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单词 Truman
1. President Truman desegregated the American armed forces in 1948.
2. Truman had a strong dislike for communism.
3. Truman allowed him to stagger on for nearly another two years.
4. It seemed a singularly ill-judged enterprise for Truman to undertake.
5. In mid-June 1948 Truman ordered the airlift.
6. Truman ordered the development of the hydrogen bomb accelerated.
7. Four days later Truman cast the die.
8. Truman decided upon the latter course.
9. Clay and Truman quickly scotched such talk.
10. The Truman Doctrine met that requirement.
11. Public opinion swung back to Truman.
12. Truman had unprecedented power at his fingertips and a program for the world that he believed was self-evidently good.
13. Estes Kefauver by party leaders,[/truman.html] with Harry Truman at their helm.
14. However, Truman was persuaded by Acheson to appoint Dulles in April 1950 as consultant on foreign affairs.
15. Truman did not actually sign the military aid legislation until July 26, 1950.
16. The days when politicians such as Roosevelt or Truman could appeal to a natural working-class constituency are gone.
17. Frictions between the Truman administration and MacArthur on the conduct of the war came to a head in April 1951.
18. He and his staff lobbied President Truman to create a national commission on civil rights.
19. Like Truman two decades earlier, Humphrey did his best to overcome the severe handicap of a badly split party.
20. Truman was not prepared to do so as yet, despite the fact that in general he fully supported Acheson.
21. In the spring of 1949, Truman enjoyed success after success.
22. Truman did not threaten to use force to impose his views.
23. Truman had to learn through experience in office without a period of gradually accumulating knowledge in a subordinate position.
24. A failed haberdasher before going into politics, Truman seemed overwhelmed by the job.
25. During his speech, he invoked the memory of Harry Truman.
26. The shape of post-war Europe was decided in Potsdam in 1945 by the Allied triumvirate of Churchill, Truman and Stalin.
27. The last time she heard from him was when he wanted her to translate and mail a letter to President Truman.
28. The only consolation for the Alsops lay in the fact that just about everyone had underestimated Harry Truman in 1948.
29. Beyond its windows, looking over the lawns to Pennsylvania Avenue, is the Truman Balcony.
30. They amazed everyone by winning in a landslide, helping Harry Truman squeak through in Illinois.
1. President Truman desegregated the American armed forces in 1948.
31. Against great odds, Truman went on to defeat Republican Thomas Dewey.
32. The State Department, meanwhile, was preparing a message for Truman to deliver to the Congress and the nation.
33. Again, therefore, Truman had to be satisfied with pursuing only parts of his reform programme.
34. Truman, Harriman, and others viewed the United States as the chief defender of Western civilization.
35. Specialists on Indochina were considerably less optimistic during the early days of the Truman administration.
36. President Truman ordered Clark to take every action to apprehend and convict the murderers.
37. Dewey himself campaigned with the portly dignity of an incumbent, while Truman screeched and kicked like an outsider.
38. Harry S Truman, personally decent,[/truman.html] was damaged by an unreasoning loyalty to corrupt associates.
39. He had tried, insofar as he was capable, to ease the policy of permanent crisis he had inherited from Truman.
40. Police have confirmed that they are questioning a woman about the disappearance of baby Kelly Truman.
41. The president himself ordered studies of the feasibility of tougher policies than had been been pursued under Truman against the Soviet bloc.
42. Labor leaders figured that given the political mood of the time, Truman was the best candidate.
43. One of the first, and surely the most important, of those to feel these impulses was President Truman.
44. Truman was so angry that he impounded the first funds, but he gradually lost interest in the whole affair.
45. Truman had been propelled into the presidency through the sudden death of Franklin Roosevelt on 12 April 1945.
46. Truman, who particularly relished a political battle when he was the underdog, fought back.
47. But good news came when Truman appointed Dean Acheson secretary of state.
48. Joe suggested that the secretary was advocating a foreign policy in conflict with that of Byrnes and Truman.
49. Truman had struck a responsive chord with the majority of his countrymen.
50. Truman was initially less enthusiastic over the appointment owing to criticisms expressed by Dulles in the previous campaign in New York state.
