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单词 Linear
1. These mental exercises are designed to break linear thinking habits and encourage the creativity that is needed for innovation.
2. Students do not always progress in a linear fashion.
3. Is there a linear relationship between salaries and productivity?
4. He's making linear measurements.
5. The author abandons the conventions of linear narrative and normal chronology.
6. The state variable evolves according to the linear relationship.
7. The wound is of linear character with sharp edges.
8. The linear models were quite successful, the others inconclusive.
9. It first appears in Linear B tablets from Pylos.
10. A simple case is that of the linear molecule.
11. Linear regression was used for comparison with different variables.
12. I could prove theorem after theorem in linear algebra.
13. Duration is a linear approximation to the present-value profile.
14. Percival Lowell, another experienced canal-watcher, saw linear markings.
15. The graph is a linear regression of.
16. A linear relationship may be assumed.
17. Again linear symmetrical molecules are best.
18. This is obviously satisfied by linear demand.
19. The use of linear programming as an aid to decision making when allocating scarce investment funds has been widely advocated.
20. We chose linear regression for describing the overall changes in mean sperm concentrations, but other statistical models have also been tested.
21. Clearly the whole game has a dimension of linear extension which enables a continual process of growth in recognition.
22. In his art he broke the laws of scientific linear perspective.
23. Costs and revenues are assumed to behave in a linear fashion.
24. Historically, the single parent has been the norm in no society, but patriarchal linear life is now economically over.
25. Respiratory symptoms were analysed by multiple logistic regression and lung function standard deviation scores by multiple linear regression.
26. A technique such as smoothing will not do because it does not ordinarily produce a linear outcome.
27. Four of the nine patients requiring a small intestinal biopsy had impaired linear growth emphasising the potential serious effects of this illness.
28. Suppose now that you wish to dub music to a video recording with only a simple linear mono sound track.
29. On small packs with more limited space the information may be set out in linear form.
30. One might argue that this feature of hypertext will for ever prevent it from being convertible into cohesive linear form.
1. These mental exercises are designed to break linear thinking habits and encourage the creativity that is needed for innovation.
2. He's making linear measurements.
31. The linear scale was not, however, the only possibility now under consideration.
32. Linear preoccupation in the past remains a closed book to modern understanding.
33. Some of the math is quite sophisticated, using differential equations, linear algebra, and covariance matrices.
34. Table V shows results of stepwise multiple linear regression analysis of outcome variables from the ventilated infants.
35. Description: Very narrow, linear, opposite, curling, deep green leaves with 30-50 fine teeth.
36. Player A's strategy is linear in z for both the finite and the infinite horizon models.
37. No differences in mean linear growth velocities were found between males and females or among patients stratified by anatomical localisation of disease.
38. Such a history can not be represented by the movement of a linear progression of unfolding time.
39. Characteristically linear in design and dominated by rhythmic movement, it conjures a world beyond time.
40. By 1993, it consisted of 202 volumes and 131, 803 pages, taking up nineteen linear feet of shelf space.
41. The most appropriate way of accelerating charged particles for use in a propulsion system is to use a linear accelerator.
42. Life on this turbulent, complex planet is no longer linear and sequential, one thing logically leading to another.
43. For all but linear molecules, external molecular motions - 3 translations and 3 rotations - account for 6 of these.
44. Although this conversation too has sequences of opinion and justification, it does not proceed in a linear fashion.
45. After such studies(), concentration profiles of the solutes are obtained as the solutions of the linear mass transfer equations.
46. If nothing better than linear progress prevails, its glacial not gliding pace will subvert hopes for equality for many generations.
47. The linear and temporal progression of the narrative is disrupted by the non-stratified discourse of the text.
48. The treatment of engineering dynamics is almost invariably linear, although examples of simple non-linear formulations are provided.
49. Hooke's law is a linear relation; so is the relation between stress and strain gradient in Newtonian viscosity.
50. From these a geodesic surface can be formed which contains all the linear combinations, all of which are geodesics.
51. If the half-slopes are nearly equal, the relationship is fairly linear.
52. The value of printing a linear document from a database has been appreciated for a long time.
53. Linear regression, for example, requires all the data to be collected ahead of time and then processed all at once.
54. These linear relationships are plotted in Fig. 1 where both the consumption and saving relationships are seen to be straight lines.
