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单词 Latitude
1, The latitude of the island is 20 degrees south.
2, Our position is latitude 32 degrees north.
3, Our position is latitude 40 degrees north.
4, He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
5, Employees should have some latitude in organizing their work.
6, This method allows very little latitude for error.
7, The ship's latitude is 20 degrees south.
8, They allow their children far too much latitude.
9, At this latitude you often get strong winds.
10, They allow their children too much latitude, in my view; they should be stricter.
11, She was given considerable latitude in how she spent the money.
12, Nowadays, newspapers are allowed considerable latitude in criticizing the government.
13, He would be given every latitude in forming a new government.
14, Some degree of latitude is required in interpreting the law on this point.
15, Pupils enjoy considerable latitude in deciding what they want to study.
16, Courts can show a considerable degree of latitude when it comes to applying the law.
17, What latitude exists for bureaucrats to exercise discretion?
18, The panel has wide latitude in proposing a punishment.
19, This will probably give us more latitude to act.
20, The panel has wide latitude in proposing a sanction.
21, Once into the southern hemisphere the lines of latitude would become shorter and finally vanish at the south pole.
22, The Heinen letter claims' Latitude appears to specifically infringe Apple's patents and copyrights.
23, The latitude for administrative discretion in individual cases surely encouraged rather than checked official corruption.
24, This city is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.
25, The greatest part of Europe is situated above the 45 th degree of Northern Latitude.
26, The army must cease military operations above 36 degrees latitude north.
27, Beijing is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.
28, At the local level, too,(http:///latitude.html) there were calls for the maximum amount of latitude in self-administration.
29, Moreover it can also be used to pinpoint any archaeological finds by giving accurate latitude and longitude positions.
30, The Columbia program was enjoying enormous popularity because it offered the widest possible latitude both in studies and in its entrance requirements.
1, The latitude of the island is 20 degrees south.
2, Our position is latitude 32 degrees north.
3, Our position is latitude 40 degrees north.
4, He noted the latitude and longitude, then made a mark on the admiralty chart.
5, This city is close to the fortieth parallel of north latitude.
6, The greatest part of Europe is situated above the 45 th degree of Northern Latitude.
31, And the altitude effect is mirrored by a latitude effect.
32, A Member has no need to disguise his statement and will be allowed greater latitude in making it.
33, In any case, the current legal limits for caffeine are sufficiently high to allow a wide latitude of experimentation.
34, Having his own show gives Williams wide latitude to discuss controversial topics.
35, I certainly have to work cooperatively with others at my job, but there is great latitude for meaningful movement.
36, They gave them much latitude in day-to-day operations and allowed them to mould law and order policies according to counter-insurgency theories.
37, It is easily visible from Hilo in Hawaii, where the latitude is 20 degrees north.
38, They continuously transmit coded signals and time data that receivers use to compute latitude and longitude.
39, To have the latitude to make decisions about how work was performed 3.
40, It is true also that the most recent judicial statements afford considerable latitude to the public authority in devising its own procedures.
41, As a child, I learned the trick for remembering the difference between latitude and longitude.
42, By any name, the instrument soon helped sailors find their latitude and longitude.
43, Jasper knew he was allowed extreme latitude in almost everything he did.
44, Why did she allow the independent counsel, Kenneth Starr, so much latitude, asks the left?
45, In turn these open up the field to considerable latitude of local interpretation.
46, The time signals must originate from places of known latitude and longitude.
47, A normal type of brick pattern affords some latitude in the position of each brick along the horizontal row.
48, But he knows you give a certain latitude to superstars.
49, One minute of latitude at the Equator was defined as a nautical mile.
50, He said he was trying to find the latitude and longitude of the nearest pie.
51, Nevertheless,(http://) there does seem to be ample latitude in determining how many tests will be conclusive in a given case.
52, Judges already have substantial latitude to limit extraneous arguments that might mislead jurors; they could use it more often.
53, Women have an even broader latitude for enhancing their appearance.
54, Alex always was something of a rebel at heart ... Chapman gave Alex far more latitude than any other player.
55, In exchange, farmers would have wide latitude to plant almost any crop they wish.
56, It was intended to replace the recently abandoned Gold Standard, but gives a much greater latitude.
57, Since 1989 conservatives on the court have given states more latitude to restrict the conditions under which women terminate pregnancies.
58, However, some latitude is allowed if the landlord has only one opportunity to determine the lease on a specified date.
59, At Holy Trinity adult believers had always enjoyed a certain latitude.
60, Due to its high latitude, the hours of daylight are very long during summer.
61, That has given the government the latitude to pay its creditors and not default on its borrowings.
62, The Equator marked the zero-degree parallel of latitude for Ptolemy.
63, The decision would appear to give the medical profession considerable latitude in deciding what is necessary.
64, Lines of equal latitude are called parallels.
65, Don't make rigid restrictions; allow a certain latitude.
66, Thermosphere: Heating, density increase, expansion at high latitude.
67, The results mentioned above are important for studying the characteristics of low latitude ionosphere and are significant to develop an ionospheric prediction model.
