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单词 Maize
1 The villagers cultivate mostly maize and beans.
2 There's a field planted with maize behind the house.
3 We cultivated maize and watermelons.
4 Maize evolved from a wild grass in Mexico.
5 Yesterday the field opposite was sown with maize.
6 She paused as she pounded the maize grains.
7 Wheat, maize and sugar beet are planted in rotation.
8 The villagers grow coffee and maize to sell in the market.
9 We grew maize, millet and beans.
10 Staple food crops are maize, sorghum and wheat.
11 Papas, maize, alpaca, puma, condors.
12 We grew maize, rice,[] beans and sesame.
13 Mountains cut into terraces with wheat, maize and rice.
14 He could see their helmeted heads among the maize stalks.
15 For breakfast the family eats a thin maize porridge made from dried milk, prepared over an open fire.
16 Other plants such as maize may be susceptible to chilling stress because they have an inadequate antioxidant defences.
17 The sites for planting genetically modified maize and oilseed rape have to be announced in advance.
18 Crouching inside the maize crop he began to work his way round the hamlet towards it.
19 Beyond the hedge untidy maize was bordered on two sides by ploughed soil, speckled white with chalk.
20 In maize, for example, there are two male-sterility organelle genes, each suppressed by a separate nuclear restorer.
21 The best - known grains are wheat, barley, oats, rye and maize.
22 In Britain, this flour usually goes under the name of maize meal.
23 The women grill greasy pieces of beef for lunch, with homegrown maize and potatoes.
24 Another issue highlighted in the report was the alleged importation of toxic maize as part of a drought relief effort.
25 The donkey is the beast of burden, and windmills, originally used for grinding maize, abound.
26 So far as current commercial crops are concerned, the major GMOs are these: Pesticide-producing maize from Monsanto.
27 Traditionally, rain-fed terraces are constructed on steeper slopes in the Middle Mountains for the production of maize, millet and buckwheat.
28 On these terraces farmers grow tea, potatoes, apricot and almond trees as well as wheat, maize and rice.
29 With his brother he invented a paper-thin malt flavoured toasted flake of maize - the Corn Flake.
30 Many of our foods originate from tropical forest species such as rice, cocoa, fruit, maize and coffee.
1 There's a field planted with maize behind the house.
2 The best - known grains are wheat, barley, oats, rye and maize.
31 Below the olive groves, sloping fields produce lush vines and the valleys are full of sunflowers, tomatoes and maize.
32 In 1998 it was already estimated that one-third of maize and soya products from the United States were from genetically modified crops.
33 This is the crowning glory of Van Gogh's maize and corn fields.
34 Sometimes the food they bring runs out and they have to exchange their precious maize for a few mangoes.
35 The police post is very remote and they often supplement their diet of maize and beans with game meat.
36 Twelve spring-sown oilseed rape crops, 12 forage maize crops and 24 beet crops have been harvested.
37 At the grinding mill, a line of women sit in the dirt behind the bags of maize.
38 The maize crops have almost completely failed for several years running.
39 Yes, many husbands kept all the money from the maize crop even though their wives had done most of the work.
40 Other crops can not sustain the increased population, but you can build empires on maize.
41 Untreated maize is reluctant to give up its B vitamins, particularly its niacin.
42 Rice was their basic food and their most important food crop, far ahead of maize, taro or sago.
43 Gradually coffee came to replace maize as the main agricultural produce of the community and foodstuffs were bought with surplus cash.
44 The Mayans grew maize, beans and pumpkins, and were the first to cultivate cocoa.
45 Our wheat and our maize have experienced the same fate that befell our apples and pears.
46 A disused sugar plantation is now the site of thriving communal maize plots.
47 In the reverse direction the country received its most abundantly grown foodstuffs of today - maize and cassava.
48 Maize consumption rose, populations grew and there was a substantial increase in the complexity of the culture.
49 In the surrounding fields, men and women harvest maize, sorghum and groundnuts.
50 After clearance, rice is cultivated, followed by soya beans and maize and eventually semi-permanent pastures are established.
51 The main crop was maize, and harvests varied with the weather and farming methods.
52 Wild bird cover: Spring plants for nesting, beg maize, millet, sunflowers, kale.
53 Maize comes in many guises, including cornflour, cornflakes, corn oil, corn syrup, sweetcorn, corn-on-the-cob and popcorn.
