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单词 Ecological
1. Each animal has its ecological niche.
2. They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.
3. Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.
4. The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.
5. Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the Earth's ozone layer.
6. We risk upsetting the ecological balance of the area.
7. Ecological problems usually require holistic solutions.
8. The ecological consequences of a nuclear war are incalculable.
9. The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone.
10. High petrol taxes are defensible on ecological grounds.
11. From an ecological viewpoint(), the motorway has been a disaster.
12. The ecological disaster is partly a product of letting everything rip in order to increase production.
13. It's an ecological disaster with no parallel anywhere else in the world.
14. The ecological effects of the factory need to be balanced against the employment it generates.
15. The destruction of the rain forests is an ecological disaster that threatens the future of life on Earth.
16. "Ecological" has become one of the most overworked adjectives among manufacturers of garden supplies.
17. These statistics are important from an ecological point of view.
18. Ecological balance would be broken by the fact that rabbits overabound on the grasslands.
19. Ecological groups say that nothing is being done to tackle the problem.
20. The ecological D-Day he posits is compelling and complex.
21. Are there problems with ecological or individualist fallacies?
22. Scientists say the oil spill is an ecological catastrophe.
23. The challenges of hunger, of poverty,[Sentencedict] of ecological crisis.
24. You also need an ecological and behavioral niche.
25. But in ecological terms, something catastrophic had occurred.
26. It needs to respect basic ecological laws.
27. The species found fall into three loosely-defined ecological groupings.
28. If they do this, ecological catastrophe is inevitable.
29. Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth.
30. They have so far failed to come to grips with the ecological problems.
1. Each animal has its ecological niche.
2. They were warned of the ecological catastrophe to come.
3. Large dams have harmed Siberia's delicate ecological balance.
4. The Black Sea is facing ecological catastrophe as a result of pollution.
5. Various ecological issues have come to the fore since the discovery of the hole in the Earth's ozone layer.
6. The region has been declared an ecological disaster zone.
31. The oil spill will be an ecological catastrophe.
32. In sum, our nation was headed toward ecological disaster.
33. The basic ecological problem of limited resources remains.
34. Insects number countless millions, and perform vital ecological functions.
35. It commented, too, on the environmental and ecological consequences.
36. It's threatening to cause a huge ecological disaster.
37. Wheat is sheltered from ecological reality.
38. We know that there is an ecological problem.
39. The ecological problem forced itself on to our consciousness.
40. Creative solutions to our ecological problems?
41. They harvest its riches without destroying the ecological balance.
42. An ecological combo self-organizes itself on the land.
43. The ecological balance in the area could be destroyed.
44. Perhaps the most conspicuous flaw in reports of ecological apocalypse is lack of information.
45. The Global Communications Group links ecological and other political activists via the Net.
46. For any one ecological group, such as the dinosaurs, it is comparatively easy to find a possible cause.
47. The Ecological Impact of Nitrates Two rivers illustrate the impact of nitrate pollution.
48. By contrast, the appeal of the industrial co-operative remains unchallengeable, its ecological niche exclusive to it.
49. We could conceivably escape disaster, but we seem destined, absent real change, for ecological impoverishment.
50. The growing awareness of environmental and ecological issues often coincides with traditional beliefs and practices.http://
51. Out of this early ecological research has grown the whole field of environmental and dietary reconstruction discussed in Chapters 6 and 7.
52. Tex Slampacker was referring to yet another man-made ecological disaster.
53. It was certainly possible to study what would now be called ecological relationships before the founding of scientific ecology.
54. Ecological Science and Forestry Ecology is the scientific study of organisms in relation to the physical and biological environment.
55. Homoeopathy fits comfortably into a more natural, ecological view of the individual and the society in which he lives.
56. The second is to gain the knowledge and experience to maintain humans within equilibrium in a closed ecological system.
57. Paradoxically the ecological problems deriving from the application of artificial fertilizers are often equally complex and extensive.
