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单词 Hindsight
1, Hindsight is always twenty-twenty.
2, With hindsight, he was overestimating their desire for peace.
3, With hindsight, I should have taken the job.
4, Their first scheme was deemed, in hindsight, a mistake.
5, With hindsight, I should have seen the warning signs.
6, With the benefit of hindsight , we would do things differently.
7, With the benefit of hindsight, it's easy to criticize.
8, It's easy to criticise with the benefit of hindsight.
9, With hindsight, we'd all do things differently.
10, This all seems obvious with hindsight.
11, In hindsight, it would have been better to wait.
12, With the wisdom of hindsight we now know that the old-fashioned aerosol sprays were a mistake.
13, What looks obvious in hindsight was not at all obvious at the time.
14, We failed, and with hindsight I now see where we went wrong.
15, He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.
16, I now know with hindsight that I did him a terrible wrong.
17, With hindsight it is easy to say they should not have released him.
18, With hindsight it was a remarkable logistic achievement.
19, Things can often become clear with hindsight.
20, But 20-20 hindsight is an unfair advantage.
21, It has the benefit of hindsight.
22, These are the judgements of hindsight,[http:///hindsight.html] however.
23, With hindsight, therefore, only one outcome was likely although the struggle was often violent and bloody.
24, With hindsight, the emergence of any new branch of science seems inevitable, and its development a logical progression.
25, Moreover although, with hindsight, such a classification appears scientifically absurd it is zoologically perfectly sensible.
26, With hindsight, I now reckon that half a dozen of my fellow patients had cancer, but were ignorant of it.
27, Both the barrister, and this court, accept with hindsight that his intervention was perhaps inapt or unfortunate.
28, In hindsight, an unalloyed catastrophe of monstrous proportions was inevitable.
29, It is easy to criticize others when you have the benefit of hindsight.
30, It's easy enough to see what we should have done, with the wisdom of hindsight.
1, With hindsight, he was overestimating their desire for peace.
2, With hindsight, I should have taken the job.
3, Their first scheme was deemed, in hindsight, a mistake.
4, With hindsight, I should have seen the warning signs.
5, With the benefit of hindsight , we would do things differently.
31, But it is possible that both views were influenced by hindsight and that matters seemed less clear-cut at the time.
32, With hindsight I can see that I was already predisposed, given the right circumstances, to become anorexic.
33, To say in the hindsight of 1997 that they were flawed and ultimately failures is less than half right.
34, Most would agree, with hindsight, that everything seemed to happen in slow motion, during and after the murder.
35, Although, with hindsight, the more thoughtful members of Stark realized that the cause of his death was chillingly ironic.
36, But, he says, the studies have the advantage of hindsight.
37, He should not allow himself to wallow in it, however: hindsight may well suggest he has had a lucky escape.
38, These remarks were largely the product of hindsight and of their experiences in office from 1969.
39, With hindsight in Andrew Hagans case they made the wrong decision.
40, The problem with people like Suzuki is that, with hindsight, their success can look too easy.
41, Yes, the work was important, but with hindsight I am not sure that I made the right move.
42, Hindsight is all very well, but if only he had sent his London package by regular mail ....
43, In hindsight, these ideas about mixing seem fairly simplistic to modern geophysicists.
44, How different things look in hindsight, and how my own flaws stand out in relief.
45, All plants and animals are, with hindsight, the same because they all descend from an ancestor three billion years old.
46, From the benefit of hindsight, it was somewhat naive on my part, assuming that anybody can do anything.
47, But let's not get too smart-aleck with the benefit of hindsight.
48, With hindsight this final point should have been given more significance from the start.
49, In discussing this question, an Illinois court observed that hindsight makes every event foreseeable.
50, Hindsight tells me that I was looking for trouble, but-at the time I knew nothing about it.
51, In hindsight, I see how untainted and innocent my parents were.
52, The uniqueness of the arrangement that flies, or that opens the safe, is nothing to do with hindsight.
53, With hindsight, such viewpoints may be seen as irrelevant, off-centre, or temporary.
54, With hindsight the confidence with which the demise of dualism was predicted appears to have been premature.
55, With the luxury of hindsight and the safety of not having to go out and do it tomorrow.
56, Only later are unanticipated costs and benefits visible; hindsight can make them appear deliberate all along.
57, The uniqueness of 1207 has nothing to do with hindsight: it is specified in advance by the manufacturer.
58, We, with perfect hindsight, simply question some of its choices.
59, Neither player took it seriously but, with the benefit of hindsight, both admitted that the offer was probably serious.
60, No. How different things look in hindsight, and how my own flaws stand out in relief.
