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单词 Commit
1. I fear lest we commit an inexcusable blunder.
2. Women commit fewer crimes than men.
3. I commit this evil book to the flames.
4. to commit murder / adultery, etc.
5. He was charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage.
6. Can it be proved that he did commit these offences?
7. The odds are that he will commit the same crime again.
8. We are all busy XiZi, not commit, cannot be resolved.
9. I am not proud, also not commit tomfoolery, is tired of all depend on.
10. So many children who commit violent crimes have themselves been brutalized by years of abuse and neglect.
11. Soldiers who obey orders to commit atrocities should be answerable for their crimes.
12. More people commit suicide at Christmas than at any other time.
13. I shall commit to her success.
14. Many young offenders commit further crimes with alarming predictability.
15. He brooded on whether she should commit suicide.
16. There are unconfirmed reports he tried to commit suicide.
17. She had repeatedly threatened to commit suicide.
18. They tried to persuade her to commit perjury.
19. People who commit crimes like that aren't normal.
20. Women commit far less crime than men.
21. He didn't commit what I said to memory.
22. They would commit every crime short of murder.
23. He couldn't commit himself on any issue.
24. Meeting them doesn't commit us to anything.
24. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
25. The government must commit itself to improving health care.
26. You should commit your idea to writing.
27. People who commit such crimes aren't normal.
28. Love is blind, and lovers cannot see the pretty follies that themselves commit
29. He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.
30. He suffered the injustice of being punished for a crime which he did not commit.
1. Women commit fewer crimes than men.
2. to commit murder / adultery, etc.
3. He was charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage.
4. Can it be proved that he did commit these offences?
5. The odds are that he will commit the same crime again.
6. He was sent to prison for a crime that he didn't commit.
7. He suffered the injustice of being punished for a crime which he did not commit.
8. Soldiers who obey orders to commit atrocities should be answerable for their crimes.
9. More people commit suicide at Christmas than at any other time.
31. Why are so many men scared to commit? .
32. She tried to commit suicide on several occasions.
33. She tried to commit suicide by slashing her wrists.
34. She drove him on to commit murder.
35. It makes me sick that people commit offences and never get punished.
36. He is charged with possession of a gun with intent to commit a robbery.
37. It isn't their diplomatic style to commit themselves on such a delicate issue.
38. The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.
39. Fresh evidence has recently come to light which suggests that he didn't in fact commit the murder.
40. Don't commit your promises to paper if you are not certain you keep them.
41. I think I can come but I won't commit myself till I know for sure.
42. We will ensure that people who commit fraud are brought to book through the courts.
43. Seven men, all from Bristol, admitted conspiracy to commit arson.
44. It is beyond belief that anyone could commit such a crime.
45. She didn't want to commit herself one way or the other.
46. If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished.
47. Perhaps we should commit these ideas to paper before we forget them.
48. I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself.
49. Asked if he was a candidate, he refused to commit himself.
50. You don't have to commit to anything over the phone.
51. A thinking person must commit himself to working for peace.
52. I'll repeat that so you can commit it to memory.
53. Anna wants to get married, but Bob's not sure he wants to commit.
54. He said his friends had led him on to commit the crime.
54. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
55. In his mind he was about to commit the perfect crime.
56. They called on Western nations to commit more money to the poorest nations.
57. You don't have to commit yourself now, just think about it.
58. They are sitting on the fence and refusing to commit themselves.
59. Chairman refused to commit himself on the controversial subject before making due investigations.
60. I'd like a friendship that might lead to something deeper, but I wouldn't want to commit myself too soon.
61. This approach ignores the fact that people, not computers, commit crimes.
62. He should not commit American troops without the full consent of Congress.
63. Women commit far fewer crimes than men.
64. I have come into this chapel to commit murder.
65. But in theology we commit enormous howlers.
66. Sometimes, conductors have to commit complete scores to memory.
67. Did W commit an offence under section 1?
68. They commit themselves to strive for its elimination.
69. Barker had tried in the past to commit suicide.
70. These people are compelled by poverty to commit crime.
71. Do we intend to commit civil disobedience?
72. No, I did not commit the murders.
73. He had made 2 previous attempts to commit suicide.
74. Her mental instability led her to commit these crimes.
75. Their eldest daughter, Elizabeth, 15, tried to commit suicide.
76. We do not intend to commit any crimes.
77. Isaacs denied trying to help his brother commit suicide.
78. Love will commit, or love will commit suicide. Anthony Liccione 
79. He said he questioned whether there was enough evidence to convict his client on conspiracy to commit murder.
80. It may be added, of course, that most of those who drink alcohol do not commit offences of violence thereafter.
81. And a fund wishing to commit money to the international media industry has in Reed/Elsevier an obvious candidate for such an investment.
