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单词 Analogy
(1) They say " thunk " on the analogy of'sunk ".
(2) He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.
(3) The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.
(4) She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.
(5) Shakespeare makes an analogy between the citizens of country and the parts of a person's body.
(6) A close analogy with the art of singing can be made.
(7) Argument from analogy is not always valid.
(8) The Wild West analogy does not fit here.
(9) Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting.
(10) No analogy exists between them.
(11) The computer is a useful analogy for the brain.
(12) It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
(13) She suggested an analogy between the human heart and a pump.
(14) There is an analogy here with the way an engine works.
(15) My theory applies to you and by analogy to others like you.
(16) Dr Wood explained the movement of light by analogy with the movement of water.
(17) She drew an analogy between running the economy and a housewife's weekly budget.
(18) There is a close analogy between the gills of a fish and the lungs of a mammal.
(19) We can understand this theory by analogy with human beings.
(20) There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.
(21) It is probably easier to make an analogy between the courses of the planets, and two trains travelling in the same direction.
(22) Remember the analogy of the combination lock.
(23) The plant analogy guaranteed freedom from anthropomorphism.
(24) There is a good analogy with light.
(25) Lyell's system was, therefore, to exemplify an epistemological analogy.
(26) Pat Bateson's analogy is to consider baking a cake.
(27) The Tree of Knowledge is the appropriate analogy.
(28) The analogy was intended to convey two things.
(29) We know nothing of what will happen in future, but by the analogy of past experience. 
(30) Historically there was no letter " l " in the word " could " ; it was inserted by analogy with " would ".
(1) They say " thunk " on the analogy of'sunk ".
(2) He drew an analogy between the brain and a vast computer.
(3) She drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.
(4) Historically there was no letter " l " in the word " could " ; it was inserted by analogy with " would ".
(5) Shakespeare makes an analogy between the citizens of country and the parts of a person's body.
(6) A close analogy with the art of singing can be made.
(7) Trace an analogy between pastoral poetry and landscape painting.
(8) No analogy exists between them.
(9) It is not always reliable to argue by analogy.
(10) There is a close analogy between the gills of a fish and the lungs of a mammal.
(11) There is an analogy between the way water moves in waves and the way light travels.
(31) Most creative ideas spring from analogy of some kind.
(32) But mostly we develop our language by analogy.
(33) We are here concerned with the liberty of the subject and, by analogy, with the rules applicable in criminal cases.
(34) The main criticism of the argument from analogy is that these two assumptions are inconsistent.
(35) There is a striking analogy here with crystal growth, except that it happens in two dimensions, not three.
(36) This notion of a criterion could be used to show the argument from analogy to be unnecessary.
(37) Perhaps a closer analogy would be with a telescope that misrepresented what we were looking at.
(38) The analogy of the sales pitch is revealing, for advertisers do not promote their product merely by providing information about it.
(39) Another analogy might be an index file in which each index card represents a schema.
(40) Here again, the analogy between individual and organizational attitudes and behavior patterns is revealing.
(41) We can perhaps draw a useful analogy with pharmaceutical products.
(42) It remains to be seen whether we can learn by analogy.
(43) The analogy with computer software is not, of course, exact.
(44) But with his veto this week of a bill that would have banned lobbyist gifts, the perplexed-bear analogy no longer works.
(45) It looked like the circus leaving town, which may be an apt analogy.
(46) The only analogy was St Trinian's, but this was dead serious.
(47) We will mention one,() called deep dysgraphia because of its analogy to deep dyslexia.
(48) The analogy between cultural and genetic evolution has frequently been pointed out, sometimes in the context of quite unnecessary mystical overtones.
(49) In the bureaucratic model, there is a close analogy with the theory of the firm.
(50) Carrying the analogy further, the functions carried out by the human body would be the electronic commerce applications.
(51) To use Gordon Brown's analogy, we are being offered sparrows and sticklebacks.
(52) The analogy between the seed out of the ground and the seed in the ground is exactly applicable to man.
(53) This could be seen as an approximation to a Ramsey-optimal price structure, though the analogy is probably rather forced.