58. Leopold suggested that indigenous people must instead have contributed to its ecological health and stability.
59. Junkers has come up with an ecological alternative to worktops made from tropical hardwoods.
60. The effluents we pour heedlessly into its waters are a threat to its delicate ecological balance.
61. In a purely ecological sense, this wave pattern describes a situation that might be called suspended extinction.
62. Both are concerned to overcome the ecological problem by using biotechnology.
63. The accident threatened an ecological disaster for the remote Shetland Islands and its fishing, tourism and farming industries.
64. Rising living standards and well-being are ambiguously related at the best of times, and not simply for ecological reasons.
65. We have already seen how pioneers of the ecological approach forged an alliance with specialists from the environmental sciences.
66. Different states and different scales create vastly different effects across the ecological spectrum.
67. If the population continues to expand, Ehrlich argues(), mass starvation and ecological disaster will be the inevitable consequence.
68. It is an organism that has taken advantage of a man-made ecological niche, created in buildings' water systems.
69. But ecological obligations have led to a change in the type of flood defences proposed.
70. This recognition has had a major impact, not only in the ecological field but also in that of Earth Mysteries.
71. As dump opponents had feared, it explicitly sidesteps many of the ecological concerns raised last fall by Park Service scientists.
72. Callenbach's Ecotopia on the other hand is brought about by a green revolution of West Coast ecological activists.
73. Their high death rate is due to malnutrition, through ecological change, as well as introduced diseases.
74. The government is to provide incentives for people to protect natural ecological assets such as forests.
75. Ecological theory holds that no two species can occupy exactly the same niche.
76. This would exclude land of scientific or ecological value and identify large areas where commercial growers could plant forests.
77. Each team works in 3 villages of a chosen ecological and cultural region, with 8 months in each of the villages.
78. Consider this stirring quotation and its possible ecological implications: We must discover and conquer the country in which we live.
79. This in turn has led to rapid evolution to fill the vacant or new ecological niches.
80. Prehistoric archaeologists the world over have increasingly focussed attention on the ecological and economic aspects of life in antiquity.
81. From an ecological point of view, overpopulation is a disaster no matter where it occurs or spills over.
82. Or an end to racial oppression? Creative solutions to our ecological problems?
83. All evidence points to ecological technology being cost effective, if not shockingly profitable.
84. Factory-farming makes pollution, excessive meat-eating upsets the ecological balance, trapping and hunting can injure habitat, and so on.
85. They are worried that genetic differences imported into the native flora will have profound ecological consequences.
86. Furthermore, a monograph of any large tropical group will show varying degrees of recognition of the ecological requirements of different species.
87. The legacy of the Duvalierist years included endemic corruption and vast ecological damage.
88. Flows of materials and energy have been primarily determined by market structures and economics and only secondarily by ecological factors.
89. The economic case for substantial immigration is thin, and there are significant ecological and other arguments against it.
90. There are warnings that the building of the dam will upset the ecological balance of the river basin.
91. Each had an individual story that complemented the other, creating ecological beauty and providing spiritual as well as physical sustenance.
92. A third marked contrast, of enormous ecological and economic significance, is in leaf litter.
93. In it we can see reflected the ecological, psychological, spiritual damage and the massive human waste of this war.
94. Direct Actions 6.1 Ecological expropriation comes down to the coercive transfer of nonpublic land to public owners in the name of conservation.
95. Such a cost nonetheless needs setting against the advantages in any ecological study of gorilla social behaviour.
96. It also needs long periods of ecological stability during which evolutionary epochs can bring about the necessary organic synthesis.
97. The indirect solutions for ecological appropriation have a more familiar land reform ring but are not without positive environmental implications.
98. We have some understanding of the relative proportions of the different ecological types.
99. The twin problems of ecological and individualist fallacies occur when inferences are drawn about one level of analysis using evidence from another.
100. What of our own ecological balance sheet for the trees?
101. Then there was Nordhausen - an industrial centre which was an ecological disaster.
102. Rampart Dam, however, was an ecological disaster probably with-out precedent in the world.
103. Fewer plants equate to fewer ecological niches and fewer species of animals to fill them.
104. In general landowners were expected to work the land and to increase productivity,() but not to upset the ecological balance.
105. Another more pessimistic version of modern Malthusianism dealt less with economics and more with the ecological limits to growth.
106. Not surprisingly, therefore, most approaches have been based on the cultural dimension with the addition of ecological and occupational factors.
