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单词 Surrounding
1) The surrounding mountains make the city difficult to evacuate.
2) What were the circumstances of/surrounding her death?
3) The farm and surrounding area was flooded.
4) The building doesn't fit in with the surrounding area.
5) Troops sealed off the surrounding area .
6) The surrounding land is low and marshy.
7) The village is charming and the surrounding scenery superb.
8) The city has burgeoned out into the surrounding suburbs.
9) The ozone layer surrounding the earth protects our skin from being hurt by the ultraviolet rays.
10) Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.
11) There's great mystique attached to/surrounding the life of a movie star.
12) There's been a lot of hype around/surrounding his latest film.
13) Many people come from the outlying/surrounding villages to work in the town.
14) Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires in the city.
15) People dump their refuse in the surrounding woods instead of taking it to the tip.
16) There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.
17) There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance.
18) Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.
19) The mystique surrounding the monarchy has gone for ever.
20) The flood affected the town and surrounding villages.
21) Chalk is quarried from the surrounding area.
22) The pond mirrors the surrounding trees.
23) Foxes started coming in from the surrounding countryside.
24) The difficulties surrounding the court case are legion.
25) The shell surrounding the egg has many important functions.
26) We decided to explore the surrounding countryside .
27) There's almost a giddiness surrounding the talks in Houston.
28) I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
29) The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.
30) The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.
1) The surrounding mountains make the city difficult to evacuate.
2) The farm and surrounding area was flooded.
3) Troops sealed off the surrounding area .
4) The village is charming and the surrounding scenery superb.
5) The ozone layer surrounding the earth protects our skin from being hurt by the ultraviolet rays.
6) Detectives are still trying to unravel the mystery surrounding his death.
7) There's great mystique attached to/surrounding the life of a movie star.
8) I think the development is a stalking horse for exploitation of the surrounding countryside.
9) There's been a lot of hype around/surrounding his latest film.
10) Many people come from the outlying/surrounding villages to work in the town.
11) The development of the site will have implications for the surrounding countryside.
12) Fire crews from all the surrounding districts helped to fight the fires in the city.
13) The police have been instructed to patrol the building and surrounding area.
14) People dump their refuse in the surrounding woods instead of taking it to the tip.
15) There was a big controversy surrounding/over the use of drugs in athletics.
16) There has been a great deal of publicity surrounding his disappearance.
17) Police said there were no suspicious circumstances surrounding the boy's death.
18) These houses seem to blend into the surrounding scenery.
19) A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture.
20) The size of the office tower belittles the surrounding buildings.
21) The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
22) New housing is starting to encroach upon the surrounding fields.
31) The rebels control the frontier and the surrounding area.
32) There were many conspiracy theories surrounding Princess Diana's death.
33) The mirror was hinged to a surrounding frame.
34) She furnished him with the facts surrounding the case.
35) The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky.
36) These houses seem to blend into the surrounding scenery.
37) There were magnificent views of the surrounding countryside.
38) Eventually,[ ] the water will permeate through the surrounding concrete.
39) Troops forced villagers to flee to the surrounding hills.
40) The growing town soon encroached on the surrounding countryside.
41) There are a lot of complexities surrounding this issue.
42) We searched the surrounding neighbourhood for the missing boy.
43) The transplant was rejected by the surrounding tissue.
44) The bank will investigate the circumstances surrounding the robbery.
45) The storms hit Edinburgh and the surrounding area.
46) The cathedral is dwarfed by the surrounding skyscrapers.
47) There was a lot of negative publicity surrounding the film.
48) All the arguments and counter-arguments serve to emphasize the controversy surrounding this disease.
49) The enormous publicity surrounding the case will make it very difficult to hold a fair trial.
50) The president spurned the tight security surrounding him and adopted a more intimate style of campaigning.
51) The surrounding small towns have been absorbed into the city.
52) The movie aims to strip away the lies surrounding Kennedy's life and death.
53) Small towns in South India serve as economic and cultural centres for the surrounding villages.
