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单词 Cold war
1. The world lives at daggers drawn in a cold war.
2. With the Cold War almost over, the talks were a mere formality.
3. Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
4. With the end of the Cold War, several warships were put into mothballs.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
5. Essentially, we are talking about the cold war period.
6. The cold war came to an end.
7. During the Cold War the threat of nuclear annihilation was always on people's minds.
8. The end of the Cold War was a defining moment for the world in more ways than one.
9. The end of the Cold War has produced the prospect of a new world order based on international co-operation.
10. There are encouraging signs that cold war attitudes are on the way out.
11. Spy thrillers with plots based on the Cold War look particularly dated nowadays.
12. S.-Soviet Cold War, symbols of ideological purity turned brittle.
13. Now the Cold War is over.
14. As the Cold War thawed, defense budgets shrank.
15. The 20-year cold war between them turned thermonuclear.
16. However, the cold war is over looked.
17. You knew where you stood with the Cold War.
18. These policies also served to institutionalise the Cold War.
19. The treaty is now a Cold War relic.
20. And the cold war raged on.
21. But then, suddenly, the Cold War ended.
22. Churchill's Cold War speech; and foreign exchange.
23. But above all, the cold war was over.
24. The Berlin wall was the supreme symbol of the Cold War.
25. The new world order was expected to come into existence after the collapse of Communism in eastern Europe and the end of the Cold War.
26. The Berlin Wall was a potent symbol of the Cold War.
27. She said nuclear weapons were an anachronism in the post cold war era.
28. The book is primarily concerned with Soviet-American relations during the Cold War.
29. The fall of the Berlin Wall symbolised the end of the Cold War between East and West.
30. The President said NATO expansion will finally erase the boundary line in Europe artificially created by the Cold War.
1. With the Cold War almost over, the talks were a mere formality.
2. Throughout the Cold War, the Allies asserted their right to move freely between the two Berlins.
3. With the end of the Cold War, several warships were put into mothballs.
4. The Berlin wall was the supreme symbol of the Cold War.
4. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
31. During the Cold War, U-2 spy plane pilots installed rear-view mirrors on the aircraft to monitor their exhaust.
32. Certainly, the mood music of summitry was transformed by the end of the Cold War.
33. A malign child of the Cold War who had once been the uncrowned underworld king of Berlin.
34. With the cold war over,[] I became an embarrassment to my parents and a joke to my kids.
35. Economic policies kept the Soviet Union and Japan at arm's length during the Cold War.
36. The global computer network, which started as a Cold War defense project, was never designed with average users in mind.
37. Since the end of the cold war the efforts of Washington have been devoted to satisfying the needs of the financial sector.
38. They governed during the Cold War, with the constant threat of nuclear war.
39. The end of the Cold War notwithstanding, the world is still a dangerous place.
40. One such was divided Berlin, the city where so much of the Cold War drama had taken place.
41. During the period of the Cold War, many Communist countries were virtually closed societies.
42. The victors of the cold war have established various social-political cultures.
43. The defense budget is higher than it was at the height of the Cold War.
44. The visits are intended to facilitate cooperation between the two former Cold War rivals in future space exploration activities.
45. Reading the files of the Wasp network reveals a poignant tragicomic coda to the cold war.
46. Nuclear weapons and the missiles to deliver them became the pivot around which much of the Cold War revolved.
47. Forget the Berlin Wall itself, there are some lovely kiosks selling cold war kitsch.
48. During the first Cold War years, the capitalist block was indeed seeking the downfall of the war-exhausted Soviet Union.
49. The events in the year following Sputnik had the effect of establishing ground rules for the Cold War.
50. The real rate as measured by the rate on long-term government bonds has actually risen since the end of the cold war.
51. History records that neither Cold War superpower was much interested in invading this Balkan backwater, which is slightly larger than Maryland.
52. The release of Nelson Mandela in February 1990 coincided neatly with the end of the cold war.
53. It is only a year since the cold war ended.
54. He was the kind of material Stalin's Intelligence services needed in the Cold War.
55. Its escapism and conservatism assuaged the threats of the Cold War world outside.
56. As taxpayers we are entitled to know why intelligence services failed to spot signs of an end to the Cold War.
57. The wage erosion, of course, started before the end of the cold war.
58. Even as her military forces were strengthened and were winning the Cold War, her power in the marketplace shrank.
59. The incentive for business to substitute work for capital has been working with particular force since the end of the cold war.
