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单词 Materialism
1. Idealism is opposite to / from materialism.
2. Our civilization remains enslaved to materialism.
3. Materialism represents the triumph of theory over experience.
3. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
4. Marx's philosophy of history is dialectical materialism.
5. It is old-style materialism writ large.
6. Plato would probably have puked at Williams' seeming materialism.
7. We live in a time of crass materialism.
8. But during the Eighties, when materialism and malfeasance predominated, the electorate suffered guilt pains.
9. Yet a scorn for materialism, the measurement of wealth, is fundamental to Buddhism which is rooted in the national psychology.
10. His main target was vanity, and how materialism has put a brake on the human race.
11. How could I absorb the language of atheistic materialism and class struggle when it seemed so strange and pernicious?
12. In general, what the theory of dialectic materialism states is that every society is structured around its material basis of production.
13. They were accused of materialism, wanting designer clothes instead of babies.
14. This materialism also means that the traditional tyrants, the parents-in-law, are being increasingly regarded by married couples as burdens.
15. The materialism was crass, everyone's expectations had been aroused, and few people had been satisfied.
16. The cynicism and materialism already so prevalent in our culture are given the imprimatur of policy.
17. In this basic sense both historical materialism and Marxist political economy are undeniably structuralist.
18. In all these respects, materialism functions just like theism, as one competing metaphysical scheme amongst others.
19. Materialism says that the only things that exist are material things in space.
20. So have we become a self-centred society, preoccupied with materialism?
21. In the west some people think that ours is an age marked by a strong movement toward materialism.
22. The movement born as an alternative to the arid materialism of consumer culture is here hawked and promoted like any commercial venture.
23. The overwhelming impression of Soul is of a science in retreat, forced to admit the inadequacy of its materialism.
24. Our high desires for spiritual reality are transmuted into the sordid quest for consumerism and materialism.
25. Self-improvement and upward mobility became suspect in the general Sixties backlash against bourgeois materialism.
26. He had made an attempt to overthrow the eighteenth-century system of materialism and this attempt, with Coleridge's help, succeeded.
27. The flashy gear turned you, however unwillingly, into a sort of pied piper of Western materialism.
28. In this respect Bukharin's grasp and use of historical materialism was superior to that of Preobrazhensky.
29. And would its spiritual aura survive the debasing onslaught of materialism?
30. What a challenge to a life that is caught in the whirlpool of materialism!
31. None the less, three views consistent with historical materialism can be found in diverse works by Marx and Engels.
32. Implicit in this historical materialism is a view of man and an explanation of the human condition.
33. The root of materialism is probably a firm commitment to empirical scientific method as the only reliable way to discover truth.
33. try its best to gather and make good sentences.
34. For by far the greater part, the aesthetic is bracketed in the name of a robust historical materialism.
35. The First World's miserly materialism is enough to make any honest seeker yearn for a new alternative or age.
36. As such, it competes with other metaphysical theories like materialism.
37. Materialism has until recently been virtually unknown in Confucian societies.
38. Graham also encouraged people to turn away from materialism and instead focus on what he said really matters: the spiritual.
39. We have replaced our spiritual values and wisdom with materialism.
40. In the West, the value of materialism motivates individuals to invest time and energy producing and acquiring material possessions.
41. For example, it can be argued that the value of materialism integrates many parts of the social structure in Western industrial society.
42. But a tame aesthetic is no friend of historical materialism.
43. Historical materialism can also be used to explain the history of penal thought sketched in the previous chapter.
44. In these lovely days, still unspoilt by materialism and television, there was always a singer.
45. An unpredictable aesthetic, it could be said, is a requirement of an historical materialism adequate to its political task.
46. Materialism brings in its wake as many problems as it does blessings.
47. This criticism of materialism is seen in all his teaching.
48. It is impossible to conceive of dialectical materialism without atheism, and it is this which underlies Marxism as an ideology.
49. This is the West, the home of blatant materialism.
50. They talk immaterialism while we talk materialism.
51. They preach idealism whereas we advocate materialism.
52. Materialism and mentalism - the philosophies of 'nothing but.
53. Idealism is opposite to materialism.
54. Society's march toward ever-increasing materialism was continuing.
55. To combat subjectivism we must propagate materialism and dialectics.
56. It taught only materialism, the gospel of mammon.
57. He continually criticized England for its crass materialism.
58. Hence, it is a sub-branch of emergent materialism.
59. Materialism and idealism are different forms of attributive monism.
60. Crass materialism causes people to forget spiritual values.
61. They talk about immaterialism and we talk about materialism.
62. He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism.
63. For all the materialism, trees are still touchingly revered in Japan.
63. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
64. Taken conjointly, these reasons carry little force, especially in light of the arguments against materialism elsewhere in this chapter.
