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单词 Electorate
1) The government largely misread the mood of the electorate.
2) The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.
3) The government misjudged the mood of the electorate.
4) According to radio the British electorate are going to vote tomorrow.
5) most of the electorate is pro-choice.
6) They largely misread the mood of the electorate.
7) A majority of the electorate oppose the law.
8) There is widespread apathy among the electorate.
9) Only about half of the electorate bothered to vote.
10) The electorate is growing tired of his posturings.
11) The French electorate voted out the socialists.
12) The Government could expect only ingratitude from the electorate.
13) The government was responsible to the electorate.
14) The electorate is astute enough to vote tactically against the Government.
15) 75% of the electorate believe his party is incapable of government.
16) Two-thirds of the national electorate had the chance to vote in these elections.
17) The electorate is/are disillusioned.
18) Since Independence the electorate has been polarized equally between two parties.
19) The rise of a mass electorate forced politicians to try and broaden their appeal.
20) Only 70% of the electorate voted in the last election.
21) They've won over a lot of the electorate since she's been leader of the party.
22) She is a shrewd politician who wants to avoid offending the electorate unnecessarily.
23) He has the backing of almost a quarter of the electorate.
24) The fact that a party can be voted into power by a minority of the electorate calls into question the country's electoral system.
25) Without a coherent set of policies to persuade the electorate,(http:///electorate.html) the Republicans have resorted to sloganeering and empty rhetoric.
26) The present voting system distorts the wishes of the electorate.
27) The proposed increase in income tax proved deeply unpopular with the electorate.
28) The government received a massive vote of confidence from the electorate.
29) Gandhi was accused by some of trying to appease both factions of the electorate.
30) It's hard for any government to sell new taxes to the electorate.
1) The government largely misread the mood of the electorate.
2) The party's share of the electorate has diminished steadily.
3) The government misjudged the mood of the electorate.
4) According to radio the British electorate are going to vote tomorrow.
5) She is a shrewd politician who wants to avoid offending the electorate unnecessarily.
6) The government was responsible to the electorate.
31) There's a growing impatience among the electorate with the old two-party system.
32) The Prime Minister assured the electorate taxes would not be increased after the election.
33) The electorate put the Tories in with an increased majority in 1983.
34) Turnout: 86 percent of total electorate of 5,600,000.
35) The taxes proved extremely unpopular with the electorate.
36) He has been accused of misleading the electorate.
37) But neither has captured the imagination of the electorate.
38) No constituency should be allowed to have an extraordinarily small electorate on the pretext that it comprises widely dispersed and isolated communities.
39) Moreover, the Labour Party does not seek a mandate for its policies from the Northern Ireland electorate.
40) On none of these issues does he seem to have received a clear mandate from the electorate.
41) But 26m voters, or 69 % of the electorate, abstained.
42) If they don't, they will find the attention of the electorate turning to fresh pastures anyway.
43) But during the Eighties, when materialism and malfeasance predominated, the electorate suffered guilt pains.
44) The electorate was expected to be weary of elections and possibly apathetic as well.
45) The second point, which requires a more lengthy discussion, concerns the changing social composition of the electorate.
46) But it has failed to deliver the real improvements the electorate want.
47) These responses were drawn from a random sample of the electorate.
48) There was, therefore, a vote of about one-third of the Derry electorate which was being deployed against the established parties.
49) This shows a decline from their levels of support in the 1980s, but hardly counts as a rejection by the electorate.
50) The majority of the electorate are only marginally politically conscious, and the personalisation of political issues and allegiances reflect this marginality.
51) Rather, the appeal has been one that is also relevant to wide sections of the electorate.
52) The election of Keir Hardie in 1892 owed more to historical contingency than to a heightened class consciousness among the electorate.
53) He can't even outsmart his own electorate, let alone us.
54) Our so-called democracy is a complete sham and an insult to the electorate.
55) But what his involvement in a criminal trial of political and business associates says to the electorate at large is another matter.
56) The parties are no longer the chief point of contact between the electorate and the politicians.
57) The electorate will buy what they're shown is right, though persuading them costs a lot of bucks.
58) Political parties compete to win elections by submitting distinct programmes from which the electorate can choose.
59) Their political leaders, horrified by the isolation to which the electorate had consigned the country, have rallied behind the treaty.
60) Nor will it do so in countries where genuine political democracy is firmly established and the electorate will no longer support the objectives.
