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单词 Advert
1. I put an advert in the local newspaper.
2. The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.
3. We've been swamped with phone calls since the advert appeared.
4. I saw an advert for a job with a large engineering company.
5. The paper ran our advert last week.
6. I saw the advert in "The Times".
7. People should complain when they consider an advert offensive.
8. The advert appeared in "The Guardian".
9. A lot of claims are made in the advert.
10. She took out a full-page advert in a magazine.
11. The advert said 'We are an equal opportunities employer'.
12. It is time the Government backed up its advert campaigns with tougher measures.
13. Simon got the job by answering an advert in the paper.
14. She answered an advert for a job as a cook.
15. This courtroom battle has been a poor advert for English justice.
16. The advert puts over the message clearly and simply: nuclear power is clean.
17. Your best bet is to put an advert in the local newspaper.
18. I put an advert in the paper to sell my bike but I haven't had any takers.
19. You could put an advert in some magazine, journal, newspaper, or whatever.
19. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
20. The advert should only be shown after the 9pm watershed.
21. So I put out an advert for a guitarist.
22. It was an advert for a fair.
23. His patience snapped with the vodka advert.
24. They thought she had got fat, a good advert, on the succulent nosh.
25. The current advert for the Washburn Mercury guitar revolts me to the very depths of my soul.
26. A recent job advert for travel representatives abroad asked for language skills and included signing in the list of useful languages.
27. A repayment period, as mentioned in your advert, does not comply with the intermediate advert requirements.
28. There was one advert for Boots No. 7 make-up and I thought it was great.
29. I saw an advert for some cheap furniture in our local paper.
30. Nuclear power wasn't mentioned, but it was a good advert for electricity.
1. The advert featured a dolphin swimming around a goldfish bowl.
2. We've been swamped with phone calls since the advert appeared.
3. I saw an advert for a job with a large engineering company.
31. A complaint by Friends of the Earth over an advert was upheld.
32. The advert is aimed at doctors threatened with possible redundancy by the Government's programme of London hospital closures and mergers.
33. As long as any advert does not bring the profession into disrepute nor is in bad taste then it is permissible.
34. Promotional campaign or not the best advert for any school has to be the children.
35. Last year's advert showed the humiliation of arrest through the eyes of a drunken driver.
36. You only need type the merest hint of innuendo into a search engine to come face to face with a porno advert.
37. He sat at his desk and took out the lonely hearts advert he had placed in the magazine a few months before.
38. Gordon Gordon was definitely no great advert for anything, least of all a master race.
39. I originally saw an advert in the paper asking for volunteers for the hospital radio station.
40. It emerged that two versions of the job advert existed, the second offering the job at £29.50 for a 40-hour week.
41. The Tampax advert isn't the only one that makes me angry.
42. The Government's £1.3m Christmas anti-drink drive campaign was launched last week with a brutal advert.
43. This statement represents the old doctrine in regard to obtaining property by false pretences, to which I shall advert presently.
44. They have a violent film then they have a violent advert.
45. We sent away for a Plaque Attacker from an advert in your magazine.
46. To comply with the intermediate advert requirements the advert must include a full postal address or phone number. 8.
47. And a dream come true ... The advert for grandparents that came up trumps.
48. We are now in a position to ask whether one type of advert typically uses one type of metaphor.
49. Please exclude this in future adverts, or follow the requirements for a full credit advert. 7.
50. Newspaper or magazine article, advert, leaflet, etc. Long text.
51. Times you want your advert to go on air.
52. The main purpose of the advert is to catch people's attention.
53. She came across and advert for the book Bible Basics.
54. "Could you photocopy the advert and put it in the post to us?"— 'With pleasure John.'.
55. Punters trading in their old underwear will get a five-euro (seven-dollar) discount on a new pair, the advert promises, under the slogan: "The country needs new undies."
56. Your CV is your advert to sell yourself to an employer.
57. The KFC advert was promoting the chain's Zinger Crunch salad and featured office workers singing inaudibly while eating the salad.
58. So the Website is going to allow anyone to post free adverts with the understanding that the adverts they post must be in line with our rules and regulations for advert content.
59. Please advert to the contents below, I believe you won't be disappointed.
60. First half was nonsense, political correctness gone mad, and more like an advert for London Transport and what was the lollipop lady doing?
61. In 2000, an npower advert showed a ginger family under the banner "There are some things in life you can't choose".
62. Conrad later appeared in an American Express advert of famous Americans nobody recognised.
63. All this I enjoyed often and fully, free, unwatched , and almost alone: for this unwonted liberty and pleasure there was a cause, to which it now becomes my task to advert.http://
64. Gerry Conlon : What I advert most most my immatureness is retentive your hand.
65. The advert campaign includes a virtual show stage and some virtual billboards.
66. Use the power of sound for your TV advert or film.
67. Your best hope of obtaining a copy is to place an advert in the classifieds.
68. Fearing bankruptcy, Carbolic argued the advert was not to be taken as a serious, legally binding offer.
69. Unlike a victim who died in a car accident, the victim of a medical advert accident is not entitled to similar accident benefits or death benefits under the no-fault automobile system.
70. Each 10 second advert would have its own location a sequential playlist.
71. "Be necessary to restrict network ill will to take appearance of honorary of advert damage individual " , assentient holds absolutely dominant position in layer of each areas, sexual distinction, age.
72. 1950s- A chimp tea party; With the launch of independent television, the first PG tips 'chimpanzees' advert appears. The PG tips chimps are soon superstars in their own right.
73. The music sounds like an advert—easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
74. It sounds like an advert: easy on the ear but bland and forgettable.
75. If you are to advert or an association or exhibitor recommending it, please specify which one?
76. This borderline-libelous MTV advert produced for World Aids Day highlights how your partner's past conquests may come back to haunt them, and you.
77. I advert the editors and authors for an superior and elating book.
78. The world's first advert to extra-terrestrial life is to be broadcast, a British potato chip company announced recently.
79. This case is not advert to in Smith v. Jones Machine Ltd.




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