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单词 Reproductive
1. Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle.
2. The male reproductive organs are exterior to the body.
3. Extra doses of the hormone caused the animals' reproductive organs to develop sooner than usual.
4. The book deals with the reproductive biology of the buffalo.
5. Every animal has reproductive organs.
6. In contrast, the Genetic Supermarket promotes individual reproductive choice.
7. These criteria connote reproductive heterosexuality, and male-, middle-class-dominated employment.
8. The reproductive systems consist of filamentous tubes.
9. The only treatment is recourse to reproductive technology.
10. The stickleback's territory is reproductive.
11. Differential reproductive success also occurs in other ways, however.
12. The adult male's reproductive life has two phases.
13. His reproductive system is still not there.
14. She left the field of reproductive health care entirely.
15. This seasonal decline in reproductive success is yet another factor in the pied flycatcher's bigamous mating system.
16. The whole woman of reproductive age produces an ovum a month, representing a single shot at a pregnancy every twenty-eight days.
17. When only seeing is believing the unseen reproductive anatomy of the female can not be an article of faith.
18. Hormonally active synthetic chemicals can damage the reproductive system, alter the nervous system and brain, and impair the immune system.
19. Not so: traditional breeders must operate within the reproductive boundaries that define species.
20. And the most formidable threats to reproductive destiny that a human individual faces come from other human individuals.
21. Dioxins are known to cause cancer and to affect the immune and reproductive system of animals.
22. The cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system, but it is difficult to find.
23. Introduction Little is known about the effects of body fat distribution on reproductive function in women.
24. Fetal, infant and early childhood mortality and maternity related deaths to women of reproductive age are the classes of mortality examined.
25. In other species, territories are defended for energetic, rather than reproductive, reasons.
26. Legislators, medical ethicists and public health experts continue to debate limiting the use of such reproductive technologies.
27. Frisch suggested that underweight women would also have impaired reproductive function owing to a lack of oestrogen produced in adipose tissue.
28. No-one knows how the radiation will have damaged the reproductive organs of the children who receive continual doses.
29. Under many circumstances,() the evolutionarily stable allocation to male and female reproductive functions should be about the same.
30. Detailed life-history studies of this highly dimorphic animal reveal that the reproductive success of large males is much higher than small males.
1. Not all doctors truly understand the reproductive cycle.
2. The male reproductive organs are exterior to the body.
3. Extra doses of the hormone caused the animals' reproductive organs to develop sooner than usual.
4. The book deals with the reproductive biology of the buffalo.
5. Every animal has reproductive organs.
31. Are women getting education and treatment for reproductive tract infections?
32. The main emphasis of Hume's book is the inter-relationships between nutrition, reproductive performance and life histories of marsupials.
33. Following mating, the sperm are stored in special tiny tubules in the female's reproductive tract.
34. To what extent its reproductive strategies emphasize such altruism depends on the pay-off of such strategies in terms of inclusive fitness.
35. Strongyloides is unique among the nematodes of veterinary importance being capable of both parasitic and free-living reproductive cycles.
36. They tolerate cubs more than the females possibly because their reproductive life in the pride is so short.
37. In real life, the criterion for selection is always short-term, either simple survival or, more generally, reproductive success.
38. The apparent reproductive suicide of a female worker is, as a result, a matter of biological self-interest.
39. Hughes was the second prominent researcher at Georgetown to face problems because of reproductive research.
40. The variability in reproductive success of males will therefore be greater than that of females.
41. The freeing of women from the imperatives of the reproductive cycle allows them also to compete for these top jobs.
42. This permits future informed reproductive planning, avoids diagnostic complications and delays, and allows planning of care for the affected boy.
43. Reproductive health care, crucial to women, was, as it had ever been, slighted.
44. Of course, the assumption behind this is precisely that enunciated by Barnes, that woman are dominated by their reproductive organs.
45. In most mammals sperm are viable in the female's reproductive tract for a matter of hours.
46. Reproductive system After the menopause, women are no longer able to bear children, as their ovaries stop releasing eggs.
47. Variation in reproductive success should be greater among males of polygynous species than among males of monogamous ones.
48. Kay said the ruling violates the Fourteenth Amendment, and could affect landmark rulings on reproductive rights.
49. In vitro fertilisation is only the first of a long line of reproductive technologies which may be developed in the future.
