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单词 Postponed
1. He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour.
2. The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
3. The match had to be postponed until next week.
4. The game is postponed because of rain./postponed.html
5. He declared that the meeting has been postponed.
6. The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.
7. The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.
8. The mother postponed all other business to the task of smoothing her crying child.
9. The match was postponed to the following Saturday because of bad weather.
10. The meeting was postponed.
11. There is no question of the project being postponed.
12. The ministry affirmed that the visit had been postponed.
13. The game has already been postponed three times.
14. His trial has been postponed indefinitely .
15. They postponed leaving because of the weather.
16. The race was postponed in the interests of safety.
17. The project has been postponed indefinitely.
18. The negotiations have been put off/postponed indefinitely.
19. The visit has now been postponed indefinitely.
20. The match has been postponed to a later date.
21. We reminded them that the meeting had been postponed.
22. The German verb is postponed.
23. Our visit had been postponed for several weeks.
24. The launch was postponed to a later date.
25. The meeting has been postponed until next week.
26. The inevitable conflict was merely postponed till the next meeting.
27. We postponed the match from March 5 th to March 19 th.
28. The tour was postponed when the lead singer lost his voice.
29. The match has been postponed from Wednesday night to Friday night.
30. He vouchsafed the information that the meeting had been postponed.
1. He postponed his trip at the eleventh hour.
2. The project has been postponed for an indefinite period.
3. The match had to be postponed until next week.
4. The game is postponed because of rain.
5. He declared that the meeting has been postponed.
6. The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.
7. The match was postponed to the next day because of bad weather.
8. The mother postponed all other business to the task of smoothing her crying child.
9. The meeting was postponed.
10. They postponed leaving because of the weather.
11. We reminded them that the meeting had been postponed.
31. He took up the position that the meeting should be postponed to next week.
32. The lawsuit will be postponed until the president leaves office .
33. In the event of rain, the game will be postponed.
34. The exams have been postponed, so the students have a few days' grace before they start.
34. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
35. However, the trial has been postponed indefinitely.
36. Until now he had postponed thinking about the visit.
37. Tripoli postponed the elections until February.
38. At last the goodbyes could be postponed no longer.
39. The legislation was postponed for nearly a year.
40. Action was postponed until another day.
41. Cal has postponed the hearing that should never happen.
42. The target date has been postponed to 2015.
43. The trial was postponed indefinitely.
44. And they postponed it until this Thursday.
45. Now it seemed as if they were postponed indefinitely.
46. The trial was suspended the same day after the 19 defence lawyers walked out, and then postponed until July 12.
47. A full development of this theme is postponed until Chapter 5. do this however, is not always clear.
48. A plan to plant 20 trees in Witham to mark the new millennium has been postponed.
49. Those sessions have been postponed to expedite a decision to allow the tour to take place.
50. In 1968, the Oscar ceremony was postponed for two days, following the assassination of Martin Luther King.
51. The temperature then was 41 after the game was postponed the previous day because of freezing rain and snow.
52. Registration for the sale has been repeatedly postponed to accommodate potential buyers, officials said.
53. The budget is due now, but it has been postponed for three months.
54. The weather conditions back East postponed several college basketball games last week.
55. These are now due to occur in 1991, having been postponed on several occasions over the past few years.
56. Some of the other men were worrying, expressing doubts about the weather, wondering if the hunt should be postponed.
57. Everything, all of living, is postponed for the next twenty, thirty years.
58. The whistle postponed it, held it back until announcing the morning shift at six.
59. Results: The health care effort collapsed, and welfare reform was postponed.
60. Under the last Government, debt rose to unprecedented levels, which was essentially postponed taxation on future generations.
61. This latest meeting was then postponed until next week, by which time Ferguson will be on holiday.
62. In the event the proposed interview was postponed, to allow the applicant a change of legal representation.
63. The city council resolved that all street repairs be postponed until June.
64. I heard the real reason the game on Monday was postponed was because Hunslet ploughed it on Sunday.
64. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
65. A second weakness is that even when infection does occur, illness is postponed for many years, perhaps even decades.
66. The city erected a temporary fence around the tree and postponed grading of the area.
67. But a quarter still expect to cut jobs, and 48 percent have postponed investment plans.
68. The law took these steps but unexpectedly postponed them to the year 2000.
69. The villagers' resistance has led to the plan being postponed for the time being.
70. If they do not, the criteria will have to be fudged or the implementation of Emu postponed.
71. However, their big hope is municipal elections, and these have been postponed regularly, indefinitely and mysteriously.
