/week 年/月/周 [transitive] if a particular year, month, or week marks an important event, the event happened on that date during a previous year 〔某年、某月或某周〕标志…的发生 This week marks the 250th anniversary of the birth of Joseph Priestley. 约瑟夫·普里斯特利的250岁冥诞就在本周。6  show a change 显示变化 [transitive]SHOW/LET somebody SEE something to be a sign of an important change or an important stage in the development of something 标志〔重要变化或发展阶段〕 Her latest novel marks a turning point in her development as a writer. 她的这部最新小说是她作为作家在成长过程中的一个转折点。 The move seemed to mark a major change in government policy. 这一行动标志着政府政策的重大改变。 These elections mark the end of an era. 这些选举标志着一个时代的结束。7  quality/feature 特质/特性TYPICAL [transitive] if something is marked by a particular quality or feature, it is a typical or important part of that thing 赋予…特征;给…确定性质 SYN characterize The villages of East Anglia are marked by beautiful churches with fine towers. 东英吉利亚的村庄有个特点,就是教堂很漂亮,都有精美的塔楼。n Grammar Mark is usually passive in this meaning.8  student’s work 学生作业 [transitive] especially British EnglishRESULT/GRADE to read a piece of written work and put a number or letter on it to show how good it is 给〔学生作业〕打分[评分],评阅 SYN American English grade I’ve got a pile of exam papers to mark. 我有一大堆考卷要批改。9. sport 体育运动 [transitive] especially British EnglishDS to stay close to a player of the opposite team during a game 〔比赛中〕盯住〔对方的队员〕 SYN American English guard10  be marking time WAITto spend time not doing very much except waiting for something else to happen 混时间,消磨时间;等待时机 I was just marking time until a better job came up. 我只是在混时间,等待有更好的工作出现。11. mark time PMif soldiers mark time, they move their legs as if they were marching, but remain in the same place 〔士兵〕原地踏步12  (you) mark my words! spokenATTENTION used to tell someone that they should pay attention to what you are saying (你)记住我的话! They’re going to regret firing me, you mark my words! 他们会后悔解雇我的,你记住我的话!13  mark you British English old-fashionedEMPHASIZE used to emphasize something you say 你听着〔用于强调所说的某事〕 SYN mind you Her uncle’s just given her a car – given, mark you, not lent. 她叔叔刚刚送给她一辆汽车。你听好了,是送给她,不是借给她。 → marked PHRASAL VERBS14 mark somebody/something ↔ down phrasal verb a) WRITEto write something down, especially in order to keep a record 记下〔某事〕 Mark down everything you eat on your daily chart. 在日记表上记下你吃的每样东西。mark somebody/something down as something The teacher marked him down as absent. 老师给他记了缺席。b) CHEAPto reduce the price of something 降低〔某物〕的价格 OPP mark up → markdown Winter coats have been marked down from $80 to $50. 冬季外套已从80美元降到了50美元。c) RESULT/GRADE especially British English to give a student a lower result in a test, paper etc because they have made mistakes 给低分,打低分 Students will be marked down for failing to follow directions. 学生如果不按指示去做,得到的分数就会很低。15 mark somebody/something down as something phrasal verb OPINION British English to consider someone or something to be a particular type of person or thing 对〔某人或某物〕形成…印象 When I first saw Gilbert play I marked him down as a future England player. 我第一次看到吉尔伯特踢球时,就认定他将会成为英格兰队的队员。16 mark somebody/something ↔ off phrasal verb a) SEPARATEto make an area separate by drawing a line around it, putting a rope around it etc 画线分隔出,用绳子隔开 The competitors’ arena had been marked off with cones. 比赛场地已经用圆锥筒分隔出来了。b) FINISH DOING somethingto make a mark on a list to show that something has been done or completed 〔在清单上〕标出…已经做完 SYN tick off, check off Mark off each of the names on the list as I call them out. 我每叫到一个名字你就在名单上标个记号。c) DIFFERENT British English to make something or someone different from other things or people of a similar type 使不同于〔同类事物或人〕 SYN distinguish from Sara’s natural flair for languages marked her off from the other students. 萨拉的语言天赋使得她在学生中非常突出。17 mark somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb a) SHOW/LET somebody SEE somethingto show the shape or position of something by drawing lines around it 画线标出〔某物的形状或位置〕 A volleyball court had been marked out on the grass. 