(54) The reason for this is interesting, and worth a digression because it provides a good genetic analogy.
(55) There is an obvious analogy between operant conditioning and evolution by natural selection.
(56) I have used the analogy of the structure of a document to describe the basis of the curriculum.
(56) try its best to collect and create good sentences.
(57) Levin and Bronshten reach similar conclusions, by analogy with typical terminal-flare meteors.
(58) Analogies are of interest because they require a construction and comparison of relationships between the members that make up the analogy.
(59) There is an analogy to be drawn here with Nizan's trip to Aden.
(60) These initial reflections did not include, then, any analogy between artificially and naturally selective breeding.
(61) I was misled partly by the analogy with the surface of the earth.
(62) He sees that Shakespeare discovered how he might use analogy and metaphor as themost acute representation of a mind engaged in thought.
(63) Norma drew an analogy between childbirth and the creative process.
(64) I find this an illuminating analogy of the real purpose of prayer.
(65) Pattern practice makes grammatical explanations superfluous and encourages learning by analogy.
(66) The speech is a good example of formal rhetorical argument by analogy rather than logic.
(67) The effectiveness of the micro in simulating experiments hinges on the children's accepting the analogy with the true experimental situation.
(68) There is an analogy here with ships in wartime, which sail in convoys to reduce the numbers lost to submarines.
(69) By analogy, the same principle could apply to other insiders, such as merchant bankers, who misuse confidential news.
(70) A third way of dealing with a topic indirectly, perhaps the most difficult to handle, is to use analogy.
(71) The analogy is now the addition of a thermometer in the water in the kettle with its dial visible to the operator.
(72) I have suggested that singing is a good analogy for the discovery and use of the light principle.
(73) An analogy with the film industry, or treatment as an entirely distinct medium requiring its own organization, was inappropriate.
(74) Let us pursue the analogy between memes and genes further.
(75) A close analogy with the art of singing can be made here.
(76) Oresme even drew an analogy with what would happen on a moving ship, as Galileo was later to do.
(77) He then uses this analogy with the sentence to describe the trajectory by which the subject constitutes itself through the other.
(78) To explain it,[] Eliot gave the analogy of a catalyst in a chemical reaction.
(79) The analogy was well meant, but did not altogether please him.
(80) This problem is sometimes called moral hazard, by analogy with insurance where the phenomenon is well known.
(81) In fact a good analogy may be made with human relationships.
(82) The analogy has its limitations, but is a valuable starting point.
(83) All that could be done was to work by analogy.
(84) Here we may draw an analogy between geriatrics and paediatrics, another age-based medical specialism.
(85) There must, we think, be some argument from analogy to provide a way round scepticism.
(86) I used the analogy of a family that goes from rags to riches and back to rags in three or four generations.
(87) To return to the analogy of the lawn sprinkler and the rainstorm,[http:///analogy.html] both can explain how the driveway got wet.
(88) The Hobbesian analogy is considered to be partial and gender-biased.
(89) The analogy between the diseases of the human body and those to which the horse is liable is very great.
(90) The argument rests on an analogy with the right of conscientious objection which is supported by Dworkin.
(91) An often-heard analogy in the airline industry is that seats are perishable like fruit.
(92) Another strategy that Cooley uses occasionally is the analogy between things that are very different in most respects.
(93) The best analogy is probably with the methods of the legal profession.
(94) A close analogy can be drawn between cancer of the cell and a society hooked on drugs.
(95) There is no analogy, then, between the power of taxation and the power of regulating commerce....
(96) The analogy between the identity of a living body and that of personal identity makes this plausible.
(97) It is not an analogy to be pushed too far, but the point should be clear by now.
(98) Similarly, by analogy and by convention, helices are also described as right or left-handed.
(99) Modern societies are therefore institutionally differentiated, on the analogy of biological organisms, from the relatively simple to the relatively complex.
(100) They assume, that is, that the principles of analogy and local interpretation constrain their experience.
(101) By analogy to the hybrid motor the expression for pull-out torque in a variable-reluctance motor can be found directly.
(102) This is the analogy to the alpha particle.
