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单词 Sparse
(1) Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation.
(2) Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.
(3) His pink scalp gleamed through his sparse hair.
(4) The information available on the subject is sparse.
(5) The television coverage of the event was rather sparse.
(6) The sparse line of spectators noticed nothing unusual.
(7) Traffic was sparse on the highway.
(8) Information coming out of the disaster area is sparse.
(9) Kangaroos compete with sheep and cattle for sparse supplies of food and water.
(10) The sparse vegetation will only feed a small population of animals.
(11) Sparse and graphic; an impressive debut.
(12) He combed back his sparse hair.
(13) Scholarly comment on this passage is very sparse.
(14) The sparse open cluster M10 lies near Gamma Scuti.
(15) There can not be sparse life on a planet.
(16) Details of Dixon's life are sparse and sometimes contradictory.
(17) Information on the disease is sparse.
(18) A few reindeer were grazing on the sparse tundra.
(19) The already sparse flora are ground into the dust.
(20) In a sparse distributed network, memory is a type of perception.
(21) Poring over the sparse details lie had been obliged to enter on his landing card.
(22) But in a parallel supercomputer with a sparse, distributed memory, the distinction between memory and processing fades.
(23) It is a fairly sparse forest mostly of birch trees on a light, sandy soil.
(24) As we drove towards the desert, the vegetation became sparse.
(25) Though the smaller group of sappers was between us and the village, direct fire to-ward the village was sparse.
(26) And this on an island where there appeared to be next to no gold and a few sparse cotton plants.
(27) Along the roadsides, spring wildflowers dot the shoulders like stars in sparse constellations.
(28) Instead of living in a tent on the grassland, he lives in a sparse two-room flat in the city.
(29) They too have a network of trails winding through the sparse grass.
(30) Neurones in the myenteric plexus were not identified in the colon and were sparse and appeared degenerate in the appendix and ileum.
(1) Many slopes are rock fields with sparse vegetation.
(2) Vegetation becomes sparse higher up the mountains.
(3) His pink scalp gleamed through his sparse hair.
(4) The information available on the subject is sparse.
(5) As we drove towards the desert, the vegetation became sparse.
(6) The sparse vegetation will only feed a small population of animals.
(31) Some short-haired breeds have guard hairs that are less than 2 inches in length, sparse awn hairs and no down hairs.
(32) Here, they are still able to dig through the snow to uncover whatever sparse winter vegetation remains below.
(33) Data on breaches of the taboo in small-scale communities are sparse and largely considered as cases of individual deviance.
(34) Thus firewood is the most important source of energy in desert areas, where vegetation is sparse.
(35) They can, therefore, exist quite happily in areas of sparse vegetation.
(36) It is perhaps for this reason that critical literature on the genre as a whole is sparse.
(37) Lunch is a sparse plate of sandwiches with salmon paste or paper-thin processed turkey roll.
(38) The landscaping was sparse, composed of drought-tolerant plants: pyracantha wistaria, and succulents.
(39) They are equally at home in dense forest, sparse woodland, savanna, or even on rocky hillsides.
(40) Could it be that there are many doctors not working because even in general practice part time opportunities are sparse?
(41) Sparse, willful and distinct, Ladd manages an enviable economy with his music.
(42) Collectivisation in particular is disastrous for nomadic peoples, who need to roam freely to feed their animals on sparse vegetation.
(43) I had seen this stuff sticking out of the sides of sand-dunes, sparse as pubescent whiskers.
(44) John is sparse of frame and comment but had a very dry humour.
(45) Aside from the pottery itself, the evidence for the manufacture of early Anglo-Saxon pottery is sparse.
(46) Trees are sparse in this part of the world because of the continuous wind that blows across the plains.
(47) The furniture was sparse: a circular table and two chairs; a plain bookshelf crammed with books about art and artists.
(48) Published literature on the role of semantic processing within computerised text recognition is sparse.
(48) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(49) Nevertheless, direct evidence implicating IRF-1 as the critical target gene in 5q deletions remains sparse.
(50) After this, evidence about Anne Batten Cristall's life is very sparse.
(51) Furthermore as the matrix becomes less sparse the problems associated with storage increase.
(52) When we first entered the farm country, the beeps, sparse and irregular, jolted me.
(53) However, sunshine was a sparse commodity and we found the short, dark winter days of these latitudes very depressing at first.
