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单词 Cultivation
1. Mike is a man of charm and cultivation.
2. These fields have been under cultivation for years.
3. This method of cultivation produces higher yield.
4. Better cultivation of soil will bring about better crops.
5. It only needs early cultivation to become a power.
6. The cultivation in good taste is our main objective.
7. Terraces for rice cultivation covered the hillsides.
8. Farmers with many acres under cultivation profited.
9. Intensive cultivation has impoverished the soil.
10. He is interested in vegetable cultivation.
11. Louisiana's swampy areas are ideal for its cultivation.
12. To some extent this work is under cultivation.
13. Pomiculture - the cultivation of fruit.
14. Cultivation: Very indifferent as to planting medium.
15. Cultivation: The plant prefers sand with organic matter.
16. Only traditional cultivation techniques are used.
17. Cultivation: This plant is very indifferent to the tank bottom and will grow well even on bare gravel.
18. Cultivation: It can be planted as with most others of its genus in a good rich mixture.
19. Many parents think that the cultivation of manners in children requires constant nagging.
20. Cultivation: It does not make specific demands of the growing medium, and will even grow on just fine gravel.
21. Cultivation: This plant requires a muddy bottom, therefore a mixture of clay and sand is ideal.
22. Construction and cultivation require cooperation within the family unit and within the community.
23. Most of the land has now been brought into cultivation.Sentencedict
24. These high yields have been achieved largely through better methods of cultivation.
25. But there were no obvious ways of producing attenuated strains of virus until a means of cultivation was established.
26. Here, of course, weeds do have more space to grow, but they're discouraged by constant cultivation.
27. Its western counterpart apparently remained open, being used at one stage for spelt cultivation.
28. In many districts cattle were thought essential for rice cultivation, and when there was a shortage fields lay fallow.
29. After careful consideration Ted decided to deep plough the land and prepare it for cultivation.
30. With biotechnology, says Young, it will be possible to double and triple production on land already under cultivation.
1. Mike is a man of charm and cultivation.
2. These fields have been under cultivation for years.
3. This method of cultivation produces higher yield.
4. Better cultivation of soil will bring about better crops.
5. The cultivation in good taste is our main objective.
6. He is interested in vegetable cultivation.
7. These high yields have been achieved largely through better methods of cultivation.
31. Power comes from the cultivation of the scientific spirit and participatory democracy.
32. Cultivation: This plant is not very demanding as to its growing medium, and therefore can even be grown in gravel.
33. Predicting how much more land can be brought under cultivation is complicated by two other factors.
34. Nevertheless, they modified the forest by nomadic behaviour and shifting cultivation, if they became truly independent.
35. The cultivation of creativity is the most important requirement of men who aspire to the highest reaches of the transcendent world.
36. Through his cultivation of Boris Yeltsin and United States aid, he kept relations positive.
37. Clearance for cultivation threatens the islands' tropical forests and brings with it road construction, settlement and damage to water supplies.
38. Each packet includes a leaflet giving full instructions for successful cultivation.
39. By 1970, about 20 percent of the land in cultivation was down to export crops.
40. These rivals scratched out a tenuous existence through a combination of herding animals and marginal cultivation of the soil.
41. The technique used was lazy-bed cultivation which is a form of hand cultivation.
42. In the wild it grows in shady woodland so will do well under shrubs in cultivation.
43. Conflicting views' Of course arable land in some places is going out of cultivation because of erosion and other destructive forces.
44. Cultivation: Very undemanding as to growing medium, this plant will even grow in plain aquarium gravel or sand.
45. Cultivation: In a growing medium consisting of very little nutrients, the plant will grow producing runners and numerous plantlets.
46. Cultivation: The planting medium should contain a good amount of humus.
47. It's quite probable that extensive cultivation here has erased any traces there may have been.
48. By the 1930s only two thirds of the island's arable land were under cultivation and only half of that was irrigated.
49. It could be that your ancestors were among the first to abandon the idea of hunting and gathering in favour of cultivation and husbandry.
50. Conventional physical and chemical methods can leave the soil structure unsuitable for cultivation.
51. They rely on four food sources, that from garden cultivation, from collecting, from hunting, and from fishing.
52. Cultivation: Very indifferent as to its growing medium, it will even grow in fine gravel or unwashed sand.
53. Cultivation: A medium of coarse sand or fine gravel on its own(), or with some loam is sufficient.
54. Cultivation is apparently fairly easy and details of where to get the plants are available.
55. Almost every inch of the land is already under cultivation.
56. Not all of the losses of moorland and rough grassland to agricultural development are the result of surface cultivation and grass seeding.