50. The deepest changes came only with the development of the new reproductive technologies.
51. Body fat distribution in women of reproductive age seems to have more impact on fertility than age or obesity.
52. Some mares react badly and their reproductive cycles cease or are disrupted.
53. We are in favor of abortion rights and reproductive freedom in greater numbers than men.
54. A male bighorn sheep curls back his upper lip in an attempt to determine the reproductive state of a female close by.
55. Simply put, anything that increases reproductive success will spread at the expense of anything that does not-even if it threatens survival.
56. In the circumstances, programmes to alter reproductive patterns might incorporate special provisions for reaching individuals of lower socio-economic status.
57. The evidence suggests, then, that the direct influence of religious doctrine on individual reproductive decisions is weak.
58. There are several reasons why variation in daily reproductive success may not reflect variation in either seasonal or lifetime success.
59. Reproductive behaviour may also have more freedom from genetic control and be more accessible to social influence among humans than sociobiology acknowledges.
60. Johnson maintains that men are less vulnerable than women to reproductive damage.
61. But there is some concern that melatonin may affect the female reproductive system.
62. Their willingness to compromise their reproductive purity is a great help in understanding what keeps the various kinds apart.
63. Another change within the last 200 years is in the field of reproductive biology.
64. They can go through a reproductive cycle in as little as two weeks.
65. Damage to an animal affects less of his reproductive potential as age increases.
66. Without our reproductive system, there would be no life, so they can hardly be unimportant.
67. Women have rarely had an incentive to seek success of that kind, for their reproductive success depended on other things.
68. This feature is thought to be related to the reproductive cycle.
69. Genetic counselling was sought by all nine families, but it is still too soon to comment on their reproductive choices.
70. With so many just entering their reproductive years, population is destined to in-crease for decades more.
71. And it may perform this stupendous reproductive feat annually for thirty or forty years.
72. Even low level exposure is known to interfere with the immune and reproductive systems.
73. Though there are skirmishes even yet, our rights as women will eventually be honored, including our rights to reproductive autonomy.
74. Feminism is pro-woman rather than pro-abortion; we have always argued for freedom of reproductive choice.
75. In good feeding conditions wider ranging groups occurs, evidently for reproductive reasons.
76. However, the long-term outlook for reproductive function is poor in patients who conceive before they have fully recovered from their illness.
77. Biased estimates of variation in reproductive success may also cause the effects of particular phenotypic traits on reproductive success to be overestimated.
78. Fitness differences are best understood as reproductive expectancy differences analogous to normalized life expectancy differences.
79. They can be marked out in genetic terms, as reproductive units(), isolated from each other.
80. Altman focused on females in the troop, because it is easier to monitor their reproductive success reliably than that of males.
81. Attention will be oriented to the imagery and assumptions about reproductive physiology on which methods of contraception and their evaluation are based.
82. He can, however, improve his reproductive performance by mating with another female.
83. How do they arrange the patterning of their domestic environment, their settlements, their houses, their productive and reproductive activities?
84. This symposium will address the question of effects of chemical substances on reproductive systems to both females and males.
85. To understand it, it is necessary to make a distinction be-tween the direct and indirect influence religion has on reproductive behavior.
86. But in some cases the necessary basic information is lacking; for example, the reproductive rate of some whales is unknown.
87. In the last part of the century we squandered our energy on endless quarreling over reproductive rights, women bitterly against women.
88. Others suggested that because of its rigid op-position to birth control, the Church had forfeited its credibility in the reproductive debate.
89. Moreover, female well-being was defined in terms congruent with both women's reproductive function and ideal feminine behaviour.
90. Ownership Specific economic conditions are a further decisive factor in the new reproductive technologies.
91. The relentless advance of reproductive technology has now split motherhood into three compartments, genetic motherhood, gestational motherhood and parental motherhood.
92. The epidemic will take its heaviest toll among infants and among young adults in their prime productive and reproductive years.
93. It exposes the reproductive parts of the flowers, thereby allowing pollinating insects to get at them.
94. Compared with deer, mountain goats have a slow reproductive rate.
95. Genetic control is now at the forefront of medical, scientific and state enthusiasm over the new reproductive technologies.
