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单词 Inexperienced
1, He was unqualified and totally inexperienced.
2, The inexperienced pilot flew the plane badly; it was off the beam most of the time.
3, She was inexperienced and needed a guiding hand .
4, She was still a relatively inexperienced pilot.
5, We were a pretty inexperienced bunch of people really.
6, Given that they're inexperienced, they've done a good job.
7, He was too inexperienced and too inexpert to succeed.
8, They are young inexperienced parents and need support.
9, This feature is designed to aid inexperienced users.
10, She was inexperienced in teaching art.
11, She is by no means an inexperienced teacher.
12, An inexperienced pilot may easily stall a plane.
13, Routine tasks are often delegated to inexperienced young doctors.
14, The inexperienced young promising men were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
15, He's very young and inexperienced,(http:///inexperienced.html) and doesn't know about the ways of the world.
16, You should never have sent on so inexperienced a player.
17, If you are a young, inexperienced driver, it is worth having comprehensive insurance.
18, He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.
19, For the inexperienced in the team, the campaign has been a baptism of fire.
20, Inexperienced managers often have problems with their staff.
21, The officer corps was small, young and inexperienced.
22, A refreshing change from her usual, inexperienced escorts.
23, They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
24, In an inspired move, they took on the young and relatively inexperienced Ray Unwin as director.
25, It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.
26, It's something of a misnomer to refer to these inexperienced boys as soldiers.
27, This matter is too important to be left in the hands of an inexperienced lawyer.
28, At present the organization has to rely on young,() inexperienced graduates who are usually birds of passage.
29, The manual is too technical to be of help to the inexperienced user.
30, With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.
1, He was unqualified and totally inexperienced.
2, The inexperienced pilot flew the plane badly; it was off the beam most of the time.
3, They're a fairly good team - their only weak link is a relatively inexperienced goalkeeper.
4, In an inspired move, they took on the young and relatively inexperienced Ray Unwin as director.
5, It's a beautiful horse but a bit too frisky for an inexperienced rider.
6, Given that they're inexperienced, they've done a good job.
7, The inexperienced young promising men were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
8, He's very young and inexperienced, and doesn't know about the ways of the world.
9, You should never have sent on so inexperienced a player.
10, He is young and inexperienced, but please do not count that against him.
31, The inexperienced therapist often feels that he lacks knowledge of sophisticated treatment techniques.
32, George Hegamin is inexperienced at left tackle and gives way to Allen on third down.
33, I should have complained about the first case, but I was inexperienced then.
34, The inexperienced advice worker thus need no longer feel a burden on colleagues, as the need for support has formally been recognised.
35, They were sexually inexperienced at marriage, and scared of babies.
36, It was inherent in the project that Blackeyes should be played by a relatively unknown, inexperienced actress.
37, Provost said the boat operator had practiced the stunt but was relatively inexperienced.
38, Parents may see danger when their children are too inexperienced to recognize it.
39, Four 109s came in on the left flank, firing from such a ridiculous range that Patterson knew the pilots were inexperienced.
40, And he doesn't know what he's talking about: he's too young, too inexperienced, too Edward.
41, Discover the wonderful Ionian Islands on one of our flotillas tailored to give confidence to the inexperienced and freedom to the expert.
42, Date with a diaphragm Take one woman, somewhat nervous, somewhat inexperienced.
43, Voters have tossed out the coalition of young, idealistic, inexperienced and fractious liberal parties that won in 1996.
44, Ards lacked imagination and drive against an inexperienced Town side, and had a lucky escape in the first minute.
45, She wondered whether Nathan was too inexperienced to carry this off.
46, New, inexperienced members of staff are more liable to make errors of judgment.
47, They even took pride in developing new skills which enabled them to use difficult machines which inexperienced people could not use.
48, These search systems must still be suitable for casual use by inept or inexperienced users.
49, Soaring Inexperienced pilots get into difficulties when they are soaring.
