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单词 Reminder
1. I have had another reminder from the library.
2. It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.
3. Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time.
4. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
5. Venice was a painful reminder of her marriage.
6. The letter was an uncomfortable reminder of my debts.
7. We were sent a reminder about the next meeting.
8. This has been a timely reminder to us all.
9. His words were a pointed reminder of her position.
10. The statue is a lasting reminder of Churchill's greatness.
11. This latest attack is a grim reminder of how vulnerable our airports are to terrorist attack.
12. The ruined church acts as a constant reminder of the war.
13. Ordinarily,() we send a reminder about a month before payment is required.
14. The accident was a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.
15. The incident served as a timely reminder of just how dangerous mountaineering can be.
16. The article concludes with a chilling reminder that the disease can strike anyone at any time.
17. The temple ruins are a distant reminder of a vanished empire.
18. The monument stands as a chilling reminder of man's inhumanity to man.
19. It was a sharp reminder of how dangerous the world can be.
20. The photographs are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.
21. The collapse of the bank is an ominous reminder of the fragility of the world's banking system.
22. The list serves as a useful reminder of the issues to consider.
23. Her letter was an uncomfortable reminder of responsibilities I preferred to forget about.
24. The accident is a salutary reminder of the dangers of climbing.
25. These findings are a reminder that low pay is the other side of the coin of falling unemployment.
26. The recent outbreaks of cholera are a timely reminder that this disease is still a serious health hazard.
27. For most people a heart attack is a forceful reminder that they are mortal.
28. The British are about to be given a sharp reminder of what fighting abroad really means.
29. The remains of the building stand as a stark reminder of the fire.
30. If he forgot to pay his rent, his landlady would send him a reminder.
1. I have had another reminder from the library.
2. It always took a final reminder to get her to pay her share of the rent.
3. Her face was a poignant reminder of the passing of time.
4. Occasional bursts of gunfire are a reminder that the rebels are still active.
5. These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.
31. The accident is a grim reminder of the potential dangers involved in North Sea oil production.
32. The sheer size of the cathedral is a constant reminder to the tourist of the power of religion.
33. These ruins are an eloquent reminder of the horrors of war.
34. The drop in stock prices serves as a reminder that investing is a form of gambling.
35. Your letter came as a timely reminder that we need to arrange a meeting.
36. If an invoice is not paid within seven days, we automatically send out a reminder.
37. She gave him a gentle reminder that payment was due.
38. The damaged church was preserved as a stark reminder of the horrors of war.
39. The crash served as a timely reminder of the dangers of drinking and driving.
40. The pictures were an eloquent reminder of the power of the volcano.
41. This has been a timely reminder of the need for constant care.
42. The quadrant is a constant reminder of his limitations.
43. The famous clock tower stays as a permanent reminder.
43. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
44. However, this episode constitutes a reminder of its pitfalls.
45. The injury done on that October night in Lambeth was certainly a lurid reminder of the reality of extremist campaigning.
46. The authority may issue a second reminder notice, but it is under no obligation to do so.
47. Meanwhile, Bath were issuing a reminder that reports of their decline were a little premature.
48. But it was a reminder the supply of agricultural commodities at reasonable prices could not be guaranteed in the short-term.
49. True, fruit is healthy, but it's also a constant reminder of food.
50. What can be more beautiful than a reminder of favourite places when you're far away?
51. The presence of a bodyguard was a constant reminder of the invisible veil which separated her from her family and friends.
52. These are by Platzer of 1759 and serve as a reminder of the wealth of the silver mines in Bohemia and Silesia.
53. The case is a chilling reminder of how ordinary, seemingly respectable citizens still have racist and deeply intolerant views.
54. Neil's reminder of Jett's quick mood changes niggled in my mind like biscuit crumbs in the bed.
55. Cardinal Basil Hume is untiring in his reminder that 12 million children under five die every year from hunger and disease.
56. In reality this is inaudible under water so don't rely on it to give you a reminder.
57. The inclusion of an empty leather luggage label simply inscribed Josef Bien is one reminder of her personal involvement.
58. Across the River Esk is a whale's jawbone arch, a reminder of the town's maritime history.
59. The dentist's office sent you a reminder about your appointment next week.
60. This is a sobering reminder of the need for the United States to resume its leadership in an important field.
61. The inescapable presence of doubt is a constant reminder of our responsibility to truth in a twilight world of truth and half-truth.
