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单词 Metabolic rate
1. Fish normally have a high metabolic rate.
2. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.
3. Exercise can increase your metabolic rate.
4. Bradymetabolism A low metabolic rate of heat production.
5. Your metabolic rate will fall; eating just average amounts of food will tend to make you fat.
6. Dieting may also depress the metabolic rate, he says, making it easier to gain weight the next time around.
7. So to maximise the benefits to your metabolic rate, resolve never to crash diet again.
8. And you can not safely ginger up your metabolic rate with drugs because of the risk from side-effects.
9. Aerobic exercise increases the metabolic rate and the benefit continues for some hours after we have finished exercising.
10. Varanus can also increase its metabolic rate, like mammals but often more effectively.
11. Since reduced pressure also slows the metabolic rate, it too should slow and lengthen a creature's biological career.
12. Nicotine may also increase your basal metabolic rate slightly.
13. Regular exercise can increase your basal metabolic rate.
14. The metabolic rate and heat exchange a human body and environment are estimated.
15. When you're sedentary, your metabolic rate decreases and you burn fewer calories, so you feel exhausted.
16. Your basal metabolic rate — the energy your body expends at rest — is generally determined by your genetics, but new research shows you can trick your body into burning calories more efficiently.
17. Dietary intake, body weight and composition, resting metabolic rate, thermic effect of food, and insulin sensitivity were recorded at baseline and at 14 weeks.
18. Exercising can increase your metabolic rate and help you burn calories quickly.
19. We need to eat less as we get older and our metabolic rate slows down.
20. A feature that characterizes all anteaters is an extremely slow metabolic rate.
21. In addition, the aerobic activity helped them to increase their metabolic rate which is, after all, what every slimmer needs.
22. Aerobic exercise and reduced-calorie diets produce weight loss, but reduce the resting metabolic rate because they do not maintain muscle mass.
22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
23. He points out that an animal's life span is linked to its metabolic rate.
24. However, it is possible to lose weight and not suffer a large drop in metabolic rate.
25. Toning and strengthening exercises will not only increase the metabolic rate but also improve the health of our bones.
26. There is some evidence that we can further increase the metabolic rate by taking regular aerobic exercise.
27. Larger animals require more food than smaller animals, but smaller animals have a higher metabolic rate.
28. One of the best benefits associated with exercise is that over time, you will increase your basal metabolic rate (BMR).
29. The skin’s protective reaction of constricting surface blood vessels is slower with age, and the cold-induced rise in metabolic rate is also weakened in older people, but the mechanism is unknown.
30. Importantly, the study used estimates of the subjects' energy expenditure and basal metabolic rate to screen out those who were likely to be under-reporting their intakes.
1. Fish normally have a high metabolic rate.
2. Your metabolic rate is the speed at which your body transforms food into energy.
31. High - protein beverages: hungry resistance to increase the metabolic rate.
32. A drug might be necessary to increase its metabolic rate, too.
33. Says Padian: "They must have had a high basal metabolic rate to grow that fast.
34. Multiple studies have found that when strength training is added to our weekly exercise routines, our basal metabolic rate gets a boost.
35. Resting metabolic rate(RMR) and non shivering thermogenesis(NST)showed an increase of 12% and 85% respectively.
36. A third advantage is that eating more meals increases your metabolic rate.
37. Lippl thinks the increased metabolic rate, which was measured, also contributed to weight loss but cannot separate the different effects with the given data.
38. Lumped constant is the important parameter for the measurement of metabolic rate and is affected by many factors.
39. The apparent and true metabolic rate of intact cocks to amino acids in soybean meal, born and meat meal, detoxicate rapeseed meal were higher than those of caecectomized cocks.
40. Physical fitness assessment items, includes: Cardio respiratory Function Assessment, Body Composition and Basal Metabolic Rate.
41. Methods Cells number, MTT metabolic rate and LDH leakage rate were assessed.
42. The responses of cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen under different physiological conditions are also provided.
43. Objective To investigate the effects of hearing loss on cerebral metabolic rate for glucose (CMRgl).
44. The protein metabolic rate was relative to the trypsin activity in chyme.
45. The regression equation relating metabolic rate and sweat rate was compound function.
46. Your basal metabolic rate accounts for about 60 to 75 percent of the calories you burn every day.
47. This process makes the metabolic rate of the transgenic mice step up a gear.
48. In long-term predation risk, the basal metabolic rate (BMR) was significantly reduced in the striped field mouse. It maybe related to the decreased activities.
49. Blue also stimulates the thyroid gland to release thyroxin, a hormone that regulates metabolic rate.
50. The Thermic Effect of Food is defined as: the increment in energy expenditure above resting metabolic rate due to the cost of processing food for storage and use.
51. The standard metabolic rate of Paralichthys olivaceus was increased with its increasing body weight, whose relationship could be described as a power function.
52. Basal metabolic rate decrease and viscus fat area rise with age, it add the disease rate of life habits .
53. Body weight, food intake, basal metabolic rate(BMR) , behavior, body fat, and gonad mass were measured in female KM mice that acclimated to a random food restriction(FR) and recovery.
54. That added muscle would increase the metabolic rate by only 24 calories a day.
55. Abnormally low or high body temperatute effect a variety of physiologic responses including lowered metabolic rate.
56. Here we show that the relationship between mass and metabolic rate has convex curvature on a logarithmic scale, and is therefore not a pure power law, even after accounting for body temperature.
57. And caloric metabolization basically is will use up by thin muscle, so thin sarcous decreases can make basal metabolic rate lower and lower.
58. Just as each person has a different basal metabolic rate, they can have varying amounts of collagen intake.
59. Also, the basal metabolic rate ( BMR ) of each child was determined with open circuit indirect calorimetry.
60. Basal metabolic rate and total moisture capacity were gradually increased with the increase in sports level.
61. Exercise gets that metabolic rate up, which means more energy, and not only the physical kind.
62. If you find your basal metabolic rate (BMR), the rate at which you burn calories when at rest, you should be able to better calculate how many calories you need to eat every day.
63. Objective To study the correlation between children′s basal metabolic rate(BMR)and body composition and provide basal data for the clinic application of BMR.
64. These hormones'primary action in adults is to regulate cellular oxygen consumption ( metabolic rate ).
65. Sea cucumbers have the capacity to become quiescent and live at a low metabolic rate.
66. It also keeps your body from lowering its metabolic rate and conserving fat.
67. Leave a maximum of three hours between meals. This ensures your metabolic rate doesn't fluctuate.
68. Regular exercise not only burns calories, it also raises your basal metabolic rate, the number of calories you burn while at rest.




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