54) The hype and fervor surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
55) Her speech sliced through all the confusion surrounding the situation.
56) A house design should have some affinity with the surrounding architecture.
57) A lot of the children at the school do not live in the town, but come in from the surrounding countryside.
58) The film usefully explores some of the issues surrounding adoption.
59) Officers dressed in riot gear are surrounding the perimeter fence.
60) Many of the papers focus their attention on the controversy surrounding the Foreign Secretary.
61) Her office was an oasis of peace and sanity amid the surrounding chaos.
62) The size of the office tower belittles the surrounding buildings.
63) There has been strong criticism of the secrecy surrounding the negotiations.
64) The surrounding buildings were scorched by the heat of the explosion.
65) Watson deserves credit for lifting the veil of secrecy surrounding Brenda's death.
66) The controversy surrounding the take-over yesterday continued to reverberate around the television industry.
67) The surrounding villages have been absorbed by/into the growing city.
68) The recent publicity surrounding homelessness has given fresh impetus to the cause.
69) Some of the issues surrounding mental illness have been unpacked in Chapter 3.
70) The land surrounding the village was given over to vineyards.
71) Annie knew that there was some mystery surrounding her birth.
72) As soon as the trial was over,[http:///surrounding.html] the blaze of publicity surrounding him vanished.
73) They climbed upward along the steep cliffs surrounding the village.
74) I prised off the metal rim surrounding one of the dials.
75) the surrounding countryside. The country is more common in this sense but countryside is used especially in official language or when it would not be clear which sense of country is meant:the Wildlife and Countryside Act.
76) The hype and fervour surrounding the event positively invited scepticism.
77) Despite incurring heavy losses, the rebels now hold the town and the surrounding hills.
78) London has sucked the surrounding towns dry of local talent.
79) He bought up all the land in the surrounding area.
80) The woods surrounding the estate were a favourite for family walks.
81) From the top of the hill you can see all the surrounding countryside.
82) The US forces were clearing the surrounding area of mines.
83) Worse of all, their reflective glasses coated with silver or gold mirror films raise the temperature of the surrounding air.
84) The search party spread out to search the surrounding fields.
85) The village itself is pretty, but the surrounding countryside is rather dull.
86) The government needs to clear up the confusion surrounding its policy on water.
87) The police have searched the farm and the surrounding area .
88) There's often a conspiracy of silence surrounding bullying in schools.
89) The biography explains the circumstances surrounding her fall from grace.
90) Some of the issues surrounding alcohol abuse are very complex.
91) Some of the mystique surrounding the presidency has gone forever.
92) Make sure the tile is flush with the surrounding tiles.
93) The child was able to filter out the noises surrounding him, as he was so busy in his play.
94) New housing is starting to encroach upon the surrounding fields.
95) The polluted waste is often dumped, making the surrounding land infertile.
96) The government has been urged to lift the veil of secrecy surrounding the minister's unexpected resignation.
97) The large windows give fine views of the surrounding countryside.
98) Is the proposed use compatible with the surrounding area?
99) The ready acceptance of children's testimony was not the only disturbing fact surrounding the executions.
100) Troops have already cordoned off the surrounding area with white mine tape,[http://] which flutters in the slight breeze.
101) But there was resentment also at the lack of industrial development in the city and its surrounding areas.
102) Pearce, wanting to take a quick throw-in, grabbed the ball and pushed him on the cinder track surrounding the pitch.
103) After the explosion, about 500 consumers in the surrounding area were without power for an hour.
104) Most of them simply release their eggs and sperm and rely on the surrounding water to bring them together.
105) This barn conversion had about two acres of totally untouched field surrounding it.
106) Police are still searching the town and surrounding areas for the child.
107) Dana fights his way through the protocol surrounding the medicine chest, has a recipe drawn up, and delivers his balm.
108) Bedrooms are comfortably furnished, and some of them have excellent views of the surrounding mountains.