72. Lawmakers initially had been scheduled to vote on the bill Friday, but postponed the balloting for lack of sufficient votes.
73. Negotiations on the balanced-budget plan continued yesterday, although meetings scheduled between President Clinton and top congressional leaders were postponed until today.
74. The signing ceremony, fixed for 28 August, had to be postponed until 2 September because of a typhoon.
75. So severe was the weather that many of the ties had been postponed by the Friday.
76. When November came, and the debt ceiling had not moved, Rubin postponed catastrophe by borrowing from two government pension funds.
77. But he had not guessed he would be and had postponed his visit till term ended in June.
78. Voting was postponed last July in case grant maintained schools were abolished under Labour.
79. The ruling executive wanted a decision postponed to assess a review of benefits and taxation.
80. Components Bureau have rescheduled their league showdown with Powerhouse, postponed in controversial circumstances last month, for 23 February in Whitburn.
81. The effects of preventive and corrective measures will be monitored and the operation may be postponed until any problems have been resolved.
82. Without counsel, Val was forced to cancel a due process hearing, asking it be postponed until she could get representation.
83. Consequently, even long-standing travel plans or arrangements may have to be postponed or cancelled in early May.
84. The outcry was such that on Oct. 19 the government postponed part of the closure programme.
85. Diagnostic tests and elective surgeries may be postponed or ordered less frequently.
86. Rumblings that the election might be postponed once again have grown after a series of ominous events in recent weeks.
87. The meeting has been postponed until travel arrangements can be finalized.
88. The Pumas, however, have a game in hand, as their match against Middlesex Polytechnic was postponed.
89. In addition 60,000 operations had been cancelled or postponed and 75,000 outpatient appointments had been cancelled.
90. During the six-day fast, weddings were postponed, and most Hindus refrained from going to cinemas, theaters, and restaurants.
91. The trial was postponed on three occasions and the defendants complained of intimidation during investigations.
92. I raised so much hell the judge postponed it... told me talk to my lawyer.
93. His discharge, planned before the drinking incident, has been postponed by knee surgery.
94. Originally scheduled for late May,[] the conference was postponed by the government to July 15.
95. The flawed Geneva accommodation had postponed rather than achieved a settlement.
96. The emptying of the house could therefore no longer be postponed and Charlotte had decided to put matters in hand without further ado.
97. An earlier poll planned for October 1990 had also been postponed.
98. The sale had been postponed in September amid court cases challenging its constitutionality and violent demonstrations by union members facing redundancy.
99. Initially scheduled for Basingstoke on February 9, the trial was postponed when heavy snowfalls made travel absolutely impossible for many athletes.
100. Whilst a new date has been named, I understand, for the coronation - again it could be postponed.
101. But everyone knew, even then, about unsatisfied or sublimated or postponed desires: the final step must be action.
102. He plans to go ahead with his wedding, which was postponed last Wednesday, on his return to Sarajevo.
103. A referendum to determine the future of the island has been postponed indefinitely.
104. In addition to the cuts in its ground forces, some military orders have had to be postponed.
105. All the others ties were postponed because of waterlogged grounds.
106. The war intervened with the result that this urgent question was postponed for the time being.
107. We can stay much as we are, in the same old muddle, with difficult decisions postponed.
108. But it was first postponed for other legislation and then pulled after the Oklahoma City bombing.
109. Swindon Town away against Sunderland has been postponed because of a water-logged pitch at Roker Park.
110. The freeing of oil prices was postponed until June from the target date of April 1.
111. Other economic news from the federal government that was supposed to be released has been postponed.
112. Richard Shelby, R-Ala., has twice postponed hearings on the nomination and expressed strong reservations about it.
113. Similarly our excursion this year had to be postponed from July to September at the request of some members.
114. In any case, it is not scheduled to be addressed until the repeatedly postponed final status talks.
115. On Dec. 13 Landsbergis had announced that a further round of preliminary consultations had been postponed indefinitely by the Soviet side.
