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单词 hurry
释义 Word family  noun hurry adjective hurried ≠ unhurried verb hurry adverb hurriedly  hur·ry1 /ˈhʌri $ ˈhɜːri/ ●●● S3 W3 verb (hurried, hurrying, hurries)  1  [intransitive, transitive]HURRY to do something or go somewhere more quickly than usual, especially because there is not much time 赶紧,匆忙 SYN rush If we hurry, we’ll get there in time. 要是赶紧的话,我们能及时到那里。 I hate having to hurry a meal. 我讨厌匆匆忙忙地吃饭。 We’ll have to hurry, otherwise we’ll miss the start. 我们得赶紧,否则就会错过开头部分了。 There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time. 不必匆忙,我们有的是时间。hurry to do something They were hurrying to catch their train. 他们匆匆忙忙去赶火车。hurry through/along/down etc She hurried down the corridor as fast as she could. 她以最快速度沿着走廊急匆匆地走了。hurry after John hurried after his girlfriend. 约翰急匆匆地追赶他的女朋友。2  [transitive]HURRY to make someone do something more quickly 催促 SYN rush Don’t hurry me. I’m doing this as fast as I can. 别催我,我正在尽快干呢。hurry somebody into (doing) something She doesn’t want to be hurried into making a decision. 她不想被人催着仓促作决定。3  [transitive always + adverb/preposition]FAST/QUICK to take someone or something quickly to a place 急送 SYN rushhurry something to/through/across etc something Emergency supplies have been hurried to the areas worst hit by the famine. 应急物资已经被紧急运往饥荒最严重的地区。4 hurry up phrasal verb a) hurry up! spokenHURRY used to tell someone to do something more quickly 快点! Hurry up! We’re late! 快点,我们要迟到了!b) hurry somebody/something up to make someone do something more quickly, or to make something happen more quickly 催促某人/某事,使某人/某事加快 See if you can hurry things up a little. 看看你能否再加快一点。 THESAURUShurry to go somewhere or do something more quickly than usual, for example because you are late or you must finish something soon 赶紧,匆忙If you don’t hurry, you’ll miss the bus. 不赶紧的话,你就赶不上公共汽车了。We have plenty of time. There’s no need to hurry. 我们有的是时间,不用着急。rush to go somewhere very quickly, or to do something too quickly and without thinking carefully enough 急速行进;仓促行事Everyone rushed out into the street to see what was happening. 大家都冲到街上去看发生了什么事。Try to answer the questions calmly, without rushing. 回答问题要尽量冷静,别急。nA police car rushed past.dash to go somewhere very quickly, especially because there is something important or urgent you must do 〔尤因有重要或紧急的事而〕猛冲,急奔I’ve got to dash to the shops to get some more milk. 我得赶紧到商店去再买些牛奶来。nShe had to dash off and get the kids from a hurry/in a rush doing something quickly because you do not have much time, usually with the result that you make mistakes 匆匆忙忙,赶时间〔常指导致犯错〕She had left in a hurry, and forgotten her passport. 她走得匆忙,忘了带护照。I had to choose a present for her in a rush. 我只得匆匆忙忙给她选了份礼物。get a move on/get moving informal to start to do something or go somewhere more quickly than before 赶紧〔做某事或去某处〕Get a move on – it’s already 8 o'clock! 快点——已经8点钟了!nI think we’d better get moving, it’s only five minutes to boarding time.get cracking informal to start working quickly 抓紧时间It’s time you got cracking with your homework. 你该抓紧时间做功课了。nWhen Alfie arrives we’ll get cracking moving the furniture.→ See Verb tableExamples from the Corpushurry• Brewing beer is a long process and should not be hurried.• Fand, standing guard outside the Tower, had warned her to hurry.• We have plenty of time, there's no need to hurry.• The day was cold, and students hurried across campus to warm classrooms.• Elizabeth disappeared into the crowd and Donald had to hurry after her.• I do not agree with this frenetic trend to hurry children toward paper-and-pencil drills and skills.• The rare passersby hurried, emitting puffs of vapor from their nostrils.• While he was packing, the letter from Izz and Marian arrived, and made him hurry even more.