109) I kicked my heels and ran my eye along the ruff of mountains surrounding Cuzco, like a tongue over broken teeth.
110) Belfast City Airport Forum is a new advisory body set up to discuss environmental issues affecting the airport and the surrounding area.
111) Today this is grazing land for sheep, as most of the surrounding area has been since the founding of the abbey.
112) Six of the biggest black-coated boys ran over, surrounding his car.
113) The massacre at Jedwabne had been preceded by similar atrocities in the surrounding region.
114) Long since abandoned by the sea, Rye is now a hilltop town affording super views of the surrounding countryside.
115) Any neutrons produced within the palladium will shoot out of the cell into a surrounding water bath.
116) Craigendarroch is the perfect base for discovering the surrounding countryside with its bustling towns, and picturesque villages.
117) The plant and its surrounding acreage stretch as far as the eye can see.
118) On 20 August they recaptured Breo and pacified the surrounding area.
119) Villagers in Bishopton and the surrounding area started to complain because they were annoyed by the irregularity of the service.
120) Being on the top floor with its breathtaking view of the surrounding forest was one of the job's many perks.
121) The county comprised four districts based on city regions surrounding the former county boroughs of Sheffield, Barnsley, Doncaster and Rotherham.
122) Although the Belmont was not damaged, the city of Callao and the surrounding area suffered heavy destruction.
123) Unfortunately, fertilizers from surrounding farmland has reduced the aquatic life.
124) They stared silently at the impenetrable curtain surrounding the ship, and each face was tense with anxiety.
125) There they met headmaster Frank Boyden, who enlisted them in his efforts to beautify the town surrounding the private school.
126) The Civil Aeronautics Administration said lack of attention to the surrounding area by the copilot was the main reason for the accident.
127) The surrounding countryside is windswept and rocky,[] moss-bedecked flints sticking out of the ground like primitive blades.
128) Buchholz is responsible for new sales in the Fargo-Moorhead and surrounding area.
129) Take a closer look at the warning labels surrounding you on a daily basis.
130) Oil slick prompts no-fishing zone Fishermen have introduced a voluntary ban on fishing in the area surrounding the Shetland oil slick.
131) Roads met at perfect right angles; the white farmhouses had groves of pale aspen surrounding them.
132) He could see Chris in the little circle surrounding Finnegan's ball.
133) It has independently evolved a quite different kind of lung from that of our ancestors - an air chamber surrounding the gills.
134) The city is not very attractive, but the surrounding area is lovely.
135) The surrounding carved stonework contained the date, and in the middle were metal panels displaying a dolphin with bulrushes.
136) In addition he seeks covenants to ensure that surrounding parkland remains as pasture so that the wider country house landscape is assured protection.
137) Carewscourt, standing on its hill high above the surrounding countryside, took the full brunt of it.
138) Mr Wahid has tried to compensate for his economic shortcomings by surrounding himself with myriad layers of advisers.
139) A very humid climate fostering tropical vegetation in a swampy and lagoonal surrounding is characteristic of this period.
140) The advisory committee report did little to resolve the mystery surrounding Gulf War illness.
141) Even at Sunday River, despite the publicity surrounding the Godson caper, there have been no other such incidents.
142) It is supposed to end the uncertainty surrounding the limits of control of young people in residential care.
143) Emerging in the darkness, I vaulted the chain-link fence surrounding the park and ran through the high grass into the trees.
144) A few carefully placed lamps will provide atmosphere and show off the surrounding plants.
145) Avoid over-the-counter medication containing benzoyl peroxide and alcohol - it dehydrates the area surrounding the spot.
146) The issue has bitterly divided the community surrounding the common ever since the complex was first mooted.
147) As it came to a stop, it widened the frenzied cluster of moths surrounding the yellow platform light over his head.
148) Half of the U. S. Latino population lives in these cities and the surrounding urban areas.
149) The police commandos surrounding the compound retaliate with barrages of military marches delivered by portable speakers.
