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单词 Egyptian
1. She believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation .
2. The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
3. Leaders from around the world eulogized the Egyptian president.
4. He collects Egyptian and Roman antiquities.
5. Ancient Egyptian society was polytheistic./egyptian.html
6. The Egyptian Army remained an untested force.
7. The Egyptian team relied on the element of surprise to defeat their stronger opponents.
8. I had a look for websites on Egyptian music, but didn't find anything.
9. The Egyptian goddess is represented as a woman with cow's horns.
10. He's an expert on ancient Egyptian art.
11. Most of the Egyptian tombs were desecrated and robbed.
12. I took my backpack and joined some Egyptian friends for a trek in the Sahara.
13. The news has been greeted angrily within Egyptian government circles.
14. The architect has incorporated Egyptian and Renaissance themes in the building's design.
15. The currency of Egypt is an Egyptian pound.
16. The Syrian and Egyptian armies both suffered heavy setbacks.
17. Can the Libyan tail wag the Egyptian dog?
18. Archaeologists unearth part of ancient Egyptian university.
19. Egyptian hieroglyphs depict the same images carved in stone.
20. So he's egyptian a green card?
21. Ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic script was finally deciphered.
22. To the Egyptian the Nile was his life's blood.
23. SPIEGEL ONLINE: Could this affair endanger German - Egyptian cooperation on archeological work?
24. He was transferred to FBI custody in a smooth co-operative effort between Egyptian and US authorities.
25. This book deals with the economic, social, and religious aspects of Egyptian society.
26. Hasan plied us with drinks and an array of Egyptian delicacies which he brought from the kitchen.
27. Historians used the Rosetta stone to crack the code of Egyptian hieroglyphics.
28. The first wave consisted of Lebanese and Syrian, and some Egyptian immigrants.
29. He was honored by the Romans and the emperors Claudius and Tiberius had inscriptions praising Imhotep placed on the walls of their Egyptian temples.
30. No other people has been so obsessed with immortality as the Egyptian.
1. She believes she was an Egyptian queen in a previous incarnation .
2. The ancient Egyptian civilization is one of the oldest in the world.
31. Egypt has had full diplomatic relations with Israel since the 1979 Camp David peace accords were signed by former Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin.
32. Hamas is a spinoff of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood, and the government of Hosni Mubarak worries about contagion.
33. The greater the variety of fillings inside the mattress (cotton, lambswool, Egyptian cotton, mohair), the more you will feel as though you are being cradled by it.
34. After flowing 4, 000 miles, the Nile river passes the Egyptian capital, Cairo, and then opens into the Nile Delta along the Mediterranean coastfrom Alexandria in the west to Port Said in the east.
35. It's been a suspenseful week for New Yorkers and Twitizens worldwide, but we can all rest easy. Once lost, the Bronx Zoo's Egyptian cobra has been found.
35. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
36. Even the limestone in the Egyptian pyramids contains foram remains, the ancient historian Herodotus noted.
37. As an English famous Egyptologist, for several decades Hansen had being sought after the piece of wood found in sap of the Egyptian Great Pyramid, a very important culture relic in the Great Pyramid.
38. Freud postulated that Moses was an Egyptian nobleman who adhered to the monotheism of Akhenaten.
39. Egyptian archaeologists who found the temple say it was built by Queen Berenike II, wife of Greek King Ptolemy III, who ruled Egypt from 246 to 221 B.C.
40. Today's Gregorian calendar derives from the Babylonian, Egyptian, Jewish and Roman calendars.
41. Among almost seven hundred species of egyptian cotton, some are fully grown at less than a foot high, while others can grow three feet in twenty-four hours.
42. It is believed the pyramid was built as a tomb for fourth dynasty Egyptian Pharaoh Khufu (Cheops in Greek) and constructed over a 20 year period concluding around 2551 BC.
43. So much so that for one game and one game only every Egyptian, even President Mubarak himself, will cross their fingers and pray for Team USA.