在草地上画好了一个排球场。b) DIFFERENT British English to make someone or something seem very different from or better than other similar people or things 使…看上去非常不同于[好于]mark somebody/something out as something His stunning victory marked him out as the very best horse of his era. 那场精彩的胜利使它脱颖而出,成为那个时代最优秀的马匹。mark somebody out for something She seemed marked out for success. 她似乎胜券在握。18 mark something ↔ up phrasal verb a) BBTINCREASE IN NUMBER OR AMOUNTto increase the price of something, so that you sell it for more than you paid for it 给〔某物的进价〕加价,标高…价格 OPP mark down Compact discs may be marked up as much as 80%. 光盘价格可能会标高多达80%。 → mark-upb) WRITEto write notes or instructions for changes on a piece of writing, music etc 在〔文章、乐谱等〕上写评注[说明] I have to mark up the pages and send them back to the printer. 我必须在各页上标注好说明,然后送回印刷厂。→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusmark• The success rates for two tasks differing only in the lengths of the rod shown is again marked.• The album marks a change in Young's musical style.• This time it was to mark a milestone in the history of exploration.• The meeting was marked by bitter exchanges between the two sides.• The Gingrich investigation lasted two years and was marked by extraordinary partisan wrangling.• It is a potentially fatal illness, marked by internal bleeding.• The linoleum marks easily.• For a moment there came flickering into his mind the memory of a list - nine names marked for death.• The examiners who marked her A-level paper were very lenient and gave her a pass.• He put a slip of paper in his book to mark his page.• Mrs Parry, have you marked our tests yet?• Michael gave us a map of the city and marked some places of interest to visit.• The celebration marked the 100th anniversary of the staging of the modern Olympic Games.• A barbed wire fence marks the boundary between the two communities.• This year marks the company's 50th anniversary.• It marked the end of the possibility of an attitude of withdrawal for the papacy.• Her shoes marked the floor.• Two shiny bronze plaques marked the former entrance to the palace.• I'll just mark the one I want in the catalog.• A firework display was organized to mark the Queen's birthday.• He had marked the route in red.• The church marks the spot where St Peter died.• Put the lid on your pen so it doesn't mark the tablecloth.• Like the rings on a tree that mark the years, some measures remain, resulting in a gradual buildup of security.clearly marked• Before the goods can be sold, the retailer must ensure that the price is clearly marked.• Her editor said the second column had been sent to the Union-Tribune clearly marked as a repeat.• It is clearly marked, easy to use and at £59.00 remarkably cheap.• The Daemonettes have the symbol of Slaanesh clearly marked on their foreheads.• Women's limited space is being clearly marked out.• The text flowed into neat columns, with any excess clearly marked, ready to be moved to a jump page.• The genetic revolution is proceeding without clearly marked, spectacular advances that might make it easier to debate and comprehend.• Trays are clearly marked with patient name and room number. 2.mark ... occasion• It seemed not to seek to impose itself but merely to mark the occasion.• The following books are either now in stores or will soon be released to mark the occasion.• Y., wore her Sunday best, a floral dress, to mark the occasion.• Thirty-three years on, his fans gathered there to mark the occasion, and Aileen Taylor was with them.• Clwyd's Euro Week starts today with a special edition of Clwyd Connections published to mark the occasion by the county council.• To mark the occasion Newtownards mayor Wilbert Magill will be officiating at the ceremony.• To mark the occasion the club presented her with a tracksuit and treated her to a slap-up lunch at a Middlesbrough restaurant.• He marked the occasion with a quiet dinner with Brand and teammate Cuttino Mobley.mark ... place• The hilltop is now completely wooded over, but the name remains as witness to a possible mark.