60. The end of the cold war helped create a situation in which more countries than ever have access to nuclear weapons.
61. Nevertheless, the defining characteristic of this period was undoubtedly the Cold War.
62. The old enemy no longer exists, but the Cold War scenarios remain in place.
63. Some intellectuals of the Cold War vintage support the bill ardently.
64. The major deficiency in the Academy plan is the assumption that science suffers from the end of the Cold War.
65. Defence spending, untouched by the previous recession,[] is falling as the cold war thaws.
66. While the Cold War period was dominated by realism, liberal approaches continued to be developed.
67. From the 1970s onwards, the cold war increasingly became an obstacle to economic and political stability.
68. But the public consensus for a Pentagon blank check collapsed with the Cold War.
69. Globalization started well before the end of the cold war, of course.
70. So many lives, careers, and worldviews had been vested in the cold war.
71. Many of them had no connection with the Cold War, or with political or religious ideology.
72. Since the end of the cold war there has been no one to fund conflicts in the Middle East.
73. The iron rule of the market has been much less obvious than was the rule of the military during the cold war.
74. Since the cold war ended, many state intelligence agencies have struggled to justify their existence.
75. Kauffman suggests that the end of the Cold War prompted Buchanan to re-examine his political values.
76. In the Cold War irrational behaviour like this acquired a sort of sacred aura.
77. Initial optimism that the end of the Cold War would lead to a more harmonious world order was rapidly dissipated.
78. Trillions of dollars in military outlays later, the Cold War is history.
79. Its front-line position in the Cold War era was of no importance by 1991.
80. That is a good step as we emerge from the cold war, but it is not enough.
81. New democracies have come into being since the end of the Cold War.
82. Second, our victory in the Cold War has reduced the need to make our leaders into heroic figures.
83. This is a stark indicator of the fall in monetary growth since the end of the cold war.
84. During the cold war, and to a great extent because of it, the colonial world achieved political independence.
85. Analysis of contemporary processes, however, necessitates consideration of the past, in particular the Cold War era.
86. The proposals went largely unheard because we remained on a semi-war footing throughout the Cold War.
87. Masked by the cold war, it has in practice fulfilled that function for a long time.
88. Fourteen years after the first Berlin crisis the world seemed no nearer to a relaxation in Cold War tensions.
89. This could signal the biggest military build-up since the Cold War.
90. In the seven years since the Cold War ended, 18 have been slain.
91. Britains aerospace industries suffered badly when the cold war ended 4 years ago.
92. There was, of course, already a thriving managerial class-particularly in East Asiayears before the cold war ended.
93. The height of the cold war was also the period which has come to be known as the golden age of capitalism.
94. But there is no easy way to undo the nuclear binge of the cold war.
95. Some ground rules for the Cold War, of spirit if not of substance, were needed.
96. At the time, 1948, the Cold War was becoming the pervasive issue in international affairs and domestic politics.
97. These secretive facilities house the deadly legacies of the Cold War: nuclear weapons, radioactive waste and toxic chemicals.
98. In the lingo of the Cold War, who had turned whom?
99. The military forces have been downscaled since the end of the Cold War.
100. No one expected Jackson to succeed in such a blatant revival of the Cold War.
101. As the Cold War dawned in 1949, Galvin was starting his military career.
102. War and cold war had some progressive effects with the colonial empires.
103. Since the cold war ended in 1988, they have worked hard enough to produce some kind of an economic miracle.
104. For nearly 45 years, it was unable to function properly because it became a political battleground in the Cold War.
105. I do not want to suggest that Stalin had nothing to do with the origins of the cold war.
106. The plants generated fissionable materials for nuclear bombs during the Cold War.
107. Never again will the United States dominate the world economy as it did in the early Cold War.
108. But now he was a Cold War hard-liner(), and Joe wanted to hear what he had to say.
109. The trend toward globalisation can also be traced to the Nixon administration's modifications of the political economy of the cold war.
110. With class war anaesthetized by the Cold War and affluence, the generation gap and teenagers became a subject for serious observation.
111. Unfortunately, the weapon mopping up after the Cold War is very lethal, costs a few hundred bucks and is everywhere.