44. Recent surveys also show that two-thirds of Egyptian girls aged 10-14 have been subjected to the traditional practice of female circumcision.
45. There is not one of those women, Egyptian, Turkish, or Greek, whom here you call 'good women, ' who do not know how, by means of chemistry, to stupefy a doctor, and in psychology to amaze a confessor.
46. Currently, humans are doing little to help the spread and survival of the Egyptian vulture populations.
47. Arab dreams: Qaddafi (left) spent his youth as a fervent admirer of Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser, the pan-Arab nationalist icon of the era.
48. About one-fourth of Egyptian workers under 25 are unemployed, a statistic that is often cited as a reason for the revolution there.
49. Al-Zawahiri is a physician and the founder of the Egyptian Islamic Jihad (EIJ).
50. In 31BC Augustus - or Octavian, as he was then known - had triumphed over the combined forces of Mark Antony and the Egyptian queen Cleopatra at the Battle of Actium.
51. Another innovator — the Egyptian physicist Alhazen, born in 965 — laid the foundation for the modern understanding of optics.
52. There are many legends about the station being haunted by the ghost of an ancient Egyptian woman dressed in a loincloth and headdress.
53. That cell later became part of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, a group fighting to overthrow the Egyptian government.
54. The new partnership is expected to strengthen Samsung's presence in the Egyptian market, with TIBA producing and distributing these air conditioners in Egypt, the Middle East and Africa.
55. The Egyptian pyramids indicate considerable mechanical skill as well as a stupendous mass effort.
56. Similarly, Augustine of Hippo wrote of the Israelites using Egyptian gold to build the tabernacle of God.
57. Hamas leader in Gaza and former Palestinian prime minister Ismail Haniya called for the government to throw open the Egyptian border with Gaza.
58. As tall as Jack, Hensley was thinner, more compact under a perfectly tailored charcoal-gray suit and spotless white Egyptian cotton shirt, a tie of cornflower blue.
59. The ancient Egyptian sun god, the supreme deity represented as a man with the head of a hawk crowned with a solar disk and uraeus.
60. An Egyptian spread-eagle device is featured in the treasure of Tut-ankh-amoun which has a bird's body with a human head, and in which hieroglyphic symbols are held in the outstretched talons.
61. World-famous buildings which took part in this lights-out event included the Burj Dubai Tower, the Times Square in New York, Eiffel Tower in Paris, Sydney Opera House, and Egyptian pyramids.
62. The Israeli officers praised the fighting qualities of the Egyptian and Syrian armies.
63. Since 1981 after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat, Hosni Mubarak of Egypt in charge of the political arena today.
64. The U.S. is placing great importance on improving relations with Egypt and with veteran Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak, after tensions during the Bush Administration.
65. The animation is based on the symbiosis between the egyptian plover and the crocodile.
65. try its best to collect and create good sentences.
66. Where extremely fine texture, silkness and great strength are desired, the Cotton buyer may choose Sea Island staple or Egyptian Cotton.
67. And what about "B"?Well, according to the encyclopedia it first started out as an Egyptian hieroglyph for "house" (Wikipedia says it's a "floor plan" of a house).
68. In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Isis was the universal mother goddess.
69. No Egyptian interest was served by the destruction of Israel.
70. The gold mines in Nubia and other parts of the Egyptian empire seem to have been very efficiently designed and controlled, though with a callous disregard for the human element employed.
71. After 3000 years the Egyptian empire came to an end.
72. The 27-year-old Justine Henin is using her trip to the Egyptian capital as preparation for a return to the WTA tour next month, after an 18-month absence from the game.
73. In similar fashion Hamed El Chiaty has used his Egyptian experience as a springboard to bigger things.
74. The video shot by Hamas militants was delivered to Israel through the efforts of Egyptian and German mediatory .
75. In 1981, Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, Carter and Ronald Reagan gathered to discuss policy for the region, prior to leaving for the funeral of the assassinated Egyptian leader Anwar Sadat.