• Who of the young but hurried forth?• Below her a gigantic cat head also dozes, while a furtive, headless male figure hurries off to the left.• Kicking aside a shattered bone, he hurried on.• Their mother hurried the children across the street.• As the warriors turned to fight, Joseph hurried the helpless ones towards the gorge into which Canyon Creek ran.• Please hurry - this is an emergency.• In the kitchen Paul was hurrying to get the dinner ready before six o'clock.hurry to do something• Congress hurried to enact a $151 billion highways bill.• They hurried to end any conversation and get on their way.• Alarmed, she had hurried to it, to notice immediately that a small jade figurine was missing.• Like admonished children they hurried to leave.• Recall Land's description of hurrying to tell his friend of his vision of the camera.• Finally I hurried to the kitchen, where I washed in a great hurry.• Lyden hurries to the patient, often already in radiology.• Office and factory girls were hurrying to their work, some boarding trams and some walking.• I won't be hurrying to try it again.hurry somebody into (doing) something• I was in no hurry to look into it.• I hurried to get into my clothes-but I couldn't find my shoes anywhere.• He hurried the will into proper form and brought it down for signature.• It turned and hurried away into the darkness.• He hurried out into the forecourt, and on.• She hurried back into the house.• Carson let the door swing behind him, hurrying through into the sitting room and reaching for the receiver.hurry2 ●●● S3 noun  1  in a hurry HURRYmore quickly than usual 匆匆忙忙,仓促,赶时间 SYN in a rush Sorry, I can’t stop, I’m in a hurry. 对不起,我不能停下,我赶时间。 You’ll make mistakes if you do things in too much of a hurry. 做事太仓促会出错。be in a hurry to do something Why are you in such a hurry to leave? 你干吗这么急着要走? ► Do not say that you are ‘in hurry’. Say that you are in a hurry.不要说 you are ‘in hurry’. 而要说 you are in a hurry.2  (there’s) no hurry spokenHURRY used to tell someone that they do not have to do something quickly or soon 不用着急 Pay me back whenever you can. There’s no great hurry. 随便什么时候还我钱都行,不用太着急。3  somebody will not be doing something (again) in a hurry spokenWANT used to say that someone does not want to do something again 某人再也不愿干某事 We won’t be going back there again in a hurry. 我们再也不愿回到那里去了。4  in your hurry to do something HURRYwhile you are trying to do something too quickly 在匆忙做某事时 In his hurry to leave the room, he tripped over a chair. 他匆匆忙忙离开房间的时候,被椅子绊倒了。5  be in no hurry/not be in any hurry (to do something) a) HURRYto be able to wait because you have a lot of time in which to do something 不急于(做某事),不着急(做某事) Take your time – I’m not in any hurry. 慢慢来,我不着急。 b) to be unwilling to do something or not want to do it soon 不想(急着)做某事 He was clearly in no hurry to reply to our letter. 他显然不想给我们回信。6  what’s (all) the hurry?/why (all) the hurry? spokenHURRY used to say that someone is doing something too quickly 急什么? We’ve got plenty of time – what’s all the hurry? 我们有的是时间,这么急干吗?Examples from the Corpushurry• Habibi was an impatient horse and was always in a hurry to do everything before she was even asked.• The Bears will have to find cohesion in a hurry.• The Raiders packed up their victory and left in a hurry.• Cars went past in a hurry to somewhere.• But she made it to daylight in one hell of a hurry.• What are they in such a hurry for?• He raised the gun and without hurry brought it down upon my skull.Origin hurry1 (1600-1700) Probably copying the actionhur·ry1 verb →THESAURUS1hurry2 nounLDOCE OnlineChineseSyllable  do go to something or somewhere Corpus




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