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单词 Indignant
(1) I was indignant because I felt that I had been punished unfairly.
(2) He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.
(3) She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.
(4) She was most indignant with me when I suggested she might try a little harder.
(5) She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
(6) Liz was indignant at the way her child had been treated.
(7) I got an indignant reply from Mr Norris.
(8) They were quite indignant at his remarks.
(9) They were indignant that they hadn't been invited.
(10) "He deserves to be thrashed," she protested(), fiercely indignant.
(11) The indignant passengers beat the pickpocket up.
(12) The indignant customer complained to the manager.
(13) Even a written apology failed to placate the indignant hostess.
(14) He was terribly indignant at what he saw as false accusations.
(15) He became very indignant when it was suggested he had made a mistake.
(16) She was very indignant at the way she had been treated.
(17) She became rather indignant over suggestions that she had lied.
(18) There was an indignant shout from the hockey players.
(19) There were indignant shouts from the priests.
(20) Jess felt faintly indignant at the remark.
(21) Indignant tears trickled down her face.
(22) Grandfather's always writing indignant letters to the newspaper.
(23) He squinted ahead, suddenly indignant.
(24) He's not indignant, he's not embarrassed.
(25) Mildly indignant surprise was what she intended to convey, and almost succeeded.
(26) At the moment people are being indignant about literary biographies and the nasty things they are saying about their subjects.
(27) They spent two hours shouting indignant slogans and tossing tomatoes and fireworks across the water.
(28) "And you call that a first class service?" snorted one indignant customer.
(29) Only to have your memory jolted by a loud and indignant beep.
(30) This is a sensitive issue on which many wax indignant.
(1) I was indignant because I felt that I had been punished unfairly.
(2) He is indignant at suggestions that they were secret agents.
(3) She waxes righteously indignant if anyone tries to contradict her.
(4) She wrote an indignant letter to the paper complaining about the council's action.
(5) Liz was indignant at the way her child had been treated.
(6) The indignant customer complained to the manager.
(7) Even a written apology failed to placate the indignant hostess.
(31) He recited the indignant missive about the kippers and toast.
(32) John would be indignant and angry on my behalf but it would change things if he knew.
(33) He had sent it to a top producer at Spelling Entertainment who was indignant that Hein had the gall to plagiarize.
(34) Eric was indignant at being told he would have to wait two weeks for an appointment.
(35) He was indignant his comrades had not shot her on the spot.
(36) Made me indignant in the same way virtuoso bureaucratic behavior still provokes me.
(37) His parents were indignant when they discovered about it and he gave it up through respect for their views.
(38) She picked up a pen and drew a line through the service charge, then handed the bill to the indignant guest.
(39) Indignant, some rejected both questions as long as they were denied their constitutional rights.
(40) This makes it harder to wax indignant at the ideas being canvassed in Washington.
(41) The members of the branch were indignant that the government should have planted two spies among them.
(42) After her return, she had spent the first week weeping, conscious of her father's tight-lipped disappointment and indignant fury.
(43) Lucien made a small, indignant sound, his arms flailing before he recovered his poise.
(44) At this she became indignant and began remonstrating in a strenuous manner.
(45) And afterwards she gave me indignant lectures about what it all meant.
(46) The two sides-press and black nationalism-have racked up the pain in a maelstrom of indignant deafness.
(47) It was all very well to be indignant, but she had driven him away.
(48) It saw only the incomprehensible inaction of the Army of the Potomac, and was indignant at it.
(49) I began to dislike her; she looked sly and I felt indignant that she'd spoken to me like that.
(50) The cooler Charity's answers(), the more indignant Charles's requests for an explanation.
(51) He was not hurt, so much as indignant that a woman he was beating should have the temerity to fight back.
(52) Indignant letters appear in newspapers, angry questions are raised on the floor of Parliament, and occasionally fights out.
(53) By the time he reached the office Matthew was feeling distinctly indignant.
(54) He went home ashamed and indignant, full of rage.
(55) Sheena gave her an indignant look.
(56) I know it is cranky to be indignant.
(57) He is indignant beyond measure.
(58) She didn't know whether to feel flattered or indignant.
(59) I was indignant at their mean actions.
(60) Brent's wide ingenuous face was puzzled and mildly indignant.