57. Smallholder agriculture has led to the concentration of people being three times that that would support shifting cultivation in some areas.
58. This vast cultivation and re-design of the body provides an unprecedented laboratory for exploring the limits of human possibility.
59. Much of this development has involved sugar-cane cultivation on sloping terrain in contrast to its confinement to flat alluvial areas prior to 1960.
60. Cultivation: An extremely undemanding plant as to its growing medium, and will grow almost in any substratum.
61. Rice cultivation was more difficult in the dry zone, which also included parts of Hambantota and Badulla districts.
62. Cultivation: Undemanding as to the planting medium it will grow well in unwashed sand.
63. The availability of land played a crucial part in relations between the landowning class and those immediately concerned with its cultivation.
64. Peat moorland, especially at low altitude, was used in the past for cultivation, normally potatoes but sometimes cereals.
65. What concerns them is the risk that engineered plants might acquire weedy traits and escape from cultivation.
66. By around 1910 the cultivation of rubber and tea had brought about a more permanent change.
67. Cultivation: This plant has some exacting demands as to its medium.
68. The cultivation of openness in a large organization needs a lot of things.
69. Power for the rotary cultivation unit was provided by an air cooled petrol engine mounted on the plough.
70. When a new site is chosen for cultivation, the undergrowth is removed, and later the trees, with an adze.
71. The remainder was due to clearance for cultivation and pasture.
72. Cultivation: The ideal growing medium for this species would contain substantial quantities of organic detritus and mud or clay.
73. Above all, it requires the steady cultivation of healthy core beliefs that will shore up the organization when setbacks occur.
74. The ranch was used mainly for the cultivation of strawberries.
75. Cultivation: A medium containing plenty of mud or clay or detritus is essential.
76. The area is not very fertile, and so has never been cleared for cultivation.
77. Cultivation: A layer of peat and gravel, or leaf-mould and coarse sand or loam should provide a good medium.
78. As wheat cultivation developed and different strains of wheat became avail-able, the balance tipped away from rye.
79. Cultivation: The same planting medium as recommended for all the Echinodorus species is suitable.
80. Second, there is as yet no land shortage, and new land can still be taken into cultivation without much problem.
81. Surface cultivation is rare, except in some lower lying valleys so the changes have subtle origins.
82. Cultivation: The plant is not too fussy about the planting medium.
83. And such conditions, as noted previously(), are an ideal medium for the cultivation of skewed or corrosive organizational beliefs.
84. Epoc stands for Evening Primrose Oil Company, where meticulous attention is given to every detail of cultivation and production.
85. Cultivation: Being essentially a bog plant, it requires a muddy bottom, or one which is rich in organic matter.
86. Cultivation: The planting medium of mud and sand or a gravel medium with detritus should suffice.
87. Fallow lands brought into cultivation reduced the range for grazing and restricted the distribution of much needed animal dung as fertiliser.
88. Trees and cultivation are fenced off against their hungry assaults.
89. For instance, in 1666 he was granted a licence for the cultivation of senna in the plantations.
90. Extortionate behaviour by local cadres may lead to land being left fallow because the taxes on cultivation are too high.
91. Cultivation: Very indifferent to conditions, though it will relish a planting medium consisting of nutritious detritus.
92. This could be achieved in three years, using intensive cultivation.
93. When cultivation is done with mattocks and hoes women do it; when a tractor comes along, men drive it.
94. Moreover, shifting cultivation was still being practised in Czechoslovakia, for example, until the late 1970s at least.
95. Agriculture Cultivation extends to about 600m, ending at a lower level on the colder north side of the island.
96. Land use itself also quickly adapts to price signals, and the economic margin of cultivation can therefore change very rapidly.
97. Cultivation of magic mushrooms for use is illegal in Britain, but possession is not.
98. We drove through one of the most intensive areas of banana cultivation on the way back.
99. Farmers become dependent on it for inputs and new techniques of cultivation and husbandry.
100. The concentration on intensive cotton and rice cultivation has led to a build-up of pollution from fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides.
101. Water is in short supply, dimming the promise of rice cultivation, which is highly water-intensive.
102. Cultivation: Ideally the growing medium should consist of some amount of clay.
103. Rice cultivation, which is dependent on the vagaries of weather and on complex systems of irrigation, requires cooperative labor.