107. In part, McKenna sees this as a natural reaction to the ecological crisis brought on by the modern era.
108. Cowles developed an ecological approach within an academic framework that stressed rigorous pure research.
109. Researchers believe that the ecological balance was upset by the decision to introduce the Nile perch into the lake in 1960.
110. This use of data at two levels of analysis seeks to minimize the problem of ecological fallacy.
111. But if they do not leave, he said,[] ecological disaster could be as little as five or 10 years away.
112. And that has worsened the overall ecological crisis that engine efficiency was originally meant to solve.
113. The following comparisons with modern and deconstructionist-postmodern thought serve to situate ecological postmodernism.
114. Some thing or things have to happen for a microbe to escape its previously harmless ecological niche and reach critical mass.
115. Old ecological niches were destroyed in the process and new ones opened up.
116. Previous studies have assessed the amenity role of countryside open-spaces using separate ecological, landscape and recreational criteria.
117. How our sensibilities in regard to social and ecological problems have evolved over the last 40 years.
118. Some of these carry toxic cargoes and an accident could result in economic as well as ecological damage.
119. But it's also a story of ecological disaster and man's excess.
120. Or is it your children who are setting the ecological pace?
121. Dam promoters, guilty of 40 years of ecological and social destruction, were to be held accountable.
122. Thus did ecological explanations regain ground earlier lost to generational ones.
123. The ingredients for an ecological house are visible in an ordinary contemporary house.
124. Before they were defined, there were no ecological targets for pollution control, only political ones.
125. A land use plan is to be produced providing guidelines for protecting water resources, developing tourism and promoting ecological agriculture.
126. But it is here that ecological education could make an impact.
127. Ecotopian biotechnology on the contrary would possess an infrastructure based firstly on ecological rationality and secondarily on an economic basis.
128. This method of control is principally limited to geographical or ecological islands and perennial crops.
129. There was serious talk of ecological suicide, criminal irresponsibility and the evils of toxic fumes merging with alcoholic ones.
130. Social evolution without ecological reference is ultimately a logical impossibility in a world of finite resources.
131. These criticisms include major ecological changes, reservoir sedimentation and the uprooting of large numbers of people.
132. An ecological building would also be moderately more energy efficient.
133. How much might we learn by concentrating ecological effort, expertise and funding on our own backyards?
134. Yet the people targeted by them still live with economic stagnation, political repression, malnutrition and ecological crisis.
135. New ecological approaches sought to help us understand human adaptation to the environment.
136. The esteemed poet and ecological essayist has lived here with his family for 25 years.
137. The ecological setting was similar to that of today, except for an alkaline lake which has long since evaporated.
138. Ben has adapted his zany thriller about ecological disaster and will play the lead.
139. Environmental protection Overpopulation in the Majority World has often been blamed for ecological catastrophe.
140. These provide an intricate pattern of interconnected and convoluted water bodies which have considerable ecological interest and value.
141. The ecological market determines when plants and animals should make the biggest investment of all: to reproduce.
142. The dropouts from the first part of the ecological exam are easy to identify as they are, after all[Sentencedict], dead.
143. Clearly, a better understanding of long term ecological impact needs to be encouraged.
144. Study on the Urban Distribution in Ecological Economic Region.
145. Construction of policy and law of compensation for ecological benefit of welfare forest has become a new issue in the reformation of socialist market economy system and that of forestry.
146. The study not only affords the exercisable technical sustainment for the realization of ecological building, but may also provides the most possibility for logical expression of architecture design.
147. Another useful ecological unit that cuts across this hierarchical classification is the life system.
148. Based on the literature review of the ecological niche theory and the urban tourism competitiveness, the concept of tourism competitiveness niche is discussed.
149. The shortage of resources, the pollution of environment and the loss of ecological balance are becoming. global problems. The foundation of environment accounting is the effective way.
150. Ecological Pest Management ( EPM ) developed from Integrated Pest Management ( IPM ).
151. Grassland is the base of grass stockbreeding and it is very important in ecological environment protection and construction.