76. She needs to know how long venom from an Egyptian cobra would take to kill Cleopatra.
77. Each bedroom has 24-hour room service and Marriott's 'Revive' luxury bedding with Egyptian cotton sheets.
78. Egyptian Ministry of ancient Egypt Queen's pro-Fu Titi (about 1360 BC), stone sculptures like the color, the world-famous.
79. See ninth Egyptian Plague . Exodus 10:21 - 22 Darkness upon Antichrist's kingdom.
80. The blast occurred at the Khan al-Khalili market close to the historic Hussein mosque in a medieval part of the Egyptian capital.
81. And this was the scene at the Interior Ministry building in the Egyptian capital of Cairo on Tuesday.
82. Scutum is one of two constellations to be named after real people. Coma Berenices was named for an Egyptian queen.
83. Fulla can now dress her perfect albeit slightly less busty(17) figure with tight t-shirts and jeans and wear the same colourful head scarves donned by most young Egyptian women today.
84. The Summation Series was the origin of Ancient Egyptian harmonic design.
85. He also held talks with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak on bilateral ties.
86. Over the past decade the Egyptian pound has lost almost half its value against the dollar.Costa Rica exports more than Egypt.
87. These new rules delivered the Egyptian polity into the hands of a one-party system in which all power rested with Gamal Abdel Nasser, Egypt's president until his death in 1970.
88. The 4-star Hotel Felix has rooms with a king-size bed, a flat-screen TV, fresh milk and Egyptian cotton linen.
89. Called the New Egyptian Museum, it will eventually house the largest collection of pharaonic monuments, including the solid gold death mask of Tutankhamun.
90. The book describes the march of civilization from ancient Egyptian times to the present.
91. 1922 - Howard Carter and Lord Carnarvon become the first people to enter the tomb of Egyptian King Tutankhamun in over 3000 years.
92. Perhaps after the Egyptian colorful, gram Lou Pakistan Tela , is in the world the most charming woman.
93. Because of these qualities, dragons assumed the roles taken by Osiris and Set in Egyptian mythology.
94. Say, what about all that Egyptian cotton he's stuck with? How much did he buy?
95. Egyptian TV showed workers cleaning blood stains and sandblasting the church to remove traces of Saturday's explosion.
96. Shortly after the Egyptian turmoil began, Google established a call-in line on which Egyptians could leave a voicemail,(http:///egyptian.html) which could then be turned into messages distributed on Twitter.
97. The imposing temples built by Ramses II sit close to the Egyptian border with Sudan.
98. This kind of stuff is heavy on the surreal number theory: about as digestible as an Egyptian mummy soaked in tabasco sauce for three thousand years.
99. The United Nations says in the coming weeks several more units will deploy, including an Egyptian transport unit, a Nigerian medical unit as well as regular troops from Egypt and Ethiopia.
100. The Egyptian vulture population declined by 90 percent in India during the past decade.
101. When he graduated, he got a job as a software engineer at a large Egyptian company and later at large multinational firm.
102. Egyptian law requires official permission for the construction or renovation of any house of worship[], but in practice authorities rarely award permission to build or make improvements to churches.
103. India, Pakistan, the United Arab Emirates, Switzerland and Germany are typically the largest importers of Egyptian cotton.
104. There are five titles going with Egyptian pharaohs, which are Horus name, nebty name(Two Ladies), Golden Horus name, prenomen and nomen.
105. Bamboo leaves an anti-bacterial, sheets, bamboo is the good earth, bamboo table is fine Egyptian cotton sheets, soft.
106. She puts a bamboo flute before chest and be like to hold the crosier in ancient Egyptian queen hand.
107. These luxurious and soft egyptian cotton hipsters are great in both comfort and support.
108. This was very much apparent in the Egyptian period, which is why Pharoah Akhenaton introduced the One God of the Sun.