61) An unholy alliance with other minorities to preserve ideological positions otherwise unacceptable to the electorate does not appeal as a noble enterprise.
62) And it was this convergence that engendered a tradition among the working-class electorate of voting Labour.
63) These alliances consolidated the identification of Labour with the working-class electorate.
64) They regularly showed him opinion polls which indicated that most of the electorate favoured a five-year term.
65) It has been paralleled by far-reaching changes in the ways in which politicians seek to influence their electorate.
66) The fearful electorate found Reagan's outrage and can-do optimism more persuasive than the dour Brown's equivocation.
67) This is doubtful: the electorate, being composed of ordinary people, is less impressionable than Tory grandees.
68) The electorate is the total corporate membership of the Association.
69) The agendas of the press and the Republican electorate diverge dramatically during primary season, but not because of ideology.
70) Objectives of this kind threaten to impoverish the nation and will cause the electorate to call a halt.
71) Only the most foolish Tory would fail to make apologies to the electorate for his party's errors.
72) Moreover, and to add insult to injury, these off-centre policies are never supported by a clear majority of the electorate.
73) No surprise there: Political handlers tell candidates that only 2 percent of the electorate considers foreign affairs a voting issue.
74) About half the electorate were party supporters in 1986, and half uncommitted, by this definition.
75) If so, on past form only a third of the electorate will bother to go to the polls.
76) According to opinion polls, a record 38 percent of the electorate is unaligned.
77) The overall abstention rate was reported to be as high as 55 percent of the electorate of 2,200,000.
78) Low rents are seen as a form of bribery of the electorate.
79) The electorate took a dim view of this practice when the government used it to get the consumption tax through in December.
80) Television held the promise, eventually, of informing, educating, and engaging the entire electorate in unprecedented ways.
81) Changes would require a two-thirds majority in both houses and the approval of the electorate in a national referendum.
82) Constituting 23 percent of the voting electorate, this community tended to deliver a monolithic yea or nay.
83) Research has shown that thirty percent of the electorate have still not decided how they will vote.
84) The poll also found the Legislature remains unpopular among the electorate.
85) He and Yeltsin command roughly a quarter of the electorate apiece and there is nearly a month to go before polling.
85) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
86) Give Morris credit for understanding the electorate better than anyone else in 1996.
87) Fortunately, the electorate is far more observant and astute than it thinks.
88) Successive state elections have seen the governing parties pummelled by a dismayed electorate.
89) Again, I do not believe that enough of the electorate can be persuaded to act on these grounds alone.
90) Fianna Fail and Fine Gael have appealed to the electorate at large, regardless of any socioeconomic considerations.
91) But the good psychological effect of the joint electorate would be erased by the separate one.
92) The Government deserve to be condemned by the electorate, as they surely will be.
93) Still, the electorate remains split on whether he deserves a second term in the White House.
94) The voting reportedly passed off peacefully and was marked by apathy among the electorate of 5,200,000.
95) Advocates of such an interpretation have placed particular stress on the role of the electorate in fuelling party conflict at this time.
96) He will find that in both Bath and Lancashire the electorate has as little faith in Labour's policies as he has.
97) A vote in favour of secession would be carried subject to a two-thirds majority of the republic's total electorate.
98) The electorate of the capital, Titograd, also voted to reinstate the city's old name of Podgorica.
99) Aggressive fund-raising tactics and preparations for a larger electorate in this presidential election year fueled the increase.
100) Of the 28 percent of the electorate who voted in the referendum, 53 percent supported the ban.
101) However, there was a significant minority of floating voters: on average about 20 percent of the electorate.
102) Second, the telephone lists actually used for the sample were unrepresentative of the electorate.
103) There was a turnout of 4,892,242 or 63.15 percent of the total electorate.
104) His campaign never caught on with a wide spectrum of the electorate.
105) Shareholders as the electorate are given the power to elect and dismiss their leaders, the directors.
106) Only a minority of the electorate changes sides between elections.
107) Such a move would surely appeal to an electorate which is looking for moderation and co-operation.
108) In Britain studies of elections show that issues other than race dominate the thoughts of the black electorate.
109) The new parliament's principal task would be to draft a constitution for approval by the electorate in a referendum.
110) In most parliamentary democracies voter turnout tends to be around half to three-quarters of the electorate.
111) In some countries a large majority of the electorate do not even exercise the right to vote.
112) Exclusion of one third of the electorate does violence to all that we pretend by our adherence to democracy.
