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单词 Reportedly
(1) The band have reportedly decided to split up.
(2) Their profits have reportedly topped £1,000,000 this year.
(3) The star is reportedly very ill.
(4) Her husband's assets are reportedly worth over $15 million.
(5) There was, reportedly, hand-to-hand combat in the streets.
(6) He reportedly called her "a lying little twit".
(7) Police had reportedly searched his flat and found incriminating evidence.
(8) A French company has reportedly cut a deal to produce software for government agencies.
(9) More than two hundred people have reportedly been killed in the past week's fighting.
(10) The move, reportedly the President's idea, has come in for a lot of criticism.
(11) The mine reportedly had an accident rate triple the national average.
(12) The president is reportedly getting twitchy about the recent fall in his popularity.
(13) The two were reportedly killed in an exchange of fire during a police raid.
(14) The committee is reportedly unhappy about the discrepancy in numbers.
(15) He is reportedly being held incommunicado at a military prison.
(16) Dozens of civilians were reportedly killed in the crossfire.
(17) Many of the 21 had reportedly fled the country.
(18) The strike call, however, was reportedly not widely observed.
(19) Ape fights have reportedly been organised in cellars.
(20) Sun is reportedly not in cahoots.
(21) On her deathbed Mary Leapor reportedly expressed concern for her father's advancing age.
(22) The deputy commander reportedly has twice refused to obey the commander's direct orders on troop deployment.
(23) The four major opposition parties reportedly decided to boycott the Nov. 29 elections in protest at alleged unfair election conditions.
(24) All 50 assembly points were reportedly experiencing acute food shortages.
(25) Airlines reportedly are cracking down on this thriving but illegal trade.
(26) The government is reportedly unwilling to enforce conservation laws in the case of influential royal parties from its Gulf allies.
(27) It reportedly uses centrally maintained configuration information along with dynamically gathered performance information to choose the best suited computer for each application.
(28) Thousands of people battled with police and several were reportedly wounded.
(29) He suffers from chronic back pain and clinical depression, conditions for which he is reportedly no received medical attention.
(30) Of more than 1, 300 people registered by Hermandad last year, nearly 800 reportedly cast ballots Nov. 5.
(31) Four people were reportedly killed during violent clashes with the Army in the capital, Santo Domingo.
(32) Daniel Omara Atubu was reportedly badly beaten after his arrest and showed physical signs of ill-treatment when he appeared in court.
(33) Diller reportedly is trying to build a national network of television stations that would offer sports and entertainment programming.
(34) In a confession to police, Davis reportedly said he had not been in Petaluma before the night he allegedly kidnapped Polly.
(35) Security forces were reportedly conducting a search operation to find the attackers.
(36) Bush's attendance at Rio had reportedly been conditional on this.
(37) The decision was reportedly taken in response to the government's current austerity programme.
(38) He reportedly found it very hard and was left hanging from his axes as both crampon placements broke loose nearing the top.
(39) Reportedly, two Houston police officers arrested a black woman for being drunk and disorderly.
(40) Koffigoh was reportedly taken by his captors to meet President Gnassingbe Eyadema.
(41) In 1989, he reportedly chartered a plane to fly 150 of his friends to a $ 3 million party in London.
(42) He reportedly did his production work on the West Coast, where he would advertise for models.
(43) Reportedly built from the ground up, it includes a static analyser, debugger and performance analyser based on an object-oriented architecture.
(44) Romero reportedly has abdicated his throne, which could give Johnson his opportunity at last.
(45) Carman reportedly is in generally good health and does not suffer from Alzheimer's disease or dementia.
(46) It also reportedly sold off a bunch of Sparc motherboards on very aggressive terms.
(47) The question of whether a national conference should be held was reportedly also under discussion.
(48) Disney reportedly has been in talks to acquire a one-third stake in Starwave Corp. for as much as $ 100 million.
(49) Rumblings from recent abortive coup plots coupled with an erosion of army discipline have reportedly weakened Guei's grip on the military.
(50) Guzman reportedly paid bribes to secure privileges not given to other prisoners, including alcohol and women.
(51) A seven-year-old child was reportedly hit by one of the canisters and taken, injured in the leg, to hospital.