65. The highest point reached by contemplative materialism, that is, materialism which does not comprehend sensuousness as practical activity, is contemplation of single individuals and of civil society.
66. The theoretical basis of this traditional teaching mode is the epistemology of dialectical materialism and the behavioristic psychology.
67. Idealism is often contrasted with materialism, both belonging to the class of monist as opposed to dualist or pluralist ontologies.
68. Centered around city of Shanghai, the exhibition meanders through a series of experiences: from Nongtang culture, Shanghai style, materialism and petit bourgeois sentiment.
69. The criticism and transcendence to Hegelian mentalism and Feuerbach s visual materialism is the new materialism philosophical theory origination of Marx.
70. He takes philosophy of dialectical materialism as his guidance and persists in analyzing and researching on psychological phenomena with dialectic and systematology.
71. Feuerbach's Materialism involves abundant dialectics thought, so we think that it is easy to go astray to name metaphysical Materialism .
72. However, with sensation as a foundation of his philosophy and the method being perceptional intuition, eventually his erceptional philosophy swayed between vulgar materialism and idealism.
73. In his homily the Pontiff focused on the ills of modern materialism .
74. The value theory of dialectical materialism is the important part of Marxist philosophy.
75. Materialism and individualism in American society are the biggest obstacles.
76. In the course of the discussion, we impinged on a theoretical problem of dialectical materialism.
77. The 1920s is a roaring period prevailed conspicuously by pragmatism, materialism, commercialism, mammonism , hedonism, etc.
78. In accordance with historical materialism, one may sum up by saying that historical facts are nonrecurring, historical phenomena possess similarities and historical laws repeat themselves.
79. Part of motivation of historical materialism is to turn away from ineffectiveness arguing on basis of morality.
80. In 1996, Tom Wolfe wrote a brilliant essay called "Sorry, but Your Soul Just Died, " in which he captured the militant materialism of some modern scientists.
81. This has already be contrary to the fundamental at materialism, can produce misdirect to people again.
82. The powerful impulse for co materialism based on rapid economic development : the antithesis of Tagore's invocation.
83. In terms of the history of moral science, it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek, modern Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century.
84. Deserve to be mentioned, the materialism here is behaviorism, function and calculation of modern materialism viewpoint.
85. In March he sparked a storm of criticism by claiming the earthquake and tsunami in Japan was "God's warning" to a country that follows "idol worship, atheism, and materialism".
86. Therefore, the establishment of the convergent philosophical system of subjective materialism will bring about a revolution in the 21st-century philosophy.
87. As for capitalism's wasteful materialism, even Adam Smith had a problem with it.
88. On the other hand, there were lots of mentalism impurities in his social historical conception. His humanism disassimilation had the negative influence regarding the forming of historical materialism.
89. The central doctrines of Marxist Philosophy are called dialectical materialism and historical materialism.
90. And you don't have to apply historical dialectic materialism to daily life.
91. In the field of overseas Mao Zedong research, some scholars deemed that Mao Zedong thought was typical "immaterialism", this totally erred from Marxian historical materialism.
92. Some of which can be guilty of scientism, empiricism, and materialism.
93. Moral education, even in its conventional form, is a challenge to modern materialism in its claim that there are values besides use, efficiency, and economic worth.
94. Peng Xiaojia: In the works "tire", I want to say that in the materialism times, Venus God's spirit and faith is the vague distant mirage, it is pressured by a car tire ruthlessly.
95. Thus we keep our easy old mentalistic way of talking, while yet subscribing to materialism.
96. We all accumulate gods of materialism, self-centeredness, and anything else that can get in the way of total allegiance to God.
97. Millennia of Indian philosophical thought had emphasized non - violence, non - materialism and holistic thinking.
98. Marx constructing historical materialism is the apotheosis of theory innovation in human anamnesis history.
99. The theory of surplus value, together with the historical materialism, turned socialism into from a dream a science.
100. Empirical Study of the Relationship Among Materialism, Product Information, Payment Schedule and Impulse Buying.
101. With the economic development of China and the globalization, in order to satisfy the people's demands both in materialism and mentalist, the social welfare policy in China is also in the change.