113) Ultimately, this responsibility must rest with the electorate, but they do not always receive the information necessary to make judgements.
114) The total electorate was 12,319,787 and the turnout was 75 percent.
115) In nine years as leader,(http:///electorate.html) Neil Kinnock had done everything possible to tailor himself to the demands of the electorate.
116) These councillors convinced a big section of the electorate that they are capable of helping to run public services throughout the province.
117) As a cynical attempt to manipulate the electorate and the media, it was unsurpassed.
118) All referendums so far have failed to reach the required majority, although more than half the electorate voted in favour.
119) Hence the relationship between members of the Congress and their local electorate is much less affected by national party considerations.
120) This system relies upon the ability of the electorate to elect and dismiss leaders at periodic intervals.
121) Those local authorities contain the number of Labour members that serve on them due to the choice of the electorate.
122) Seventy-two percent of the electorate decided to voice an opinion.
123) Theyaccount for nearly one-fifth of the electorate, and will cast the deciding ballots in many constituencies.
124) In these systems, the electorate selects legislative candidates from a party committed to support a particular prime minister.
125) Newcomers such as the Green Party can not treat the electorate in such a cavalier fashion.
126) But the electorate showed signs of increasing distress, even cynicism, about the corrosive effect of money in politics.
127) Given a separate electorate, Harijan candidates and elected legislators would stress what divided them from caste Hindus.
128) By refusing a referendum on Maastricht this Government has declared that it has no respect at all for the wishes of the electorate.
129) Mr Parkinson now faces the challenge of selling to the electorate a controversial policy of lower subsidies and higher fares.
130) Both rounds were marked by a very low turnout, with only 20.87 percent of the electorate participating in the second round.
131) There was a total of 12 candidates; although voting was obligatory an estimated 25 percent of the 5,700,000 electorate abstained.
132) The great divide between the civilian and military communities leaves the nation and its electorate ill-equipped to make informed judgments about military and international affairs.
133) His political philosophy, known as Jacksonian democracy, helped solidify a strong executive branch and expand the electorate.
134) Politicians all too often pander to the envious tendencies among the electorate.
135) Danu stood seemingly alone in opposing the war, a position that almost had him recalled from office by the Kuati electorate twice.
136) Any other ways you propose to broaden the electorate base of FCs?
137) Yet, the electorate does not penalize politicians when they fail to deliver these services.
138) The Israeli Prime Minister must be convinced that he will reap a richer harvest of votes by going to the electorate well before October.
139) She says lawmakers should reject Jega's nomination, reappoint Iwu, and better educate the electorate.
140) From the tents of Occupy Wall Street to the firesides of Georgetown the cry goes up that the ideological polarisation of the political parties leaves the great bulk of the electorate unrepresented.
141) The Taiwanese electorate has delivered a no - confidence vote on Chen Shui - bian.
142) That broader electorate, eager to hear the candidates' plans to resuscitate the economy, would be hard pressed to find a coherent pathway out of joblessness from the Republican field on Monday night.
143) The increased turnout among young voters "really changed the face of the electorate in the primary process," Belcher said.
144) If you're going to be outside your electorate on election day you can cast a special declaration vote at any polling place.
145) "I am unwilling to have my twenty-nine year Senate record judged by the Pennsylvania Republican primary electorate, " he said in the statement.sentence dictionary
146) The fact that this will result in a lower rate of interest, because Germany has a higher credit standing than Ireland or Portugal, would hardly appease an angry electorate.
147) It seeks to guarantee that the wishes of the electorate are arithmetically reflected in the composition of public bodies such as legislatures and local authorities.
148) But confronting militants could make you unpopular among a Palestinian electorate that voted the Islamic group Hamas into office in 2006.
149) The electorate became increasingly intolerant of instabilities when the actual rates transgressed those considered tolerable.
150) It received its name from the place of its origin, Heidelberg, the capital of the German Electorate of the Palatinate .
151) In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift.
152) Mr Walsh has a keen appreciation of the priorities of the electorate.
153) Efforts at wooing an electorate of a changed demographic are clear and explicit.
154) She had to recast her image to please the electorate in her home state.
155) When the generality of the electorate is doing badly, the mood will grow pessimistic.
156) These periods 14 months ahead of elections often throw up ludicrous no-hoper candidates who are dumped as soon as the electorate takes a closer look.
157) The government is directly responsible to the electorate as a whole.




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