104. The snow had covered the nomes' sad attempts at cultivation.
105. Cultivation: Very undemanding as to its growing medium, it will grow well on any substratum.
106. The brightest areas are those of intensive cultivation, and intermediate shades represent grassland and sugar beet.
107. They were remarkably adroit in their cultivation of the foreign press.
108. Even though the population expanded, there was no possibility of bringing ever-increasing amounts of land under cultivation.
109. This in turn led to increased degradation that has been exacerbated by the subsequent use of marginal lands for cultivation.
110. Just how much new land is available for cultivation is difficult to calculate.
111. But back on the marshes and fens, who was really to profit from this continual process of ever more intensive cultivation?
112. Cultivation: The planting medium should consist of clay, peat, loam or leaf mould and a good layer of sand.
113. Cultivation: A tank bottom consisting of good organic matter such as leaf-mould with sand is most suitable.
114. Some varieties of waterlilies are fairly new to cultivation whereas the majority of well known cultivars date back years.
115. Regularly, where intensive cultivation succeeds, civilized people in the Far East occupy only small areas.
116. In 1920 they owned only 458, 000 acres out of the 29, 365, 000 under cultivation in the state.
117. Cultivation: Unlike the other species, this one requires a nutritious bottom.
118. Then, as now, population pressures pushed cultivation into ever-steeper and more marginal growing regions.
119. Cultivation: This species requires a lot of humidity, and therefore should be grown in a deep tank with the cover-glass on.
120. Cultivation: A mixture consisting of peat with unwashed sand or clay is necessary for good specimens.
121. But preliminary investigation by infrared spectroscopy of the lipids in the sorghum grains suggest the possibility of some cultivation.
122. This land is feasible for cultivation.
123. Historically, shifting cultivation was not limited to the tropics.
124. Forage cultivation is a main part of grassland science.
125. The land is not fertile enough to repay cultivation.
126. The area is under banana cultivation.
127. Only 10 percent of the land was under cultivation.
128. The cultivation of this species is not difficult, and is similar to other commonly cultivated terrestrial Utricularia.
129. Ever since a long time ago, elite inbred lines played a key role in maize new species cultivation.
130. The modern agriculture already said goodbye to the slash-and-burn cultivation, the self-sufficient age, the time powerful pulse is summoning the informationization making agriculture.
131. In natural rubber cultivation, planting materials adopted are the high yielding Grafted Hevea Brasiliensis.
132. The full potential for sea cultivation (mariculture) has only recently been recognised.
133. In order to make localized seedling cultivation of Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica come true, seedlings were breeded by seeds and transplants in Hexi region.
134. The cultivation of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch have been operated with mechanization at Hexi area of Gansu.
135. Objective To investigate the updated distribution, habitat conditions, cultivation and output of Amomum villosum (AV) in China, thus provide evidences for the germplasm resources research of AV.
136. The operational model of talents cultivation process in higher vocational schools is similar to the operational process of enterprise's products.
137. Roof platform recycling plant cultivation in large containers or small plastic juice containers, equipment degradable shaded from the pure natural fibre and renewable wood produced.
138. Convolvulus cneorum cultivation notes: Convolvulus prefers a well drained soil - flourishing in sandy or chalky soils.
139. The so - called Bunsen, that is, the process of self - cultivation into Road.
140. Synthesis of the raw materials of these two substances is croton oil, the use of cultivation in Asia crotonaldehyde seed extract vegetable oil, the whole process of only five steps.
141. Men in coir raincoat transplanting rice seedlings in drizzle present an article of cultivation to me.
142. Able to consult with an open mind, who is also a manifestation of self - cultivation.
143. The efficacy of Chinese herb medicine Lanteng injection against Newcastle Disease virus (NDV) in vitro was studied by cultivation of chicken embryo and haemagglutination inhibition test (HI).http:///cultivation.html
144. The cultivation and internalization of creative thinking is beneficial to the all - round development of students.
145. Method Cultivation results of blood, sputum, dejecta, uria, abdominal draining juice and clinic data were collected from 129 systemic fungal infection patients.
146. In view of the phenomenon of cotyledon rootage in the wounded part, presumptions could be made that cotyledon would be the explant for Hevea somatic tissue cultivation.
147. Objective: To explore a method of efficient direct chromosome analysis and chorionic villus cultivation in first trimester pregnancy.
148. Sexual characteristic of tight plant type maize and its comparatively high -yield cultivation technique.
149. He is interested in the cultivation of trout in ponds.
150. Cultivation: Crassula perforata is a an easy to care popular succulent grown also as a suspended plant.
151. The study was made use of simulated body fluid(SBF) cultivation to appraise the bioactivity of potassium titanate coating and analysed the surface morphology .
