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单词 underdeveloped
释义  un·der·de·vel·oped /ˌʌndədɪˈveləpt◂ $ -dər-/ adjective  1. underdeveloped country/region etc PTa country, area etc that is poor and where there is not much modern industry 欠发达国家/地区等 → developing country2  DEVELOPnot having grown or developed as much as is usual or necessary 发育不全的 a baby born with underdeveloped kidneys 肾脏先天发育不全的婴儿 —underdevelopment noun [uncountable]Examples from the Corpusunderdeveloped• Its leadership would be concentrated in more and more reduced elites from developed countries and in consistent minorities from the underdeveloped.• The West creates its power through military research, which forces underdeveloped countries to become passive consumers.• She still needs oxygen for her underdeveloped lungs and needs several different drugs every day.• The baby weighed only 1.4 pounds and had underdeveloped lungs.• We are a poor, underdeveloped nation.• In other words, there have been more military coups in underdeveloped than in developed countries.• The debate about who should pay what tax in the underdeveloped world has moved centre stage.un·der·de·vel·oped adjectiveChineseSyllable   Corpus area that there a is is poor etc country, where and




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