116. The House, unimpressed by Bard and Smilie, postponed consideration of the tax.
117. Today he announced his decision ... that men can be admitted ... but ordered that the move be postponed for two years.
118. No doubt this explains why elections there have been postponed indefinitely.
119. Even Beate postponed going out to join the group of older girls in the camp.
120. Her appointments for the following week could, at a pinch, be postponed.
121. Changes in community care were recently postponed because they would add to Poll Tax charges.
122. Dozens of boards of governors sessions have been postponed because too few members have turned up.
123. More sophisticated rules for smoothing these end values are available, but discussion of them is postponed for the present.
124. Liverpool Harriers' match at Coventry, scheduled for last weekend,[] has been postponed until July 25.
125. If the wedding has to be postponed or cancelled after the invitations have been sent out notification cards should be promptly despatched.
126. The council postponed reading of an ordinance to increase traffic fines in Grand Forks until the new council takes office.
127. And biologists at universities are wary of spending years designing an experiment that may be postponed or lost in space.
128. Municipal elections in the province were postponed from November until next May, mainly because of unresolved disputes over electoral boundaries.
129. The meeting was postponed after a snowstorm and has yet to be rescheduled.
130. Connections had postponed running plans for the previously unbeaten Tenby until they had established the cause of his failure.
131. The opening night of the Folies had been postponed for two days.
132. But the result has convinced financial markets that the day of the euro is postponed.
133. In order to avoid repetition, description and evaluation of these theories is mainly postponed until Chapter 4.
134. But delays over a decision about the nature of the contract meant the deadline for tenders was postponed to February 24.
135. BAfter all(), the extension has been postponed for decades by a barrage of legal and legislative challenges.
136. The arrival of the Transport Secretary was further postponed by a slow-moving statement over frigate orders.
137. Expected early in the year, it had been postponed, ostensibly because of the Gulf war.
138. Several of today's football games have been postponed because of heavy snow.
139. Thousands of workplace safety and pension benefit inspections and investigations have been canceled or postponed.
140. Instead, the Wednesday hearing was postponed half an hour before it was to begin, Jett said.
141. Ershad's trial had been scheduled to open on Feb. 16, but was postponed for a month on a technicality.
142. Against Gorbachev's wishes a vote on the issue had to be postponed until the following day.
143. It was expected that some of the larger projects approved by the Gandhi government would be postponed.
144. The need to make room for newcomers was postponed until two are in.
145. Last week, the district board postponed a decision on whether to break the contract.
146. However, because of the early bond market close, a Merrill underwriter said the deal was postponed until today.
147. Worthington, his hernia operation postponed, should be there too, helping to take the strain.
148. He postponed a signing ceremony for the line-item veto measure until next week.
149. Important industrial and development projects were also either postponed or cancelled.
150. Further decisions are evidently being postponed until an answer has been received from Rome.
151. The proposed launch of the green paper last week was postponed on the orders of Downing Street.
152. He also postponed the coronation of Edward V until 9 November.
153. About 1,000 operations had been postponed and even cancer patients were being delayed.
154. His trial, which started in October 1991[http://], was almost postponed when Spens suffered a major heart attack.
155. But perhaps the changes were better postponed until after the election.
156. I noticfied him that the meeting had been postponed.
157. It rained and therefore the football match was postponed.
158. You're the nincompoop. The test was postponed anyway.
159. The match was postponed on account of the weather.
160. Shipment cannot be as contracted and should be postponed.
161. The fair has been postponed.
162. The flight was postponed on account of bad weather.
163. The ball game was postponed because of rain.
164. With just minutes to go before liftoff, South Korean engineers postponed the launch of the country's first space-bound rocket.
165. Common sense dictates that the longer the timing for reversing the zero interest policy is postponed, the closer the economic cycle will be to peaking.
166. Note 2: If any such date is not a Business Day, it will be postponed to the following Business Day, subject to the occurrence of a Market Disruption Event.