82. If the security forces are not present and loyalist gunmen commit murder it is still the result of collusion.
83. Our adolescents do not know how to commit to something and have goals for themselves.
84. The charge was dismissed on the ground that Michigan state law did not prohibit assisting some one to commit suicide.
84. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
85. Commit a crime, and the earth is made of glass. Ralph Waldo Emerson 
86. In proportion to their numbers young ghetto males commit seven times more homicides and 30 percent more suicides than young white males.
87. Instead, we commit these and other offenders to varying terms of imprisonment.
88. She'd finally realised that what she needed was to commit mind, body and soul into something challenging and exciting.
89. Male speaker A lot of law-abiding youngsters may feel the way to get a holiday is to commit a crime.
90. And they, in turn, commit the same deed on those who stand in the way of what they want.
91. A variety of part-time courses are also offered for those who can't commit themselves full-time.
92. He did not commit suicide because he had no patent and had reaped no rewards.
93. I haven't wanted to commit myself to anyone until now.
94. People, after all, are often involved in disputes and difficulties with their relatives, but only a minority commit suicide.
95. As a result, too many private contractors fail to deliver what they promise-or worse, commit fraud.
96. At another level this also happens when we commit ourselves to a particular religion or ideology.
97. Some players find Goblins hard to use because they imagine they are fighters and commit them to combat as if they were Orcs.
98. They are unwilling to commit that many soldiers to the UN.
99. The deal was blocked by the chairman, who was unwilling to commit so much company money to a risky investment.
100. How far does she commit herself to Proteus, and does she really criticise herself?
101. She was careful to die alone so that no one could be accused of helping her commit suicide.
102. The civil jury also heard testimony from Simpson himself, who insisted he did not commit the murders.
103. Women nevertheless do commit crimes and contribute to the tariff of most offence categories.
104. The interest is simply focused on the few individuals who commit several serious atrocities.
105. On surrendering, the paramilitaries had admitted only to the illegal possession of arms and to having agreed to commit an offence.
106. Because students select these programs themselves, they are more likely to commit to the learning that occurs there.
107. Pat Jerrom says Danniella had violent mood swings and threatened to commit suicide.
108. The world is in greater peril from those who tolerate or encourage evil than from those who actually commit it. Albert Einstein 
109. I do not agree with his analysis about the Government looking after number one and therefore encouraging people to commit crime.
110. Frankish soldiers commit a terrible mass execution of defiant Saxons at Verden.
111. We can not commit an act of war unless it is lawful.
112. The irony we often fail to appreciate is that the more justice people enjoy, the fewer crimes they commit.
113. How much land must you commit to arable rotation, and how much must be laid up for hay or silage?
114. One needs to be very careful about asking if modern science really does commit one to rejecting objective purposes and values.
114. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
115. In return, the two countries should make immediate peace and commit themselves to use the money for poverty reduction.
116. The World Health Organisation has called for individual developing countries to commit themselves to decade programmes.
117. For the first time he was tempted to commit scientific adultery.
118. Did lone gunmen commit both murders, as initial investigations concluded?
119. No - surely they'd never commit something so dangerous even to a Company Spiderline.
120. Later I will be trying to explore some of the factors which influence our dispositions towards whether or not to commit crimes.
121. He has his sleuth say once that to commit a murder you need four aces.
122. The bill also calls upon the states to treat 15-year-olds who commit certain felonies as adults.
123. Parretti had a lengthy criminal record that included fraud and conspiracy to commit bodily harm.
124. No one demanded that people commit to specific performance challenges requiring them to use what they had supposedly learned.
125. In general terms, capital expenditure will commit future current expenditure.
126. The organization needs volunteers who can commit to work four hours a week.
127. The decisions of individual men and women to commit bad acts is what causes crime.
128. If he fails to attend a second time the judge has power to commit him to prison for contempt of court.
129. It's better to have a gay life of it than to commit suicide. Vincent van Gogh 
130. Let us think rather of a twin track approach, in which custody is reserved for those who commit serious offences.
131. However, this has not necessarily proved to be the case when the time has come to commit the words to celluloid.
132. He'd been obliged to commit too many crimes in this joyless world.
133. The state of Florida will commit $58 million for a new research facility.
134. Lord McLuskey says they manufacture false confessions, plant evidence and commit perjury.
135. Their arrival swung on to General Noriega's side a battalion which had previously declined to commit itself.
136. But one was left wondering at the decision to commit time, money and talent to this dingy piece of hokum.
137. The contemnor attended the hearing of the motion to commit, at which he was represented.
138. I couldn't commit suicide if my life depended on it. George Carlin 
139. They are less depressed, less likely to become addicted to drugs and less likely to commit suicide.
140. If, however, their conduct is itself disorderly, they may commit the less serious offence.
141. Of course, corporate crime is actually carried out by individuals; organisations can not themselves plan and commit crimes.
