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单词 into
释义  Related topics: Mathsin·to /ˈɪntə; before vowels ˈɪntʊ; strong ˈɪntuː/ ●●● S1 W1 preposition  1  to the inside of STH 到某物里面IN/INSIDE to the inside or inner part of a container, place, area etc 进入,到…里面 Come into the office. 到办公室里来。 He thrust his hand into his coat pocket. 他把手插进大衣口袋里。 There must be another way into the cave. 一定有其他的路可以进入洞穴。 Sue got back into bed and pulled the quilt over her head. 休回到床上,拉过被子蒙住头。 I’ve got to go into town this morning. 我今天上午得进城去。 We dived into the sea. 我们跳进海里。2  becoming involved 卷入TAKE PART/BE INVOLVED used to say that someone becomes involved in a situation or activity, or becomes part of a group 从事;卷入 At the age of 16, I went into the printing trade as an apprentice. 我16岁进入印刷业当学徒。 They tried to drag me into their quarrel. 他们试图把我卷入他们的争吵中。 a player who deserves to get back into the England team 一名应该重返英格兰队的运动员3  changing 改变CHANGE/MAKE something DIFFERENT used to say that someone or something starts being in a different state or form 〔表示状态的改变〕 She fell into a deep sleep. 她睡着了,睡得很沉。 The whole banking system was thrown into confusion. 整个银行系统陷入一片混乱。 I screwed my wet handkerchief into a ball. 我把我的湿手帕拧成一团。 Cut the cake into pieces. 把蛋糕切成几块。 Neruda’s poems have been translated into English. 聂鲁达的诗已被翻译成英语。4  hitting STH 碰撞某物HIT/BUMP INTOTOUCH used to say that a person or vehicle hits someone or something after moving towards them 碰上,撞上 He almost bumped into me as he rushed past. 他飞奔而过,差点撞到我。 The car swerved and crashed into the wall. 汽车突然转向,撞在墙上。5  direction 方向DIRECTION in a particular direction 朝,向 They rode off into the sunset. 夕阳下他们策马西行。 Make sure you’re speaking directly into the microphone. 说话时一定要对准话筒。6  time 时间TIME/AT A PARTICULAR TIME at or until a certain time 在,直到〔某个时间〕 Andy and I talked well into the night. 安迪和我一直谈到深夜。 John was well into his forties before he got married. 约翰四十多岁了才结婚。7  finding out 发现 used to say what someone is trying to find out information about 〔表示找出有关某事的资料〕 an investigation into the events leading up to his death 对导致他死亡的事件的调查 I’ve been doing some research into this. 我一直在研究这事。8  dividing numbers 除数 spokenHM used when you are dividing one number by another 除 Eight into twenty-four is three. 二十四除以八等于三。9  be into something spokenINTERESTED to like and be interested in something 对某事物感兴趣;喜欢某事物 I’m really into folk music. 我很喜欢民间音乐。10  be into somebody American English informal to owe someone money 欠某人钱 He’s into me for $50. 他欠我50美元。Examples from the Corpusinto• Pour half a pint of milk into a small pan and warm it gently.• Don't get into any trouble.• Roll the cookie dough into balls.• They decided to go into business together.• Ellen is going into fifth grade next year.• Rachel jumped into her car and sped off in the direction of the hospital.• The other car just backed into me.• Edwards is charged with trying to smuggle 20 kg of cannabis into the country.• Maggie bumped into the dessert cart and knocked it over.• Jane went into the living-room and sat down on the sofa.• Jeff went into the living room.• We talked into the night.• The child had fallen into the water.• Six goes into thirty five times.Origin into Old Englishin·to prepositionChineseSyllable   Corpus part inner of a to inside the or




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