167. Has he saved the company or merely postponed its day of reckoning?
168. The storage principle of onion has been controlled breath intensity and postponed dormant period.
169. Postponed promoting new book to raise money for research on Down syndrome.
170. If It'should rain tomorrow, the sports meeting would Be postponed.
171. A Washington rocket scientist about a launch that was postponed many, many times.
172. Morgan , postponed the sale of twelve billion dollars in bonds for the carmaker Chrysler.
173. In response, the F.D.A. postponed the testing, and now the two sides are sparring over how much danger the antibiotics pose and the best way to ensure that the drugs do not end up in the milk supply.
174. The planned maintenance for Thursday will be postponed to a later date due to a server failure.
175. In Spanish the adjective can be postponed after the word it modifies.
176. The ministry did not specify when the postponed CEE schedule would be.
177. Although the ignition delay period of E-diesel was postponed, the combustion duration was shortened and the mean indication pressure was enhanced.
178. Other complaints include poor property management services , contract release of property ownership certificates have been postponed.
179. The results showed that apple tree growing stages, such as leaf bud opening and flowering, advanced, while maturity postponed, so the whole growth season of apple tree was extended.
180. Acrylamide inhibited the nerve terminal sprouting number, postponed the peak time of nerve terminal sprouting, and delayed recovery of neuromuscular junction function.
181. The Jefferson School District has postponed the start of summer school.
182. The sports meeting is postponed due to the bad weather.
183. The days with the proper tide-moonlight formula closest to the target date were 5, 6 and 7 June. (1)The fifth was chosen for D-Day to allow a safety margin in case the attack needed to be postponed.
184. The risk factors could be divided into five parts such as overspend, construction postponed, stand-down,[] marketing risk and political and other force majeure risk.
185. The results showed that increasing the degree of shade, Salvia farinacea budding, flowering date postponed and the duration of flowering shortened.
186. The positive scan also ensured that a return to his native Arnhem was not postponed for long.
187. Iran also has a contract to buy the surface-to-air missile system from Russia, but the exchange repeatedly has been postponed.
188. Where two or more entities jointly apply for a patent, no patent fee may be reduced or postponed.
189. The shipment has to be postponed due to the bad weather.
190. And the end of last year several problems that lead to cash delivery once postponed.
191. I was disappointed to hear that he Art Exhibition had been postponed.
192. Citigroup preferred stock conversion plan will be postponed to the Government after the stress tests.
193. A planned military drill that has raised tensions between North and South Korea has been postponed because of bad weather.
194. But in the most situations, real estate investment is beyond retrieval, and it can be postponed.
195. Plans for the world's first kilometre - high building have been postponed altogether.
196. Britain's defense secretary has announced plans to reduce troop levels in southern Iraq have been postponed after a recent flare-up of violence around the city of Basra.
197. Morgan , postponed the sale of 12 million dollars in bonds for the carmaker Chrysler.
198. Should the weather be bad, the sports meeting will be postponed.
199. Elections were postponed the day before polling was due to take place.
200. A new novel by Crichton had been tentatively scheduled to come out next month, but publisher HarperCollins said the book was postponed indefinitely.
201. For example, One Mall in the Wanliu Area, postponed its opening date to 3Q2010 – one year later than planed.
202. Operations for people were postponed because facilities and medical practitioner practitioners were pre-occupied preoccupied and needed to serve influenza like diseases or flumen flu in particular.
203. Immunisation should be postponed in patients with febrile illness or acute infection.
204. We may reasonably conclude that the meeting has been postponed.
205. In fact, many companies have lowered the offering price and even postponed or canceled refinancing plan.
206. Consumers have trimmed household budgets and postponed buying cars, major appliances and other big-ticket items.
207. In case of rain the mass meeting will be postponed till the first fine day.
208. When fuel supply advance angle is postponed too much, post combustion is longer and the combustion stability becomes worse.
209. There was no objection from the floor and so the agendum postponed to next meeting.
210. Doctor: I suggest that your ear operation be postponed until there is complete control of the suppuration for at least three months to half a year.
211. Did you get the message the meeting has been postponed?
212. And the Terrestrial Planet Finder, an even more ambitious project that might have been able to study alien atmospheres, has been postponed indefinitely.
213. A Washington rocket scientist tells about a launch that was postponed many, many times.
214. Where developers were lining up in the last five years to spin off new REITs and monetize their property assets, most have now postponed or scrapped the plans.
215. Vietnam made an official request that the meeting be postponed.




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