(52) The thing reportedly couldn't find its critical paths and gave off false signals that everything was hunky-dory when it wasn't.
(53) Since her arrest she has reportedly suffered from anorexia nervosa.
(54) Edward reportedly surrendered and abdicated, whereupon the estates renounced their homage to him and then returned to inform parliament.
(55) He was held in solitary confinement in the General Intelligence headquarters in Riyadh and was reportedly tortured.
(55) Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
(56) The other reportedly had his skull fractured in 15 places, broken fingers and numerous stab wounds.
(57) Demonstrations on the border had reportedly subsided by Jan. 9.
(58) He reportedly earns an annual salary of $ 20 million.
(59) Hospitals reportedly are postponing chemotherapy treatments because of limited supplies of blood products.
(60) In fact, he reportedly blew it out with a stunning, if showy, throw-out at third.
(61) A large wing-to-fuselage fillet was added which itself reportedly boosted the performance more than ten knots.
(62) Aikman reportedly was incensed at the accusation and talked to several black players to see whether they had a problem with him.
(63) To date they have undertaken four conversions, with others reportedly under way.
(64) Just hours after this drama, two girls ran away and reportedly were sexually assaulted.
(65) They had demanded the release of political prisoners and had reportedly been physically assaulted.
(66) Over 100 more Tamils were reportedly killed in further reprisals against refugee camps and villages on Aug. 12-14.
(67) Despite an immediate reprimand from Chamorro, Godoy's statements during the strike reportedly encouraged the formation of right-wing armed groups.
(68) American Samoa was reportedly hit by four separate waves.
(69) His partner, reportedly hounded by the police, attempted self-immolation.
(70) Diplomats said the United States was also reportedly reluctant to back a European when it was seeking to increase its own profile in the UN agency.
(71) African Wild Ginger, for example, is now reportedly extinct in the wild.
(72) "As an actor you have to be a very good chess piece for others to play with. I prefer to control others, " Chou reportedly said.
(73) But there is competition. HSBC and Standard Chartered are also reportedly angling to return, and other big banks have put out feelers.
(74) As yogi Berra reportedly put it, the hardest thing to predict is the future.
(75) A Christian priest was reportedly killed in a drive-by shooting in Baghdad.
(76) A suicide bomber, reportedly wearing an Afghan Army Uniform, detonated explosives outside a military base near Jalalabad in Eastern Afghanistan.
(77) A set of unseen Michael Jackson pictures is reportedly set to be sold at auction later this year, and miraculously, Joe Jackson doesn't even have a hand in it!
(78) At this point, it's expected that the 3.0 spec will include faster speeds, reportedly transferring files at 480 megabits per second in close proximity and 100 megabits per second at 10 meters.
(79) European finance ministers are meeting in early July to carve out the details of the new Greek rescue package, which will reportedly be worth more than $171 billion.
(80) In 2001, a Chinese woman launched divorce proceedings against her husband after the family's pet mynah bird reportedly spilled the beans on his marital indiscretions.
(81) Everton retain an option to buy Drenthe at the end of his temporary agreement, but Liverpool may reportedly move to scupper any proposed deal.
(82) Steven Chu, America's energy secretary, was reportedly shocked to find that the only source of information from the Deepwater Horizon's blowout preventer was a single gauge.
(83) Arbitrary detention, extrajudicial killings, disappearances, rape, and torture are reportedly common.
(84) Liverpool boss Roy Hodgson was one of the manager's reportedly monitoring the situation, and the Reds were considering a contract offer.
(85) He suggests Oscar is able - like dogs, which can reportedly smell cancer - to detect ketones(), the distinctly-odoured biochemicals given off by dying cells.
(86) Wood condemned the rocketing and said Israel, which reportedly responded with some mortar fire, had shown restraint thus far.
(87) An expert on China's military has reportedly said the carrier would be used for training and as a model for a future indigenously-built ship.
(88) She accused Markoff, reportedly a compulsive gambler, of stealing $600 from her.
(89) With the state industrial sector largely idle, many citizens reportedly rely on state asset stripping, hoarding, trading and personal farm plots to survive.