(103) Analogy and correspondence provide fundamental structure for the universe.
(104) He drew this conclusion on the analogy of yours.
(105) Analogy may be a deceitful guide.
(106) Analogy bear hardships prevenient, enjoy after.
(107) The analogy a computer database is not perfect.
(108) The analogy with a computer database is not perfect.
(109) The name is an analogy with "voltage-controlled oscillator".
(110) Let's consider a file folder analogy.
(111) You can only master knowledge through learning by analogy.
(112) A good analogy for a constructor method is a building contractor, who takes the blueprints for your house and builds it.
(113) The test method, the inductive method, the deductive method and the analogy method are usually used in physics research.
(114) This article has described the form of virtual enterprise in the manner of analogy, and researched into the principle of organizing it, and initially designed the running rule system.
(115) On the analogy of the magnetic and gravitational buoyancy forces, the concept of the magnetic acceleration is proposed.
(116) The result was a development process now referred to as the waterfall model,[] an analogy to the fact that the development process was allowed to flow in only one direction.
(117) Another analogy is to the invention of the paperback book; by reducing the cost of books, it increased the demand for them.
(118) Then, in analogy with the annealing of metals, the temperature is made high in the early stages of the process for faster minimisation or learning, then is reduced for greater stability.
(119) Finally, to complete the analogy, because your 40th birthday comes around only once, you need to make sure that you achieve this goal by then.
(120) Why this elaborate analogy with plate tectonics and continental drift?
(121) It is found that the methods of learning by analogy (LA) may become an important technology for the inter-and extrapolation of knowledge.
(122) The clothing analogy might not be too far off, since the human population boom, combined with ever more crowded conditions, is likely increasing evolutionary pressure on our own individuality.
(123) The new design electrical interface, thus it can replace the analogy regulator directly.
(124) By extension, but also by analogy with linguistics, foregrounding means drawing the spectators attention to a particular element in a film through the use of an unusual filmic device.
(125) The whole book of Hosea makes a gigantic analogy between Hosea's marriage to a prostitute and Gd's marriage to the Israel.
(126) Perceptual aesthetic judgment is not enough, people pay attention to rational connotational judgment during creating the analogy skill.
(127) Life is not to be conceived on the analogy of a melodrama in which the hero and heroine go through in credible misfortunes for which they are compensated by a happy ending.
(128) With apparent characteristics, Analogy varies from Aristotle's Syllogistic, reasoning with compound proposition of Megara-Stoicism, and also differs from the inductive inference advocated by Bacon.
(129) Essenciall speaking, analogy is on the basis of type and typological method. That is the relationship between them.
(130) Using our file folder analogy, imagine an inbox with a stack of file folders waiting to be processed.
(131) The reasoning from analogy has a penetrating power to surpass law system, and it is very important in the law applications of mainland, British-America and China law systems.
(132) Metaphors as a form of reasoning by analogy involve categorization, entailment and inference.
(133) In the theory, the rationality of single subject research is demonstrated by single coexistent analogy, plausible reasoning and falsification.
(134) Analogies in the modern Chinese language also represent the results of language infiltration and fusion; both forms of analogy are merged and two types of grammatical function are incorporated.
(135) The thinking characteristics of mathematical analogy should often be considered from both qualitative and quantitative aspects.
(136) In analogy to conventional mode classification, the fundamental space filling mode of photonic crystal fibers is classified as HE1 1mode.
(137) The law consequences led to by the nullification of insurance contract may be applied to the correlation provision of contract law by analogy.
(138) This paper describes the preliminary design of a physical model testing frame of temperature field according to the engineering prototype and analogy criteria.
(139) This arrangement, rather like the spacing of our eyes (making Earth the schnoz in this analogy), allows for depth perception, ergo 3-D.
(140) The analogy simulation, computer simulation and formula calculation are conducted , too.
(141) We can find an analogy in what happened in the hardware world: At one point there was a similar wave of new technology, with the introduction of CAD (computer-aided design) systems.
(142) The statute law inevitably has a loophole. Analogy is a supplemental instrument to the statute law when law made no stipulation about the settlement of a disputed matter or a case.