96. Similar mechanisms may account for other cancers of the reproductive organs.
97. Male orgasm satisfies male reproductive involvement.
98. Investigation on sexual reproductive cycle in Torreya grandis.
99. Article 4 Any research on reproductive cloning is prohibited.
100. Conidia are the characteristic asexual reproductive units of fungi.
101. Objective To analyse the male reproductive toxicity of carbaryl.
102. Some bacteria produce special reproductive cells called spores.
103. The male reproductive system makes, stores and moves sperm.
104. Other birds feed on developing reproductive structures or seed.
105. Various reproductive behaviors of the doublet were observed and their cytological details were demonstrated by Fculgen stain and modified Nigrosin stain techniques.
106. The results show that the reproductive system is composed of genital organ, copulatory pouch and ovarian groove.
107. An asexual reproductive structure, as in an outgrowth capable of developing into a new individual.
108. Endometrial carcinoma is one of the most common three malignancies of female's reproductive system.
109. Only revealed the masculine reproductive organ Baidu manager not to delete my diary. Good?
110. Genetic effects include inheritable changes resulting from mutations in reproductive cells.
111. A fraction of people who have children using assisted reproductive technology were fertile prior to tubal ligation.
112. The declaration urged governments and donor agencies to increase their official development assistance, creating and supporting strong, sustainable reproductive health and sexual health programs.
113. The results suggest that obtaining methidathion resistance has no obvious negative effects on the developmental duration and reproductive capacity of A. womersleyi.
114. Furthermore, the clitoris is obviously the principal female pleasure organ, and it has no reproductive function.
115. The mechanisms on catamenial epilepsy show that ovarian steroid hormones not only regulate reproductive behavior but also exert short-term and long'-term effects on the brain.
116. Objective To investigate the effect of pinealectomy on the reproductive functions of young rats.
117. VEGF is essential for embryonic development, endochondral bone formation, female reproductive functions.
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118. The Portal of Evolution sculpture at Burning Man was supposed to represent a 26-feet-tall version of the female reproductive system, with fallopian tubes and ovaries.
119. Objective To study the approach of diagnosis and surgical wardship of reproductive malformation.
120. Dissolves the urea urea original body, the person mycoplasma, the reproductive organ mycoplasma is the normal crowd uropoiesis, the genital tract common parasitic fungus, but may the pathogenesis.
121. In other ways of the she-goat reproductive characteristics, there are also much differences between Beichuan white goat and Chengdu grey goat or Jianchang black goat.
122. The largest cell in the human body is the female reproductive cell, the ovum.
123. Mouse spermatogonium chromosomal aberration test and sperm malformation test were used to assess reproductive toxicity.
124. Polycystic ovary syndrome, the most common hormonal disorder in premenopausal women in the U. S. , is caused by the disruption of the reproductive cycle.
125. Objective : To study the reproductive system toxicity of Kunmingshanhaitang ( KMSHT ) capsule.
126. Lymphonode, skin, reproductive organs and digestive organs were the most common extramedullary sites of involvement by primary GS.
127. Conclusion Cadmium chloride affected physiological function of male reproductive system, lowered genitality.
128. This paper studied the effect of gonadotropin releasing hormone on reproductive performance in buck.
129. Objective : To evaluate the effect of mustard gas on reproductive system in rats.
130. The fattiness during reproductive period, coefficient of liver, coefficient of far, coefficient of mature gonad, and volume of the latter have certain biological significance.
131. The strobila of cestodes consists of a chain of segments (proglottids) budded off from the neck region. A gut is absent, and the reproductive system is repeated in each proglottid.
132. The male reproductive system is distinguished by a pair of testes, a pair of vas deferens, a pair of male accessory glands, one ejaculatory duct and copulatory organ.
133. Thomas underwent gender reassignment surgery but kept his female reproductive organs.
134. Conclusion Exposure of fenvalerate in gestation has some influence on the reproductive system of male offspring rats, and can significantly affect the activities of enzymes in testis.
135. The latest study showed that NO and NOS are widely distributed in male reproductive system. NOS is mainly distributed in Leydig′s cells and sertoli′s cells and a minor portion in spermatogenous cells.
136. The subject of demography has merged with that of reproductive strategies of organisms.
137. Proper evaluation of the location and size of myomas, and endometrial cavity is the most important factor determining the reproductive outcomes.
138. An Indian farmer and father of two had a hysterectomy after doctors discovered a "full female reproductive system" in his lower abdomen.