54 Water running off the maize fields is contaminated with dieldrin, then drunk by cattle.
55 When Kalchu brought it fresh hay and water and even maize porridge it remained aloof and indifferent.
56 Charcoal, wood chips, coconut shells and maize cobs are the only practical fuels at the moment.
57 The rare perennial maize proved to be resistant to seven viral diseases that plague domesticated maize.
58 Mountains cut into terraces with wheat, maize and rice. Sherpas - farm, raise animals and trade.
59 Many farmers stopped producing cocoa altogether or switched to food crops, like maize or cassava, that fetched more reliable prices.
60 This year it hopes for 25 fields for maize and oilseed rape and 30 for either sugar or fodder beet.
61 Rainfall during the December-April rainy season was under 10 percent of normal, and the country's maize crop has been devastated.
62 Bananas and maize have been modified by tribal people for so long that these plants now rely on human intervention to propagate.
63 But many brokers predict a long-term downward trend for maize due to the likelihood of a heavily oversupplied market.
64 Pinch off the side shoots of the maize.
65 Submergence stress result in oxygen limitation in maize roots.
66 The maize and millet were just putting forth ears.
67 Autumn blossoms, capitate, periphery has maize ligulate flower.
68 Pedigree method, backcross method and convergent cross selection are used widely in dwarf maize breeding.
69 Results The Maize tassel saponin could reduce the hyperglycaemia caused by alloxan and adrenaline.
70 Ever since a long time ago, elite inbred lines played a key role in maize new species cultivation.
71 The increase of soil organic matter owes much to the fertilizing, manuring and the application of large-scale wheat, maize harvester, which has increased straws to return the field.
72 The tractor mounted Cibus TRM has everything you need for efficient harvesting in silage maize and other energy crop trials.
72 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
73 Waxy maize hybrid Yunuo No. 9 was bred in Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences by crossing 3469 as the female parent and S181 as the male parent.
74 All chromosomes of the large genomes, maize and barley, were densely labeled with strongly labeled regions and weakly labeled or unlabeled regions being arranged alternatively throughout the lengths.
75 Based on thin-layer drying tests, the prediction model is developed for germination rates of drying maize seeds. The parameter of model is optimized through genetic algorithm.
76 From the observation of maize root cap cells, it was found that cytoplasm PD changed obviously.
77 To test reliability of the simulated program, ventilation drying tests on maize and rice under certain drying conditions were conducted by using the grain ventilation unit.
78 Southern corn rust, caused by Puccinia polysora Underw, is a destructive disease in maize.
79 A no - till planter was designed that can work on the field bestrewing whole maize straw.
80 Corn (maize) and rice have also been studied widely as important crop species,[] and Antirrhinum majus has become a model for flowering.
81 The study was done to understand the correlation between grain yield and stover IVDMD of maize.
82 The life cycle of maize is that of a typical angiosperm.
83 Bottom application of CU could significantly increase the grain yield, AE, and PFP of maize, compared with side-dressing CU.
84 This paper introduces the fundamentality of maize stalk strength determining in maize inherit breeding, it put forwards the design principle of maize stalk strength determining.
85 Head smut reduces maize yield severely because of its damage on ears right.
86 The disease was caused by Cercospora zeae-maydis, and had become one of the most important diseases in warm, humid regions. Maize varieties are very different in resistance.
87 Fermentation liquid protein played a good role in induced resistance to maize Curvularia leaf spot.
88 Maize endosperm mainly Contains zein, laking necessary amino acid such as lysine, methione and so on.
89 Fungi and biodeterioration of maize seed in storage under different condition were studied.
90 The day change law of estival maize stem-liquid has been discussed, and the relation between maize stem-liquid and sun radiation has been built up.
91 Thestarch degradability rates of othercereal feeds were : wheat , 96.28 % , maize , 55.37 % , rice , 45.23 % , buckwheat , 44.10 % , sor - ghum, 42.58 % respectively.
92 Potassium antimonate was employed to ultrastructurally locate calcium ions in seminal root apical meristematic cells of maize seedings subjected to flooding stress.
93 Researchers compared the use of fertilizer in 3 areas that grow mazed maize as a major grain, : China, Kenya and the United States.
