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单词 Radioactive
1 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.
2 People should keep away from the radioactive waste.
3 Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.
4 We found that pitchblende contains at least two radioactive materials, one of which, accompanying bismuth, has been given the name polonium, while the other, paired with barium, has been called radium.
5 They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.
6 The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.
7 These are standard procedures for handling radioactive waste.
8 Radioactive waste is simply spent fuel.
9 A radioactive plume could reach the city within hours.
10 Uranium is a radioactive material.
11 Radioactive waste has been found at the dump.
12 Always exercise caution when handling radioactive substances.
13 Tritium is one of the mildest radioactive isotopes.
14 Radium and uranium are radioactive elements.
15 Radioactive material was mixed in/up the effluent.
16 The government has been storing radioactive waste at Fernald for 50 years.
17 At the extreme(), some nuclear waste is so radioactive it has to be kept isolated for thousands of years.
18 The consequences of the radioactive leakage may not become apparent for a generation or more.
19 There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.
20 Eastern Europe is rapidly becoming a dumping-ground for radioactive residues.
21 Radioactive tracers have been used to map the metabolic activity of the brain.
22 The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation - proof container.
23 The government declared that it did not dump radioactive waste at sea.
24 Can't they see the insanity of dumping radioactive waste in the sea?
25 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.
26 The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.
27 We should not yet abandon this option for the disposal of highly radioactive waste.
28 No one has solved the problem of what to do with radioactive waste.
29 Economic benefits must be carefully weighed against the possible dangers of handling radioactive waste.
30 The original plan was to encase a small amount of a radioactive substance in a protective steel container.
1 The machine can accurately locate radioactive material.
2 People should keep away from the radioactive waste.
3 Radioactive water had seeped into underground reservoirs.
4 We found that pitchblende contains at least two radioactive materials, one of which, accompanying bismuth, has been given the name polonium, while the other, paired with barium, has been called radium.
5 Documents leaked to this newspaper purport to reveal that radioactive waste is being illegally dumped on the site.
6 They were exposed to radioactive fallout during nuclear weapons tests.
7 The airborne radioactive particles have covered a huge area of Russia.
8 The waste is safely locked away until it is no longer radioactive.
9 Tritium is one of the mildest radioactive isotopes.
10 There is a danger of serious contamination from radioactive waste.
11 The radioactive material is stored in a special radiation - proof container.
31 This substance is so radioactive that it glows in the dark.
32 No coherent policy on radioactive waste disposal.
33 Around half the country's radioactive waste is stored there.
34 Another natural hazard is radioactive material.
35 How much radioactive dust is in my body?
36 These elements are major sources of radioactive heating.
37 Antimatter is also produced by radioactive decay.
38 Plumes of radioactive smoke were billowing around the helicopter.
39 Some of the fission fragments are themselves radioactive.
40 Operator errors allowed the radioactive core to overheat.
41 The nuclear industry produces waste streams which contain a variety of radioactive metal ions(), the extraction of which minimises radioactive discharges.
42 Increasing the helium-3 supply would mean scaling up the production of the dangerous radioactive isotope tritium.
43 What geophysicists have been lacking is a way to measure the temperature deep down, where radioactive heating plays a lesser role.
44 The odds against radioactive contamination, Nasa told the court, are 2,500 to 1.
45 It was closed and capped in 1977 after an explosion inside it showered the area with radioactive material.
46 The provinces are drawn on the basis of radioactive ages.
47 But potassium itself is one of the most important radioactive heat sources in the planets.
48 Radon, a naturally-occurring radioactive gas, is formed in the earth from the decay of minute amounts of uranium.
49 This is a dating method based on the radioactive decay of isotopes of uranium.
50 Like all types of radioactive decay the process takes place at a constant rate, independent of all environmental conditions.
51 The nations augmented the prohibitions in 1993 with a voluntary moratorium on disposing of low-level radioactive waste.
52 The men breathe air that is filtered to remove any radioactive dust,[http:///radioactive.html] nerve gases or biological toxins.
53 They've been injected with plutonium in an effort to find out exactly how the radioactive substance affects people.
54 He developed a detector for decays of carbon-14, a radioactive form of carbon, that can be used to this end.
55 This helium produced by radioactive decay, called radiogenic helium, consists of pure 4He.
56 It contains a mass of radioactive byproducts spawned during its time in the reactor, some of them extremely hazardous.
