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单词 merry-go-round
释义  Related topics: Outdoorˈmerry-go-ˌround noun  1. [countable]DLO a machine that turns around and around, and has model animals or cars for children to sit on 〔儿童骑着玩的〕旋转木马 SYN American English carousel, British English roundabout2  [singular]FAST/QUICK a series of similar events that happen very quickly one after another 一连串的类似活动,走马灯似的相似事件merry-go-round of the endless Washington merry-go-round of parties and socializing 华盛顿走马灯似的聚会和应酬活动Examples from the Corpusmerry-go-round• But life with Thomas isn't just a merry-go-round it can be swings and roundabouts.• a merry-go-round of strikes, cash problems and closing banks• The Eagles have infuriated their fans by letting top quality players join the free-agency merry-go-round.• Granted, life's not a continual merry-go-round, but it's also not all bleakness either.• The only losers on this extremely lucrative merry-go-round are the women.• But the marital merry-go-round Chez Reeves is no exaggeration.• The outcome of the political merry-go-round that sets nominal tax rates has produced a roughly proportionate tax structure.• As there will be no catch in this chaos we simply reel in and watch the merry-go-round.• But if Labour do win they will make the usual hash of things and then the whole merry-go-round will begin again.ˈmerry-go-ˌround nounChineseSyllable  and around, that machine around and has Corpus turns a




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