(143) Visual analogy score ( VAS ) and the sleep quality were used for the evaluation of pain releasing.
(144) Confucius's analogy about politics originated from the mentalities of worshiping the polestar and kismet of Pre-qin dynasty's people.
(145) In analogy to algebraic data type theory, this paper proposed the mathematical model of objects, object types and abstract object types.
(146) It is almost tempting to use as an analogy the Laffer Curve,[http:///analogy.html] which was popular for a while in so-called Reaganomics .
(147) Here, there's an analogy between the music hall and the theater of war.
(148) Analogy too hard, right buddy ... this case is to ask, will not be the meaning of the peak voltage of the lack of electricity?
(149) The widely used approximate reasoning methods such as Compositional Rule of Inference(CRI) and Analogy Approximate Reasoning Schema(AARS) are fully analyzed, and their deficiencies are pointed out.
(150) So far in this series, I've used a simple domain based on the analogy of races and runners to demonstrate various data storage technologies.
(151) Collocational errors are attributed to mother tongue interference, overextension of analogy and incomplete knowledge of the TL structure.
(152) The coal cleat pattern in the Kushiro coalfield, Japan, shows some analogy to isolated straight joints.
(153) To strike an analogy, it is bypassing all procedures for the sale, revealed a castle in the air for both at the individual conditions of auction sale agreement.
(154) Three-dimensional(3D)unsteady compressible flow over an open cavity and the relevant aeroacoustics are studied using a hybrid LES-acoustic analogy method.
(155) There is no place for metaphor or analogy in this process, since these accentuate the superficial.
(156) There are five strategies in this assortment system. They are transfiguration strategy, analogy strategy, transplant strategy, association strategy, recompose strategy.
(157) The analogy between internal friction increment and overstress due to strain - rate sensitivity is cla.
(158) Animals who are dressed-up. An analogy meaning immoral and despicable people.
(159) There is a very appropriate analogy with the cherry samurai sword.
(159) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(160) By analogy, diagnostic neutrality means maintaining a positionof equidistance from the biological, psychological, social, and spiritual forces impinging on the patient.
(161) Analogy stickle into the column, do not know to follow the changes in the form of opinion or approach to change.
(162) Crystals may be classified as either ionic or covalent by analogy with molecules.
(163) The measured signal needing by system popularly can be divided into two kinds which are on-off quantity and analogy quantity.
(164) It has the features of divinity, human - analogy, and sociality.
(165) But this theory is still full of problems, mainly in the argument analogy, the state of mind ontological irreducibility on the causes and free will.
(166) Its hardware adopts distributed system architecture, the analogy measurement uses a. c. direct sampling and the operation tracking presents directed graph search tracking algorithm.
(167) The result shows that if students are hinted by forms of analogy, their relation schema of such type will be helpfully activated and that will be in the interest of the formation of conjecturing.
(168) Finally, the paper carried on the analogy to DNA sequence design problem and graph independent set problem, and proved the maximum DNA sequences set problem was a NP complete problem.
(169) Presently the new methods include case study, PBL teaching, lead-in teaching, multi-media teaching and analogy teaching etc.
(170) In the same paper, Kent uses a three-legged stool analogy.
(171) But in the past, it's always based on the experience to design the slewing frame, that is, by analogy or in terms of the principle of material mechanic to design the structure.
(172) This paper describes the construction and equivalent circuit of a model for the ultrasonic motor from the point of view of the electrical analogy.
(173) It is the exact same analogy as being regular bathhouse patrons ( myself included ).
(174) Orientation analogy law plays as a bridge in the development of ophthalmological theory of TCM, and it will play an important role in the establishment of inner-eye-zangfu theory in the future.
(175) He's not saying this is definitely happening, but he uses the Y2K crisis as an analogy.
(176) Normally, the correlations employ certain dimensionless numbers from analyses such as dimensional analysis or analogy.
(177) So, the analogy of industry the group that hang a horse similar crab group is the big boss in gangdom , no wonder also, because they are held, controlled the active right in whole industry catenary.




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