152. Production of gallnut is not simple to plant, but an ecological works of breeding gallnuts complex.
153. The paper reveals takin′s ecological Countermeasure for adaptation of the habitant.
154. Ecological risks should not be underestimated either, says Wei Wei, an ecologist here at CAS's Institute of Botany.
155. The enterprise cluster, which possesses some behavioral traits of the biotic community, is a social ecological system.
156. The ecological development of shoaly land is one of the research topics on shoaly land in China.
157. In the meaning of practice, ecological aesthetics signifies a real mode of aesthetic construction and provides mental resources for the entirely new way of man's own reproduction.
158. The Article discusses the concept and definition of ecological residence, and whether it is a real mode or an ideal aim, and then brings forward distinct ideas.
159. The ecological distribution of genus Glycyrrhiza and its utilization in Xinjiang.
160. The ecological reaction of all kinds of nitrogen in wetlands was analyzed and vistas on future research goal and study emphasis of nitrogen biogeochemical cycle were given.
161. In the fields of environmental protection and technology, great efforts should be made to promote cooperation on new energy,() sustainable growth and ecological resource protection.
162. In this area , the ecological environment is very rigorous for living things, and aridness and wind and arid are main threats.
163. Heterogenous environmental conditions determined ecological plasticity of ramet biomass and length in Chamaedaphne calyculata populations.
164. The researchers even wrote a computer program, outlined in the journal Evolution, which explains how to tease apart a species' ecological influences from its ancestral ones.
165. Ecological rehabilitation, somewhat different than the traditional closing off the afforested hills, is an essential way for soil ...
166. Ecological harmony is the premise and basis of building a harmonious society. It provides environmental foundation and resource supportability for the development of harmonious society.
167. It also puts forward index, index system evaluation and index importance for Shaoguan establishing forest ecological city.
168. In this paper, the feature, feeding value and ecological role of Lolium multiflorum were discussed to give a reference for its development and utilization.
169. At present, the Scenic spot is creating "Wind-bell heralding spring", "Wutong tea sea", "Ten li azalea" and other greatly ecological sceneries according to the natural conditions of Wutong Mountain.
170. Coordinated development index among economic, social, and ecological systems was 0.2546, placing it to the moderately imbalanced recessional economy-driven type.
170. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
171. On the premise of protecting river hydrobiology habitat, ecological water demand in mountainous rivers was studied.
172. In Liangshan area, the climate is various; ecological types are diversified, especially the Jinsha River is the special ecological section with rich crop idioplasm.
173. Mycorrhiza is one of the new technologies applied on ecological restoration of coal mine areas. Spore density is one of the standards to scale mycorrhizal ecology.
174. The biological and ecological characteristics as well as habitat condition of Picea sitchensis have been briefed; meanwhile the study direction of its species introduction has been advanced.
175. And on this basis, carried out the Ecological Risk Assessment. of chlorpyrifos on silkworm.
176. The prohibition of felling wildwood ameliorates ecological environment on one hand, but it brings about the problem of an acute fuel shortage for the farmers living on mountains on the other band.
177. to spend and what ecological impact one is willing to tolerate to reduce the risk of a tick-borne illness.
178. Currently studies related ecological risk assessment are not widely conducted in Taiwan.
179. The ultrastructure of liver of Cuora flavomarginata resembles that of the other reptilia animals, while the ultrastructure of kidney relates to the ecological behaviour of Cuora flavomarginata.
180. Photooxidation was correlated with the winter injury. But the injury degree was correlated with the ecological habits.
181. Situated in hungriness area, Wuhai city's economic has been flourishing from its mining development for 30 years, but its frail ecological environment has been destroyed.
182. Ecological aesthetics is a kind of ethics which reflects the relationship among human beings, nature, society and people's own ecological aesthesis.
183. The ecological footprints of three industrial sectors in China were studied through input-output analysis.
184. Finally, the inadvisability of "original ecological culture protection" has been discussed in this article.
185. The Non-market value approach was employed to estimate the ecological benefit of CCFGP in the Losses Plateau in the study.
186. Methods Change the many units of ecological construction management to single unit of ecological purchasing company and render an account system to purchasing system.