55. An extension of linear programming which overcomes this objection is that of goal programming.
56. Clearly, the above technique may be applied using any linear combination of the Killing vectors.
57. There is strong evidence to suggest that the brain does not cope with information in a simple, linear form.
57. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
58. They had been trained at college to preach Western-style sermons based on abstract thinking arranged in linear form.
59. The young leaves are very narrow, ribbon-like, linear and pointed at the tip.
60. Long linear field banks or persistent field boundaries can often be suggested as something more than just divisions in the fields.
61. A graduated chamfer can convert a linear element into a vector, having magnitude and direction.
62. We then obtain n - 2 linear algebraic equations for the n - 2 unknowns pi.
63. Several prospective studies have shown improvement in linear growth in individual children with nutritional restitution.
64. Linear measurements may be given either in imperial or metric units, but area is normally quoted in square metres.
65. The amount of sales per linear metre is called shelf yield.
66. But what are the mechanisms that cause the direct linear descendants of the zygote to change their character so radically?
67. Contrast this with efforts to use a linear medium such as videotape interactively.
68. Figure 4.6 How the linear speed needed for a stable orbit decreases with distance from the centre of the Earth.
69. Linear, scientific perspective allows for a fairly accurate mental reconstruction of the distances separating objects.
70. NonimmediateLight a fire, build up the steam, turn on a switch, and a linear system awakens.
71. Using multiple linear regression analysis, gastritis with atrophy was the only factor that had an independent negative effect on acid secretion.
72. Desmond Bonney followed his initial research by an examination of parish boundaries associated with Roman roads and late prehistoric linear earthworks.
73. A wave 10 feet high and 500 feet long can pack a punch of 400,000 pounds per linear foot of its crest.
74. The post would suit a person with a background in linear mathematics and estimation problems.
75. This kind of superposition of states is a general-and important-feature of quantum mechanics, referred to as quantum linear superposition.
76. For propulsion, it relies on the aerospike, a linear rocket engine.
77. A linear molecule has only two rotations, and so it has 3N - 5 vibrational modes.
78. In this chapter we shall deal with linear or branched polymers and treat the swelling of networks in chapter 14.
79. Some current trends reinforce this linear pattern, whereas others modify it.
80. Both forms of game theory require that the possible outcome for a given player be ranked on a linear scale.
81. And re-made it was - nearly 200 linear metres of Decorum Wilton - completed in four working days.
82. In this limit the Einstein equation reduces to a linear wave equation.
83. Variable and fixed costs are traditionally assumed to be linear. Describe why this assumption is unrealistic.
84. Pupils can often fall back on a circular argument such as: Why is the relationship linear?
85. That backward path is the foundation of Western(), linear logic.
86. Research has suggested that the two linear models of innovation - technology push and market pull - are seriously flawed.
87. Evolution became a ladder rather than a tree, a linear sequence of stages through which life had advanced towards the human form.Sentence dictionary
88. Chapter 6 deals in general terms with the solution of sets of linear differential equations with constant coefficients.
89. However, we shall be wanting also to express the specification of the device in a linear one-dimensional form.
90. Variable and fixed costs are traditionally assumed to be linear.
91. The interpretative can be viewed as the broadest perception, into which the adaptive and linear models can be fitted.
92. Not only did it dislocate time and space, but it also undermined the linear structure of conventional narrative.
93. The importance of early recognition of Crohn's disease before it has such an adverse impact on linear growth is highlighted.
94. Fibrous tissue replaces this, the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar.
95. It clearly shows that revenue and total cost are treated as simple linear functions of the number of units produced and sold.
96. Shared care did not contribute to the multiple linear regression model.
97. The key notion is that of a linear operator on a vector space.
98. The best model for organic relationships was a branching tree, not a linear scale.
99. A factory-made widget once followed a linear path from design to manufacturing and delivery.
100. The animal kingdom does not display a linear pattern of species linking the lowest forms to humankind.
101. A multiple linear regression model was used to assess the independent effects on diabetic control of those variables studied.