(90) Phelps reportedly earns about $5 million a year from endorsements although his agency Octagon declined to comment.
(91) The couple were reportedly sombre as they laid flowers at the island tomb on the 14,000-acre Althorp Estate in Northamptonshire.
(92) Reportedly, the site is mainly underlain by alluvial deposits of Quaternary Age comprising sand and clay.
(93) Liverpool have reportedly sent representatives to Spain to tie up the signature of Sevilla youth player Antonio Cotan.
(94) Syrian police precinct borders the site of the explosion, and may have been a possible target, but most of the victims were reportedly civilians.
(95) He reportedly suffered a stroke last summer and in rare appearances since has looked a shadow of his former paunchy self.
(96) Another famous star who reportedly performed for the Gaddafis is notorious pussy 50 Cent, the crybaby pant-shitting wuss whom I could definitely have in a fight.
(97) "Tablet cannibalization" is a significant factor in those numbers, she reportedly wrote.
(98) Some 200 people reportedly were inside the Asian Indian house of worship in Clifton . And the gunman opened fire just before noon.
(99) In October 2006, a Chinese Song-class diesel-powered attack submarine reportedly shadowed the USS Kitty Hawk aircraft carrier and surfaced undetected four miles from the ship.
(100) The leaning tower was reportedly one of the targets of a string of bombings carried out by the Sicilian Mafia in 1993 though it was not hit.
(101) Some individuals have reportedly been detained during the investigation of the subway site cave-in as the public awaits the official report on the cause of the accident.
(102) Shi'ite pilgrims from both Iraq and Iran frequent the shrine, and a tour-bus was reportedly damaged by the explosion.
(103) THE RING's No. 2-rated light heavyweight and No. 3 Johnson reportedly are near a deal for a rematch.
(104) A few workers, who could no longer bear the agony of not returning home for 24 months in a row, have reportedly gone to argue with the foreman, cleavers in hand.
(105) In defiance, North Korea reportedly has started reassembling its main nuclear plant.
(106) The government of Hunan province in south-central China is reportedly seeking a 10 billion yuan ($1.58 billion) syndicated loan in the Hong Kong market.
(107) The Texas Medical Center in Houston, renowned as a top-flight research center, reportedly conducts more heart surgeries than anywhere else in the world.
(108) Another option, with reportedly mixed results, Thayer said, is adding tiny amounts of acepromazine, a prescribed tranquilizer, to a pet's food or water.
(109) Wudi cowpoke poems in the day picking wild flowers hanging on the horn, called "cattle-birthday"(reportedly poems is the birthday of cattle).
(110) The magazine was reportedly delayed from its early-2010 publication date due to the relevant government authorities taking issue with some of its content.
(111) According to biographies of the actress, she reportedly agreed to do this obscure telefilm just for the fun of it.
(112) Ibrahim is reportedly a major funder of the Pakistani militant group Lashkar-e-Taiba, which is believed to be responsible for the 2008 Mumbai hotel attacks.
(113) In Iraq, a man believed to be a lieutenant of Osama bin Laden has released an audiocassette in which he reportedly mocks President Bush.
(114) A video disc will be attached to the autobiography and Lai will reportedly tell his "important viewpoint" on the case.
(115) Obiang can travel in style between his properties on any his six private planes, one of which reportedly features a king-size bed and a bathroom with gold-plated taps.
(115) try its best to collect and make good sentences.
(116) Firefighters reportedly placed a ladder in the elevator shaft to reach the child.
(117) In 1519, Emperor Montezuma, who reportedly drank 50 or more portions daily, served chocolate to his Spanish guests in great golden goblets, treating it like a food for the gods.
(118) Chavez was reportedly accompanied by two small dogs and a very large painting of South American independence hero Simon Bolivar.
(119) Surprisingly, Verizon Wireless, known for being the most guarded of the major U.S. operators, has reportedly been in talks with Google regarding the new open software platform.
(120) Just over a year ago, Steve Jobs and Mark Zuckerberg were reportedly spotted taking a walk together in Palo Alto.
(121) The Reds are reportedly interested in signing Aquilani, with Xabi Alonso seemingly set to leave Anfield for Real Madrid after submitting a transfer request earlier in the week.