62. Ayliffe's Mill is an interesting reminder that not all of the small rural corn mills perished early in the century.
63. Anniversaries can also be recorded in copper or pewter as a lasting reminder of a special event.
64. It was a vivid reminder that descending the water column in a submarine is an unnatural act.
65. After a reminder of the licence agreement this logs: The Controls.
66. No wonder the mere reminder of this dehumanizing principle is offensive to many blacks, particularly black women.
67. Now a Victorian church stands amid the barren Moor, a mute reminder of the lonely hamlet's more romantic past.
68. The site inspection sheet, shown above, has provision to insert a reminder as to how and when the contractor was notified.
69. When I suggested that oversized shirts were therefore counterproductive, he shut me up with a reminder of my previous bad taste.
70. Their victims stand as a constant reminder, both of their crimes, and of the reality they have tried to overturn.
71. By the beginning of 1941 it was the monarchist lobby which seemed most in need of this reminder.
72. The vomit dotting the train platforms at night is a reminder of one gap.
73. It is just a reminder to him that he is very important to me.
74. If a second reminder was unsuccessful no further action was taken.
75. In the mid-Eighties the Jockey Club invited him down to London to deliver a gentle reminder.
76. He in turn seemed to enjoy her conversation as a reminder of a more elegant and carefree prewar world.
77. Then comes the whip,(http:///reminder.html) the sudden vicious reminder of the man in the street.
78. Accessories include a diary, an appointments schedule, calculator, calendar, to do list and a reminder facility.
79. A further reminder is the complaints procedure which members of the public can initiate against police officers.
80. They were a constant reminder that this was no ordinary crime; that 168 people died and some one should pay.
81. Three weeks later the high command again said hands off, with a reminder that it could still mount a coup.
82. This is another reminder of how little road use was in the minds of the Ducati designers when they created this bike.
83. This includes a reminder that any person caught swearing must be made to pay for it.
84. Surely it is a poignant reminder of the capacity of the human being to suffer mental anguish.
85. Autumn is the greatest reminder: It reminds us how dreamlike beauties our earth has and it reminds us how all these beautiful dreams can easily vanish! Mehmet Murat ildan 
86. There were several horse-drawn carriages, as a nostalgic reminder of the past.
87. Somehow it was a poignant reminder that the eternal things do not change.
88. I could faintly hear the distant rumble of commuter traffic from my bedroom - a reminder of what I had temporarily escaped.
89. The initial letters spell the word H-O-W and serve as a reminder of how recovery is achieved through all one's relationships.
90. First, it is a reminder that many women drink caffeinated beverages during pregnancy-though usually not to this extreme.
91. The court's monthly stop-offs are a reminder that judicial decisions must be obeyed.
92. It may yet serve as an unhappy reminder that there are divides greater than those between modern capitalism and modern social democracy.
93. But, if nothing else, our stay in the SleepTight Room was a reminder that restful sleep takes preparation and thought.
94. It is a harsh reminder that there are no prizes for discovering a niche in the market.
95. Jacob's strictures served as a reminder that neat and tidy land use arrangements may have been over-emphasized.
96. One of the first examples of a curvilinear glasshouse, it stands as a reminder of bygone eras in Belfast's history.
97. But the study also offers a sobering reminder about the financial squeeze on families at the bottom.
98. A tongue in cheek reminder to some one whose cheeks were bulging with bad manners.
99. In the gutter and against railings caches of autumn leaves were turning black with rot, a reminder of the distant summer.
100. He was enormous fun and there was also that elusive and comforting reminder of Uncle Dimitri.
101. The grandeur of the mountains is a constant reminder of man's insignificance.
102. Along with the souvenirs, he brought home a reminder of a broken arm.
103. Reminder bells went off, at any rate, and I wondered what the story was.
103. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
104. First, I would change the date to June 30 as a reminder of Tunguska and the Taurid complex.
105. Within the confines of the painting it becomes a silent emblem of protest, a reminder of political alternatives.
106. If it transpires that the patient has not yet attended the general practitioner for this diabetic review one reminder prompt is sent.
107. This direct experience of seeing books being valued and enjoyed has been a timely reminder of their importance in the educational process.