102. But how would this disparate, lateral movement fit into a linear ideology?
103. A close approximation to these conditions has been attained by Mandelkern, who annealed a linear polyethylene for 40 days.
104. Some linear systems have the control element connected in shunt rather than in series with the supply, see Fig. 2.
105. One is its association with the rather questionable linear model of economic change proposed by Fisher and Clark.
106. When considering circular motion it is often easier to work in terms of the angular velocity rather than ordinary linear velocity.
107. All lysosomal enzyme assays were linear with respect to time and protein concentration.
108. We assume a simple linear relationship between irradiance and cycle length, consistent with ref. 8.
109. In real life, neither proceeds in the linear, additive fashion envisioned in workbooks.
110. Linear and quadratic time trends were included to control for the upward trend in volume.
111. If the object is very distant, linear magnification becomes vanishingly small.
112. More important, the relation between class location and political allegiance is not linear and unproblematical.
113. One of the simplest truths about history is that progress is not linear.
114. And key questions emerge here: how do we deliver a linear curriculum without undermining the cyclical nature of the learning experience?
115. The poorer prognosis for linear growth among boys who develop Crohn's disease before puberty has not been previously reported.
116. Its very strong and linear grain marking makes excellent leaf veining.
117. Each patient had three measurements of bone mineral density and rates of bone loss were estimated by linear regression for each subject.
118. It is a linear function that has been clipped to minimum and maximum values,(http:///linear.html) which then makes it nonlinear.
119. Measurements of height and length remain the most important measurement for the assessment of skeletal linear growth.
120. The relationship between virulence and the frequency of single-foundress broods were roughly linear.
121. The action chosen by the long-lived agent in each period is a linear function of its type.
122. For the association-dissociation reactions, these relationships may be written as linear equations for the observed parameters or their powers.
123. It therefore reproduces the linear small-signal response of any four-terminal network and is appropriately referred to as the Z-parameter equivalent circuit.
124. To investigate relations between sets of possible explanatory factors and each outcome variable a stepwise multiple linear regression analysis was used.
125. This consists, basically, of, in other words it is a linear long-chain molecule much like Figure 7.
126. Correlation studies were performed using linear regression and Spearman's correlation coefficients were calculated.
127. Dampers are carefully designed so that this linear relationship is preserved over a wide range of speed difference.
128. But Isabella does not tell her story in linear sequence.
129. A program allows one to frequently modify the hypertext database and test its consequences for the linear form.
130. The rise was led by Linear Technology Corp., which reported stronger-than-expected fiscal second-quarter earnings.
131. After diagnosis, however, the prognosis for ultimate linear growth is good.
132. Note, we do not restrict player A to use a linear strategy.
133. Two-up printing also saves operating costs by squeezing more pages per linear foot of paper running through the printer.
134. For analogue transmission, the light output must vary in linear fashion with the electrical inputs.
135. Time trends and age at diagnosis were evaluated with a linear regression model by the method of least squares.
136. Bourne says that the rewrite has now achieved linear performance increases across multiple processors running a database.
137. Unfortunately, even the most forward-looking women assume a linear progression toward equality.
138. Linear, additive models are easier to work with than more complex mathematical models.
139. Furthermore, the exhaust gases have trouble exiting the engine bell in a smooth and linear flow.
140. But more than that, linear functions are not very useful.
141. I progressed happily through differential equations and linear algebra to upper-level engineering courses on time-series analysis and computer programming.
142. Childhood Crohn's disease is often complicated by retardation of linear growth and pubertal development.
143. However, the parallel between a linear acceleration and gravitation is conceptually simpler.
144. Stanford will get its linear colliding-beam accelerator on a rush basis.
145. The creation of linear sequences from the excerpts of our lives.
146. Where the curves in Fig. 1 a peak, objects have typically spread to 5-10 times their initial linear dimensions.
147. Their comparative analysis tests the linear and non-linear forms of the relationship between income inequality and political violence.
148. Aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with synthetic platelet activating factor.
149. One significant development was the introduction of linear programming.
150. The relations between monitoring information and quality factors are substantially non linear,(http:///linear.html) it will make model more error to describe such relations by linear model.
151. A cascade neural network composed of double-layer radial basis function (RBF) and linear basis function (LBF) is proposed for pattern classification .
152. First chapter : We introduce the history of the linear operator equation and it'snumerical solutions. Meanwhile, introduce the history of the development of the re-producing kernel theory.
153. Every function whose derivative is linear is a quadratic function.
154. An important case is the linear homogeneous second - order differential equation with constant coefficients.
155. In chapter 4, at first, the VSC problem of a kind of the neutral linear control system with time delays is studied.
156. The linear crystal starch prepared with pullulanase would be a novel material to replace the expensive microcrystal cellulose currently used in the tableting industry.
157. This paper introduces the difficult assistant teaching software of circuit and its application in the transient state analysis of second-order linear dynamic circuit.
158. Binding affinities of a series of benzamide inhibitors for trypsin were evaluated by molecular dynamics (MD) simulations using a linear response approach.
159. In the design of the linear accelerating structure, the coupling factor between cavities is a crucial parameter.
160. Using linear control theory formed a high - speed electric spindle speed sensorless vector variable frequency control methods.
161. The formula of solutions is established for the initial problem and period boundary value problem of first order variable coefficient linear impulsive differential equations.
162. A method based on linear congruential generator(LCG) is used to construct random interleavers for interleave-division multiple-access(IDMA).
163. Results 6 cases of pelvic insufficiency fracture had abnormal X ray findings of fracture lines and linear scleroses oriented parallel to the adjacent joint or perpendicular to the main trabeculae.
164. The approximation of a linear dependency between heat flow and temperature difference leads to satisfactory results.
165. The best cup characteristic are produced when the ratio of the degradation of trigonelline to the derivation of Nicotinic Acid remains linear.
166. An over-modulation technique, a continuous extension of space vector PWM (SVPWM) linear control scheme for the three-phase current source rectifier (CSR) is introduced.
167. And first to derive the transformation matrix D by using "Linear algebraic method". And then obtain an incidence submatrix A.
168. Methods The precision, recovery rate, the examination limit(), the linear scope and the interference experiments were done by improving biuret reagent in order to ensure the method's basic function.
169. Based on the iterative solution of linear algebra equations, the parallel computational steps are introduced in this method.
170. Finally, the ARM echo is integrated by linear frequency modulated matched filter. We got some valuable conclusion by analyzing the performance under unmatched condition.
171. Results Of a total of 100 cases, 51 (51%) were confirmed as linear scleroderma, 26 (26%) as plaque morphea, 26 (26%) as deep morphea, 12 (12%) as generalized morphea, and 15 (15%) as a mixed subtype.
172. The paper presents the control structure of a non_circular machining system which is based on linear motor direct feed drive.
173. I did this by using a software linear feedback shift register to generate pseudorandom values; see Resources.
174. Linear RED is simple and easy to calculate; however, when average queue size is near to the minimum and maximum threshold, the loss rate is unreasonable.
175. This paper presented a optimum linear multiuser detector in terms of minimum mean bit error rate, and given a approximate method of solving the detector - method of training single perceptron.
176. A geomorphic instantaneous unit hydrograph model is developed based on linear dynamic wave.
177. Linear movement, base and suspended mounted, single and double deck, single motor with gear drive and two motors with SELSYN drive.
177. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
178. This paper describes operating principle, test and use of FL-type linear displacement-velocity measuring instrument.
179. The results show that the stability analysis theorem is consistent with the Liapunov stability theorem for linear systems.
180. The paper uses the Convex Function to form the order Statistics and the Linear Rank Statistics, and prove the asymptotic normality of the statistics.
181. Through exploration of the point spread function of the blur of uniform linear motion, a novel method based on frequency-domain algorithm for identification of motion-blur direction was presented.