139. Lactation is the final phase of the reproductive cycle of mammals.
140. Including: Locomotor system, alimentary system, respiratory system, urinary system, reproductive system, circulatory system, sense organs, nervous system and endocrine system.
141. Male reproductive cells travel down the tube and join with the ovule, fertilizing it.
142. These genes come from the ffromher's sperm and then the mother's egg; which are produced by the minge and feminge reproductive systems.
143. How many other girlfriends, counselors, taxi drivers, and random airplane passengers had Boris seduced into intimacy with the mournful ballad of his achy-breaky reproductive apparatus?
144. The fertilizer conditions of water hyacinth has directly effects on weevils reproductive capacity.
145. Flower anatomy and pollination test showed Armeniaca mume in Da'yi had a higher reproductive capacity and kept some characters of the wild species.
146. Portal of Evolution is a sculpture based on the female reproductive system.
147. The fig - pollinator mutualism system is maintained by the reproductive relationships.
147. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
148. Improve vitality, activate metabolism, lower high blood pressure, blood sugar & strengthens male reproductive organ.
149. Objective To investigate the effect of letrozole as a drug for ovulation induction in ovulatory infertile women and influence on reproductive hormones.
150. Lower reproductive performance of high producing dairy cows is associated with negative energy balance ( NEB ).
151. It is not only feasible effectivevideo - visual education on pubertal reproductive health among senior high school students.
152. The results shown that parity, farrowing interval, birth month could influence sow reproductive performance, and the parity have a greater impact on it.
153. Ovary: In zoology , the female reproductive organ ( see reproductive system ) that produces eggs and sex hormones.
154. Generally the term is applied to reproductive units produced asexually, such as the spores of bryophytes and ferns.
155. Endometritis is a common reproductive system diseases of cow, which is one of the main causes of infertility of cow.
156. Since then, procedures have moved on, with more than three million babies worldwide conceived through Assisted Reproductive Technologies (ART) — IVF, ovulation induction and intra-uterine induction.
157. Protandry refers the earlier arrival to breeding sites or reproductive stages of male animals relative to females on average.
158. Are one or more physicians board certified in reproductive endocrinology?
159. Objective To compare the effects of colony oviposition and single tube oviposition for improving the reproductive rate of Anopheles anthropophagus .
160. Both studies are the first to look at BPA's reproductive effect in humans. The adverse effect of BPA on the male reproductive system previously had been examined in animal studies only.
161. Estrus synchronization is one of the reproductive biotechnologies, and has been applied extensively to animal husbandry.
162. My botanical interest is largely confined to the reproductive processes in vascular plants.
163. To study the effect of kunningan pill on reproductive endocrine immune of patient with climacteric syndrome.
164. Reproductive cloning has been banned by all international organizations and governments.
165. Conclusion Agrimonia Pilosa Ledeb has no genetic toxicity in male mouse reproductive cells at the range of doses that are applied under the experimental conditions.
166. Asexual reproduction The formation of new individuals from a ingle parent without the production of gametes or special reproductive structures.
167. NO can regulate the blood flow, hormones and reproductive capacity of testis.
168. The aged male reproductive system may not be as effective in producing viable sperm.
169. After you've seen your OB/GYN and exhausted treatment methods there, you may be referred to an infertility specialist, or reproductive endocrinologist.
170. Several suitable target antigens from Spermatozoa, ovum and reproductive hormones have been used for the vaccine.
171. Direct against: liver , courage improve with the balanced function , can increase resolute strength , improve the reproductive system , improve the hydroncus.
172. The female reproductive system inflammation is woman's common disease, including vulvitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, salpingitis and pelvic inflammatory disease and so on.
173. The reproductive conditions of anti - lymphocyte immunoglobulin ( ALG ) semi - finished product unqualified in pyrogen were studied.
174. The occurrence of apomictic reproductive structures on the leaf of the bog orchid, is of interest.
175. Congress honorary chairman, China's first test-tube baby maker in China are introduced ZhangLiZhu professor reproductive medicine nearly 20 years of development process.
176. In and male reproductive toxicology are primary screening tests . In this paper their application are discussed.
177. EP should be suspected in any women of reproductive age with abdominal pain especially those who have risk factors for an extrauterine pregnancy.
177. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
178. A separate NIH-sponsored panel found that the risk was even greater, saying that adult exposure to BPA likely affects the brain, the female reproductive system and the immune system.