109. Edit: Also, the Egyptian Cobra, while very painful, is not a slow death.
110. "I am unemployed, " said Mohamed Fahd, 35, who stuck an Egyptian flag in his hat, and had painted his face red, white and black to match.
111. DNA analysis has shown that the Egyptian jackal, previously believed to be a subspecies of the golden jackal, is a relative of the grey wolf.
112. But with the development and change of Egyptian Nationalist Movement, Gladstone turned to intervene at last.
113. Conference host Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak said it is his "priority to reach a truce between Israel and the Palestinians," despite the multiple setbacks in negotiations Egypt has been mediating.
114. Egyptian vultures (Neophron percnopterus) may have followed human migrants to the Canary Islands about 2500 years ago.
115. Around 1801, ten-year-old Jean-Francois Champollion saw a collection of Egyptian artifacts, which were decorated with strange symbols.
116. Also, British aircraft raided, in broad daylight, positions of the Syrian and Egyptian fronts, in addition to operations by a number of American aircraft reconnoitering some of our positions...
117. After the address, he headed to the outskirts of the city to see the pyramids - a nod to the Egyptian capital's long history at the heart of the Arab world.
118. The death toll from a massive rockslide Saturday in the Egyptian capital of Cairo has climbed to 31, a medical source said on Sunday.
119. Warm NOTE:This product is used 100% Egyptian cotton Spiraea environmental protection, all cotton imports AUXILIARY of the original materials and high definition drawings, quality assurance!
120. Therefore, this article take the Mohammed Ali time's Egypt tribal society as the main object of study, probe into historical function of Egyptian politics, economy and military.
121. He speaks in a low bass rumble, just like Imhotep, the mummy in the two earlier pictures (whose name continues to remind me of an Egyptian house of pancakes).
122. This star was the most important of the stars to the ancient Egyptians, and the heliacal rising of this star came at the time of inundation and the start of the Egyptian New Year.
123. The Egyptian deification of time went further, to the point where almost every moment had its own presiding ruler based upon the stars and constellations.
124. In addition, the U.S. Export-Import Bank has approved $80 million in insurance that will support Egypt's economic recovery by backing letters of credit issued by Egyptian financial institutions.
125. More properly, it should be associated with the supreme Egyptian god Ptah(/egyptian.html), also known as the Opener.
126. An ancient Egyptian princess might have been able to postpone her mummification if she had cut the calories and exercised more, medical experts say.
127. Here a brilliant mural in his burial chamber depicts the jackal-headed Anubis, Egyptian god of the dead, tending the casket of Sennedjem.
128. Other revealed writings, including Smith's translation of "Egyptian" texts that he declared to be the Book of Abraham, were incorporated into the Pearl of Great Price.
129. The original fishing village of Rhacotis was the Egyptian district.
130. Yet we do have multiple uniform standards for our service quality and brands we choose, for example, we use Egyptian cotton in all our hotels.
131. A famous Egyptian film, "Nasser 56", lingers nostalgically over the Egyptian leader.
132. US Defence Secretary Robert Gates is in the Egyptian capital Cairo for talks on both Libya and Egypt's hoped-for transition to democracy following the fall of Hosni Mubarak.
133. I also notice that he looks vaguely Middle Eastern and that he dyes his hair an unnatural black. He has morphed into Anwar Sadat, the Egyptian president murdered by terrorists years ago.
134. Where the Egyptian method had been constructional, and that of classical antiquity anthropometric, that of the Middle Ages may be described as schematic.
135. In Egyptian lore just as in Persian, the spirits of the dead could leave their tombs and fly about the land of the living, just as the fravashis gather just before the New Year.
136. Such wedding ceremony must continue about approximately 30 days, wasting assets approximately thousand Egyptian pounds.
137. I spoke about Middle East peace with Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Rabin, Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak, and Saudi Arabias King Fahd.
138. Ahead of them, young men huddled in the back of a delivery truck, under floral blankets. A minivan shuttled a group of traumatized neighbors toward the Egyptian border.