(54) Background: Montana, our fourth largest state but with a sparse population, is home to large herds of elk.
(55) Agriculture in the south will suffer as underground water is exhausted and already sparse summer rain disappears.
(56) Driven out from richer regions, all they now had were these vast but very sparse pastures.
(57) But with their sparse population they are scarcely worth the price of a campaign advertisement.
(58) Counties with low population density have sparse shading while counties with high population density have dark shading.
(59) Shea said the sparse cell where Salvi is housed is designed to frustrate suicide attempts.
(60) The theoretical aspects of these techniques are well covered but the environmental applications are rather sparse.
(61) Reading from an empty area of a sparse file will return garbage.
(62) Its still sparse population seems shrunk, as it were, in such outsize garments.
(63) From our sparse apartment, a daily warmth could be made to exist.
(64) Local reports from Bavaria, however, especially from rural areas, mentioned very sparse flagging.
(65) Walking alongside a wheat field, admiring the vibrancy of poppies scattered in sparse splashes of scarlet, I spot something remarkable.
(66) Manshin Anjima stretched her arms above her head, then began to braid her sparse hair.
(67) Thick with trees and sparse with homes, this tranquil area 50 miles north of Houston could be a slice of heaven.
(68) The realization of a sparse matrix calculator.
(69) Grandpa is bald-headed except for a few sparse hairs.
(70) Sparse data available on pituitary, adrenal, and gonadal disorders.
(71) Currently a sparse index can have only one field.
(72) Land sparse conditions set affect the library market turnover.
(73) Sparse decomposition is a new method for decomposing image data into a compact image approximate representation.
(74) The African wild dog, also called Cape hunting dog or painted dog, typically roams the open plains and sparse woodlands of sub-Saharan Africa.
(75) Branchlets with sparse woolly tomentum ; abaxial veins of leaves with white hairs and with sparse arachnoid tomentum .
(76) In this thesis, through the analysis on mass balance and energy balance in the dense phase and sparse phase, the bed temperature cybernetic model is established in this thesis.
(77) Reflect with that setting sun according to the sparse tree red purdah!
(78) Then, pattern synthesis for sparse array antenna using genetic algorithms is researched.
(78) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(79) Particularly it was now late autumn, saying: " In the dark green mountain algidity is deep, In the highly dense woods frost leaf is sparse. " All this increased my decadent feeling.
(80) Thou act, that is, cut feudatory invasion, sparse human osteosarcoma.
(81) Ground moving targets indication(GMTI) is an important application of spaceborne distributed radar. Distributed sparse array in space can improve the MTI performance with increased virtual aperture.
(82) The Directoire style was the last phase of the Louis XVI style, and emphasized elongated, simple shapes with clean lines and sparse detail.
(83) The genus Phrynocephalus(Squamata, Agamidae)is familiar lizards inhabited desert and sparse steppes in Eurasia.
(84) Optimization techniques for the sparse matrix vector multiplication are adopted in programming.
(85) Aim Fuzzy interpolative reasoning has become an important approach to solve the problem of sparse rules.
(86) Then the sparse solution in frequency domain can be obtained through computing the weighted matrix equation.
(87) The sparse matrix canonical grid ( SMCG ) method is a numerical method that was developed recently.
(88) The problem of computing a few of the largest (or smallest) eigenvalues of a large sparse symmetric matrix is investigated.
(89) Offsetting its sparse connectivity are genuinely useful new features including new trackpad gesture controls and the ability to wirelessly "borrow" another system's optical drive.
(90) Large - scale sparse matrix is a high - performance computing to solve a common problem.
(91) New terrains: Bare Earth, Red Earth, Brick Cobblestones , Stone Cobblestones , Beach Sand, Sparse Grass, Grass (Variant), Leaves (Forest Groundcover), Autumn Trees, Autumn Orchards.
(92) A sparse matrix algorithm for the modified nodal approach to network analysis is presented.
(93) With the sparse vector method and a new fault solution method, the PEBS and EEAC methods of Power System Analysis Software Package(PSASP) are improved.
(94) It is made in three styles: sparse weaving, medium dense weaving and dense weaving sisal cloth.
(95) The direct wave tomography is to solve one large-scale, sparse, ill condition linear equation.
(96) We introduce and motivate the main theme of the course, setting the problem of learning from examples as the problem of approximating a multivariate function from sparse data.
(97) Tumors with sparse number of ganglion cells may be misdiagnosed as neurofibroma.