152. The wild flower resources is the material base of flower cultivation, domestication and improved varirety breeding.
153. Besides rubber and cane-sugar of the pillar agricultural practices, GDA also engages in sisal, dairy, fruits, cultivation of aquatic products and animal husbandry.
154. Tell her what Heathcliff is: an unreclaimed creature, without refinement, without cultivation: an arid wilderness of furze and whinstone.
155. The cultivation of creative spirit and physical ability is in character education.
156. The substrate composted with sawdust and cotton seed hull supplemented with calcium carbonate have been proved to be suitable for P. platypus cultivation in Kunming.
157. The country they were traversing gave evidence of careful cultivation.
158. These peculiarly popular cultivation are the roots of existence and development for Yumuzhai's perception of dutifulness, they are one of the precious culture heritages in Chinese traditional morals.
159. But some principles and some experimental phenomenons need to be paid attention to during the course of lactose fermentation, separate cultivation and confirmatory test.
160. This diagnosable program is in line with the targets of quality education and curriculum reformation, which attach high importance to the cultivation of students' abilities and their strong suits.
161. In those forests of China we have surviving species like gingko, the maidenhair tree which has been in cultivation in Europe and North America since the 17th century.
162. The adaptative characters, fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation.
163. On the field early spring, the cultivation machinery that working often shows the line of vision.
164. Based on the test research of thickness test of enclose tideland for cultivation to throw fill, the decting principle and feasibility with geological radar and the explanation of image were narrated.
165. I saw several sugar canes, but wild, and for cultivation, imperfect.
166. Mulberry branch powder was proved to be the ideal material for the cultivation of Flammulina velutipe.
167. The township, based on food, cash crop cultivation and animal husbandry in agriculture - based economy.
168. Phloughing resulted in decrease in soil organic matter content in coming year, while successive ratoon cultivation could increase or maintain soil organic matter content.
169. The authors applied drip irrigation in sandy land shelterbelt cultivation for the first time, and discussed the benefits of water saving, energy saving, labour saving and the investment benefits.
170. Optimize the structure of forestry planting, and gradually deceleration Eucalyptus cultivation.
171. Wong Shun Biological Development Co. , Ltd. is the only in the rare "Cirsium tea" cultivation, development, processing and sale of major support of government enterprises.
172. The grasslands are the most suitable areas for wet rice cultivation.
173. Alternative substrate utilization and ultramicrostructure of hyphae in the submerged cultivation of Grifola frondosa was studied in this paper.
173. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
174. Effects of butralin on 3 major groups of soil microorganism population and soil respiration intensity were studied with cultivation, closed or direct absorption methods in laboratory, respectively.
175. The paper also deals with the distinctive characteristics of crop rotation arrangement in lotus root field, and of protected cultivation, reproduction, harvest and utilization of lotus root in Hubei.
176. Cultivation technology and prevention of Gynura, as well as cure method of disease and pest control are summarized in this paper.
177. The course evaluation of ideological cultivation should obey the Principles of directivity , development, and integration.
178. The enclosing tideland for cultivation around the reservoir situated at 18 section in the reservoir or the "bird island" near it.
179. Intensive cultivation exposes the earth to the damaging forces of nature.
180. Conclusions Bacteria may evolve into L-forms under the controlled condition. Additional cultivation of L-form in clinical specimen can increase the positive detection rate of urinary tract infection.
181. In this paper, the writer tries to discuss as well as to analyze the intensiveness and the effectiveness of improving the cultivation of comprehensive quality in college career instruction.
182. To grope the optimizing cultivation patterns of rice genetic diversity and the effects of rice population structure for rice blast control.
183. High-low consistency cascade refining improves the quality of fruit cultivation bag paper.
184. The breeding and cultivation techniques of Elaeagnus were described in detail after summarizing its food value, ornamental value and medical value.
185. Long-term cultivation of cells under anisotonic conditions did not significantly alter cell cycle distribution, but hypotonic cultivation decreased cell viability.
186. In this experiment bud induction from shoot apex, bulblet induction from buds in vitro culture and flower bulb cultivation from bulblet in field were carried out in Asiatic hybrid lily.
187. We fetched in and screened out several strains of the mushroom Clitocybe maxima adapted to the cosmically all-year cultivation in Fujian .