108. But the scoreboards are a continuing reminder they have to make it work, and deliver the goods.
109. In the meantime a brief reminder of their meanings may be helpful.
110. And the Paris crash was a reminder that it can do so with the most catastrophic results.
111. Those incidents are a salutary reminder of the dedication of police officers to protecting the public.
112. On the southeastern corner of the property, one final slim reminder: a sweeping curve of railroad track.
113. We sent a reminder, but have not yet received a reply.
114. Finally, a reminder that the school concert will be on December 17.
115. This information may be relevant as a reminder or it may be presented as new information.
116. A half-holiday was granted in celebration: a reminder of the days when Pemberton granted half-holidays to celebrate his birthday.
117. She needed a reminder of this trip even if it only served as a warning.
118. There, a tired reminder of arrangements made sufficiently confusing by the first notice.
119. His ebullient personality is a vivid reminder of the polymath of past times.
120. Bees are a reminder that individuals are just part of the evolutionary equation.
121. His reminder of her is the tattoo on his left forearm.
122. Flecks of sunshine dappling fissured bark are a reminder of summers past during the tree's slow progress to maturity.
123. Diagrams and instructions on the top of the unit were a useful reminder on how to use the boiler.
124. Was this celebration, six years after the Liberation, a reminder of less happy times?
125. Second, the story is a reminder that caffeine, like alcohol, freely crosses the placenta.
126. Alongside it was a card with a handwritten reminder of the verse.
127. Yesterday's report from Body Shop was a poignant reminder of the fate that can await highly-rated companies.
128. Employees are urged to be discreet in their spending and not to flaunt their wealth. This reminder normally comes during the year-end bonus time.
129. Groupon's corporate headquarters are in the old Montgomery Ward building, which should be reminder enough of the dangers of neglecting the customer's desires.
130. It is a remarkable reminder of the culture of the Getes, a Thracian people who were in contact with the Hellenistic and Hyperborean worlds, according to ancient geographers.
131. The case example of the UK's Yorkshire Ripper Hoaxer however is a sobering reminder of the real link between backlog, convictions, and public safety.
132. Provided persuaded to drink per pot without kaoliang, not silk Cricket reminder machine.
133. Subscriber can live record three sections of computer telephonist reminder tone.
134. In the short term, Russia's war in Georgia has served as a reminder to places like Ingushetia and Chechnya that Moscow is ready to steamroll any opposition.
135. It was a beautiful reminder that while our culture glorifies youthful romance, true love has many stages during our journey through life.
136. These new attacks came after a relative period of calm, a grim reminder that the country's celebrated security gains still remain fragile.
137. That reminder got the full attention of an audience of 1,000 family members of people with dementia at a conference in West Palm Beach, Fla.
138. In the face of such pressures and tactics, my reminder is this: a health-wise population fights back street-wise.
139. But Peter encourages them with the reminder that their lives are undergoing renovation. Jesus, the master builder, is remodeling them into "a spiritual house" that reflects his own image.
140. The incident is a reminder that it will take a skilled whisperer to prevent U. S.
141. The hospital electronic information service platform has the formidable group to send, notice, feedback information , reminder mail and so on.
142. Eventually, the bad fairy's wish was forgotten. All spinning wheels and spindles had been destroyed , so there was no reminder. And the fairy was not heard of again.
143. These reports have been denied by German officials, but it is a reminder to investors of the power Germany wields within the currency bloc.
144. But the pearl remains and evocative symbol of nature's geni us, and a haunting reminder that huamans too often dest roy what they treasure most.
145. At first, pedestrians walking past see an air-raid shelter, a typical reminder of Berlin's wartime history.
146. In March 1961, Fidel Castro's Cuban revolution was a three-alarm reminder that CIA-engineered coups weren't enough to keep communism out of the western hemisphere.
147. The report is a reminder of the paradoxical relations in many parts of the world between majoritarian democracy and personal freedom.
148. A Church building is always a visual reminder that God is in our midst. This building is the place where we gather together as a community to celebrate our faith and grow in love for one another.
149. The wedding veil is a reminder of the bridal canopy that was built to keep the evil eye from the wedding cerebration.
150. I know this sounds preachy, but really, this kind of reminder is necessary in times like these.
151. The fifth anniversary of Sept. 11 is both a reminder of the inhumanity of the extremists we are up against and the humanity shared by most citizens of the world.
152. However, the findings are a reminder of why now — more than ever — we must refuse to succumb to political apathy and laissez-faire demagoguery.