142. Only by restoring his muscle spasm had he been able to conquer the impulse to commit suicide.
143. He had all the hatred for Dempster, all the rage it would take to commit such a crime.
144. I want to commit the murder I was imprisoned for. J.K. Rowling 
144. try its best to collect and make good sentences.
145. Dole has endorsed the concept of a flat tax but has been reluctant to commit to specifics.
146. Encina services include two-phase commit, a structured file server, a transaction monitor and client-to-host communications.
147. It is often difficult to differentiate those who deliberately commit fraud from those who are confused in their claims.
148. The proposed legislation also failed to commit the authorities to a definite programme of school-building and put forward an extremely unambitious curriculum.
149. Nurses living opposite said Roberts shouted to them he had served 10 months' jail for a burglary he did not commit.
150. A key feature is the system's automatic two-phase commit support for distributed transactions spanning multiple heterogeneous databases that support two-phase commit.
151. It was because I went to a disco that he tried to commit suicide.
152. Facts: convicted of robbery and possessing a firearm with intent to commit an indictable offence.
153. Not to generalize, but men want everything and want to commit to nothing.
154. It will be they who commit the most crime, it will be they who will stick two fingers up to conventional mores.
155. The clause is relatively mild, requiring international agencies to commit themselves to support eradication efforts.
156. Every single psephologist, political pundit and pollster must now resign, be sacked, or better yet, commit suicide.
157. If the security forces are thick on the ground and loyalist gunmen commit murder it is the result of collusion.
158. They tried to induce King to commit suicide by threatening to release this information.
159. The killing of children, deliberately targeted-what kind of a person could commit such an act?
160. Those are the people who commit most car crime and who take away and drive away most motor vehicles.
161. And I like the conflict a murder entails, and what leads somebody to commit murder.
162. The employer could still commit the offence of using, causing or permitting no insurance.
163. This has the effect of cancelling your existing covenant and in return you commit yourself to making payments under the new covenant.
164. What you must now do is commit the words to memory and take twenty cards from the pack.
165. I don't know what motivates people to commit such crimes.
166. I have tried to commit suicide many times, but I couldn't do it.
167. They could not commit the defendant to the crown court to deal with bail.
168. Pleas don't commit yourself unless you're absolutely sure of your true feelings.
169. Then you had got to have good grounds to believe that they were going to commit a felony.
170. Acheson would not commit himself on the sums of money involved and indicated that estimates had to be finalised.
171. Federal consumer agencies and those in an increasing number of states are taking action against those who commit online fraud.
172. Young people still need to learn how to commit to a job and have goals for themselves.
173. Edward, however, was still reluctant to commit himself wholeheartedly to Balliol's cause.
174. What is the price tag for keeping decent, nonviolent people from having to commit the very act that Davis committed?
175. Since far fewer females than males commit crimes, this preoccupation has been one main source of sexism.
176. During the hearing it came out that she had tried to commit suicide.
177. All three were charged with conspiracy to defraud, conspiracy to commit forgery, and false accounting.
178. Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities. Voltaire 
179. Children know only too well the errors they commit while playing baseball or the missteps in the gymnastics routine.
180. The follies which a man regrets most, in his life, are those which he didn't commit when he had the opportunity. Helen Rowland 
181. The newspaper ended on a slightly facetious note: Can anybody commit a forgery against himself?
182. You commit yourself to long-term help as the only way to promote real change.
183. The article says that Ware tried to commit suicide by combining prescription drugs and alcohol.
184. Some people marry into families rather than commit themselves to a partner.
185. On his eighteenth birthday, his parents had believed it necessary to commit the act that would decisively save their only child.