68, What might be called New Latitude viniculture also now takes place in such unlikely locations as Bolivia, Ecuador, Kenya, Namibia and Sri Lanka.
69, A few common periods in the series of residual latitude (O-C) of four stations in China have been found by means of maximum entropy power spectrum, periodogram and least square fit methods.
70, Reading method of GPS's output information and processing method of longitude and latitude position information and time information are all studied in this paper.
71, At close range of altitude the factor determining the degree of ELR is latitude.
72, The conclusion was instructive and might be a reference to railroading in high latitude permafrost.
73, Each point on Earth is specified by geographic latitude and longitude.
74, A study of the rule of the diurnal variation of latitude and longitude, obtained with the astrolabe in Shanghai, leads us to the hypothesis that the diurnal var...
75, To retrieve the location (longitude and latitude) information, the following highlighted code segment has to be used in Visual Basic .NET, as described in Listing 10.
76, The British Isles lie between latitude 50'N and latitude 60'N.
77, Exposure latitude: Its lower limit is at the intersection point of the two curves, with an exposure time of 15 units for the example below.
77, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
78, The 51.6-degree inclination of the ISS was determined by the latitude of Baikonur Cosmodrome (also called Tyuratam), of 46 degrees.
79, Epi - Fissure - Karst Zone ( EFKZ ) is commonly observed in karst mountainous area at the middle latitude of P.
80, The Antarctica treaty applies to all areas ( the high seas excepted ) below latitude 60 degrees south.
81, It is found that distortions are produced for Maxwellian distribution of the ion velocity distribution due to a large convection electric field appearing in the high latitude region.
82, Research the basal concepts and formulas of coordinate conversion, the formulas of the radius of curvature in a normal section, the meridional length and the latitude of pedal are given.
83, Converting from UTM coordinates to latitude and longitude is a little easier than the reverse process.
84, Meridional heat transfer by large - scale eddies is most significant in the upper troposphere of middle latitude.
85, The Tropic of Cancer is the most northerly latitude in the Northern Hemisphere.
86, The new law allows firms a lot less latitude than before in fixing the price of their goods.
87, This project aims to investigate the features of the equivalent winds which derived from the ionosonde parameters at Chinese low latitude stations.
88, The Gaithersburg location was one of six around the world all on exactly the same line of latitude, 39 degrees, 8 minutes north. Today it's just a little white shack.
89, The reason of the strengthening of severe wind belt of low layer is due to the dynamicforce effect of upper layer jet and the transport effect of air particle of low latitude.
90, The space coordinate is established which are used to describe the macroscopic instability in the ionospheric F region at mid and low latitude.
91, The expansions of conformal latitude in map projection are studied in this paper.
92, The significance of these differences in terms of controlling image transfer will depends on the film and exposure latitude of the plate being used.
93, The movement of the place where the polar air mass and the horse latitude pacific air mass meet (joined band) affects the fire seasons and fire occurrent rates in the east part of China.
94, Argentina, Australia, Japan, Britain, France, South Africa's latitude and longitude position.
95, That is why snakes cannot survive north or south of 69 latitude.
96, The earliest instrument for determining latitude was the quadrant, which measured the altitude of the polestar or the noonday sun.
97, This paper mainly introduces how to realize plottings of longitude and latitude grid line, standard map fram and type of graph in the geophysical and geochemical map by WIN-SURFER system.
98, It was observed that the magnetic susceptibility profile in soils related to the latitude, magnetic base of the parent materials, climatic condition, soil pedogenesis and ripening.
99, Central authorities didn't respond to requests for comment on the Zhejiang campaign; provincial authorities have wide latitude to set commercial policy.
100, Although the Fed is bound to pursue stable prices and full employment, it has wide latitude in how it defines those goals.
101, The author brings forward the method dispose of error for gyroscope trend item cause of north seeking error, and analyzes latitude error and two pose angle error.
102, Guam is in 13 '26'N . latitude and 144 '39'E . longitude.
103, Exposure Latitude: Degree to which film can be underexposed or overexposed and still yield satisfactory results.
104, Latitude observations with the zenith telescope ZTL-180 have been continued at the Tientsin Latitude Station.
105, Simulative and testing results show that the azimuth error is the function of azimuth, latitude and attitude.
106, Then he sent Jenniskens figures detailing the address—latitude, longitude and altitude—of the asteroid every six miles en route to Earth, plus its speed and angle of approach.
107, Longitude - latitude areas around the region in different landforms, vegetation, very different style.
108, Realize the use of MATLAB by latitude and longitude coordinates to Beijing 54 coordinate conversion.
109, He used the scientific cartography method and latitude and the end of the five continents.
110, Mid - latitude westerly winds have generally increased in both hemispheres.
111, The most common projection after geographic (latitude and longitude) is the transverse Mercator projection.
112, Photographs with GPS information stored inside EXIF block show longitude, latitude location.
113, Fig .5.13. Representation of the wind system and precipitation area ( stippled ) in a middle - latitude cyclone.
114, On average, gravity wave activities vary seasonally and weaken with increasing latitude, and exhibit interannual variations near the Equator.
115, Recall from " Grails services and Google Maps" that you created a Geocoding service to convert street addresses to latitude/longitude points so that an Airport could be plotted on a map.