• Eventually Mark found a place for it far in the bows of the raft, like a miniature fourth mast.• I never really marked off a place for myself within the family.• She keeps her finger marking her place in her book.• The crosses in the pavement mark their place of execution.• The Subject is the category that marks the place that the individual must fill to be constituted as a subject.• Error marks the place where education begins.• In the adjoining Garden on the Ramparts stand two obelisks marking the place where the victims of the Defenestration fell in 1618.mark the end of• The bill marks the end of a shocking anomaly similar to the one that once allowed only men to vote.• Motherhood replaced marriage as the occasion for leaving paid work and seldom marked the end of a woman's labour force membership.• The changes mark the end of an era for the long-embattled agency and for the institutions it helped.• Birmingham on 1 and 2 August 1838 saw a celebration to mark the end of apprenticeship.• Their arrival marked the end of policies that limited women to medical and musical units.• It will be ready in 1998, marking the end of the fifth season of the cult series.• When the first shells hit the rebels' airstrip, civilians and soldiers were marking the end of the period of mourning.• June 30 would mark the end of the triennial contract cycle that had punctuated labor-management relations in the copper industry since midcentury.Related topics: Currenciesmark2 ●●● S3 W2 noun [countable]  1  dirt 污物MARK a spot or dirty area on something that spoils its appearance 污点;污迹 I can’t get these marks out of my T-shirt. 我无法把我T恤衫上的这些污迹去掉。 His feet left dirty marks all over the floor. 他的脚踩得地板上到处都是污迹。 The skid marks (=marks left by a car’s tyres) were over 30 feet long. 打滑痕迹有30多英尺长。2  damaged area 损坏的地方DAMAGE a cut, hole, or other small sign of damage 〔毁损的〕痕迹burn/scratch/bite etc mark a burn mark on the kitchen table 厨房餐桌上的一块烧痕 There were scratch marks all over the victim’s body. 被害人身上到处是抓痕。3  coloured area 带颜色的地方MARK a small area of darker or lighter colour on a plain surface such as a person’s skin or an animal’s fur 〔人皮肤或动物皮毛上的〕斑点,色斑;胎记 The kitten is mainly white with black marks on her back. 小猫身体基本为白色,背上有黑色斑点。 → birthmark4  writing 写SIGN/SYMBOL a shape or sign that is written or printed 记号,标记 What do those strange marks at the top mean? 顶端那些奇怪的记号是什么意思? Make a mark at the bottom of the page. 在页末做个记号。5  level/number 水平/数目 a particular level, number, amount etc 水平,标准点,指标pass/reach/approach etc the ... mark The temperature is not expected to reach the 20 degree mark in the next few days. 在未来几天里,气温预计不会超过20度。 In 1976 unemployment in Britain passed the one million mark. 1976年英国的失业人数突破了一百万大关。6  student’s work 学生作业 especially British EnglishRESULT/GRADE a letter or number given by a teacher to show how good a student’s work is 〔老师给学生的〕分数,成绩 SYN grade American Englishgood/high mark The highest mark was a B+. 最高分是B+。 Her marks have been a lot lower this term. 她这学期的成绩差多了。 She always gets good marks. 她成绩一直很好。pass mark (=the mark you need in order to pass an exam) 及格分数 The pass mark was 75%. 及格分数是75分。full/top marks (=the highest possible mark) 满分/最高分7  full/top marks for effort/trying/persistence etc British English spokenPRAISE used to praise someone for trying hard to do something, even though they did not succeed 为努力/尝试/坚持等而给的满分〔用于表扬某人已尽力做某事,尽管没有成功〕 I have to give you top marks for determination. 我得给你的决心打满分。8  high/low mark approval or disapproval of something or of the way someone has done something 高的/低的评价 Parents gave the kit high marks. 家长很满意这套装备。 his low marks as transportation chief 他任交通部长所得的不良评价9  make/leave your mark SUCCESSFULto become successful or famous 成功,成名 It took him only two games to make his mark. 只打了两场比赛他就成名了。make/leave your mark as He made his mark as a pianist in the 1920s. 他于20世纪20年代成为著名的钢琴家。make/leave your mark on/in He has left his mark on baseball history. 他在棒球史上留下了大名。