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单词 Registered
1. She is officially registered disabled.
2. I registered the car in my name.
3. He registered the birth of his child.
4. Velcro is a registered trademark.
5. The ship was registered in Panama.
6. The National Trust is a registered charity.
7. Not all the registered electors actually voted.
8. Protests have been made/registered by many people who would be affected by the proposed changes.
9. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Article 10 provides that all businesses must be registered correctly.
11. Only a quarter of registered voters actually voted in the election.
12. He registered at his local university.
13. Is the domain name already registered or still available?
14. They registered a strong protest with the United Nations.
15. China has registered a protest over foreign intervention.
16. How many students have registered for English classes?
17. He has registered for French course for next year.
18. The baby's birth was registered this morning.
19. I sent my application by registered mail.
20. The earthquake registered 7.2 on the Richter scale.
21. The patient was registered under a false name.
22. The car is registered in my name.
23. I scarcely registered the fact that he was there.
24. Have you registered the birth of your baby?
25. You'd better send the cheque registered post.
26. Shock registered on everyone's face.
27. He vaguely registered that the women had gone.
28. How many members have officially registered in the club?
29. He barely registered our presence.
30. About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.
1. She is officially registered disabled.
2. I registered the car in my name.
3. He registered the birth of his child.
4. Velcro is a registered trademark.
5. The ship was registered in Panama.
6. The National Trust is a registered charity.
7. Not all the registered electors actually voted.
8. About 68 per cent of illegitimate births were jointly registered by both parents.
9. Protests have been made/registered by many people who would be affected by the proposed changes.
9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
10. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulation.
11. Article 10 provides that all businesses must be registered correctly.
12. Only a quarter of registered voters actually voted in the election.
13. Have you registered the birth of your baby?
14. He vaguely registered that the women had gone.
15. How many members have officially registered in the club?
16. I registered that she was late.
17. His face registered both surprise and joy.
18. A surprise that he was unable to hide registered on his face.
19. In former times, only property owners could be registered as voters.
31. It is obligatory for vets to be registered.
32. Loss of pressure had not registered on the dials.
33. The Geiger counter registered a dangerous level of radioactivity.
34. I registered that his surname was Wang.
35. Surprise again registered on Rodney's face.
36. Her face registered her disapproval.
37. The stock exchange has registered huge losses this week.
38. The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter scale.
39. The earthquake registered 3 on the Richter scale.
40. It is a baggage that was registered to Shanghai.
41. She had barely registered his presence.
42. I registered that he was late.
43. His mobile features registered amusement.
44. I registered that she was late.
45. His face registered both surprise and joy.
46. The tanker is registered in Rotterdam.
47. Her face registered shock and anger.
48. China has registered astonishing economic progress.
49. The machine registered how fast we were going.
50. The vessel was registered in Bermuda.
51. The holes for the bolts registered perfectly.
52. Thousands have registered with unemployment offices.
53. Certain life events have to be registered by law. The most obvious examples are births,(http:///registered.html) marriages and deaths.
54. You will automatically be registered as an entrant in the Prize Draw.
55. We registered at a three star hotel near the airport.
56. In order to avoid repeating all voters have to be registered in the district.
57. Ships were registered abroad to circumvent employment and safety regulations.
58. This is a registered letter - someone will have to sign for it.
59. This time it was the postman and he wanted me to sign for a registered letter!
60. Her face registered anxiety.
61. Stock prices climbed close to the peak they'd registered before the stock market crashed.
62. The thermometer registered 32?C.
63. I pressed my parents until they finally gave in and registered me for skating classes.
64. I did mention the address but I'm not sure that it registered .
65. Her face registered disapproval.
66. The demonstrators called on the government to publish a list of registered voters.
67. About 26 million people are not registered with a dentist.
68. A surprise that he was unable to hide registered on his face.
69. The earthquake in Mexico City registered 7.1 on the Richter scale.
70. She must have received the parcel: I sent it by registered post.
71. I'd been standing there for several minutes before he registered my presence.
72. She couldn't get treatment because she wasn't registered with the dentist.
73. Opposition politicians registered their protest on the floor of the House.
74. His face registered no alarm at all when I told him the news.
75. On completion of the preregistration year, graduates become fully registered by the General Medical Council.
76. Her face registered dismay.
77. As I reached my eighteenth birthday I duly registered for military service.
78. Her face registered terror.
79. Once you have registered your particulars with an agency and it has banked your cheque, the process begins.
80. She is registered disabled.
81. He asked his mother to send it by registered mail.
82. The delegation registered a formal protest with US embassy officials Wednesday.
83. In former times, only property owners could be registered as voters.
84. Forty percent of registered voters approved of Senator Campbell.
85. The rights of registered commoners were to continue unchanged.
86. Catholic Caring Services is a registered charity.
87. I'd overshot the narrow alley before it registered properly.
88. Prism is a registered charity based in Cumbria.
89. The catalyst for this rebound in prices: large declines in stockpiles of the metal registered with New York Mercantile Exchange warehouses.