112. And the cold war procedures, routines and language sprang back into action.
113. Eisenhower had tried but in the end he was unable to bring the Cold War to a close.
114. Force of historical circumstances had dramatically reunited two friends temporarily disunited as a consequence of Cold War expediency.
115. The council has put an emergency radiation leak plan on its website which reads like a throwback to the Cold War.
116. It has fueled tension, misery and bloodshed even now after the Cold War has ended.
117. That spread has been levitating in the stratosphere since the end of the cold war.
118. For twenty-nine years, Checkpoint Charlie embodied the Cold War.
119. The cold war prolonged the fight in Palestine.
120. Some East European analysts say Russia doesn't want to attack or allow hostile relations with the West a la cold war; Rather, Moscow's intent is to exploit the riches and technology of the West.
121. It was virulently attacked in Congress, and Steinbeck's subsequent success in Russia eroded his reputation from the cold war onwards.
122. Underlying India's strategy is a traditional policy of "non alignment", a Cold War legacy in which it was portrayed as a leader of developing nations away from the U.S.-Soviet Union axis.
123. The Military-Industrial Complex is rises in the World War and develops in the Cold War, involving various segments with complementary interests, playing a vital role in U.
124. The swashbuckling archaeologist's fourth adventure is set in the Cold War in 1957.
124. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
125. But there was more nail-biting before the Manchester-built aircraft, Britain’s most potent nuclear deterrent during the Cold War, was declared airworthy by the Civil Aviation Authority.
126. "If the United States sticks to its Cold War mentality and continues to engage with Asian nations in a self-assertive way, it is doomed to incur repulsion in the region," the Xinhua commentary said.
127. In the first half of the twentieth century the threat came from the Europeans; during the Cold War Era, the possible communization of Panama and the Russian influence was the major worry.
128. What's a screenwriter to do now that the Soviet Union's gone and the Cold War is a microwaved warmish mush?
129. "I sensed personally more anti-Americanism on this trip than I did at any time during the Cold War, and it was dismaying, " he said.
130. The far-reaching pact has also made sure the Cold War is consigned to history with a joint peace declaration.
131. President Mitterrand arrived in Hanoi yesterday to bury old colonial and cold war enmities.
132. While China has benefited from having a weak, dependent and friendly buffer state on its border, Cold War geopolitics from more than 50 years ago have given way to a new geopolitical economy.
133. S. puppet, and Russian diplomats stormed out of several Security Council meetings in protest. ) From Angola to Afghanistan, nearly every Cold War conflict was a proxy war.
134. The end of the Cold War, just seven years ago in November, was unpredicted.
135. I hated the Cold War. I think we're very well out of it.
136. He said that his son was born on Novaya Zemlya, an Arctic testing site for nuclear weapons during the cold war, and is now "a bit taller than me."
137. The Cold War and American Science. New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.
138. Shortly after the Cold War, many of the newly independent Eastern Bloc states began to experience the pains of a currency fluctuation, and moving towards a market-based economy.
139. Guatemala was the first skirmish of the cold war in Latin America.
140. For a time, Bush was considered unbeatable because of foreign policy developments such as the end of the Cold War and the Persian Gulf War.
141. The negotiations surrounding SALT I and SALT II provided a foundation for Reagan's far-reaching arms control agreements with Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in the last years of the Cold War.
142. In the 1980s, at the height of the Cold War, I was combat-ready in the 512th Fighter Squadron, an F-16 unit at Ramstein AB, Germany.
143. In this dissertation the author tried to start with the nation development to analyse and reveal historical roots of the contradiction and conflict among clans in Black Africa after the Cold War.
144. Equilibrium strategy among big countries is a kind of reaction and strategic choice that the ASEAN makes to deal with the new regional situation after Cold War.
145. On Sunday, Mr. Obama urged all countries to join in a common effort to rid the world of nuclear weapons, calling their existence the "most dangerous legacy of the Cold War."
146. The increasing tension of a cold war could lead to a hot war.
147. It is also strange to note that both Iraq (Saddam Hussein) and Afghanistan (Usame Bin Ladin) used to serve for US interests during Cold War period.
148. Long-term implementation in high-tech aspects of U. S. export control policy is considered to be "Cold War" mentality of the product.