57 This would have resulted in more radioactive material being released.
58 Asteroids contain a variety of rare radioactive isotopes of potassium, uranium, thorium, rubidium, and so on.
59 Rubbish litters our countryside, toxic fumes are belched into our air and radioactive discharge pollutes our seas.
60 The time taken for half of the atoms of a radioactive isotope to decay is called its half-life.
61 On Thursday delegates approved a resolution calling for a two-year ban on dumping radioactive wastes in the sea.
62 Electricity produced by radioactive isotopes, strontium 90, polonium 210, by thermoelectric energy conversion.
63 Low-level waste is primarily the product of industrial and medical use of radioactive substances.
64 It is a poisonous heavy metal like lead or mercury, but only slightly radioactive.
65 The residual plutonium is apparently being held in the form of highly radioactive waste.
66 Fuel rods typically last from two to six years and are highly radioactive.
67 Sites are being selected for final disposal of radioactive waste.
68 Their wastes include solvents, fuels, mine tailings, radioactive wastes, and unexploded bombs and shells.
69 Thus the disintegration of the radioactive elements is a heat source that has persisted for billions of years.
70 The agency ruled Thursday that the repository in salt beds near Carlsbadabout 300 miles southeast of Albuquerquecould safely contain radioactive waste.
71 Many more will have suffered from cancers brought on by one of the radioactive substances released.
72 The transporters are designed to withstand accidents and until recently the Govenrment ruled out any possibility of a radioactive leak.
73 This law states that the number of atoms of a radioactive element is halved after a given amount of time has elapsed.
74 Spontaneous decay of radioactive atoms in rocks gives absolute ages that date the geologic periods and the origin of the Earth.
75 For the dumping of such radioactive matter four criteria need to be considered: 1.
76 The events included radioactive leaks, unplanned shutdowns and component failures, as well as vandalism, drug abuse and unauthorized use of firearms.
77 In the uranium mines, workers breathe in radioactive dust as they dig out the metal ore which contains the valuable element.
78 The radioactive iodine released does not satisfy the second and fourth conditions.
79 Outside, radioactive iodine was regularly released into the atmosphere over the following month.
80 A Department of Environment spokesman said that 1 gram of radioactive dust had been released.
81 As with all radioactive methods, it is important to be clear about what sets the radioactive clock to zero.
82 Uranium has two radioactive isotopes,[] each of which decays to an isotope of lead and helium.
83 It now appears that radioactive heating would be less important than conductive heating from the core, allowing a faster cycle time.
84 Once the minerals in a rock are formed, any radioactive elements in those minerals keep ticking away.
85 The thought of thousands of tonnes of radioactive waste being buried under their favourite stretch of countryside filled local residents with horror.
86 The other half percent is made up of radioactive waste.
87 Uranium shutters, that shield the cobalt radioactive source until the patient is in position, were found to be crumbling.
88 Two other canisters bearing labels for radioactive material were also found, but preliminary tests failed to detect any radioactivity.
89 Originally this means of disposal was performed as an experiment to assess what happened to the radioactive material.
90 Soon after, Marie Sklodowska-Curie made the crucial discovery and isolation of radium, a radioactive element.
91 Uncertainty and scientific dispute is compounded by the fact that radioactive contamination is different from many other types of pollution.
92 This was said to be because of the risk of radioactive iodine emitted during the fire getting into people's thyroid glands.
93 This instability leads to radioactive decay of C at a regular rate.
94 This was the thorny question of what would happen eventually to the reactor's residue of radioactive waste.
95 And the following day Britain lost its battle to impose the burden of scientific proof on those who oppose radioactive dumping.
96 Some rocks can also be dated by the microscopic tracks of decay particles ejected from the radioactive nucleus.
97 The activity of a radioactive substance is the number of nuclei decaying per second.
98 Environmental groups deplored the failure of the convention to impose an absolute ban on the dumping of radioactive waste.
99 The waste, accumulated over a 40-year period, will remain dangerously radioactive for tens of thousands of years.
100 They left radioactive material in Moscow and said they were going to use that kind of weapon....
101 Two categories of so-called difficult samples are described: those that are small in comparison with the irradiation area and radioactive samples.
102 But it has its very own radioactive quality, a kind of nuclear winter of the soul.
103 The doctors there know all about uranium and radioactive dust.
104 Both radioactive fission products and induced radioactivity in structural materials contribute to the problem of radioactive waste.
105 The government is currently considering building facilities for processing liquid radioactive waste and other measures to end dumping at sea by 1995.
106 I find it surprising that Professor Rudi Nussbaum fails to mention that the Earth is naturally radioactive.
107 The humans are slowly dying because of the radioactive dust caused by a human war.
108 The plant's function is to turn radioactive liquid waste into glass blocks.
109 The half-life of a radioactive substance is the time interval taken for the radiant species present to lose half its radioactivity.
110 The reactor core erupted in a gigantic explosion, spewing enormous amounts of heat and disintegrated radioactive fuel into the atmosphere.
111 Some local attorneys worry about short-term privacy lapses and long-term effects of even small radioactive doses.
112 As I said earlier,[sentence dictionary] the safety of the carriage of radioactive material is paramount.
113 As the fire shed its microscopic radioactive dust over their houses and gardens, they continued to walk about, blissfully unaware.
114 The most intensely radioactive is high-level waste - typically a thousand times more potent than the intermediate level.
