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单词 undernourished
释义  un·der·nour·ished /ˌʌndəˈnʌrɪʃt◂ $ ˌʌndərˈnɜː-, -ˈnʌ-/ adjective  HUNGRY/STARVINGunhealthy and weak because you have not had enough food or the right type of food 营养不足的 SYN malnourished —undernourishment noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusundernourished• A fifth of the world's population is undernourished.• In ten years time, more than 600 million people are expected to be severely undernourished.• She looked undernourished and ill-kept, like most of the population of Nicaea.• During that initial visit, the team found undernourished children whose slumped posture made it difficult for them to eat.• undernourished children• Although he did not appear to be undernourished, he was pale-faced.• The animals are so woolly, it's hard to appreciate just how undernourished they are.un·der·nour·ished adjectiveChineseSyllable  because have you and Corpus weak unhealthy not




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