(98) Heath wrote us a letter friendly in tone, sparse in content.
(99) It's denseness prolificacy fertility make a sharp contrast with the sparse and poor native soil.
(100) Outside the stadium before kick-off stood that ubiquitous sparse clutter of genuine supporters who always believe that they can get in anywhere.
(101) Microvilli in foregut are long and dense, but short and sparse in postgut.
(102) He was a tubby little man in his fifties, with sparse hair.
(103) Also note that if data is written to a sparse file container when there is not enough free space in the host file system, the encrypted file system may get corrupted.
(104) The each velocity, pressure and kinetic energy distribution of the sparse strip belt, draught meshy belt and tight nubby belt were obtained by calculation based on time-average Renoyld equations.
(105) Peter Thorne, a climatologist at the Co-operative Institute for Climate and Satellites, in North Carolina, describes it as “quite a hard sell in periods that are data sparse”.
(106) Moreover, to Hitler's mind the sparse applause did not do justice to the brilliant performance.
(107) Several different types of open cavities are studied, and it is concluded that coaxial open cavity with varying section has the most sparse eigen spectrum.
(108) Chondroitin sulfate ( CS ) was extracted from yak breastbone by using sparse alkali - enzymatic decompounding method.
(108) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
(109) LPLE is better than LLE in that it gives the global coordinates of the sparse data and this isn't be resolved by the other conventional algorithm.
(110) Herbs annual. Stems decumbent or erect, 30-90 cm tall, branched, angulate , with sparse retrorse prickles along angles.
(111) The sampling interval of logging traces can be sparse for cut down of data space usage.
(112) A novel sparse matrix technique for the numerical analysis of semiconductor devices and its algorithms are presented.
(113) Red , Rose - shaped; slim straight stems, short stalks, sparse pointed leaves in brownish red.
(114) In other words, the enemy's forces in the whole Greater Kuanchung Area and especially in Kansu Province are very sparse and weak and cannot possibly stop the offensive of the People's Liberation Army.
(115) Diversity Indices were applied to analyze the species diversity of sparse Ulmus Pumila L forest pasture, and contiguous grid quadrats were used to test the distribution pattern of arbor population.
(116) The GMTI of space based sparse array scanned pattern interferometric radar (SPIR) has been thought to fail when there are ambiguities in azimuth.
(117) The experiments on several pattern classification problems show that HS-LSSVM has high sparseness while holds good classification performance and its sparse process is fast.
(118) Anthocarp clavate, 3 - 3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded.
(119) She was a prim ugly woman of forty - three, who wore glasses and had sparse hair.
(120) So the effective structure of the firebreak belt in the ridge mountain was the sparse structure.
(121) Data may seem to disappear at this point since the joins through the fact table is likely more sparse in its combinations than the Cartesian Product results.
(122) When encountering headachy thing to generate undesirable sentiment, not oppressed in the heart, and should think way its sparse release comes out.
(123) For element location synthesis of linear sparse arrays with the design constraint of minimum element spacing, an improved genetic algorithm(IGA)is presented in this paper.
(124) On the basis of analysis on augmentation approach widely used in the multibody dynamic simulation, an improved algorithm based on sparse matrix technique was proposed.
(125) The simulation process shows that the method can effectively avoid the sparse shortcoming of single field brim row sampling caused by missile spin and obtain infrared image with higher resolvability .
(126) The prolabium of complete BCL operated on with straight line suture method had muscle fibers proliferated from the lateral lips, but the fibers were sparse and also had ultra structure variations.
(127) Numerical topics include dense and sparse linear algebra, N body problems, and Fourier transforms.
(128) So the effective structure of the firebreak tree belt in the ridge of a mountain was the sparse structure.
(129) The performance of multifrontal method is evaluated and compared with direct sparse factorization method through load flow calculation and transient stability simulation using IEEE benchmark data.
(130) Synthetic impulse and aperture radar (SIAR) with sparse array is a new kind of advanced meter-wave radar.
(131) In this method it is not necessary to recompute the two sparse decoupled Hessian matrices during iteration therefore the execution time for one iteration process is extremly shortened.
(132) They could be solved speedily by means of the sparse technique based triangular factorization.
(133) I'd cycled down to the village's small beach, where a herd of cows were rambling among laid-up fishing boats, grazing on the sparse grass that poked up through the sand.