90. With a jolt of self-knowledge Caroline registered the same feeling of dismay as at that cool withdrawal after their picnic.
91. Each cohort of students will be admitted to only one institution and will normally remain registered with that institution until graduation.
92. Few heavy Democratic donors attended as many coffees as Azima, who is a registered Republican.
93. There was a faint sputtering noise behind, but he barely registered the sound or noticed the flicker.
94. By early 1989 over 230 parties had registered and a total of 93 parties contested the May 1990 elections.
95. It's awfully hard to get information about registered nursing homes.
96. He had barely registered this fact when he felt a tap on his shoulder.
97. As members of the school community outside the classroom, the Volunteers have probably registered somewhat less impact.
98. This applies particularly to students on long-term medication and those registered as disabled persons.
99. Of more than 1, 300 people registered by Hermandad last year,(http:///registered.html) nearly 800 reportedly cast ballots Nov. 5.
100. The control contract must be registered and shareholders have three months after registration to demand to be bought out.
101. The autopsy report registered death as the result of a brain tumour.
102. A total of 406 candidates contested the election and a 72 percent turnout was registered.
103. Only 4. 2 percent registered at libraries and 4. 1 percent at public assistance and social service agencies.
104. Jaggard's first book was registered with the Stationers' Company on 4 March 1595; he rapidly became a successful businessman.
105. We were left with a grab bag of effects, only a modicum of which registered.
106. The polytechnic currently has 71 research students and another 20 waiting to be registered.
107. This combined number of fewer than 300 audit firms represents less than 3% of the total number registered.
108. The company is registered to manufacture, distribute and sell lumber products.
109. It will apply only to cars registered after the law comes into effect.
110. Dole, raised in a Democratic family, registered as a Republican because the party dominated local politics.
111. His eyelids blinked rapidly as he registered the toughest questions.
112. My hands and feet are registered with the local constabulary as deadly weapons.
113. However, only a few large companies - 25 of them - have been registered as software exporters with branch offices abroad.
114. Every buyer, lessee, mortgagee of registered land should search shortly before completion.
115. Last weekend officials formally registered a corruption case against him.
116. Many dealers registered new demo bikes in early April, too.
117. Registered blind people can claim an allowance of £1,080 a year.
118. One Harvard dealer had registered with an employment agency which stupidly sent his curriculum vitae to Harvard.
119. Some local authorities have been very effective at this - in Greenwich, people who registered were entered in a prize draw.
120. Of the dailies, Today's circulation has registered the worst seasonal drop, falling to 466,631 from 513,673.
121. Registered images are used to assess the degree of change that has occurred during the time-period represented by the two images.
122. Jones, a registered nurse, began working as a center volunteer in 1983 and became director of operations in 1989.
123. Registration Students entering an advanced course of study are normally registered from 1 October.
124. The Flax Trust was established in 1977 and works as a registered charity to promote inter-community reconciliation through economic and social development.
125. Previously, an additional requirement of having land registered potentially caused problems where there was immediate or quick resale. 3.
126. Only 3% of blacks were registered voters against 97% of the white residents.
127. Voting is compulsory, except for registered anarchists, who are allowed to abstain, provided they fill in the correct forms.
128. We have our own Ministry registered salmonella testing laboratory with around 8000 raw materials and animal rations assayed annually.
129. Thereafter, if I passed him in the corridor or on the staircase, those eyes registered no recognition.
129. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
130. With opposition groups still voicing concerns about the March poll date, 16 of the 48 registered political parties boycotted the election.
131. If both husband and wife are registered as blind, they can each claim the allowance.
132. At the same time it was made illegal for anyone who was not fully medically qualified and registered to treat these diseases.
133. If you fancy your chances at bigger shows think about a registered Mountain and Moorland for a fraction of the price.