182. Graphite and even its linear counterpart, poly ( p - phenylene ) are too insoluble, infusible, and brittle.
183. A design method for pre-compensator in frequency domain of aeroengine multivariable control system based on diagonal dominance and the method of linear matrix inequalities (LMI) is presented.
184. In this paper, the recursive filtering problem for linear discrete systems with delay observations is concerned. By using joint distribution function, we obtain the recursive form of the filter.
185. The implementation process of linear interpolation and circular interpolation were described, and some of the code were given.
186. Longer the cutting of years, the relationship of species diversity and aboveground biomass is more linear trend parallel to the X-axis.
187. The fourth part deeply analyzes relationship of labor productivity and employment during the transformation period by the way of empirical analysis and one-dimensional linear Recursive Analysis.
188. Break linear kite how the road canned find out back to return?How to stop the footstep of divagation flowing cloud?
189. Feb import dual - use monitoring system is linear and IC packaging.
190. The deconvolution filter is made up of an output observer and a linear mapping, where the latter reflects the internal connection between the unknown input signals and the output estimate error.
191. This research has revealed that composing is a non - linear and exploratory process.
192. Mr. Smith the linear. Do hang up , please. I have the call transferredanother line.
193. We studied and compared the static and dynamic games of two oligarchic enterprises on second-degree price discrimination under the condition of linear demand functions.
194. A method of enhancing the precision of linear borderline measurement is proposed, and the highest precision that the limited density data sampling can reach is discussed.
195. An identification approach by projected gradient search is proposed for parameter estimation of weighted combination of local linear state-space models.
196. Graphite and even its linear counterpart, poly ( p - phenylene ) are too insoluble.
197. Point radioautography was in 8 cases and linear radioautography on 1 case.
198. The well-known American sports agents and marketing companies linear soft-shoe brand K Roller Skating shoes (SoftbootTM skate). This marks Brand X will again leave China to expand outdoor market.
199. In motions of rotation angular momentum appears in much the same way as linear momentum appears in motion of translation.
200. A hypertext system is mainly determined through non - linear links of information.
201. The experimentation shows that hardness and wear show non linear relation. The rate of wear depends on many factors.
202. The results showed that it was significant negative linear correlation between nitrogen rate and grain test weight, wt. per 1000 kernels, milling yield.
203. In Linear system, Fourier Transform (FT), Fourier Series (FST), Fourier Z Transform (FZT) and Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) are used to analyze and process signals.
204. The common resource constraint for inventory systems is a linear resource constraint which may result in high operating costs in multi-item (R, Q) inventory systems.
205. For fast calculating the signed distance from spatial point to STL model, a reference ball method was put foward based on linear octree.
206. Other free texts on subjects including linear algebra and oceanography are also available at globaltext . org.
207. For comparison,(http:///linear.html) its analogue linear polymer ( 5 ) was also synthesized.
208. In the linear case, it is the same as the minimum variance parameter adaptive control.
209. The linear response and the frequency characteristic of the spring system are studied theoretically and experimentally.
210. The characteristics of the system are both large linear field of view and large relative aperture.
211. In addition, this text explores the optimum distribution question of the limited fund with the linear programming model, attempt to analysis complicated problem quantitatively.
212. Establishing optimize mode in term of the least cost and transform to integral linear programming on single aim.
213. According to the theory of magnetic dipole, the leakage field model of a high-pressure-tube with linear defect was established in vertical low-intensity field.
214. With the embedded CPU's flexibility and micro engine's high throughput on packet processing, the evolutionary router can achieve nearly linear speed throughput.
215. Her novel subverts the conventions of linear narrative. It has no neat chronology and no tidy denouement.
216. According to linear superposition principle of quantum mechanics, it is constructed respectively two new type of multi-mode superposition state light field.
217. By definition, the future beyond the Singularity is not knowable by our linear, chemical, animal brains, but Kurzweil is teeming with theories about it.
218. A novel, highly linear sampling switch suitable for low-voltage operation is proposed.
219. Results This model can uncover the non - linear relationship between disease and age.
220. Table 1 – Accepted deiation for linear measurement except for chamfer edges.
221. The remnant n ( t ) is the difference between the actual pilot output and the linear approximation to it.
222. Radar waveforms that can using pulse compression technology are linear frequency modulation, nonlinear frequency modulation, phase coded pulse.
