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单词 undercut
释义 Word family  noun cut cutting cutter adjective cutting verb cut undercut  Related topics: Businessun·der·cut /ˌʌndəˈkʌt $ -ər-/ verb (past tense and past participle undercut, present participle undercutting) [transitive]  1  Bto sell goods or a service at a lower price than another company 以低于〔他人〕的价格出售 SYN undersell Online bookstores can undercut retailers by up to 30%. 网上书店最多能以低于零售店 30% 的价格销售。2  to make something weaker or less effective 削弱;使降低效率 SYN undermine Is a lack of self-confidence undercutting your performance at work? 是不是缺乏自信影响了你的工作表现?→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpusundercut• With many firms, the firm that expands output will always be able to reduce costs and undercut its rivals.• Winter storms undercut the cliff base, then wash away thousands of tonnes of slippage in a single night.• Durham had undercut the entire theological rationale for the revival.• Yet when it comes to price, Euravia still endeavours to undercut the market.• The store sells its own brand of jeans, undercutting the prices of better-known brands.• Indeed it would seem that these paintings undercut their initial didacticism and that order is evoked primarily to bring it into question.• Yet standing-order ministers then were furious because travelers undercut them and shattered their monopolies.• These stories, if true, would greatly undercut Thomas's credibility.• All of our other efforts may come to little if we perpetuate a social system that undercuts those efforts.From Longman Business Dictionaryundercutun‧der‧cut /ˌʌndəˈkʌt-ər-/ verb (past tense and past participle undercut, present participle undercutting) [transitive]COMMERCE to sell goods or services more cheaply than another companyOur competitors have been undercutting our prices.The firm that expands output will always be able to reduce costs and undercut its rivals.→ See Verb tableun·der·cut verbChineseSyllable  a sell at goods Corpus or a to Business service lower




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