50, This would certainly be hazard in a cross wind and, to an inexperienced pilot, in any wind direction.
51, If we add expertise as a variable(), then the lone expert will far outperform the inexperienced group.
52, There are a lot of young, inexperienced players on the team.
53, These experiences included assignments such as product coordinator, overseer of sales meetings, trainer of inexperienced salespeople, and task-force member.
54, I was a fully equipped birdwatcher, very inexperienced, perhaps, but with a one-track mind.
55, The Democrats had mounted an intense voter registration drive before the election, bringing thousands of inexperienced voters on to the rolls.
56, However, an inexperienced interviewer may find it difficult to get back on course again.
57, I was too inexperienced and nervous to understand the obviousness of his approach.
58, You might think we were being a bit over-cautious, but these were two very young and inexperienced owls we were releasing.
59, Hardly the kind of sentiment to galvanise an inexperienced squad a few weeks before its departure for an eight-match tour to New Zealand.
60, With the easy-to-use tapes that are available, decorative headings need not present any difficulties to the inexperienced needlewoman.
61, Damian considered her too inexperienced sexually to be able to fulfil that longing of his to express himself fully through the body.
62, He was bewildered by McCann's behaviour and felt too inexperienced to accept nomination to the committee.
63, The inexperienced often crash into the coral, breaking and crushing it.
64, It would be folly to replace him with the inexperienced Mr Kinnock.
65, The inexperienced technicians also employed a standard diagnostic approach as a result of using the expert system.
66, Certainly, field research of this kind is not something which I would recommend for the inexperienced.
67, Even to her inexperienced eyes it was clear he was no beginner, and frankly it was a pleasure to watch him.
68, Many commented on how very responsive the inexperienced subordinates were.
69, I'm not going to take orders from some foolish inexperienced young man.
70, Negotiations, in the hands of the inept or inexperienced, can go horribly wrong.
71, The inexperienced, particularly, can not face selling out at a loss.
72, Full instructions for use are supplied, to enable even inexperienced d-i-yers to put the edge back on their drill bits.
73, The Soviets fielded a young and relatively inexperienced side and, as always, showed tremendous athleticism and an appetite for combat.
73, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
74, You know that as well as I. We are too young, too inexperienced.
75, It comes easy to the habitual vagrant; it is well-nigh impossible to the inexperienced.
76, Benefits calculation packages are especially popular with inexperienced advice workers to ensure that they have followed every avenue of enquiry.
77, Even an inexperienced cook can make a pot-au-feu in its basic form.
78, The world of international banking is now full of aggressive, bright, but hopelessly inexperienced lenders in their mid-twenties.
79, Horror stories of what can happen at the hands of a well-meaning but inexperienced neighbour are legion.
80, And he's way too inexperienced at club level as a manager.
81, Oduok has gone from being an inexperienced, uncertain player to one of the best players in the West Coast Conference.
82, There is obviously an ambitious streak in me but I do realise that I am still very young and inexperienced.
83, This is often the result of inexperienced people trying to give a helping hand to get the gliders out.
84, She's too young and inexperienced to go abroad on her own.
85, In any case, the police did not offer a high enough salary for any but the most inexperienced official.
86, A youthful or inexperienced person; a novice.
87, The market is full of pitfalls for the inexperienced.
88, He is inexperienced in the academic world.
89, They are inexperienced when it comes to decorating.
90, They don't want an inexperienced man.
91, The Sightseer arrived to day well packed, well padded, and in superb shape to my somewhat inexperienced eye.
92, The automation routines provide accurate test results, even with users inexperienced flash point test methods.
93, inexperienced in modern methods.
94, Inexperienced auditors may need to approach systems auditing one step at a time.
95, Since an inexperienced person will take 2 to 3 hours to complete the slaughter operation, care should be taken to preclude long exposure to high temperatures.
96, Weak , inexperienced and friendless, they are eyed askance by even their fellow pulleys.