223. The linear correlation regression equation of fetal weight, CR length and fertilization age were set up.
224. To illustrate the foregoing analysis, consider a linear elestic solid.
225. Lastly, the linear array transducer for the urinary system disease is designed.
226. We introduce a kind of shunt-wound structure with a linear adaptive filter and a nonlinear adaptive filter. Using it, we design adaptive modeling, adaptive inverse modeling and controller.
227. A linear transformation on Milbert space is called compact ( also completely continuous ).
228. He added that the International Linear Collider is still in the planning stages, and he thinks it might be 2025 before it's built. If we can finally see dark matter, Barish added...
229. Smoothing of trajectory imply that linear dynamical system is stochastic trajectory modeling.
230. The problem of solving linear equations changed equivalently into the problem of searching the minimum of unconstrained optimizations of function by variation principle in the paper.
231. The address of pixels to be scrambled is selected by pseudo random number sequence generated by a class of perturbance-based piecewise linear chaotic map (PB-PLCM).
232. The equivalence of two X 2 forms for linear function fit is proved.
233. Variance component model of the random effects of covariance matrix unit for the "Linear model introduction" matrix has been studied.
234. Then, a linear estimation process is used to obtain the relative quantity of estrogen receptors.
235. The linear change after heating may be reduced by adding kyanite.
236. With the method of linear regression, the paper discusses the factors associated with fitter's operation skill.
237. This paper presents a strongly polynomial algorithm for a class of linear programming problems.
237. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
238. Every basis of a linear space contains the same number of vectors.
239. It has advantage on other methods that only one linear functional equation is requested to be solved in on iteration.
240. For solving the linear system with the iterative method, it is very important to estimate the spectral radius of the iterative matrices and give the convergence analysis.
241. The resulting linear sequence of amino acids is a newly minted protein molecule, formed precisely according to the code imprinted in the section of DNA that was used.
242. Teacher's personal concept of education is non - linear and whole with personal subjectivity.
243. Even a nominally linear device can be linear only up to a certain limiting amplitude.
244. As a non-linear filter, the morphological filter outperforms the linear filter(eg. Gaussian filter) in precise edge localization, and better represents the detailed spatial information of images.
245. A linear state error feedback control technique is utilized to synchronize two coupling cantilever beam system.
246. Linear distortion model was used and the distortion coefficients were obtained by resolving overdetermined linear equations and least square method.
247. The basic rules of linear perspective were now accessible to any artist.
248. By means of fluid model and linear field theory, the dispersion equation of the electromagnetic wave propagation along a cylindrical waveguide filled with an infinitely thin annular plasma.
249. This paper introduces some methods for solving constant coefficient non-homogeneous linear differential equation by means of examples .
250. The approach of the first type boundary condition and the block method used in large-scale linear equations are presented for the HRR model of isolated target in homogeneous half space.
251. The fuzzy linear programming duality theory has been also studied in this article; the related theorems corresponding to the duality theorems in classical linear programming were proposed and proved.
252. The L3 features a linear phase crossover which doesn't introduce phase distortion between the frequency bands. The crossover points are selectable by the user.
253. When calculating the Jacobian logarithmic function, a high performance linear operation is adopted so as to avoid the use of look-up table.
253. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
254. The inequality of Bellman - Bihari type is the nonlinear generalization of the noted linear Gronwall - Bellman inequality.
255. We avoid the interfere of different elements with the multiple linear regression Gamma - ray detector.
256. A calculation model of accelerator beam envelope has been developed. It can predict beam envelope in linear induction accelerator from the injector to the final focus region.
257. This thesis mainly studies the problem of the boundary value of second-order and third-order nonlinear and linear difference equation.
258. The linear defects were classified by the research of butt joint ray test papers.
259. Cost function is generally the object of drainage optimal model linear functions.
260. The simplest case, a linear form, was the starting point of the induction.




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