(61) An honest man is properly indignant at the offer of a bribe.
(62) The role model for indignant managers is the film director Alfred Hitchcock.
(63) The indignant theorist casts aspersions on their methods, inserts a non sequitur regarding its effects and explains how this is frightfully unfair for the "little guy".
(64) While he was doing so, Moran started his Mary of Egypt, but the indignant crowd seizing his stick were about to belabour him, when they fell back bewildered anew by his close resemblance to himself.
(65) She felt as indignant as if her own money had been squandered.
(66) Neither is Zarathustra indignant at a convalescent who looketh tenderly on his delusions, and at midnight stealeth round the grave of his God; but sickness and a sick frame remain even in his tears.
(67) That night her father visited my father and left, red - cheeked and indignant.
(68) Piece surname goatherd is very indignant tongue - lash domestic sheep incapacity.
(69) From" long live youth" to" cloth gift"and "butterfly "in new era, and to later "season" series, his writing experienced pure extolment, painful division and indignant irony.
(70) Basically prejudiced book calculated to make White Liberals feel comfortably indignant.
(71) When I became aware of this right - about - turn, I was indignant and questioned searchingly the officers concerned.
(72) They may be perfectionist, greedy, self-righteous, paranoid, indignant, or insecure.
(73) On Thursday the eleventh, I had to face a disturbed and indignant House of Commons.
(74) Miss T'ang looked indignant, and Hung - chien did not dare look her straight in the eye.
(75) He stood by the fire, his back towards me, just finishing a stormy scene with poor Zillah; who ever and anon interrupted her labour to pluck up the corner of her apron, and heave an indignant groan.
(76) Mammy's lips were large and pendulous and, when indignant, she could push out her lower one to twice its normal length.
(77) They are indignant at [ about ] the increased prices.
(78) Hence those who devote themselves to seeking for life goal by benefaction often feel disappointed and unfair, for which they are overall indignant.
(79) Emmett was a member of a blackface troupe known as the Bryant's Minstrels, but he was indignant when he found out that his song had become an unofficial anthem of the Confederacy.
(80) MPs were indignant that the government had not consulted them.
(81) You would be properly indignant, for you do not regard placing the chair in a warehouse as some sort of "credit" or "loan" to the warehouseman .
(82) A simple morality play starring villains and victims always draws a bigger, more indignant crowd than the more involved narrative of structural inequality.
(83) All flashed indignant or appealing glances at the inexorable Davis.
(84) " Pinchbeck masses remove furniture " be full of search engine, consumer is deceived ceaselessly, this lets company of card masses remove furniture is very indignant.
(85) The aesthetics of moulage is not the one in common concept, the feeling which moulage gives people, is free, happy , sad or even indignant.
(86) He was very indignant with his wife over her improper conduct.
(87) Minerva could not forbear to admire, yet felt indignant at the insult.
(88) When indignant, her eyes would flash fire, when happy she would laugh unrestrainedly like a child.
(89) Everybody was puzzled, and nineteen couples were surprised and indignant.
(90) In 1863, an editorial in a Chicago newspaper said Union soldiers were "indignant at the imbecility that has devoted them to slaughter for purposes with which they have no sympathy."
(91) We are as very indignant as pie-dog, ... Had better let go silently to the at last.
(92) But in childhood, we whether to have played very much noisily, or very indignant blue time, this undisputable , says from the education, the human is a growth process.
(93) I'm indignant over the inhuman treatment I received at this company.
(94) Indignant Sequoia Club members across the nation telegraphed, phoned or mailed their resignations.
(95) She was indignant with his presumption and self - satisfaction and conscious rectitude.
(96) Doing the indignant: a girl of good family like me, respectable character.
(97) The hall was at present occupied by two deplorably sober men and their highly indignant wives.
(98) Peter gave Wendy a hand at first, but had to desist, Tink was so indignant.
(99) Scared, angst, compunctious, depressive, indignant, depressed... in the body of everybody, have a piece of map about the mood.
(100) But when the chief priests and the teachers of the law saw the wonderful things he did and the children shouting in the temple area, "Hosanna to the Son of David, " they were indignant.
(101) After he toes disembark from Weikeluo, place's indignant gentile purpose breaks him dead with stone.
(102) Vida was indignant; Carol was apologetic; they talked for another hour.




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