10  leave/make its mark on somebody/something to affect someone or something so that they change in a permanent or very noticeable way 对某人/某事产生持久[显著]的影响,留下印记 Singers like Franklin and Redding helped gospel music make its mark on popular culture. 富兰克林和雷丁这样的歌手使福音音乐对流行文化产生了持久的影响。 Growing up during the war had left its mark on her. 战争中的成长经历在她身上留下了烙印。11  off the mark/wide of the mark WRONG/INCORRECTnot correct 不正确/有很大的偏差 SYN inaccurate Our cost estimate was way off the mark. 我们的成本估算偏差非常大。12  close to the mark correct 接近准确,几乎无误 His next guess was closer to the mark. 接下来这次他猜得更准确一些。13  be a mark of something TYPICALto show that someone or something is a particular thing, has a particular quality etc 是真正的某物;表现出某人的品质 SYN be a sign of something The ability to perform well under pressure is the mark of a true champion. 在压力下仍能表现良好才是真正冠军的品质。14  a mark of respect/honour/affection etc something that happens or is done to show respect, honour etc 尊敬/敬意/亲切等的表示a mark of respect/honour/affection etc for The plaque awarded to Grant is a mark of recognition for his years of service. 牌匾授予格兰特是对他多年来服务的认可。 There was a two-minute silence as a mark of respect for the dead. 为死者默哀了两分钟以表敬意。► see thesaurus at sign15  Mark 2/6 etc  (also mark 2/6 etc) a) TYPE especially British English a particular type or model of a car, machine etc 2型/6型等〔指汽车、机器等的型号〕 an old Mark 2 Ford Cortina 一辆旧的2型福特跑天下 b) TMTDHa measurement used in Britain for the temperature of a gas oven 〔煤气烤箱温度的〕挡 Cook for 40 minutes at gas mark 6. 把煤气开到6挡煮40分钟。16  hit/miss the mark a) SHOOTto hit or miss the thing that you were shooting at 击中/未中目标 b) EFFECT/INFLUENCEto succeed or fail to have the effect you wanted 达到/未达到想要的效果 Although it contains a certain amount of truth, this theory ultimately misses the mark. 这个理论虽然有一定的道理,但从根本上来说还是没有说透彻。17  be quick/slow/first etc off the mark informalUNDERSTAND to be quick, slow, first etc to understand things or react to situations 反应快/反应慢/第一个作出反应等 You’ll have to be quick off the mark if you want to find a job around here. 如果你想在这儿找到工作,动作就得快。18  not up to the mark British English a) GOOD ENOUGHnot good enough 不够好;不符合标准[要求] Her work just isn’t up to the mark. 她的工作根本不达标。 b) old-fashionedMI not well and healthy 身体不适 I’m not feeling quite up to the mark today. 我今天感到不太舒服。19. the halfway mark LEVELthe point in a race, journey, or event that is halfway between the start and the finish 〔赛跑、旅程或事件的〕中间点,中途,半程20  bear the mark of something a) to show the physical signs of something which happened in the past 有某事物留下的痕迹〔疤痕等〕 His face bore the marks of many missions. 他的脸上有屡次执行任务留下的疤痕。 b) if something bears the mark of something or someone, it has signs that show who or what made it or influenced it 带有某事物的痕迹〔影响等〕 His speech bore all the marks of his military background. 他的演讲带有明显的军人印记。21. on your mark(s), get set, go!get set, go! on your mark(s) spokenDS said in order to start a race 各就(各)位,预备,跑!22. money 货币PEC the standard unit of money used in Germany before the EURO 马克〔使用欧元之前德国原标准货币单位〕23. signature 签名 old useSIGN YOUR NAME a sign in the form of a cross, used by someone who is not able to write their name 〔不会写自己名字者用来代替签名的〕十字画押 ► Do not use mark to mean ‘a product made by a particular company’. Use make or brand: an expensive make of camera | a well-known brand of toothpaste表示某公司生产的某种产品,不要用 mark,而要用 make 或 brand: an expensive make of camera 一种昂贵的照相机品牌 | a well-known brand of toothpaste 很出名的牙膏牌子 → exclamation mark, → overstep the mark at overstep(2), → punctuation mark, question mark, speech marksn COLLOCATIONS – Meanings 1 & 2verbsmake a markHer lipstick had made a mark on his collar.leave a mark (=make a mark)The glass had left a mark on the table.remove a markThe product removes greasy marks from clothes.a mark comes off/outI can’t get this dirty mark to come out.a mark fades (=it gradually disappears)His scratch marks have faded, but the memories never will.ADJECTIVES/NOUN + mark a black markThere were black marks all over the floor.a dirty markWhat’s that dirty mark on