(122) At least two tornadoes – and perhaps as many as four – reportedly touched down near Chico, along the foothills of the Sierra Nevada mountains north of Sacramento.
(123) The system is reportedly 100 percent silent and extremely difficult to track by air on ground-based radar systems.
(124) Two Australians and a New Zealander were reportedly among the dead, and the wounded included 18 other foreign nationals from the US, Australia, Canada, India, the Netherlands, Norway and South Korea.
(125) A close-up on Mr. Kim's face showed what looks like a large bruise on his right cheekbone that appeared after he reportedly fell ill in 2008.
(126) In Brazil, where 30 percent of products are exported, the price of a day-old chick, an early indicator of a possible change in production, reportedly fell by 50 percent.
(127) HSBC and Standard Chartered are also reportedly angling to return, and other big banks have put out feelers.
(128) Chen's daughter was killed in a hit-and-run that has become the country's hottest crime in months because of what the driver reportedly shouted when a crowd stopped his car.
(129) Reportedly, at present, many manufacturers of hydraulic lifting platform car high-altitude performance through the test, which is attached to the lifting device not type test.
(130) There, thanks to the support of U. S. aerial reconnaissance, Chadian forces engaged the GSPC in early March in a battle lasting three days, reportedly killing 43 GSPC.
(131) Faced with these deals, Amazon has reportedly agreed similar terms with several big publishers.
(132) The nation's Maritime Self-Defence Force is reportedly planning to construct a new 284 metre long destroyer capable of transporting 14 helicopters, 4,000 people and 50 trucks.
(133) In what is one of the worst attacks on NATO forces in months a man reportedly wearing an Afghan uniform infiltrated security at the base outside Jalalabad in the early morning hours Saturday.
(134) Indeed(), the counter-reaction can linger far beyond the march itself: some participants in Bratislava’s first pride march in May were reportedly attacked long after the event had finished.
(135) Either way, even with new systems reportedly not due from Microsoft and Sony until 2014, something big has to change if Nintendo wants to compete in the coming console wars.
(136) North Korea has reportedly started reassembling a nuclear plant, reversing steps taken as part of an international deal to end its nuclear programme.
(137) The child was reportedly stuck between an elevator car and the elevator shaft at a residential dwelling.
(138) Nigeria's minister of health and a former director of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation (GAVI), was reportedly arrested by the EFCC last month (February 29).
(139) Pope John XXIII reportedly opened the envelope when 1960 arrived, but refused to divulge its contents, saying, "This prophecy does not relate to my time."
(140) For a time, the peccadillo reportedly cut in half her asking price for ad work.
(141) Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has developed a micro memory card, designated 1GB MMCmicro, with a 1-Gbyte density and reportedly the fastest writing and reading speed.
(142) Liverpool are reportedly keen to bring in out and out wingers to help provide the ammunition for strikers Luis Suarez and Andy Carroll.
(143) The following year, Chinese and Mozambican officials reportedly signed a memorandum of understanding allowing 3,000 Chinese settlers to begin farming in the area.
(144) They had reportedly taken counterfeit copies of drugs purporting to treat erectile dysfunction but which contained a hefty dose of glyburide, used for treating diabetes.
(145) The actor for another leading character is reportedly to be selected from well - known Hong Kong stars.
(146) When confronted with the suggestion that the play is a warning to his wife, Strindberg reportedly answered that he could hardly be sure enough to deny it.
(147) Zhu Jun, chairman of The 9 Limited and onetime China rich lister, is reportedly in talks to buy the Liverpool Football Club.
(148) The Saudi prince has reportedly been in contact with Liverpool co-owner George Gillett over a potential buy-out of his share, and he also has eyes on Tom Hicks' half of the club.
(149) The Lebanese army was working hard to repair the road, but the Israeli defense force reportedly warned them that their heavy machinery could be targeted, forcing the army to curtail repair efforts.
(150) The 43-year-old mother of two is reportedly still being held held in Tabriz prison.
(151) With concert fees reportedly in the $ 40, 000 plus range the show seem a lucrative proposition.




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更新时间:2024/7/9 5:33:06