140. All normal cotton fibers have a soft creamy tint and some of the long staple fibers like the Egyptian cotton, are more creamy in color than the Upland and the Sea Island cotton.
141. CAIRO (Reuters) - A bomb killed a French teenager and wounded at least 20 other people in a crowded square near a popular tourist bazaar in the Egyptian capital Cairo on Sunday, officials said.
142. In the Egyptian study researchers randomly assigned 421 newborns to receive either the monovalent or trivalent vaccine.
143. Its Assyrian collections formed the basis for the decipherment of cuneiform just as the acquisition of the Rosetta Stone has resulted in the unlocking of Egyptian hieroglyphic script.
144. An Egyptian soccer fan watching the game on television in a shisha and coffee shop reacts after the final whistle is blown and their team beat Ghana January 31.
145. Cotton, Egyptian Cotton Cotton, Extra Long Cotton, Cotton Yarn , Yarn EgyptianCotton Classer , Controllers Yarn.
146. Serta mattresses are enveloped in custom 400 count Egyptian cotton sheets, plus down duvets, two firm and two soft down pillows, or if you're sensitive, a choice of hypo allergenic pillows and duvets.
147. It has been written about asas the ancient Egyptian mystery schools, 3000 years before Christ.
148. Pharaonic kingship is very special of all ancient civilizations in the world, and almost a symbol of Egyptian civilization.
149. Like many Egyptian temples, Abu Simbel has a first room or hypostyle hall filled with column supports. Next, there is a second hall, followed by a sanctuary.
150. Especially in Egypt, it was intended to legitimize the privileged status of the Hellene relative to the "native" Egyptian.
151. She appeared in the holy dress of Isis at a festival staged in Alexandria to celebrate Antony's victory over Armenia in 34 B.C., just four years before her suicide and the end of the Egyptian empire.
152. Egyptian priests practiced "transubstantiation", claiming to be able to transfer the sun god Osiris into a circular wafer.
153. Thieves made off with the canvas, known by the titles of "Poppy Flowers" and "Vase with Flowers, " on Saturday from the Mahmoud Khalil Museum in the Egyptian capital.
154. There's three pounds of food in there, and it's gonna stay in there. Right? Not if this Egyptian vulture has anything to do with it.
155. Israel and United States have succeeded in convincing the Egyptian and Saudi governments that "the Shi'ite tide" led by Iran is the greatest threat to the whole region, he said.
155. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
156. At least 20 people have been killed when a passenger train smashed into the back of another train near the Egyptian capital, Cairo.
157. The other Arab states would block any separate Egyptian settlement.
158. Egyptian authority say 31 people have been killed and 46 others injured in a rockslide that strugglestruck a crowded shantytown outside the capital Cairo.
159. The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued with teachings of Islam.
160. The military has served patriotically and responsibly as a caretaker to the state, and will now have to ensure a transition that is credible in the eyes of the Egyptian people.
161. Nobody's questioning the fact that he was the mentor of Zawahiri and the ideologue of Egyptian Islamic Jihad.
162. Mr. Mitchell is now in the Egyptian capital Cairo on an unscheduled visit.
163. The Egyptian capital Cairo is buzzing with diplomatic activity as Arab and world leaders converge on Egypt in a frenetic effort to find a solution to the 15-day-old conflict in Gaza.
164. Our site is a virtual wholesale warehouse containing pictures and descriptions of all our furniture, 100% egyptian cotton linens and egyptian organic foods.
165. Call in to the main control room of Egyptian State Railways and you may find the chief operator similarly disengaged, as one panicked signalman did last year when a train stalled on the tracks.
166. The Egyptian vulture, a new addition to IUCN's 2007 Red List, has declined along with many other vulture species.
167. For example, Pope Gregory XVI established the Vatican Egyptian Museum in 1839.
168. The ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature.
169. I was shocked to discover that the letter "A" had developed over the millenia from an Egyptian hieroglyph (picture symbol) for an ox head.
