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单词 unexplored
释义 Word family  noun exploration explorer adjective exploratory unexplored verb explore  un·ex·plored /ˌʌnɪkˈsplɔːd◂ $ -ˈsplɔːrd◂/ adjective  1  an unexplored place has not been examined or put on a map 〔地方〕未曾探索的,未经勘察的;未画进地图的 unexplored planets 未经探索的行星2  an unexplored idea has not been thought about or discussed 〔想法〕未曾考虑[探讨]过的 The study looks at a relatively unexplored area of human relationships. 这项研究考察人类关系中较少探讨的领域。Examples from the Corpusunexplored• In the continuous process thus engendered one sees how true theory stimulates ideas about what may be, in realms as yet unexplored.• The subject of alternative medical care for older people has been entirely unexplored.• As well as illuminating a relatively unexplored area, the research should be useful to educationalists and others working with Hindu children.• Hair sprouted in damp, unexplored crevices.• Such relationships are a mysterious and unexplored domain.• I had been on the borders of a virtually unexplored land inhabited by dangerous, untouched tribes.• Maybe you should go down into the unexplored part.• Periods of punctuated equilibrium offer many new, as yet unexplored territories.un·ex·plored adjectiveChineseSyllable  on not unexplored examined a put has an place been or Corpus




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