186. Love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person. Love is an act of faith, and whoever is of little faith is also of little love. Erich Fromm 
187. In 1994, nearly 70 percent said the U. S. would never commit ground troops to Bosnia.
188. Which is whether your son was mentally competent to commit a crime on May fourth, Nineteen-seventy-seven.
189. Senators who commit the cardinal sin of ignoring public opinion will soon be out of office.
190. Yet no one wanted to commit troops until ethnic cleansing and exhaustion had run their course.
191. Male speaker Saboteurs are people who commit wilful acts of damage.
192. And when the priest came to commit poor old Eddy's body to the flames, Dyson felt something else.
193. But if they do commit to the Internet, users may well have an affordable alternative to the phone system.
194. He must settle his life, and commit it to the needs of raising a family.
195. One particular candidate responding to the survey went to a great deal of trouble to commit his decidedly anti-headhunting views to paper.
196. So then I would not be here today, to go back and commit the deed!
197. Decide to be happy when you start your day. Commit to put joy in whatever comes your way. You may be hurt by what people say, but don't let anyone spoil your day. RVM 
198. If I commit something in a big way and it turns out wrong, it will hurt my career....
199. Perpetrators of such crimes are legally permitted shorter prison terms than those who commit similar crimes for other reasons.
200. But there is a limit to which governments at any level wish to, or can, commit policies to paper.
201. Distributed Relational Database Architecture also supports two-phase commit to ensure data integrity.
202. Their goal is not money, but freedom for a client charged with a crime he did not commit.
203. Everyone has the right to be wrong, but nobody has the right to knowingly commit what is wrong. Dr T.P.Chia 
204. While the powerful seem to get away with serious crimes, the powerless commit less serious offences and get prison.
204. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
205. There is a deep recession, and foreign investors are reluctant to commit themselves in the present unstable situation.
206. As we saw in Chapter 1, women commit fewer crimes, less serious crimes and do less often.
207. According to sources, the report urges paramilitary groups to commit themselves to exclusively democratic means and to total disarmament.
208. Finally, she told him if he sent her home she'd commit suicide.
209. The youngsters have been charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage with intent to endanger life.
210. Each of the three defendants was convicted of conspiracy to commit murder.
211. He will resign if he is forced to accept an unrealistic budget he can not commit to.
212. How could I commit such an offence when I really do love my parents so much?
213. Even at 35, Bobby seemed unable to commit to a romantic relationship.
214. The most loving parents and relatives commit murder with smiles on their faces. They force us to destroy the person we really are: a subtle kind of murder. Jim Morrison 
215. The bridge, as the mannikin told us, was a favourite place for people to commit suicide.
216. For a while I was afraid she was going to commit hara-kiri by eating one of her own concoctions.
217. The great majority of non-employees who commit crimes against business will live in the immediate area.
218. And works of art to create, and games to play, and centuries to remember, and crimes to commit.
219. All passions make us commit faults, but love makes us commit the most ridiculous ones. Francois de La Rochefoucauld 
220. We must commit ourselves to promoting equal rights for all Americans.
221. The future will be shaped by those willing to commit their minds and their bodies to the task. Robert F. Kennedy 
222. He could not anticipate the demands on his time, so he could seldom commit to any meeting in advance.
223. They commit themselves to inquire into all alleged cases of torture and to prosecute offenders.
224. Later, these too were taken away, and it could only commit for trial by a jury.
225. First, he had to commit to some very different budgeting and spending habits.
226. There is considerable sympathy for members of the public who commit some minor infringement under circumstances which are considered justifiable and understandable.
227. For centuries, this country had refused to commit itself to have a standing army on the continent.
228. He watched Offerman commit 139 errors, including a major-league high 35 last season in 115 games.
229. He has touted his anti-crime credentials by ordering guidelines for local authorities that would oust from public housing residents who commit crimes.
230. In any democracy, a government can commit its people to certain bloodshed only if it believes it has their support.
231. Last month Duriez and Tibbles was found guilty of conspiracy to commit arson.
232. Here, computer-illiterate small-time capitalists can commit gaffes, like holding the mouse upside down, without being seen.
233. That is, they must convict him of the offence which they think he probably did not commit.
234. Through membership of the International Labour Organisation[/commit.html], developing countries commit themselves to its core principles.
235. Happily, the urge to commit suicide was itself long dead, buried beneath her need for revenge.
236. The writer appeared to have been so anxious to commit the message to paper that the conventional opening had been dispensed with.