153. "Using recycled shipping containers to construct this Y-shaped house is a clever reminder that Shanghai is the world's biggest shipping port, " she said.
154. His fervor echoed the outrage of Bishop Irenaeus—a reminder that here, in the shadow of the stark Red Sea Mountains, the early Christian world is close at hand.
155. Every success against the terrorists is a reminder of the shoreless ambitions of this enemy.
156. Much of the prairie land in the United States has been developed or converted to agricultural purposes, leaving only a few state and national parks as a reminder of their wild, wide-open past.
157. The respondents were guaranteed that all answers were anonymous. A reminder letter was emailed approximately one week after the questionnaire.
158. In Pre-Christian times, when everything else was brown and dormant in winter, people used evergreen plants to decorate their dwellings as a reminder that life would return to the landscape in spring.
159. Only past the reception, almost hidden away on a landing, is there a reminder of the foundation's status and contacts: a vivid shirt in a glass case, presented during a visit by Nelson Mandela.
160. Slide around to view the history timeline, click the Timeline to a new blank record, and set the alarm reminder if you need.
161. The heated steam is then fed through the reminder of the turbine before being condensed. The reheat cycle incorporates an improvement in thermal efficiency over the superheat cycle.
162. The dustup over such a small purchase is a reminder that U.S. security officials are keeping Huawei on a short leash.
163. It was a reminder that for the past 16 years Americans have had two Presidents who would often extemporise and express emotion.
163. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
164. The commercial culture and prosperity in ancient years would be a precious reminder in correspondence to the legend of modern Silk Road during your tour in Shanghai.
165. When you are rich, home is a reminder, although, money makes the mare to go, but, money can not buy family and its love .
166. As relaxed as the atmosphere is, there is a mute reminder of Poland's past in the landmark red-brick lighthouse at the promenade's western end.
167. A recession is a great reminder that all of us need to learn, as Samuel Beckett said, to "fail better."
168. Ms. Purvin, a 36-year-old teacher living in Plano, Tex., said that after she got over the initial jolt of seeing her friend's face, she was happy for the reminder.
169. Part A is in default if Part B does not effect payment on receipt of a reminder sent by Part A that the invoiced amount is overdue.
170. The incident is a reminder that it will take a skilled whisperer to prevent U.S.-Chinese relations from souring.
171. In the background, the roar of Cascade Creek provided a constant backbeat, a reminder that this part of Alaska really is a rain forest, getting more than 100 inches of rain annually.
172. The archbishop explained, "The Divine Mercy devotion is a reminder for us in the modern world to be mindful that God's mercy is always there and stronger than our sinfulness or our limitations."
173. The service can function as a universal wake-up call or a timely reminder, but we like it best as a get-out-of-jail-free card.
174. Saddened at the reminder of the white-collar life he nearly had, he tells the inmate firmly that he never wants to see that book again.
175. A teenage Chinese witness to a racially motivated assault is being driven to the police station. A quiet reminder of the dangers of inter-communal suspicion and conflict.
176. She is a reminder of the natural curiosity that we once held in our naive, untainted childhood, summoning us to reexamine our seemingly prohibitory surrounding walls and grasp beyond it.
177. Said another way, the message here can be interpreted as a reminder for teams to make sure they're being diligent about including good retrospectives as part of their normal iteration cycle.
178. The impact was powerful enough to shake buildings in central Tokyo, waking up many residents, in a reminder of how prone the Japanese capital is to earthquakes.
179. Public notices to "Drive with Courtesy and Arrive Safely" send a blessing and a safety reminder to all drivers in the district.
180. This year, it's a catchall reminder that the Internet, telecom, and networking revolutions will be slower to emerge than their cheerleaders first thought.
181. The "buy American" provision barring the use of foreign steel and iron in the economic stimulus package approved by the U.S. House of Representatives is a stark reminder.
182. Earning a second income is a consistent reminder that you are able to earn money apart from your main source of income.
183. Racing Section Homepage provides the latest event information, racing news, race meeting reminder, featured races and events at the Racecourses.
184. Also a reminder, the name and country of your dyehouse is absolutely required by Target corporation and is specified in Partners on line.
185. The turbo boost gauge is calibrated by tree icons, a playful reminder of the car's renewable energy source.




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更新时间:2024/10/5 3:35:36