179. At the same time, the captive breeding of Chinese water deer is becoming popular in China, but researches on reproductive behavior, genetic background of captive Chinese water deer is still lack.
180. Cancers affecting the lining the uterus ( endometrium ) are the most common cancers the female reproductive tract.
181. Objective To lay a basis on the reproductive ecology of the Polygonum aviculare population.
182. The scientists found that a peptide active in the hypothalamus called melanin-concentrating hormone or MCH can inactivate the reproductive system in times of hunger.
183. Lifestyle modification is clearly a key component for the improvement of reproductive function for overweight, anovulatory women with PCOS.
184. Recent advances in reproductive endocrinology are primarily due to the development of radioimmunoassay.
185. Less expensive and more efficient than the process that produced Dolly the sheep, the iPS approach also would skirt the language of many current prohibitions against human reproductive cloning.
186. During reproductive development, DEP1 was preferentially expressed on the adaxial side of the bract primordium, as well as in the bract primordia of primary and secondary rachis-branches.
187. This enhanced reproductive efficiency is multiplied by the ability of men-with-very-small-penises to fertilise multiple ladies every time they indulge in sexual intercourse.
188. Zhu , D. F. , S. J . Li , G. Z. Wang and H. H. Ye 2000 Anatomical and histological studies on the male reproductive system of Thenus orientalis.
189. It indicates that lead nitrate and nickel chloride have obvious reproductive toxicity.
190. Objective To investigate the prevalence of premenstrual syndrome and its influential factors in reproductive women.
191. The results have shown that asexual reproductive techniques are effective means of protecting and sustainable utilizing Magnoliaceae plants.
192. The female reproductive organs are composed of ovaries, oviducts, uterus, cervix uteri, vagina and external genitalia.
193. Moonstone: Absorbs pain and illness. Regenerates the tissues and organs. Heals reproductive system .4 th chakra.
194. Then there is "sexually antagonistic selection" - the idea that alleles promoting same-sex behaviour in men are favoured by selection because they increase the reproductive chances of their daughters.
195. Objective : To explore the relationship between serum reproductive hormones and aspermacrasia or azoospermia.
196. The state ranks 47th for CO2 emissions from fossil fuel combustion, 46th for toxic exposure, 47th for developmental toxins released, and 47th for reproductive toxins released.
197. Methods: The strains were selected to test for Bartonella preservation with reproductive culture and freezing methods.
198. Science may agree. Just two to three oysters deliver a full day's supply of zinc, a mineral critical for normal functioning of the male reproductive system.
199. Long-term intake of melamine can cause reproductive, urinary system damage to animals; lead to kidney stones,() bladder stone and further induce bladder cancer.
200. For marine invertebrate, in particular, endogenous clock has been known to control semilunar rhythms of locomotor, reproductive and molting behaviors.
201. Ovarian cancer causes more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system – more than 15,000 deaths are expected each year.
202. Results: Pelvic inflammatory diseases, abortion, IUD, pelvic cavity operation, tubal ligation and pathological changes of reproductive system have evident effect on ectopic pregnancy.
203. As a result, the strong reproductive capacity of floating green tide algae Ulva prolifera might be the main reason of green tide occurrence.
204. There is reproductive advantage in good motherhood, in other words.
205. Several studies have found that men who take aspirin and other NSAIDS have a decreased risk of prostate cancer. The prostate is part of the male reproductive system.
206. It will be important to understand these networks as the pharmaceutical drive to develop specific anorectic agents may have repercussions for pubertal and reproductive function.
207. Conclusion The seasonal biological variations influence the reproductive functions of male rhesus monkey.
208. Their arguments have been echoed during the synod,(/reproductive.html) with repeated criticisms of institutions that promote "reproductive health care" for women.
209. This difference is often accompanied with the partial or complete abortion of the reproductive organs.
210. It includes the cardiovascular, digestive, endocrine, urinary, immune, integumentary, lymphatic, muscular, nervous, reproductive, respiratory and skeletal systems.
211. Josephine Quintavalle, of pro-life group Comment on Reproductive Ethics, said: "Why have they kept this a secret?
212. Just two to three oysters deliver a full day's supply of zinc, a mineral critical for normal functioning of the male reproductive system.
213. After the education, the rates of correct attitude about the pubertal reproductive health are significantly higher than before.