your coat?a greasy markIt’s good for getting greasy marks off carpet.a tyre mark British English, a tire mark American English (=a mark left on the ground by a vehicle’s tyre)The track was pretty soft and there were tyre marks.a skid mark (=a long tyre mark caused by a car that has lost control)After the accident, two sets of skid marks were found.a scorch/burn mark (=a mark caused by burning)There appeared to be scorch marks on the ceiling.a stretch mark (=a mark on your skin caused by stretching)Most women get stretch marks when they have a baby.a bite mark (=a mark where something has bitten you)Her arms were covered in itchy bite marks.a scratch markThe chairs had made scratch marks on the floor. THESAURUSa dirty mark 污迹mark a dirty area on something that spoils its appearance 污迹The bark of the tree had made black marks on her trousers. 树皮在她裤子上留下了黑色的污迹。spot a small mark on something 〔小块的〕污渍a grease spot on my shirt 我衬衫上的一块油渍stain a mark that is difficult to remove, especially one made by a dark liquid 〔尤指深色液体形成的〕污迹,污点a wine stain on the tablecloth 桌布上的一处葡萄酒渍blood stains 血渍smudge a mark that is made when something touches against a surface 〔接触表面而产生的〕污斑,污痕There was a smudge of lipstick on his cheek. 他脸上有一个口红印。He had a smudge of chalk on his jacket. 他的夹克上有一处粉笔印。smear a mark that is made by a small amount of something spread across a surface 〔泼洒在表面上而形成的〕污点,污迹The table had a smear of paint on the top. 桌面上有一块油漆印迹。fingerprint (also fingermark British English) a mark on the surface of something that is made by someone’s fingers 指纹,指印The glass was covered with greasy fingerprints. 玻璃杯上满是油腻腻的手指印。na mark on your skinblemish a mark on your skin that spoils its appearanceJohn grew a beard to hide the blemishes on his chin.mole a small dark, sometimes raised, mark on your skinSome moles may become cancerous. Helena found a mole on her arm which had definitely not been there before.freckles small light brown marks on your skin, especially on your face but also on your arms, shoulders etcShe had a light sprinkling of freckles across her nose.birthmark a permanent mark on your skin that you have had since you were bornThere was a small birthmark on her left cheek.bruise a purple or brown mark on your skin that you get because you have fallen or been hitHer legs were covered in cuts and bruises.scar a permanent mark on your skin, caused by a cut or by something that burns youThe injury left a small scar on his forehead.pimple/zit (also spot British English) a small raised red mark or lump on your skin, which usually appears when a child is between 12 and 18 years oldWhen I was a teenager I had terrible spots. The boy had a few pimples under his chin. wart a small hard raised mark on your skin caused by a virusHis face was covered in hairy warts. blister a small area of skin that is swollen and full of liquid because it has been rubbed or burnedThere was a blister on his arm where the boiling milk had splashed him. rash an area of small red spots on your skin, caused by an illness or an allergyI can’t eat strawberries - they give me a rash.Examples from the Corpusmark• She squeezed me so hard, she left a mark on my arm.• The tape left a mark on the paint.• There are marks on the door where the cat has scratched it.• There are marks on the tarmac where the car left the road.• Check the power cord for any burn marks.• Put a check mark beside each person's name as they come in.• His shoes had left dirt marks across the carpet.• How did you get that dirty mark on your T-shirt?• I got full marks in the history test.• She came out with the second highest marks in the class.• He instantly made his mark with a series of books based on the classics.• His mark on the last test gave him a final average of 88%.• He had two little marks on his face where his glasses had been.• You have to do the course again if you get low marks.• Hot cups of tea can make marks on polished tables.• Now, though, the irony is wearing off; they don't even bother to put their antics in quotation marks.