51. Presidents Truman and Kennedy, for instance, each granted more than 40 percent of all clemency requests.
52. The Alsops' war with Truman and Johnson centered on disagreements about the nature of the Soviet threat.
53. In 1948 and 1964, Truman and Johnson were running for the presidency for the first time.
54. Despite all this, Kennan was upset when he read the speech Truman was to deliver to the Congress.
55. Truman played for time by appointing a brains trust of three to advise him.
56. On September 23, 1949, Truman declared that the Soviets had detonated an atomic bomb.
57. In a special message to Congress on February 2, 1948, Truman urged the passage of this recommended legislation.
58. Truman and Congress agreed with Vannevar Bush.
59. Yes! Like President Truman said, The buck stops here.
60. One was the Truman Doctrine.
61. Mr. Mondale quoted from Truman in his speech.
62. The smart money said Truman would lose the election.
63. President Harry Truman chose Bernard Baruch, the distinguished businessman and White House adviser, to present the plan to the United Nations.
64. The military services were segregated (until President Truman issued a desegregation order in 1948), as were the schools in 17 states and the District of Columbia.
65. So Truman, forgetting regime change, decided the United States would aim only to restore prewar battle lines. Gen. Omar Bradley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs, described the new U.
66. It has been assumed by some people, especially those with an interest in discrediting George Marshall and the Truman administration, that this truce prevented Chiang from conquering Manchuria .
67. Vandenberg was in every respect a partner of Truman regarding the Marshall Plan, the Truman Doctrine, the creation of NATO, and other initiatives.
68. At the time, fierce fighting in the Pacific continued and United States President Harry Truman was considering an invasion of Japan.
68. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
69. The letter "S" comprises the full middle name of the 33rd president, Harry S. Truman. It represents two of his grandfathers , whose names both had "S" in them.
70. For these reasons, Truman says the risk of contracting leprosy from brief contact with an armadillo, or even from moving armadillo roadkill, is low.
71. U.S. President Harry Truman once remarked: " The buck stops here! "
72. Following World War II, the first U.S. commitment to Europe came in the form of the 1947 Truman Doctrine.
73. They discussed how Truman had passed his miracle a dozen years earlier.
74. As President Harry S. Truman told the assembled delegates at the closing session of the San Francisco conference, the "principle of justice is the foundation stone of this Charter."
75. That was how Truman Capote summed up the murders with somewhat greater drama, referring to the four Clutter victims and their two attackers who died later on the gallows.
76. On Dec .31, 1946, President Truman declared an end to the period of World War ll hostilities.
77. Guiding by this strategy, the U. S. drafted " the Atlantic Alliance policy" , which included Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan, the Point Four Program and NATO.
78. All my life I have fought against prejudice and intolerance(Harry S Truman.
79. President Truman and his military advisers were concerned World War Three would start.
80. Some days she was able to pick herself up, and Truman Capote, lunching with her early in June, was surprised to note, “There was a new maturity about her eyes.
81. They could have followed in the footsteps of good men like my father, or President Truman.
82. And I think a lot about George Marshall and Harry Truman and the Marshall Plan.
83. "A President either is constantly on top of events or, if he hesitates, events will soon be on top of him" (Harry S Truman).
84. Not long afterwards the U.S. President Truman made his belligerent State of Union Message.
85. The Truman Doctrine effectively stopped communists from taking control of Greece and Turkey.
86. There's the winner of the Truman Capote look - alike contest.
87. But Harry Truman inherited two great wars, an atom bomb and an ally, Joseph Stalin, about to dishonor his commitments and enslave half of Europe.
88. In The Truman Show, when Truman realised the artificiality of his suburban existence, he escaped.
89. As the pioneering and classic work of new-journalism, In Cold Blood is claimed by Truman Capote to be a real account of a murder case.
90. President Harry Truman and Secretary of State George Marshall understood this when, in the wake of the Second World War, they laid out a plan to rebuild Europe.