214. Results Cephalopelvic disproportion, abnormal position of fetus, history of premature birth and abortion, inflammation of reproductive organs were the most factors of PROM.
215. The reproductive endocrinologist or embryologist will discuss this with the patient prior to the transfer.
216. Promoting quality service for family planning and reproductive health care in a comprehensive way.
217. David Layzer, writing in his semiscientific property of life is not reproductive invariance, but reproductive instability.
218. The endometrium and its fluids play a major role in the reproductive process.
219. This paper reports the anatomical characteristics of the male reproductive system of Chrysoperla sinica Tjeder, which is compared with other species.
220. At present, the reproductive physiology of ticks has become one of the international focus research realms. Vitellogenesis and hormonal regulation are the essential contents of this realm.
221. CFAS is the premier professional organization that speaks on behalf of all interested parties in the field of assisted reproductive technologies and research in reproductive sciences.
222. For example, Geranium oil is characteristically feminine and associated with feminine energies and the female reproductive system.
223. Conclusion Fluorine possibly damages the male reproductive system by reducing the expression of TERT and PCNA.
224. When the male reproductive cell fertilizes the female reproductive cell a zygote is formed.
225. So Lagerstroemia indica cv. has a good adaptability in Wuahan according to its growth rhythm, reproductive condition and ornamental characteristic.
226. Androgen: Any of a group of hormones that mainly influence the development of the male reproductive system.
227. It could help the Reproductive System, the male prostate and other related reproductive system helpful.
228. The reproductive system has a complex innervation concerned in copulation and oviposition.
229. The reproductive potential of a species is its relative capacity to reproduce itself under optimal conditions.
230. Conclusion:The method wis simple, accurate and highly reproductive, and can be used for the quality control of tobramycin.
231. As a feed additive, it can improve reproductive function and fecundity of the animals.
232. The major glands of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid, parathyroids, adrenals, pancreas, pineal body, and the reproductive organs (ovaries and testes).
233. Data on family planning and reproductive, later marriage, are from Population and Family Planning Commission.
234. The prostate is a gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer is caused by mutating cells that multiply out of control.
235. Cancer screening is just one health concern related to the prostate--a very important part of the male reproductive system.
236. During the pandemic of 1957, 50% of deaths due to Asian influenza in Minnesota among women of reproductive age occurred in pregnant women.
237. Objective To explore the relationship between chromosome anomaly and spontaneous abortion, and to provide useful information for genetic counseling and prenatal diagnosis in reproductive clinic.
237. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
238. Complementary technologies such as the monitoring of reproductive hormones, oestrus synchronization and semen sexing can improve the efficiency of AI.
239. There are 2 ~3 layers tunica cells in the reproductive shoot apexes whose surface were flat.
240. Reproductive surgery specialty: in reproductive surgery, urethral surgery, urologic neoplasms, very high attainments, has repeatedly won the outstanding achievement award of the military clinical.
241. The results show that the reproductive system is composed of organ, copulatory pouch and ovarian groove.
242. Irritant. May be a reproductive hazard. Typical PEL 100 ppm.
243. Objective To investigate the relation between HPV infection of female reproductive tract and cervical precancerosis.
243. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
244. The reproductive isolation among sympatric Pedicularis species is influenced by the differences of pollinator behavior and floral form via ethological isolation and mechanical isolation.
245. A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods.
246. "This is nothing more than a varicose vein around your testicle, " says Larry Lipschultz, M. D. , chief of male reproductive medicine and surgery at Baylor college of medicine in Houston.
247. Puerperal fever (or childbed fever ):Infection of the female reproductive system after childbirth or abortion, with fever over 100 f (38 c) in the first 10 days.
248. This paper introduced the development of the reproductive center management system according to the process management of the reproductive center and the practical operation process.
249. The paper reviews the diagnosis and treatment of ejaculatory disorder, in particular, application of assisted reproductive techniques in ejaculatory disorder.
250. Effect of subchronic exposure to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzop-dioxin(TCDD) on reproductive system of male rats.
251. Endometrial receptivity is an important factor in deciding the successful nidation of embryon, of which the successful evaluation is the key link of assisted reproductive technology(ART).
252. They call for greater efforts to tackle the links between sexual and reproductive ill-health and poverty, gender inequalities and negative social attitudes.




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