237. She claimed she wasn't trying to commit suicide, and doctors gave her the benefit of the doubt.
238. It is not that once we know something we commit ourselves to it but that knowing something is itself a commitment.
239. The speech did not commit the rebels to a ceasefire.
240. What do you do with a basically good child who helped commit a murder?
241. Of those who commit suicide, 60 percent suffer from clinical depression, Quinnett claims.
242. Why regret that I lived miserably yesterday. Rather, why not commit and resolve to live happily today. RVM 
243. Thus, if women tend to commit more minor crimes, they will have a much better chance of avoiding detection.
244. Richard Duriez from oxford is charged with conspiracy to commit criminal damage following that raid.
245. But he would not commit himself to giving the job to the Sharps.
246. Burrows vehemently denies being anywhere near here, and swears he didn't commit the murder.
247. Then he asked me to do his regular work, but I didn't commit myself.
248. The second time, like the first, no one could say for certain she had been trying to commit suicide.
249. If defendants decide to commit an offence, they must take the consequences.
250. There is a general belief that police commit nearly as many crimes as they prevent or solve.
251. But then again, slow robots that take forever to commit suicide (such as ramming into a wall) are boring, so its a design tradeoff for you to decide.
252. Article 72 (1) If prior to the date for performance of the contract it is clear that one of the parties will commit a fundamental breach of contract, the other party may declare the contract avoided.
253. Police reveals, this probably is blastophore commit an offence, currently, the police is pursuing and arresting other suspects.
254. John Wagoner, a 63-year-old accountant and Kindle owner in Plano, Tex., said that if e-book prices went much higher than $13 he would simply commit his time and dollars to other activities.
255. AIC, formerly Asia ISDN Commit - tee, commits itself to the prompting of ISDN application.
256. Now let's presume that each firm is willing to commit a whopping 15% of their current fund to the effort.
257. Reflecting the extent of anger in Congress over AIG, the normally placid Republican senator Charles Grassley today refused to apologise for suggesting AIG executives commit hara-kiri.
258. In this instance, you should first commit or roll back the nested Unit of Work and only then its parent.
259. If this was not done, God Himself would bring His judgment of death upon those who would "commit harlotry " (20:5).
260. A guy who can't even commit to keeping a spider plant alive does not have what it takes to keep a relationship alive.
261. They and their regulators also should commit to a continuing review of the latest science about RFs.
262. If true then the invalid key will be discarded automatically. This option is only valid when Auto Select and Auto Commit is true.
263. All in all, Chinese spring palace paintings are inclined to poetic imagination, yet western nudes commit themselves to veracious expression.
264. To commit to working toward the elimination of PFOA, PFOA precursors, and related higher homologue chemicals from emissions and products by five years thereafter, or no later than2015.
265. Olmsted had no formal design training and didn't commit to landscape architecture until he was 44.
266. However, the XA protocol does provide some additional integrity to this one-phase commit scenario in its provision of resynchronization and recovery logic for failure during commit processing.
267. In synchronous mode, transactions on the primary server will not commit until it receives an acknowledgement from the HDR secondary server.
268. A two-phase commit allows several cooperating entities, known as resource managers, to participate in a single distributed unit of work coordinated by a transaction coordinator.
269. UBS is fighting the civil suit and says compliance would require its employees to commit fraud in Switzerland, which jealously defends its bank secrecy legislation.
270. Issuing a COMMIT records all the work since the last COMMIT statement "for keeps" in the database.
271. If it detects that all the resources involved in the transaction are the same, it can skip the two-phase commit and let the resource manager handle the transaction by itself.
272. They said their governments would commit to a moratorium on nuclear-weapons testing and seek to put in place a global treaty banning the production of weapons-grade nuclear fuel.
273. Seedily below the circumstance, think commit suicide can get depressed disease?
274. Puerility Emma expected marriage and her mate too much. However, she never thought about what her husband needed. She commit all kinds of outrages and never considered her husband and family.
275. Lixin commit itself to provide the accurate, timely and professional security investment consultatory services, which will help more and more investors obtain stable returns.
276. That is a reconstruction in the point of view of ecology for solving the ecological conjuncture and ecological commit.
277. In the case of intellectual property, it is vital that patent holder not commit fraud.
278. If you find that you're being slimed (and if you didn't commit a crime on your last job) you can send a letter (or get a lawyer to do it for you) to stop the slime machine. It's called defamation.
278. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
279. The DROPSCHEMA procedure is under transaction control and does not perform commit or rollback on its own.
280. You have heard that it was said 'You shall not commit adultery. ' But I say to you that every one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart.
281. Breach of promise is the last thing that he is likely to commit.
282. He is our absolver in chief. He forgives us for the sins we have commit ted and those we may yet commit.
283. And a federal official involved inMohammed's case said, "He has no history of killing with his own hands, although he's proved happy to commit mass murder from afar.
284. The good message was eventually delivered to the program, which then called COMMIT which caused all the poison messages to finally end up on the backout queue.




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