91. Harry Truman ( 1884 - 1972 ) in the afternoon of April 12, 1945, President Franklin D . Roosevelt died.
92. Harry Truman loved to sit in an old rocker in the evenings.
93. Acheson's speech, Truman was known as " the prelude to the Marshall Plan. "
94. Truman was vice president until President Franklin Roosevelt died suddenly in the closing months of the war.
95. In the spring of nineteen fifty-two, Harry Truman offered his support to Adlai Stevenson.
96. This policy of aid, popularly known as the Truman Doctrine, was an American challenge to Soviet ambitions throughout the world.
97. Forever to his credit, US President Harry Truman recognized the nascent state of Israel within minutes of its declaration of independence.
98. Truman and every Democrat who ran for the White House for the next half century berated Republican Herbert Hoover for the Depression.
98. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
99. "The convention system has its faults, of course, but I do not know of a better method for choosing a presidential nominee" (Harry S Truman).
100. Harry Truman thrived on the cut and thrust of politics.
101. Of the others, Harry Truman, Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon all considered sacking him, but, files aside, they had good political reasons for keeping Hoover.
102. Talk, is the largest of the Nimitz class nuclear - powered aircraft carrier, Harry Truman, it is now.
103. President Truman once said he wants an economic advisor who is one handed.
104. Leffler, Melvyn . A Preponderance of Power: National Security the Truman Administration and the Cold War . 1992.
105. It was made by US president Harry S Truman in 1948, in response to politically motivated attacks against scientists associated with the dark era of McCarthyism.
106. President Harry S. Truman and Gen. Douglas MacArthur share a happier moment together on Wake Island in 1950.
107. Second was the failure of the recent Truman Doctrine – an outspoken scheme to help Greece and Turkey fight Soviet pressures – to indicate a constructive way forward for all.
108. Part of the Cold War policy developed by John Foster Dulles to contain expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence, the doctrine continued pledges made under the Truman Doctrine.
109. Truman, he said, was sympathetic and seemed understand how hard the judgment had been.
110. President Truman responded by calling for an extension of military training.
111. He said he’d never “had the annoyance” of meeting Truman Capote, who apparently sicced various “crazy people” on him, people who all closed their letters by saying that Truman sent his best regards.
112. Harry S. Truman was the thirty-third President of the United States (1945–1953).
113. In 1948 President Truman made the first push for universal health care in our country.
114. The previous record was set by Harry Truman back in January 1952.
115. Potsdam Conference of Allied leaders Truman, Stalin and Churchill ( later replaced by Attlee ) began.
116. In 1947, the Truman Doctrine promulgated, which is officially a symbol to the beginning of the US-Soviet "cold war".
117. Harry Truman 's grand scheme fizzled as did Dwight Eisenhower's more modest one.
118. And Truman decided to go ahead with a second bomb.
119. Truman also proposed the Fair Employment Practices Act, which would outlaw racial and religious discrimination in hiring.
120. Marshall had been recalled to become secretary of state by President Harry S Truman at the beginning of 1947, after retiring from the Pentagon at the end of the war as Army chief of staff.
121. Harry Truman rose in the corrupt politics of Kansas City; Lyndon Johnson was a skilled election rigger, and John F Kennedy, it is likely, won office thanks ...
122. In 1948 Harry Truman had campaigned to cries of " Give'em hell. "
123. Not long afterwards the U.S. President Truman made his very belligerent'state of Union Message "
124. Years before the huge success of his "non-fiction novel" In Cold Blood, Truman Capote had already staked out a distinctive place in Hollywood.
125. However, Mr Truman expects scrutiny by Western governments to improve accountability in future.
126. In 1948 truman crossed the country several times on his whistle-stop tours.
127. According to William L. Moore, a "UFOlogist," Majestic-12 was a code name for a secret government department headed by U.S. President Harry Truman.
128. The strike came at a time when the national economy was recovering from the second World War, and president Truman saw the UMWA's actions as counterproductive to national industrial recovery.
129. Since then, in a 30-year period of time, the Truman Doctrine, as has been the fundamental principles of U. S. foreign policy and play a dominant role.
130. In Cold Blood is a masterpiece of Truman Capote, a representative writer of new journalism.
131. Ten months after Marshall's speech, the U.S. Congress overwhelmingly approved the European Recovery Program. On April 3, 1948, President Harry Truman signed the Economic Recovery Act of 1948.




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