94 In the next programme, I'm moving from cows to corn - but I'm staying with the gods - this time, the all-powerful god of maize, in Mexico.
95 Nevertheless, existing maize diamond color is more flaxen , and " of the dream get " because color is light Huang Gengxian is precious.
96 In the study, we optimized the protocols of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation for maize embryonic calli using elite maize inbred lines Qi319 and R18-599 as the origin of explants.
97 This paper reports hairy roots induced by Agrobacterium rhizogenes and production of regenerative plants from hairy root cultures in Maize.
98 Sexual characteristic of tight plant type maize and its comparatively high -yield cultivation technique.
99 Potato (Solanum tuberosum. L) is one of the most important crops in the world ranking fourth after rice, wheat and maize, and plays a significant role in economy.
100 The insecticide is the product of a bacterial gene inserted into GM maize and other cereal crops to protect them against insects such as the European corn borer beetle.
101 New Summer maize hybrid Suyu 14 was accomplished using self-selection inbred line 4A as female parent and T249 as male parent.
102 An in silico search revealed that IRO2 is highly conserved among graminaceous plants, which include wheat, sorghum[http:///maize.html], and maize.
103 Sky - blue, both sides is setting peaked cap of maize edge.
104 Maize ears growth slows down in relation to environment stress at flowering while the interval between anthesis and silking was enlarged.
105 The government said on Friday it would activate a "safeguard clause" in European law to suspend the commercial use of MON 810, a maize developed by U.S. biotech giant Monsanto.
106 Furthermore, some hormone and signal transfer substances were inflicted on maize seedling roots to analyze the expression and regulation on the novel heat-stable protein.
107 Consequently, SSR markers could be used for measuring genetic variation and assigning maize inbred lines to heterotic groups.
108 The paper studied on influence of VA mycorrhiza on maize plant growth, photosynthesis, nutrient absorption and water utilization under water stress with soil culture experiment.
109 Danke2162 is a hybrid maize bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences with two self bred inbred lines of W9235 as female parent and Dan598 as male parent.
110 It has increased to such an extent that Ghana can now export maize.
111 There are three short insertions in the maize 23 s gene.
112 The five agronomical traits of husk are controlled by the additive inheritance effect, so they could be improved by selection of parents in maize breeding.
113 Nitrogen fertilizer applied at winter wheat season had the obvious after-effect and after-effect and mineralization of soil nitrogen should be fully considered in summer maize season fertilization.
114 Development of inbred lines is very important in hybrid maize research.
115 This experiment studied the influence of mold design on molding a cuppy product from maize stalk powder.
116 TY series threshers are supposed to be applied to thresh maize ear after peeling.
117 Using maize ( Zea mays L. ) inbred line B73, the complete set of disease resistance candidate genes that encode NBS was identified in the genome.
118 The response of direct defense and indirect defense of maize attack and ethephon induced is different.
119 The experimental results obtained revealed that waxy maize starch paste with pseudoplastic characteristics could be considered as a shear-thinning system.
120 The low pureness of parents and the inferior quality of seeds are two prime reasons which makes the low-grade quality of seeds produced by intercrossed maize.
121 This poison helps the plants resist insect, especially the maize borer.
122 The results indicated that the best medium was maize grains for cultivating conidia of Arthrobotrys oligospora in batches.
123 Maize inbred line 308 through a field experiment, the consistent with plant type but plant height and ear heigh have differences.
124 Organic gum acacia, silica, organic pre - gelatinized maize starch, lac resin, and carnauba wax.
125 A- and B-type crystallite of potato starch come into being by taking the same method as maize starch.
126 The others such as previous crops, sowing way for maize, cropping system and the climate were indirect factors, which affected the sowing date or amount of planthopper.
127 A rapid DNA isolation method was established in this study. Dry seed of rice, maize and cotton was adopted as testing material.
128 Advocate the bedroom introduces downy maize series, increase many gout results. Indoor whole furniture all introduces cany product, those who accord with consistency is harmonious.
129 The relationship of soil temperature, soil humidity, sowing time and occurrence of maize head smut were studied.
130 We only had one or two white (refers to flour) in a year. What we had most was durra cake. Maize corn noodle was also titbit.
131 The syrup which is maize instead of cane sugar is prepared by ferment, decoloring and evaporation.
132 Water stress is one of the most important abiological stress to maize seedling .
132 try its best to gather and create good sentences.