149. "I was born, unfortunately, in a top-secret missile factory during the Cold War, " he said.
150. Leffler, Melvyn . A Preponderance of Power: National Security the Truman Administration and the Cold War . 1992.
151. Transferring secret documents during the Cold War was aided by this microdot camera that could photograph and reduce whole pages of information onto a tiny piece of film the size of a sentence period.
152. SPIEGEL: Monsieur Todd, in the middle of the Cold War, in the days of Leonid Brezhnev, you predicted the collapse of the Soviet system.
153. The Soviet system collapsed because of the contradictions within a planned centralised communist economy and the economic pressures of the Cold War.
154. During the Cold War, splitting band theory and Mao Zedong's three worlds theory developed geopolitics. After the Cold War, geopolitics gained a new life.
154. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
155. Then on May 9th Moscow planned to mark the annual Victory Day celebrations with the first parade of tanks and nuclear missiles through Red Square since the end of the cold war.
156. Part of the Cold War policy developed by John Foster Dulles to contain expansion of the Soviet sphere of influence, the doctrine continued pledges made under the Truman Doctrine.
157. This cold war confrontation point even inspired an eponymous board game called Fulda Gap: The First Battle of the Next War, in which opponents plotted the invasion, and defense, of Western Europe.
158. The era of international bickering and cold war obstructionism has finally ended.
159. An accidental president, this machine politician ushered in the Atomic Age and then the Cold War.
160. The transatlantic alliance has survived the end of the cold war.
161. The country which had bloodlessly freed itself of communist ideology and had ended the cold war was experiencing a collective inferiority complex.
162. In addition to the watchtowers, the cold war confrontation point includes, on the Thuringia (eastern) side(), a small museum called the House on the Border.
163. Afterwards, with the end of the Cold War and the strong growth of American economy, the world plunged in a new era in which America dominates as the single pole.
164. The Cold War saw the establishment of the Communist Yugoslavia under Tito, and the reestablishment of BH as a republic within its Ottoman borders.
165. In 1947, the Truman Doctrine promulgated, which is officially a symbol to the beginning of the US-Soviet "cold war".
166. At the twilight of the Cold War, Bush's Eurocentrism was right and appropriate: Europe was, after all, where the action was as Eastern Europe shattered and as war broke out in the Balkans.
167. The world at the time was divided into two implacably opposed blocks and the Cold War was at its iciest.
168. And so the Mutually Assured Destruction policy of the Cold War...
169. The eurodollar market developed during the early 1950 s as a result of the Cold War.
170. After the Cold War, the EU adapted a new strategy toward Asia. In 1995, the EU adapted the white paper policy-"A Long Term Policy For China-Europe Relations".
171. After the Cold War, the clan conflict problem of Black Africa became the focus in academia. Scholars have analysed the causes of conflicts from the perspective of economy, society, and culture.
172. At the height of the Cold War in the 1960 s he showed Nikita Khrushchev around.
173. According to this proposal, the major Cold War states would allow each other to conduct open aerial surveillance of their territory.
174. The China lobby contributed to the paranoia that fostered the Cold War abroad and McCarthyism at home.
175. After the cold war, a trend of "New Nationalism" thoughts went rampantly in the Japanese politics, which sought for a big power position in the international politics.
176. The Vietnam War, which is a terrible tragedy in American diplomatic history, is another hot war after the Korean War during the cold war period.
177. Many observers predicted that in the 20th century left a huge scar in the hot war and cold war will become increasingly rare, peace and prosperity will become the mainstream.
178. The legal system of controlled carrier dated from the Cold War, and now most influences the government owned carriers of our nation.
179. The "hot war", "cold war" and the "cold peace" are three sequential paths towards American global expansion based upon the domestic economic and social development.
180. Nehru was an idealist, a pacifist, who chose to believe (his critics would say "delude himself") that India gained by remaining nonaligned and against the Cold War.
181. NARRATOR: The world was divided. The Cold War had begun.
182. Obviously, there is a cabal, a cold war against Chian!
183. The US was driven by Cold War concerns about the spread of communism, particularly "domino theory" ?the idea that if one Asian nation fell to the leftist ideology, others would quickly follow.
184. Admittedly, during the Cold War this vision was confined to “half the world” only, as Secretary of State Dean Acheson subsequently wrote.




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