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单词 unfamiliar
释义 Word family  noun familiarity ≠ unfamiliarity family familiarization adjective familiar ≠ unfamiliar familial verb familiarize adverb familiarly  un·fa·mil·i·ar /ˌʌnfəˈmɪliə◂ $ -ər◂/ ●○○ adjective  1  NOT KNOWnot known to you 不熟悉的,不了解的unfamiliar surroundings/place/environment etc She stood on deck to gaze at the unfamiliar surroundings. 她站在甲板上凝视着四下陌生的一切。 a crowd of unfamiliar faces 一群陌生的面孔unfamiliar to Some of the technical vocabulary may be unfamiliar to you. 有些专业词汇你可能不熟悉。2  be unfamiliar with something to not have any experience of something 对某事物不熟悉 We were unfamiliar with the neighbourhood. 我们不熟悉这个社区。 —unfamiliarity /ˌʌnfəmɪliˈærəti/ noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusunfamiliar• The voice on the phone sounded unfamiliar.• The resulting look may not have been pretty on the final day, but neither was it unfamiliar.• She spoke with an unfamiliar accent.• Driving on the left-hand side of the road was unfamiliar and a little frightening.• Scientists and policy makers face unfamiliar challenges in addressing these broader contextual issues in population health.• She may have waked and listened to the breathing beside her, and been shaken by unfamiliar emotions and tender resolves.• She needs your support even more now that she's in an unfamiliar environment.• I simply notice, one day after clamming, an irritating deposit of grit beneath ten unfamiliar growths on my hands.• an unfamiliar name• It took Steven some time to get used to his unfamiliar surroundings.• The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain.• The song is in Russian, a language unfamiliar to many singers.• I saw saxifrages and wild thyme and others that were unfamiliar to me.• Some of the waders were unfamiliar to me.• His name may be unfamiliar to Western audiences.• Some of these expressions may be unfamiliar to your students.• She noticed an unfamiliar truck parked across the street.• They are unfamiliar with its routine.unfamiliar to• Everything in the house seemed unfamiliar to him.un·fa·mil·i·ar adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus not to you known




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