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单词 line-out
释义  Related topics: Other sportsˈline-out noun [countable]  DSOthe way of starting play again in a Rugby Union game, when the ball has gone off the field 界外球〔联合会橄榄球出界后继续比赛的方式〕Examples from the Corpusline-out• Richard Hill began it by claiming a line-out on the opposition throw.• No run down the line, no line-out, no Cup.• The scoreline of 12-0 flattered Llanelli, who were struggling to contain Kawulok and Roy at the line-outs.• We were wiped out in the scrum and in the line-out.• The one-metre gap in the line-out is a joke.• As a thrower-in to the line-out he was absolutely superb.ˈline-out nounChineseSyllable   Corpus way game, a in the starting of Union again play Rugby




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