170. Second, we stand for universal values, including the rights of the Egyptian people to freedom of assembly, freedom of speech, and the freedom to access information.
171. When the Egyptian hieroglyphs weredeciphered in 1823, they extended the span of recorded history byaround 2000 years and allowed us to read the words of Ramses the Great.
172. Today's Egyptian dancing art yet inherit traditional dancing style although experienced a long time evolution, unlike the black Africa style, but characterized in straight line and Arab custom.
173. In the late 1980's the Egyptian government decided on a radical modernization of the Aswan 1 hydroelectric power plant, which had been in operation for more than 30 years at that time.
174. Montserrat believed that a lively stage show in which real Egyptian mummies were unwrapped inspired first one writer, and subsequently several others, to pen tales of mummy revenge.
175. The Egyptian vulture is one of the few birds in the world that figure out how to use a stone as a tool.
176. Why do not archeologists theorize Hebrew or Egyptian linkages or influences in Mesoamerica?
177. Israel's first and most critical move was a preemptive surprise attack on the Egyptian Air Force.
178. An Egyptian slave given to Abraham by the Pharaoh of Egypt.
179. By Egyptian record, Keftiu was destroyed by the seas in an apocalypse.
180. Most closely related to the Holarctic grey wolf, the Indian wolf (pictured above), and the Himalayan wolf – the Egyptian wolf is the only grey wolf species in Africa.
181. The Ptolemies respected Egyptian religion, and confirmed the priests in their positions.
182. At least 25 people were killed and 55 others injured when a passenger train drove full-speed into the back of another Saturday afternoon in Giza, southwest of the Egyptian capital, AFP reported.
183. Examines history, greco-roman, script, India culture, classical Egyptian, featuring almost inevitable space forms.
184. The Egyptian Industrial Union and the Ministry of Industry has asked the Ministry of Finance to take measures to safeguard domestic industries.
185. "This is the best place on earth, " said Ahmed, an Egyptian fellah, or farmer.
185. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
186. A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane.
187. Egyptian law was in fact highly developed and extraordinarily efficient.
188. the ancient Egyptian pantheon.
189. It has been suggested that he may have been an Egyptian nobleman or prince influenced by the religion of Aten, or simply sympathetic to Hebrew culture.
190. Veteran leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad, tortured and jailed in his native Egypt.
191. For the difference between Egyptian and mediaeval "planarity" is that in the former the depth motifs are totally suppressed, while in the latter they are only devaluated.
192. Legna towels are 70 percent Beachwood fiber and 30 percent Egyptian cotton, but the loops are 100 percent wood fiber.
193. And he does try to bury( in my Egyptian cotton sheets) bones and things that are so badly decomposed they evade identification.
194. The Thousand and One Nights, or Arabian Nights'Entertainments derives from Persian and Egyptian folktales.
195. "Take care of yourself, captain, " said a vendor selling surgical masks for an Egyptian pound (about 17 cents).
196. Mofaz spoke in Cairo, after meeting with Egyptian President Mubarak.
197. Egyptian archaeologists believe they have found the skull of Egypt's Queen Cleopatra (see photo), and workers are hoping they will also find the remains of the celebrated Roman general Mark Antony.
198. Now, after a decade of research, a team of scholars led by Christiane Ziegler, curator of Egyptian antiquities at the Louvre, is providing insight into the Old Kingdom's art treasures.
199. Nag Hammadi is a village in Egypt,and in 1945, while they were digging for some clay and that sort of thing, an Egyptian peasant found thirteen large books.
200. Atropine : Anticholinergic drug. A poisonous, crystalline alkaloid derived from certain nightshade plants, especially Egyptian henbane.
201. The two Prime Ministers also attended the ceremony to inaugurate several projects including the China-assisted investment service building in the Egyptian Suez economic zone.
202. Egyptian Ruling in Syria - Palestine during Dynasty 18 is very similar to the one in Nubia.
203. Demonstrators take cover behind the garbage cans while being confronted with Egyptian army during a protest in Cairo, capital of Egypt, on Jan. 28, 2011.