188. Chinese handwriting has infinite power to express differences of character and cultivation.
189. Environmental Control for the Speedy Cultivation of Soft - shelled Turtle.
190. The information is based on research data and the practical experience of several countries where successful cultivation practices have led to a high yield of good quality Artemisia annua L.
191. This paper introduced Dais medi-edible plant, plant morphology, utilization values, cultivation methods, harvest and process, and resource protection of Cibotium barometz(L)J. Sm.
192. Insensate stones without words but sentimental, spirit it is for cultivation.
193. The problems in garden application are to introduce into varieties blindly, to plant not as a whole and extensive cultivation.
194. Cultivation measure for high yield of sugar beet root were studied by means of 5 factors and 5 levels orthogonal design and single factor experiments.
195. Postpartum oestrus inducement in milking ewes can shorten the time between yeaning and next pregnancy effectively and use ewes'fertility farthest to enhance economic returns of cultivation.
196. The cultivation of clinical reasoning competence is the hinge on which resident grows into an expert.
197. The problem that the utility model is to solve is to provide the transmission case of the rotary cultivation machine which is matched with a mini-sized hand tractor of 3-4 horsepower.
198. The cultivation on microcarriers (MCs) is a perfect method on the large-scale animal cell culture, which is the complete combination of adhesive culture and suspending culture.
199. Make the readers understand its humane connotation and value effects in personality remold, and conduct cultivation of Wushu teaching.
200. We plan to bring all these mountain slopes under cultivation.
201. This paper presented the advances in their cultivation and breeding, in order to promote the horticultural study of rhizomatous irises in China.
202. METHODS Bacterial cultivation and drug - sensitivity test of prostatic fluid were used.
203. Capsella bursapastoisr L. is a wild vegetable with high nutritional value. Artificial cultivation of the wild vegetable is quite important to meet the need of market.
203. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
204. In my opinion, we must depend on intensive cultivation to feed ourselves.
205. RPV — H inactivated vaccine of cell cultivation results from inactivation by formalin through 24 hours of them.
206. The fermentation kinetics of S - adenosyl - L - methionine ( SAM ) producing Saccharomyces cerevisiae HYS 98 was studied through chemostat cultivation.
207. This land has been in cultivation since the last century.
208. However , shaking cultivation could promote the anaerobic phosphorus removal because of its helping phosphine release.
209. Appropriate-scale-operation, farmland capital construction, intensive cultivation and proper rotation of crops are the ways to improve energy efficiency.
210. The Japanese chestnut ( called kurt ) was in cultivation long before rice.
211. The research result shows that artificial cultivation and development of Chimonanthus salicifolius has great potentials. This paper introd...
212. Proper cultivation and care will culminate in the best crops and therefore the finest ingredients.
213. It points out that practical talent cultivation is the fundamental model in high professional colleges.
214. And some characteristic courses like molecular biology, procreant medicine, tropical medicine are under cultivation.
215. Such active way of family nurture as warm and love is beneficial to the cultivation of their children's self-confidence, while passive way as penalty, rejection and disaffirmation goes against it.
216. The cultivation of speech ability has much to do with the acquirement of tacit knowledge.
217. Using buds induction from shoot apex of Lilium Asiatic hybrids as the study on the induction of bulblets in tube and flower bulbs cultivation from bulblet in field.
218. Natural resources were protected: Uncontrolled grazing, subsistence farming, fuel wood gathering and cultivation of crops on slopes had left huge areas of the Plateau devastated.
219. This paper stated productive technology, productive modes(Sentencedict), productive equipments and technical requirement and managemental patterns of Auricularia auricular with full-light cultivation.
220. A new cultivar'Dongnong 803'is a new hybrid used to exporting Russia. It is adaptable to the protected field cultivation in spring and open field cultivation in summer in northeast of China.
221. This paper discusses the teaching reform of the ideological and moral cultivation course in this newage, and explains the teaching material system construction as well.
222. Conclusion The in vitro passage cultivation of S. japonicum cercaria cells has been successful to the 5th generation and the cultured material could be used in the immunological research.
223. Afro Performances include dances from different parts of Africa, such as Chiganda dance (Ceremonial Dance) from Uganda, War Dance, Circumcision, Cultivation dance, African Drumming, etc.
224. Rhizo-box and field cultivation methods were used to study the delpletion and accumulation of organic P in maize rhizosphere on blackland and chernozem.
225. Porphyra is a kind of economic marine alga and has been playing an important role in cultivation of seaweeds.
226. Stablished the foundation for cultivation of new disease-resistant gladiolus variety , Offered the theoretical foundation for genetic transformation of the monocotyledon.




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