97, In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring inexperienced Gon-"G o out in the sticks and find a small station that'll give you a chance, "she said.
98, They anticipated it to be Irvine, the inexperienced Oxford graduate who had possibly fallen, dropping his ice axe on the icy slabs of Everest's North Face.
99, In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an inexperienced person.
100, Being ignorant, raw, and inexperienced, I thought I loved her.
101, The work is easy an expert, whereas it is difficult an inexperienced person.
102, Many inexperienced product managers have little if any background in any sort of market research techniques.
103, The interchange of the optical fiber guide light needle and the needle core of a retainable needle are not needed when in use, and the blood efflux because of inexperienced operation can be avoided.
103, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104, He is all but unmarketable as a manager, inexperienced, and has little hope of attracting the top players that we need to have in order for Kenyon to be able to market us effectively.
105, Multimedia Displayer is an easy-to-use professional multimedia authoring tool, for inexperienced and advanced users.
106, Inexperienced designers, however, frequently complexify their inheritance hierarchies far beyond the optimum.
107, The arbalest is a dangerous weapon and are sometimes considered inhumane or unfair weapons, since an inexperienced crossbowman can use one to kill a knight who had a lifetime of training.
108, It was an inexperienced, immature driver who felt that he was invincible, driving at night with a carload of kids.
109, I have also seen some very nasty accidents with inexperienced handler.
110, LaHaye's books have their share of quackery and pseudoscience, but that does not preclude some genuinely wise counsel to lovers--especially inexperienced ones.
111, The inexperienced young hopefuls were pushed aside in the scramble for places.
112, He then beat back Republican efforts to portray him as reckless, naive and inexperienced.
113, "Of course they are inexperienced, so there will be problems even in the first 100 days," said Yasunori Sone, a political science professor at Keio University.
114, Often graceful and manoeuvrable beyond normal craft, they require more specialised training as they are prone to mishap in the hands of an inexperienced Pilot.
115, In one studio, a kind lady told me that big stations couldn't risk hiring an 6)inexperienced person.
116, Investigators focus on whether an inexperienced 23-year old driver and excessive speed were to blame for a commuter train derailing in western Japan.
117, The inexperienced Continental Army was defeated on Long Island, Manhattan, and at White Plains, New York.
118, High-powered cars are lethal weapons in the hands of inexperienced drivers.
119, The plaintiff was an inexperienced investor who had wished to invest conservatively.
120, To some, marijuana is an insidious "stepping-stone " drug, enticing the inexperienced and paving the way to the inevitable abuse of harder drugs.
121, Some see him as too young and inexperienced for a dangerous world; others find him unattractively self-regarding and aloof; still others question his patriotism.
122, The bad news is that in the hands of the inexperienced person, it can be a hairy beast and damage your work before you knew what hit you.
123, Beware the know-it-all, possessive coder, and the inexperienced coder - Humble yourself when you meet these types of coders.
124, This can happen with inexperienced developers, or if you apply the approach too pedantically.
125, A youth , especially one who is inexperienced, awkward , or ill - mannered.
126, Only an inexperienced person could have made such a mistake.
127, The inexperienced sailor has not so far got his sea legs.
128, The monitoring on the performance of the sub-contractors was also inadequate, resulting in the employment of untrained and inexperienced riggers and signaller in rigging and lifting operations.
129, The inexperienced construction engineer ran into trouble suddenly when he found that the beams were too weak to hold up the roof.
129, Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
130, He was inexperienced in stock jobbery and got his fingers burned in the stock market.
131, If your child is too inexperienced for shifting gears, you might want to consider the Burley Kazoo .
132, I'm an inexperienced programmer; I did not know the objective-C programing language when I got started, but it was very simple to learn.
133, Most men occasionally have poor or tardy erections and even fit, athletic, overenthusiastic men, as well as the inexperienced and anxious, may suffer premature ejaculation.
134, Inexperienced she was, she could cope with the difficulties wonderfully well.




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