61, I hope that the account that follows will seem straight forward-but it is written with the twenty-twenty vision of hindsight.
62, Thus in hindsight do we make grand destiny out of a simple quickening of the blood.
63, But in hindsight it maintains Carter's idiosyncratic position within current trends - fuelled by a mix of humanitarianism and hate.
64, Nevertheless, the theory works well if, using hindsight, one looks back at what has actually happened.
65, History thus cuts man down to size by reminding him of his origins: its characteristic insight is hindsight.
66, Aided by hindsight, we can see exactly what was happening.
67, With the benefit of hindsight, the merger presaged the crest of the stock market wave.
68, With hindsight this explanatory framework often seems inadequate, inappropriate, and inconsistent.
69, With hindsight she could see it had been unwise, especially in view of the family history of heart disease.
70, If I should wander into the uncharted minefield of personal opinion it is only with the benefit of hindsight.
71, The historian with the gift of hindsight might wish to counter-assert the greater benefits brought by well-planned public infrastructural investment.
72, Hugh Young, fund manager, admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch was not large enough.
73, In hindsight, it is hard to imagine why Xerox chose not to exploit the Alto commercially.
74, The company kicked off with a hefty dose of early nitrogen, which with hindsight was the right choice.
75, With the wisdom of hindsight the policy of Ebert and his colleagues has been condemned as excessively pragmatic.
76, With the benefit of hindsight it can be seen that the 1980 breakthrough for the Republicans did not herald a realignment.
77, With hindsight, it would have better still to lock in a few more gains.
78, Or perhaps this is just the wisdom of hindsight, a rosy blur of sentiment cast by nostalgia over the scene.
79, With hindsight it would have saved a lot of heartbreak if he had looked the other way.
80, With hindsight,[http://] one can see how Mr Gorbachev has been preparing the ground for this week's changes.
81, With hindsight, the whole affair seems implausible.
82, However, hindsight is easier than foresight.
83, After all, it has the inestimable advantage of hindsight.
84, In hindsight, it appears that her birth was an uneventful one.
85, With hindsight, it encouraged me to experience romance as something haunted, even at its giddy beginning, by a teary ending.
86, I was able to a judgment with the benefit of hindsight.
87, Muchlater, from hindsight, Liang commented, "Neither knew the grammar of Chinese architecture; they wrote uncomprehending descriptions of Chinese buildings."
88, With hindsight, it encouraged me to experience romance as something haunted, even at its giddy beginning, by a teary ending. And maybe that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
89, With the benefit of hindsight, pinpointing romanticism in music or neoclassicism in art is easy.
90, Usually , historical eras are defined by accomplishments analyzed with the benefit of contextua 1 hindsight.
91, With the benefit of hindsight, it is clear we ought to have done more.
92, Strategic decisions like this are easy in hindsight, but in the heat of the moment you're walking on a knife-edge.
93, I was able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight.
94, I opposed this at the time, but with hindsight it was a sensible economy.
95, This (with the benefit of hindsight) overly optimistic view of the output gap contributed to overly expansionary monetary policies and helped to produce the Great Inflation of the mid-to-late 1970s.
96, twenty-twenty hindsight can have tremendous value if you accept the hard-won wisdom and move on with life and love.
97, But with hindsight , he thinks it was a load of mumbo - jumbo.
98, But it is not hindsight alone that finds a natural, not solely a supernatural, sequentiality here.
99, Hindsight shows us the 1990 World Cup Semi - Final was a heroic defeat.
100, In hindsight, I realize that the best way to obfuscate this link would be to use an MD5-generated hash value, effectively hiding all voter information.
101, With the benefit of hindsight, his quip marked the high point of fiscal fine - tuning.
102, Even with the benefit of hindsight, I doubt I would change anything if I had my time again.
103, Hindsight - Lipper's leading windows - based fund performance desktop for European, Asian and offshore markets.
104, "With benefit of hindsight it would now appear that liquidity support times have been overly generous," the central bank of Bangladesh admitted in its half-yearly statement.
105, In hindsight the most important advance was made by Heesch, who developed the method of discharging.
106, I am able to attempt a judgment with the benefit of hindsight.
107, But with the hindsight of 30 years in politics, he added: "It is dangerous to presume closeness to people in power, and it is very rare when there are real, unbreakable friendships."
108, With hindsight, when the 2000 election became the closest ever, the Florida shenanigans seemed prefigured in that sniggering expression, which less became the 43rd president than Alfred E.
109, In hindsight, perhaps it is understood that this was a mistake, for as a group of Pleiadian and blue tinted humans that had "white skin" invaded Earth, the red man was defenseless .
110, We failed, and with ( the benefit of ) hindsight I now see where we went wrong.




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