102. The scientific method of Marx labor theory of value is materialist dialectics and historical materialism.
103. Even today, and even in secular western Europe, the bald and confident atheism and materialism of Diderot and Holbach seems mildly shocking.
104. The same applies to ideology, idealism will be replaced by materialism and theism by atheism.
105. Pour to materialism but devaluates to suppress mentalism ), which have resulted in the fact that students have no chances to get to all-sided and right knowledge.
106. After Marx originated the Materialism Conception of History and Theory of Surplus value, man's all -round development has become science from fantasy and then from science to practice.
107. Some day, when we get a few more hands and crowbars to work, we'll topple it over(4), along with all its rotten life and unburied dead, its monstrous selfishness and sodden materialism.
108. Contradiction, contrariness, difference, identity, unity, etc are important categories in Materialism and Dialectics.
109. He embraces the heterodox idea of monism, sometimes called animist materialism or vitalism, which is essentially a denial of any distinction between the body and the soul.
110. With the outlook of historical materialism and in the method of dialectical logic, the authors analyze the essential attribute of sports and its features in different historical periods.
111. That is the thesis of a monistic materialism physicalism of consciousness and mind and second mental states and processes cannot be reduced to a physio-physical states and processes.
112. The integration of practicalism and materialism is the basic viewpoint of Marxist philosophy as well as the important mark differentiating Marxist philosophy from all the previous philosophies.
113. The Historic View of Materialism and the Theory of Surplus Value , which are objective rules of history, were the fruits of the study of Marx which was based on Practice.
114. The leader of the atheistic state, the dialectician of materialism should invoke the Deity.
115. Once dialectical materialism is grasped , a lot of trouble will be saved and many mistakes avoided.
116. Democritus, who was a great materialism philosopher in ancient Greek, had plentiful systemic thought which concerned with social philosophy, of which ethic is one of the important content.
117. Conceivability argument's challenge to materialism still remains, whose discussion involves some key topics in the philosophy of language and in metaphysics.
118. Phra Bodhiraksa criticizes the lax behaviour, superstitions, and materialism of most monks and the self-indulgence, corruption, and violence of Thai society.
119. An old garden rockery flowers a priceless abandoned antique bed of two values - nature and materialism!
120. "I am troubled sometimes by the misogyny and materialism of a lot of rap lyrics, " Obama remarked. "But I think the genius of the art form has shifted the culture and helped to de-segregate music."
121. Base on historical materialism, this paper expose the process of uniformity of the international trade law.
122. The formation of Marx's philosophy had the unique way from the mentalism to the humanitarian materialism and then to the historical materialism.
123. Marx's view on this issue shows his historic materialism not only has strong theoretical logic in the plane of historic nature, but also is rich in content in the plane of historic operation.
124. The root of historical mentalism is mentalism , whose value is against that of historical materialism.
125. Juxtaposed within the same conceptual frame are heavenly and musical harmonies, romantic love, materialism, and racism.
126. I don't want to comment on immaterialism or materialism but just want to emphasize the importance of spiritual recognition.
127. We must study dialectical materialism so that we can use it to guide our work.
128. Dialectic materialism figures out, intrinsic factor is the basic reason causing evolvement, factor is the condition.
129. Dialectical materialism believes that the development of things depend on the contradiction.
130. Inheriting adequately the ancient oriental military and governing thoughts, expediential philosophy bases itself on materialism as well as all the classic dialectic thoughts.
131. For a long time, historical materialism has been interpreted in the mode of modern metaphysics, and this has resulted in its being understood as "economic determinism" or "biologism".
132. In terms of the history of moral science, it was the logic development of hedonism of ancient Greek, modem Britain experientialism and french materialism of the 18th century.
132. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
133. In Manchester period, Engel thoroughly transferred from revolutionary democratism to communism and from idealism to materialism.
134. The philosophical side of Marxism is called dialectical materialism; it emphasizes economic determinism.
135. His innovation lies that he understands the culture as a social and material production process, which he criticizes the vulgar materialism and economic determinism.
136. The fourth part emphasizes the two major pillars of Marx's science communism: historical materialism and the theory of surplus value.
137. Mao Zedong carried on and developed the principle that substances are infinitely dividable, which is a part of dialectical materialism.
138. He attempts through to abandon established signifiers of materialism in order to attain another reality derived from his sensory system, emotions and memory.
139. Its adherents find its commonsensible approach to daily living an effective counterweight to materialism, and helps them to reduce the intrusion of technology into their lives.




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