(134) In order to solve the problem caused by sparse data two concepts of modificatory degree and modificatory distance are proposed.
(135) The test results can provide useful information for the study on the theory of control settlement and composite foundation with sparse PTC piles and a guide to its engineering design.
(136) We construct the sparse eigenvalue by means of the sparsity of polynomial equations in this paper, and prove its equivalence theorem.
(137) In this paper, the second equivalence theorem of eigenvalue method for solving sparse polynomial equations is proved.
(138) Thus his account of the crucial Guayaquil encounter is sparse and somewhat anti-climactic.
(138) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(139) Data on hormone-replacement therapy and breast cancer recurrence have been sparse until now, other researchers said.
(140) Experiments on benchmark data sets show that our algorithms obtain sparse classifiers at a rather low cost without sacrificing the generalization performance.
(141) Proposed a linear programming algorithm to replace quadratic programming in support vector machine solution process and sparse regularization, and guaranteed the sparseness of the solution.
(142) But in a supercomputer with a sparse , distributed memory, the distinction between memory and processing fades.
(143) It is pointed out that there often occur low frequency sparse compressional wave and low frequency SV surface wave in loose shot layer, their approximate analytic solution being offered also.
(144) Triple table is used to only store non-zero matrix elements to improve the program's efficiency of storage and computation because simulation model's Jacobian matrix is serious sparse.
(145) We introduce and motivate the main theme of the course, the setting of the problem of learning from examples as the problem of approximating a multivariate function from sparse data - the examples.
(146) In this paper, the sparse table analysis(STA)for linear networks with nullors is presented and its algorithmic implementations are discussed.
(147) They are with many good experience, but the research for interpolative reasoning under multidimensional sparse rules condition is lacking and a few existing approaches have some faults.
(148) Previous sparse band coherent processing methods are mainly for one-dimensional sparse vector and directly use sine signal model for analysis.
(149) Following the sparse Alexandrite veins through pegmatite rock with hand dug trenches, open pits and small tunnels, mining was very primitive to say the least.
(150) The silica-phellem block and stomate tubercle on 3rd leaf are underdeveloped, the tubercle of stomate block is small and dense in japonica, big and sparse in O. rujipogon and intermidiate in indica.
(151) Although progestational agents have been widely used for gynecologic conditions, treatment options have usually been limited to synthetic agents with adverse effects and sparse patient acceptance.
(152) This vital mechanical function is maintained by the metabolism and biosynthetic activities of a sparse distribution of chondrocytes deeply embedded within the dense extracellular matrix of the tissue.
(153) We're thinking sparse, direct to camera, stream-of-consciousness stuff. But only if Gibbo well and truly lets those barriers down.
(154) Using space based sparse array for ground moving target indication is attractive. Unfortunately, range, Doppler and angle ambiguities usually occur with space based sparse array.
(155) Covering indexes allow data storage within the index itself while sparse indexes exclude documents that do not contain the missing field.
(155) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(156) A modified genetic algorithm is presented to optimize the element spacing of the nonuniform sparse array in this paper.
(157) Peduncles with sparse arachnoid tomentum when young, then gradually falling off.
(158) The resulting sparse banded unsymmetric set of equations is solved by using the Gaussian elimination.
(159) Space may be sparse, but enthusiasm runs high for Timberland's Victory Garden, and for the overall concept.
(160) Nongzhong loess hilly a brittleness ecology environment with a sparse vegetation cover and severe soil erosion.
(161) Their thatched - roofed hut , sparse is being silent in the rain.
(162) Genetic algorithms are good candidates for attacking the challenge since GAs are very useful for extracting patterns in high-dimensionality problems where heuristic knowledge is sparse or incomplete.
(163) The code can greatly reduce the encoding complexity while maintaining the same decoding complexity as traditional regular LDPC (H-LDPC) codes defined by the sparse parity check matrix.
(164) Method: winter melon seeds, dried walnuts ground into fine powder, in excess paste of honey mixed into sparse.
(165) Pink, rose - shaped; lateral flowers with short shoots , large , round , drooping and sparse leaves , less budded tender.
(166) Low density parity check (LDPC) code, which is a special case of error correction code with sparse parity-check matrix, has the performance very close to the Shannon Limit.
(167) The sparse vector method enhances the efficiency of matrix solution algorithms by exploiting the vector sparsity. It has been successfully applied to many problems arising in power systems.




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