116, "One dimensional" is the theoretical latitude Herbert Marcuse use to animadvert on toady's developed industrial society.
117, The purpose of changing its rigid MOI policy should be to make up for its inadequacies. However, under the EDB's proposals, schools would enjoy great latitude. That seems an overcorrection .
118, As for me, I only use Latitude with family. I use check-in apps with a wider group of friends.
119, Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.
120, Objective To evaluate the altitude and latitude dependence of neutron dose of cosmic radiation encountered by aircrew of international airlines.
121, The Constitution imposes on President the duty to take the law of nations seriously, but gives the President independent interpretive latitude in exercising that function.
122, You then project (or transform) the coordinate from WGS84 latitude and longitude (EPSG:4326) to the map's current projection (Spherical Mercator) and zoom to it.
123, Mariners were also able to fix their latitude , by using an instrument called an astrolabe.
124, The troposphere is the layer from the earth's surface to the tropopause, which is at 10-15 km altitude depending on latitude and time of year. (Mt.
125, Representation of the wind system and precipitation area stippled in a middle - latitude cyclone.
126, This returns a double array, where the first element (array index [0]) is latitude and second element (array index [1]) is longitude.
127, World-wide glacial event in an ice age not only contributes to eustatic sea level changes but also penetrates to the shelf carbonate environments and sedimentation coeval low latitude area.
128, The latitude of customs to reclassify products was also reduced.
129, The northernmost part of China is south of latitude 54'N.
130, The table has six columns, starting with the latitude and longitude values and the original address provided for the article (for example, Fremont, CA).
131, It is shown that the TEC variation is associated with the local time the solar perturbing occurred and the coupling of the ionospheric particles of high latitude with the solar particle.
132, For our purposes here, geocoding is defined as finding the latitude and longitude for a given address.
133, Air cushion rubber blanket maximum characterizedby compressibility, liner latitude than ordinary blanket.
134, Line of latitude refers to the small circles parallel to the equator in the map.
135, An isometric mesh on the concave of a spherical substrate was formed by latitude line intersection each other, in which latitude lines was generated by a concentric optical scanning method.
136, In order to overcome the unstableness of reduction-to-the-pole at low and intermediate latitude, there are varieties of methods of reduction-to-the-pole.
137, Terrestrial latitude is measured in degrees north or south from the equator.
137, try its best to collect and create good sentences.
138, Parallel on the Korean peninsula is located 38 degrees north latitude, near a military demarcation line.
139, This generally requires a systematic mathematical transformation of the earth's graticule of lines of longitude and latitude onto a plane.
140, The prime meridian is at 0 degrees longitude, and the international date line is at 180 degrees. The equator is at 0 degrees latitude.
141, In principle, turning given latitude and longitude coordinates into a point location is simple, but taking care of some of the practical contingencies makes it more complex than you might expect.
142, The latitude, Denmark, Lake Baikal, Kamchatka Peninsula has seismic. Attention to the Danish weather disasters.
143, Data from this service is provided in NAD83 latitude/longitude coordinates (EPSG code 4269), which is incompatible with your requirement of using Spherical Mercator projection.
144, The large exposure latitude in flat panel imaging means that retakes, due to over and under exposure, are virtually eliminated.
145, Mariners were also able to fix their latitude by using an instrument called astrolabe.
146, The global distributions of tropopause height and temperature and their temporal variation depending on latitude, by using the method of Lapse Rate Tropopause (LRT), are discussed.
147, It is noted that in these two years, more and more Vietnamese boats enter the region north to the latitude of 12 degree to fishing. Some boats even sail into the water surrounding the Dongsha Islands.
148, Moulin rouge in bordeaux wine in the region, and the quality of latitude and moulin rouge nightclub in Paris, the famous soaring.
149, Zhuang Jin for cotton yarn to by, for the five - color line of latitude and woven into.
150, Horizon latitude: the angular distance of a celestial object above the horizon.
151, In recent years, there are much fewer evergreen broad-leaved trees; and their expansion of new species is difficult in the LA of higher latitude regions.
152, Formation of glacier worldwide is all related with high sea level and high latitude.
153, All planes perpendicularto the solar axis intersect the solar sphere along circles of latitude.
154, Minus sign indicates west of prime meridian in longitude and south of equator in latitude.
155, Because of the specific choice of the coordinates of the fixed station 41 and the futed latitude of station 10, the terrestial coordinate system (U) and the satellite system (S) are parallel.
156, They gave him more latitude, but did not cancel this particular injunction.
157, Because the opponent is not expected to see a screener behind him, the player screened is given latitude of movement.
158, Loggerhead turtles sense latitude by the planet's magnetic field intensity, and new research finds they're good at determining their longitude too,[http:///latitude.html] probably via the field's inclination.
159, Regression analysis shows that growth of Cryptomeria, but not of China fir, can be predicted by the latitude and longitude of the provenance.
160, This method performs its conversion by calling various methods to get the latitude and longitude zone and calculating the easting and northing and so on.
161, Tropic of capricorn and cancer is the furthest latitude of sunlight.




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