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单词 underneath
释义  un·der·neath1 /ˌʌndəˈniːθ $ -ər-/ ●●● S2 preposition, adverb  1  UNDER/BELOWdirectly under another object or covered by it (掩盖)在〔另一物体〕下面 He got out of the car and looked underneath. 他下车往底下看了看。 It’s near where the railway goes underneath the road. 它靠近铁路从公路下方穿过的地方。 She was wearing a smart jacket with a T-shirt underneath. 她穿了件时髦的夹克,里面是一件 T 恤衫。 Her blonde hair was hidden underneath a baseball cap. 一顶棒球帽裹住了她的满头金发。► see thesaurus at under2  on the lower surface of something 在…的底面 The car was rusty underneath. 汽车的底部生锈了。 A number had been painted underneath the table. 桌子底下涂有一个数字。3  CHARACTER/PERSONALITYused to say what someone’s character is really like when their behaviour shows a different character 〔人〕本质上 She seems confident, but she’s really quite shy underneath. 她看起来自信,其实相当腼腆。 I think he’s a genuinely nice guy underneath it all. 我认为他本质上是个非常好的人。Examples from the Corpusunderneath• There's a picture with a short article underneath.• She seems aggressive, but underneath she's pretty shy.• The stream actually runs underneath the building.underneath it all• But they are very fond of him, underneath it all.• He knew he was a Republican, underneath it all, and Mallachy flattered that.• He likes to show people his tough side, but underneath it all, he's a decent person.• He seems different, but underneath it all he's the same as the rest of them.• Because underneath it all she was as strong as him and that strength appealed to him, making her a challenge.• And underneath it all was a sour feeling that at any minute the very pillars of life could collapse.underneath2 noun British English  the underneath BOTTOMthe bottom surface of something, or the part of something that is below or under something else 下面,下部;底部,底层 SYN the underside We need to paint the underneath with a rust preventer. 我们需要用防锈漆把底部刷一下。Examples from the Corpusunderneath• The trees therefore have the characteristic that you can see under them - the underneath of an oak is almost perfectly level.Origin underneath Old English underneothan, from under + neothan “below”un·der·neath1 prepositionunderneath2 nounChineseSyllable  by object under or Corpus directly covered another




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