• Garvin had scratch marks on the side of her face.• During this third movement, an adagio, the land also developed stretch marks.• By the marks in the sand, it had been felled by a falcon, which made a meal of its flesh.• Caught me bending was nearer the mark.• The mark fell as low as 72. 41 yen.• But first harness, tack and carriages had to be spruced up to ensure top marks for turnout.• I don't think the tractor came this way - there are no tyre marks in the mud.• It would provide the maximum area of water within the engineering constraints and would be broadly equivalent to mean high water mark.• "What mark did you get?" "B."skid marks• On the concrete floor inside are tire tracks, and skid marks where kids have done wheelies or donuts.• The walkers still have some finger nails left and don't have skid marks in their boxer shorts.• The car sped through the estate and left skid marks on the road and lawns.• Long skid marks on the pavement showed that the driver had tried to brake.• There are no skid marks at the scene.• The skid marks were evident on the last 750 feet of runway travel.burn/scratch/bite etc mark• There was even a burn mark on his chin but apart from that his expression was positively cherubic.• The last of his scratch marks have faded now but his memories never will.• But small or not, it appears to have left a nasty bite mark on her arm.• Broadly speaking, children under four are not sensitised and show no bite mark.• I found these seemingly senseless bite marks by the hundreds.• I examined closely where the squirrel had bitten the branches, and found the bite marks in the thin bark.Make ... mark• Her career was what was important, her independence, her self-worth, making a mark.• No-one else has ever made a mark.• They talked through their own intercom system, and the assistant made marks on the map with a grease pencil.• Participants were expected to join in and make a mark on the proceedings.• Two years since I set up the glass and started to make marks on it.• A party conference is a natural stamping ground for those who have barely four days in which to make a mark.• You would make a mark on your firing table, showing the results.pass/reach/approach etc the ... mark• As the countdown reaches the two-minute mark, the room seems to tremble.• The shuttle's tanks have been filled by the time that the countdown reaches the 3 hours mark.• Membership had passed the 100 mark already.• But on Feb. 20 he reached the century mark.• Border had not passed the 50 mark since his first innings of the tour against Somerset.• Today, hit shows are lucky to reach the 10 % mark, and even blockbusters fail to reach twice that.• Six more years, if still alive, she would reach the half century mark.full/top marks• Well done Ralph, and full marks Henry.• But first harness, tack and carriages had to be spruced up to ensure top marks for turnout.• This means that a few get top marks, a big bunch get middling marks, and a few come near the bottom.• None of them got full marks.• I can find no errors of shape, proportion or poise - full marks for accuracy.• Only one in six adults scored full marks in a test of six familiar words.• Well, full marks for courage, Major.• You had to give the woman full marks for persistence.From Longman Business Dictionarymarkmark1 /mɑːkmɑːrk/ noun the £20/$1000 etc mark 20 pounds, 1000 dollars etcThere is usually a fee to be paid, generally around the £100 mark plus VAT.markmark2 verb [transitive] to put a sign on somethingYou must mark all hazardous goods with international danger symbols. → mark something → down → mark something ↔ up→ See Verb tableOrigin mark1 1. Old English mearc “border, edge, sign”2. (1800-1900) German mark2 Old English mearcianmark1 verb →n GRAMMAR1 →PHRASAL VERBS1mark2 noun →10-23 →n COLLOCATIONS1 →THESAURUS1LDOCE OnlineChinese   Business write something, to draw that Corpus on so or




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