133 Quality evaluation of quick-frozen Tangyuan made of glutinous maize and glutinous rice was made. The result showed that the quick-frozen Tangyuan made of glutinous maize was practical.
134 Treated by mixture of nicosulfuron and PBO, the tolerant variety of maize is more tolerant than the sensitive variety.
135 When carrying out reasonable intercropping in different genotypes maize, we should take into account other traits while using xenia effects, which would favor more increase in yield.
136 Aline Siyi was identified with resistance to maize dwarf mosaic B and adult stage.
137 A method of producing a maize plant with decreased phytate content comprising transforming the maize plant of claim 2 with a transgene encoding phytase.
138 Deformation and breakage of blade's cutting edge are serious problems existing in shreddingof silage maize harvester.
139 The aim was to understand the disease resistance of maize varieties to Curvularia leaf spot.
140 The EB ( Essential Balm ) method was adopted to study, the G - bands and macrocoilson the maize pachytene chromosome.
141 Taking bare surface as CK(), this paper discussed effect of straw-mulch during wheat stage on soil water dynamic changes and yield of summer maize.
142 But the seed germination and seedling growth of wheat, maize and soybean were inhibited when the suitable concentration extract of Platanus orientalis leaf reached 4%.
143 In Somalia the monopoly of parastatals in maize, sorghum, and imported foods has been eliminated.
144 A method was developed for the determination of zearalenone, (ZEN) in maize and wheat by multifunction cleanup column(MFC) and high performance liquid chromatography.
145 Although the tropical and subtropical zone had different germ plasm with our country's and American's in maize, photoperiod sensitivity had restricted its use in temperate zone.
146 The variety, Jidan180, is of a better resistance to maize head smut and leaf spot.
147 Maize Curvularia leaf spot was listed as a quarantine disease in Sichuan, more than one hundred samples from different area were collected and seventy-eight isolates were obtained for this study.
148 The utilization of heterotic group is one of the important contents in maize breeding research.
149 Root Characteristic of Inbred Lines of Maize in Different Aluminum - tolerance.
150 Drought-resistance of maize is controlled by polygene and is typical quantity genetics.
151 Farmers grow maize, rice, manioc, yams, millet and other food crops.
152 Based on these results, the effects of ethephon on physiology in maize may be divided into two phases-primary and secondary effects.
153 The problems of difficult filtration and saccharification of maize syrup were solved. The reference was provided for actual production of maize syrup.
154 Using SSR-PCR molecular technique, the DNA fingerprinting of 5 new fresh-eating maize hybrids and their parents were analyzed.
155 Or they might be supplied with fertiliser and asked to clear less forest for planting maize.
156 Large improvements in potential yields of maize have occurred through breeding programs.
157 A breeder checks on the health status of conserved maize germplasm in Ibadan, Nigeria.
158 They instructed the new-comers in their agriculture and woodcraft, introduced them to maize, beans, squash, maple sugar, snowshoes, toboggans, and birch bark canoes.
159 At bread dough when fermenting, germination maize was very obvious to strengthen the saccharomycete grows.
160 Mixing - up maize straw and chicken excrement can produce high quality feed for ruminant animal.
161 The formulation and preparation of the quick-drying maize flour adhesives were studied.
162 The probe revealed only weak signals in genomic DNA from other cereal species, wheat, barley, maize, rice, and pearl millet, indicating that xPSF31 is a Setaria genus specific sequence.
162 is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
163 These results indicated that epitasis plays an important role in genetic controlling of row number per ear in maize.
164 Danke2181 is a single cross hybrid maize which was combined with C39 as the female parent and Danhuang34 as the male parent, breeding in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences.
165 Pollen xenia of 'GY115 had a significant effect of raising oil content on common maize, but common varieties had different response to the raising effect.
166 Graft polymerization of acrylic acid onto maize starch using ceric ammonium nitrate, ammonium persulfate and ammonium persulfate sodium bisulfate as initiators is studied.
167 Additionally, low stocks of wheat, maize and rice have significantly increased the risk of a sharp price hike in these products, which could have serious consequences for very poor households.
168 The result showed: germination maize starch promoted the growths of bifidobacterium bifidum and L. bulgaricus of bacillus in sour milk.