204. But in 2007, Egyptian authorities announced they identified the female pharaoh's mummy in KV60A, a mummified female body found by Howard Carter in 1903 as he entered tomb KV60.
205. Also the Fathers of the Coptic Church, who usually wrote in Greek, addressed some of their works to the Egyptian monks in Coptic .
206. That dark Egyptian seems to me to sadden the very sun.
207. Egyptian Bronze Mask of a God with lapis lazuli and Guilding.
208. A second major Egyptian group, Al Jihad, renounced violence in 2007 based on a similar program.
209. The Egyptian character of the masonry weighed upon me with its gloom.
210. In this ancient Egyptian prescription, most important, liver is chock-full of vitamin A, which does wonders for your vision.
211. What has surprised you the most about ancient Egyptian tattooing?
212. Learn folkloric circling with a hop for the Egyptian walk in this free belly dancing video from a belly dancer.
213. Pyramid is located in the Egyptian capital Cairo, the desert southwest of golden yellow.
214. He made offerings to the Egyptian gods, took an Egyptian throne name, and portrayed himself in pharaonic garb.
215. The Egyptian figure eight is similar to an infinity sign.
216. Just ask Ahmed Ezz, an Egyptian steel magnate and friend of Gamal Mubarak, son of the country's ousted president, when you next visit his jail cell.
217. Before Balac and group leader compare the Egyptian Hove violent debate, abandons trains to organize the player to hold a meeting,(http:///egyptian.html) Luff turn a blind eye.
218. Learn the Egyptian figure eight in spiritual belly dancing in this free dancing video.
219. Caber tossing in Scotland. Climbing the steps of Aztec temples and Egyptian pyramids (if you care to bribe the authorities).
220. In another, Isis, the great Egyptian mother - goddess seems to say " Welcome " with her gaze.
221. The Tunisian cars and the Egyptian trompe l'oeil are unlikely to be acquired by the reigning monarchs.
222. Obama, speaking on Fox television ahead of its broadcast of the Super Bowl, would not be drawn into predicting whether Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak would step down.
223. The blast was the first fatal attack on tourists in Egypt since bombs killed at least 23 people at an Egyptian resort in the Sinai peninsula in 2006.
224. Learn folkloric traveling with a hop for the Egyptian walk in this free belly dancing video from a belly dancer.
225. Murad gained a fatwa from an Egyptian 'ulama in order to subdue Karaman for having collaborated with Christians.
226. You see, in the previous empires, like the Assyrian Empire, or these kinds of-- the Egyptian Empire, when people conquered other peoples, often all they wanted was tribute.
227. It was once the centre of Egyptian power, and it's home to Tutankamun's burial chamber.
228. Anti-government protesters with the Egyptian, Tunisian, Libyan, Syrian and Yemeni flags painted on their faces chant slogans during a demonstration in Sanaa, Yemen.
229. His father Amenhotep III had already challenged the powerful priesthood by proclaiming the sun god Aten as foremost among Egyptian deities and himself as his living incarnation.
230. He turned to radical Islam as a teenager, joining Egyptian Jihad in its struggle against the US-backed dictator Gamal Abdel Nasser.
231. Dr Stephen Buckley of the University of York, who helped research Egyptian mummification techniques before the programme, said Mr Billis's body could now last several millennia.
232. The ring of snake consuming its own tail first appeared as art adorning Egyptian statuary.
233. Tens of thousands of protestors have gathered in the Egyptian capital, possibly the largest crowd yet.
234. Two of them are Pakistani-Americans, while the remaining three are of Eritrean, Ethiopian and Egyptian origin, officials said.
235. Cairo, Egypt (CNN) -- The trial of former Egyptian leader Hosni Mubarak has been moved to a police academy in Cairo for added security, the minister of justice said.
236. A man has set himself on fire outside the parliament building in the Egyptian capital, Cairo.




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