134. One copy, by registered post to the University Press, a second deposited in the bank vaults for safekeeping.
135. With demand for short and medium term paper picking up, most issues registered gains of up to £3/4.
136. Four banks, which had earlier registered for the sale, were dropped from consideration, the fund said.
137. A Northern registered car, believed to belong to the men, was discovered at Annagh, a few miles from the town.
138. Another factor not taken into account before the election was the number of expatriate Tory voters registered in marginal constituencies.
139. The Product must already exist and must have been registered.
140. Assuming that eventually ail data users handling personal data on computers are registered, what has been achieved?
141. He looked ... taut, Virginia registered in a detached way.
142. Finally, the plan registered a clear commitment to limit program benefits to the designated target areas.
143. I found Timelord to be extremely useful in controlling my time and I am now awaiting my registered version.
144. The official birth certificate shows he was registered as Liam Butler.
145. The radar waves bounce back off the cars that approach, and are registered by the receiving apparatus.
146. This Article does not require amendments or modifications to be registered, except where they constitute a new treaty.
147. Around 300 children with sickle cell disease are registered at King's College Hospital.
148. She trained as a state registered and registered mental nurse before moving into community development with a voluntary organisation.
149. Ron Preddy, a registered disabled man who gradually developed the confidence to speak out.
150. The Association is a registered charity incorporated under Royal Charter.
151. The findings were based on examining all birth certificates registered in all the states and the District of Columbia.
152. Further, certain occupations can be designated as reserved for registered disabled.
153. The bank's operating margin was below the 20.8 per cent increase registered in September.
154. The republic's 245,000 registered voters were to elect deputies to the 42-seat Federal Assembly from 320 candidates representing 21 parties.
155. Copyright comes into force immediately on completion or publication of the work and does not normally have to be recorded or registered.
156. This task is being undertaken by HealthWatch, a registered charity.
157. Glossy brochures claimed Courtney's foundation was a registered charity, employing doctors and nurses.
158. Every time it lifted its head and pirouetted, it registered the new direction it was taking in relation to the sun.
159. The economy registered a 6 percent growth in 1989, with government projections anticipating a 5.5 percent growth rate for 1990.
159. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
160. The analysis was complicated slightly by the fact that some of the top 20 firms had registered with more than one regulator.
161. The extent of the shift registered by these approaches becomes clear when compared with its antecedents.
162. Until his strong third-place showing in the Iowa caucuses, Alexander barely registered in the polls.
163. Because many diesel trucks travel across state lines and are registered outside Arizona, they are harder to regulate than gasoline-powered vehicles.
164. The registered version is configured for your time and place of birth which makes it even more accurate.
165. The Act requires childcare facilities to be registered to ensure that standards are maintained throughout the country.
166. Visual acuity is often normal even when the field of vision is so poor that the child is registered as blind.
167. Their costs, in lost chargeable hours, are borne by their firms rather than by registered auditors as a body.
168. All Henley postgraduate students are registered at Brunel University which also confers the degree.
169. Upon satisfactory completion of this preregistration year, the graduate becomes fully registered by the General Medical Council.
170. Stamping his passport, the customs official had revealed that he was also a registered opponent of the Hinkley C plan.
171. You actually see far more than is registered in your conscious mind - and this is probably a good thing.
172. Most professionals agree with the Bill's objectives - to apply the principles of the Registered Homes Act 1984 to domiciliary care.
173. The plan would introduce a single class of bearer shares, abolishing the distinction between registered and bearer shares.
174. But it does point to the need to examine carefully the social processes registered by apparently simple concepts.
175. Still, you could almost see the black mark being registered against the name of the man who had asked the question.
176. If county officials confirm that 28, 084 are those of registered voters, a referendum will be held around May 1.
177. A registered charity called Survivors can arrange confidential personal counselling in London.
178. Independents, who number 46, 708, form the largest bloc of registered voters.
179. Though, as we discuss below, this provision has been modified, the nationalistic sentiment was clearly registered by prospective buyers.
180. At least two of the centres are registered as charities, and can provide limited scholarships to offset the cost of tuition.
181. As registered proprietor, only the vendor can do so.
182. Adventure Provider is registered in Norway and in Canada.
183. In their need they have registered a mandate that they want direct, vigorous action.
184. The trademark is registered on the book of the Patent Office.
185. I am a registered elector for a the geographical constituency.
186. Many hedge funds are likely to stay registered, to reassure institutional investors.
187. Note: A Certificate of Attendance will be given to registered participant.




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