115 A Green Party spokesman said that spent fuel rods are highly radioactive and potentially lethal.
116 The joint effort has produced remote control fuel-rod exchangers and automatic inspection systems for radioactive welded pipes.
117 Britain is one of the world's largest importers of radioactive waste.
118 After the catheter placement, we used a radioactive marker to delineate the catheter position and recording sites.
119 Grismore believes high-altitude nuclear tests are the most probable source of the radioactive specks.
120 There is a danger of leakages and the deliberate dumping of radioactive material, with potentially catastrophic results for the environment.
121 The study linked the increase directly to the radioactive fallout from Chernobyl.
122 The new ingredient in the assessment of how many deaths the Windscale cloud caused is the radioactive isotope, polonium 210.
123 She could hear the adjacent streetlight sizzling like a radioactive isotope.
124 There has been growing concern among Polynesians about radioactive pollution of the area.
125 The new law expressly forbids the importation of radioactive waste.
126 Traces of radioactive contamination were found on the flask when it was being washed after arrival.
127 The building is now unoccupied, and all radioactive or hazardous materials have been removed.
128 Radioactive waste needs to be stored for 25,000 years before it is harmless.
129 Radiation is released during the handling and treatment of radioactive materials and as they are transported to and from nuclear sites.
130 The process leaves behind a highly radioactive liquor as a waste product.
131 Officials have still to decide how the radioactive dust and nuclear fuel inside should be cleaned up.
132 The simplest radioactive methods are based on decay of a radioactive isotope into a stable one.
133 The kind of radioactive waste they are handling out there is the most dangerous kind.
134 So far environmental lobbies have been extremely reluctant to allow radioactive materials to be flown in a chemical rocket.
135 The third isotope of hydrogen, hydrogen-3 or tritium, is highly radioactive and has a very short half-life.
136 Officials hope to avoid rupturing any fuel rods, which could release deadly radioactive gas into the containment building.
137 Agreement was only reached following a fierce debate over the question of radioactive waste.
138 One becquerel is equal to one radioactive decay per second.
139 Around 100 submarines withdrawn from service are moored at sea because there are no facilities for treating their radioactive components.
140 This was considered a safety precaution, since the rods are hot in temperature as well as radioactive.
141 Size markers are drawn on the gel using radioactive ink.
142 Helium is also made by radioactive decay of uranium and thorium, both of which decay by emission of alpha particles.http://
143 Millstone has removed all the radioactive fuel in the reactor to permit repairs.
144 These secretive facilities house the deadly legacies of the Cold War: nuclear weapons, radioactive waste and toxic chemicals.
145 The issue of dumping radioactive waste overshadowed the final phase of the negotiations and nearly caused them to break down.
146 I heard new vocabulary: nuclear bomb, radioactive fallout, bomb shelter.
147 The ratios change over time as potassium undergoes radioactive decay and emits argon gas.
148 In its native state it is a mixture of highly radioactive uranium-235 and less active U-238.
149 This meets the growing need to improve geoscience knowledge relevant to strategies for subsurface disposal of hazardous and radioactive wastes.
150 In general, how-ever, these problems pale to insignificance compared to the problem of radioactive waste disposal.
151 Officials admit that another 700 firms and institutions are using hazardous radioactive material.
152 According to its radioactive content, it is designated by the industry as either low, intermediate or high level.
153 They include a laboratory for handling tritium, the heavy radioactive isotope of hydrogen which is a fuel for fusion reactors.
154 Finding ways of soothing political opposition to the dumping of highly radioactive waste could prove more difficult than solving the scientific problems.
155 This has been particularly useful in the nuclear industry where highly corrosive toxic and radioactive substances cause severe maintenance problems.
156 Every radioactive isotope provides an independent clock for measuring geological time.
157 This is because higher level waste is initially rich in short-lived isotopes which are highly radioactive.
158 It feels like time spent on the moon,[] kicking up clouds of radioactive dust.
159 Tritium is radioactive water used as a coolant in submarines' reactors.
160 A conventional bomb could scatter radioactive material over a large area.
161 Some of this can be 1,000 times more radioactive than low-level waste, and its activity will last centuries rather than decades.
162 The process produces a much smaller volume of chemically inert radioactive waste than conventional ion exchange techniques.
163 Urquhart has extrapolated from this the likely radioactive release of polonium.
164 Thus even age measurements such as radioactive clocks that are independent of annual cycles need to be converted into years.
165 These costs linger like radioactive fallout, contaminating core beliefs and inspiring additional replicative actions that demand further minimization.
166 The residual nucleus will, in general, undergo a radioactive transformation.
167 Wine is radioactive but few people stop drinking it on that account.
168 a ban on the dumping of radioactive waste at sea.
169 All discharges and disposals of radioactive waste from Springfields were within relevant limits.
170 The radioactive wastes release a lot of energy due to radioactive disintegration.
171 A naturally or artificially produced radioactive isotope of an element.
172 When the organism dies, no new radioactive carbon is assimilated.




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