169 On coloring, indoor tonal very weak, blue wall, maize ground, tonal just wave above, if if not have, have.
170 Endosperm starch content of sweet maize was lower than normal corn notably.
171 An experiment was conducted in greenhouse to study the effects of zinc and manganese fertilizers on maize growth and chlorophyllous contents.
172 The historical data indicated, since 1997, the price competitive advantage of Jilin Province maize lost gradually, there are two reasons: production cost and circulation cost.
173 Already British farmers are experimenting with apricots, peaches, almonds and olives; in the future, staple crops such as durum wheat, soya and maize might become viable, too.
174 Danyu501 is a single cross maize hybrid which was bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences by crossing Dan717 as female parent and Dan765 as male parent.
175 The other method was that maize oil was prepared from lees.
176 One stable line resistant to corn borer had been selected in the progeny of maize regenerated plants, further molecular test and feeding-insect test are going on.
177 A study on reaction kinetics of maize, lycopodium and two kinds of bituminous dust layers are presented.
178 A cold start to the growing season and summer flooding has badly damaged rice and maize crops.
179 In 2007 and 2008, 302 new maize varieties from Yunnan Province were identified for their head smut resistance by the inoculation with soil carrying 1% teliospore in two disease nurseries.
180 Agriculture Products: vanilla, copra, plants, tropical fruits, rice and maize.
181 Darling got hot feeling, shed maize drivel, have yellow phlegm how should do?
182 Maize was certainly a primary focus of ritual and religious veneration by ancient Meso-American people, going back all the way before the Maya and even into the Olmec civilisation.
183 Agricultural production of sorghum, maize, millet, potato, rich pear, apple.
184 Maize(Zea mays L. ) is one of the most important cereal crops and is used world wide for human and animal consumption.
185 The FYM applied to maize showed distinct residual effect on the yield of subsequent groundnut.
186 The problem of difficult filtration and saccharification of maize syrup has been solved. The reference was provided for actual production of maize syrup.
187 Objective To study the influence of maize oil on lipidic metabolization in rats'liver and probe into the role and pathogenesis of single maize oil in the occurrence of Steatohepatitis.
188 "The devastating nature of the dwarf maize disease is total loss of the crop yields once it attacks," said Asea.
189 The multiple correlation and regression among protein content and its components (16 amino acid contents) in maize kernels were analyzed by using 49 maize combinations.
190 This poison helps the plants resist insects, especially the maize borer.
191 Researchers have strived for the promotion of the production and germ plasm quality of the maize lines by genetic engineering breeding.
192 On the molecular level becoming a kind of maize inbred line, finding a certain similarity on the campestral agronomic characters.
192 try its best to collect and create good sentences.
193 They cultivated maize, beans , squashes, and tobacco, in garden beds.
194 Some Methods : Were brought out to help standardize the construction of Chinese maize DNA fingerprint database.
195 For the complexity of genome of hexaploid wheat, construction of molecular marker genetic linkage maps of wheat and QTL analysis are far behind of other cereal crops, like rice, maize and so on.
196 Arabidopsis thaliana is an important model plant; others include Antirrhinum, maize and rice.
197 By potting under greenhouse conditions, compared with prometryn and atrazine, the security of terbuthylazine to cotton, maize and peanut was studied.
198 The experiment was conducted to study the effects of seeding rates on plant density and forage yield of White Horse Tooth maize (Zea mays L)in Xining.
199 The results showed that the super absorbent polymers added in ammonium bicarbonate could obviously promote the absorption of nitrogen, phosphorus oxide and potassium oxide by maize plants.
200 Second-degree polynomials equation of maize(Zea Mays L. ) grain yield with both planting density and nitrogen fertilization was established by means of regression analysis.
201 The inhibition of 6-Benzyl Aminopurine (BAP) and Zeatin (ZT) on root and anther tissues respiration of maize was studied.
202 Two separate dry seasons have progressively expanded until they meet to form one long hot season, hitting crops such as maize, manioc and sweet potato.
203 In this paper, we made use of silver-staining detection method instead of isotope labelling method for AFLP analysis in maize cauliflower and tomato.
204 It is mainly produced by Aspergillus flavus andAspergillus parasiticus, and mainly contaminates maize, peanut, nut, and their productions.