150) The coral sand surrounding coral reefs is believed to be mostly produced by Parrotfish and Triggerfish.
151) Both lack a set identity, living without a certitude of their place in relation to their surrounding society.
152) While the issues surrounding home banking appear to be growing in complexity, so are the opportunities and challenges for bankers.
153) They carry within their range of possibilities, which includes their genetic coding, information about adjacent and surrounding systems.
154) This is a soul cleansing, carefully detailing the surrounding circumstances and the pressures that demanded that action be taken immediately.
155) It is the criminal activity surrounding the supply of illegal drugs that we should really worry about.
156) This was followed last year by the announcement that diamonds have been found in dust clouds surrounding forming stars.
157) If anything,[] the psychological condition of the black sportsman should be tension-packed given the social circumstances surrounding his involvement.
158) Interviews done in the week after the shows aired found dramatic increases in awareness and understanding of medical issues surrounding both topics.
159) The local Station served the surrounding community and carried a fair amount of passenger and freight traffic.
160) Instead, there was a series of concentric circles, surrounding a small black disk.
161) The compilation of a new tectonic map of Great Britain, Ireland and the surrounding seas began.
162) This meant that the cities which ultimately grew up within this rural society were of a different character from the surrounding countryside.
163) More than 600 people were injured and 300 surrounding buildings were damaged by the force of the explosion.
164) It blends in very well with the surrounding architecture, and yet it gives it a nice lively look.
165) He was there when the killers streamed down from the surrounding hills, chanting war cries.
166) On the Tuesday our proper visits began to the surrounding area.
167) To provide vertical emphasis and break the line of those surrounding walls, pergolas and a rose covered arbour have been introduced.
168) The intense media attention surrounding the case, has made it very difficult for the family to cope.
169) These compounds are absorbed into the epithelial cells surrounding the central lumen containing the colloid.
170) Yeltsin fumed at questions of whether the nuclear summit and surrounding meetings were tailored to his political ambitions.
171) Surrounding the town square were numerous small buildings, including the courthouse.
172) These convey not only shadow but also heat, his suns gaining in intensity from a surrounding ring of black.
173) Castells's interest in the politics of consumption and the political alliances surrounding consumption have, for example, been developed by Dunleavy.
174) As soon as Hitler's trial was over, the blaze of publicity surrounding him vanished.
175) Unfortunate Timing Initial confusion surrounding work assignments resulted in part from unfortunate timing.
176) The liquid is burnt in a plentiful supply of air and the temperature rise in the surrounding water bath is measured.
177) But he held on to his interest in the surrounding property, on which he eventually built a vacation home.
178) The fried bread surrounding the bacon in the hot plate was simply to create effect and mop up the excess fat.
179) I was afraid that at any moment the car would go bumping off it, into the surrounding desert.
180) There has been much controversy surrounding energy and time uncertainty relation (ETUR) since Heisenberg established it in 1927.
181) Secondly, the thesis analyzes it from the modern financial corporation institution seduction of its surrounding system, property right system, corporate governance and business system.
182) The no load speed decreases with the increase of surrounding temperature.
183) The ore-forming materials are mainly originated from the upper mantle, could not be provided by mobilization during albitization of diorite and surrounding sedimentary rocks of Trissic age.
184) The cervical fascial spaces surrounding the viscera below the hyoid bone of 36 male adult cadavers were investigated by serial sections and injection methods.
184) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
185) They should use bestir mechanism to mobilize high qualification nurses' work ardor , stabilize nursing troop, provide better working situation and surrounding for front line worker.
186) Horizontal freezing induces ground frost heave and ground displacement. Excessive uneven displacement or deformation may damage the surrounding building.
187) All light enters the sanctuary through the glass wall surrounding the pulpit.
188) If you own a condo , you do not own the land surrounding your living space.
189) The surrounding cells of the embryonic cell groups degenerate, such there is the space between the groups of cell and the surrounding tissue.
190) Various non-committal statements from Apple executives have thickened the fog surrounding the issue.




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