187. Construction of compound industry zone of ecological economy can be accelerated by taking powerful measures.
188. Through the research on ecological literature by Chinese minority writers, we pick up the evolution of relationship between man and man, man and society and especially man and nature.
189. This zone will be characteristic of ecological vulnerability, the periodic change and the frequency of human activity.
190. The application values of bryophyta resources in medicine, agriculture, gardens and ecological environment were analyzed. The expectation was done on its application prospects.
191. Ulmus pumila of Haixing, Yanshan provenance is more suited to high salinity stress growth, more be adapt to coastal saline areas ecological restoration.
192. The effects of chemical pesticides on arthropod community in spring wild cabbage field were studied from the ecological point in this article.
193. To study ecological niche of the Acaroid mites breeding in grain stocks with the logical and qualitative research.
194. Carrying out summary and evaluation on control model of plant hedge in Zigui county provides reference for ecological programme development.
195. Agricultural development should be focussed on the increase of economic benefit which is to be coincident with ecological and social benefit.
196. Bamboo is an important forest resources, with wide distribution, growing faster, uses more advanced features of ecological and economic value, known as "green gold."
197. The whole ecological benefit shows downtrend, especially the area of nutrient waterhead and water and soil benefit in forest get large, and on the contrary the forest area lessens.
198. The general fiscal levy reform based on Ecological tax is one focus for both governments and academic researchers since 1990s, which offers an enlightenment to us.
199. The effects of light intensity on photosynthesis diurnal variation of horticultural plants diver with some differentiations in species, cultivars, bearing times and ecological factors.
200. There is not law dedicated to ecological restoration[Sentence dictionary], but only some related regulations or policies about ecological restoration with a lower rank.
201. This paper studies national economic accounting under the conditions of sustainable development, which includes natural resources and ecological environment.
202. According to the synergetics theory economy, social and ecological subsystem should coordinate with each another, in order to maintain the water resources system as an sequential system.
203. Based on the introduction of the concept and meaning of ecological water requirement(EWR) for reservoirs, the blind number theory was applied to calculate the EWR for the Shuangxi Reservoir.
204. Vegetation rehabilitation and ecological construction in the karst mountains is always a difficulty in land management in the tropical and warm sub-tropical zone of China.
205. Ecological landscape mapping is one of the fields of thematic mapping.
206. In The Origins of the Modem World, Robert B. Marks presents a Non-Eurocentrism narrative of the origins of the modem world from global and ecological perspective.
207. Combined with species resource protection and platform project of excellent variety research, the planning is about to establish ecological resorts with the features of thousand-island.
208. Global ecological efforts can easily be at odds with local ecologies.
209. The effects of soil nutrient factors on potato yield and commodity rate were studied in different ecological conditions.
210. In this paper we consider a model simulating the ecological" phenomena in a chemostat."
211. The role and function of microbiotic crust in ecological restoration of arid and semiarid regions of China were discussed.
212. Based on the relative theories of biomathematics , a new approach to trend extrapolation of time series of ecological footprints is proposed in this paper.
213. The region of west Inner Mongolia lies in arid, semi-arid, terribly arid climatic zone, and the ecological environment is very frail.
214. The essential elements within the system and the interaction of intersystem form the ecological system, economic system and social system, which produce composite results with the intervention of man.
214. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
215. Ecological resurgence is attributed to pesticides weakening natural control systems whereas physiological resurgence refers to pesticide-induced stimulation of pest reproduction or hormesis.
216. Fresh progress was registered in energy, resources, ecological and environmental conservation.
217. The project will result in a large ecological arboretum combining leisure, entertainment and humanistic landscape together.
218. The minimum instream ecological water demand is the epiboly value of each instream flow quantity.
219. Therefore, we must allow full play to the function of law during the process of developing ecological civilization, and strengthen the environmental legal system constantly.
220. Therefore, it can not cause a threat on ecological environment to use lindane in partial control of crop insect pest in China.
221. River is a bridge between terrene and ocean. It is very important to study the flux of river active material flowing into the sea for current ecological geochemical evaluation.
222. The ecological laws, such as seedling law, growth peak and so on of Echinochloa crusgallis were studied, which provides evidence for application of weeding with chemicals.




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