205 The effects of mixed cropping with maize on microstructure and nitrogen-fixing function of peanut nodule were studied in pot experiment.
206 China's Ministry of Agriculture granted two biosafety certificates approving Bt rice and phytase maize in November 2009 (see China makes 'landmark' GM food crop approval).
207 The researchers think that this occurred about a century ago, just when commercial agriculture was replacing subsistence farming and maize started to overshadow indigenous crops in Africa.
208 The results showed that this measure can improve the yield of maize and utilization factor of runoff resource.
209 The thicker the straw mulching, the more significant the effect. But the effect was limited by soil aridness and growth stage of maize.
210 In recent years , because of the lack of water resources, drought has become the major limitative factor to maize production.
211 A maize field experiment was conducted on PCU made by macromolecule polymer coat technology and their fertilizer efficiency compared to common urea.
212 An analysis of virus-infected maize from Burkina Faso, the Central African Republic, Ivory Coast, Namibia and Zambia will begin this month and be placed in a database.
213 The research is done on the developmental state of maize kernel in vitro culture, and focused on the different concentrations of ethephon's influence on development and SAI of the kernal.
214 Commonly grown food crops in South Sudan include maize, groundnuts, finger millet, pearl millet, sesame and cassava.
215 From them, 3 inbred lines were selected for high resistance and high susceptiveness, respectively, in order to take genetic analysis of maize sheath blight gene in next step.
216 The result showed that the maize with high tolerance to drought had fewer cortex cell layer numbers, lesser diameter of metaxylem vessel, more metaxylem vessel amount in primary radicel, an...
217 Improving maize resistance to corn borer is an economical and effective technique to reduce the yield loss caused by insect damage.
218 Some maize with S cytoplasm can revert to the fertile condition.
219 The observation of SEM indicated the maceration extract restrained the normal developing of maize roots from the cap to root hair zone and destroyed cells between the epidermis and cortex of roots.
220 Maize (Zea mays L. ) is one of major grain crops in China, seed quality is a major outstanding problem in agricultural production.
221 A new maize hybrid 'Liaodan 568'was bred in Maize Institure, Liaoning Academy of Agricultural Sciences with Liao 8121 as female parent and Liao 9586 as male parent.
222 Curvularia leaf spot of maize was a new maize disease that has arisen in north China recent years.
223 The prevention from maize head smut and effect on corn growth by dose of diniconazole seed coating chemical and treatment was confirmed through pot experiment,[http:///maize.html] field test and regional test.
224 Soil borne diseases are major diseases threatening maize production such as . stalk rot?head smut?sheath blight.
225 Method: First of all, put the maize flour and yellow bean flour together and add 250 grams of water before mixing into a dough.
226 Effects of nitrogen and phosphorus nutrition on gas exchange of maize (Zea mays) were studied under soil drought conditions.
227 Head Smut is one of the most important diseases of maize in the world.
228 Based on thin-layer drying tests, the prediction model is developed for germination rates of drying maize seeds. The parameter of model is optimized throng Genetic algorithm.
229 Maize, millet and kao liang adapt readily to varying natural conditions.
230 The gelatination properties of waxy maize starch, including the paste properties, rheological behaviors and gel strength, were studied in this work.
231 Rhizo-box and field cultivation methods were used to study the delpletion and accumulation of organic P in maize rhizosphere on blackland and chernozem.
232 Maize hybrid Danyu41 was bred in Dandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences in the winter of 1998 by crossing Dan T136 as the fe male parent and Dan598 as the male parent .
233 The MON 810 technology, which is also used by other seed makers, is designed to resist the European corn borer, a pest that attacks maize stalks and thrives in warmer climates.
234 Different treatment combinations of micro-ecological preparation "906" were applied to maize, including seed dressing, spraying at three- lief stage and watering with the solution at elongation stage.
235 Agriculture to plant sorghum, maize, millet - based andy ang nai niu.
236 The process of extracting maize yellow pigment from corn gluten was studied.
237 The transgenic maize has been engineered to express a toxin from the bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) to fend off the European corn borer moth (Ostrinia nubilalis).
238 The young tassels (1-1.5cm long)of maize cultured in vitro can develop in three ways, budding directly (B) , non-embryogenic or non-morphogenetic callus (SF) , and embryogenic Ellus (E-l) .




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