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单词 Failing
1) Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth. 
2) Failing to plan is planning to fail. 
3) It is an equal failing to trust everybody and trust nobody. 
4) It is an equal failing to trust everybody, and to trust nobody. 
5) She was conscious that her memory was failing.
6) This computer has one big failing.
7) Vanity is her worst failing.
8) By failing to prepare,[http:///failing.html] you are preparing to fail.
9) She feels shame at failing in the exam.
10) The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
11) The regime has been criticized for failing to uphold human rights.
12) The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent.
13) My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.
14) The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.
15) Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.
16) She knew that by failing her exams she could jeopardize her whole future.
17) The police pulled him over for failing to stop at a red traffic light.
18) The plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence for failing to wear a crash helmet.
19) Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.
20) He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull.
21) Failing eyesight finally forced her into an old people's home.
22) There are worse calamities than failing your driving test.
23) Jealousy is a very human failing.
24) There's no risk of her failing/that she'll fail.
25) Newspapers attacked the government for failing to cut taxes.
26) Nowadays even efficient, lean, well-run industries are failing.
27) The mother licked the child for failing the examination.
28) Failing instructions I did what I thought best.
29) She was disqualified from competing for a year after failing a dope test.
30) The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution.
1) Perseverance is failing nineteen times and succeeding the twentieth.
2) She was conscious that her memory was failing.
3) This computer has one big failing.
4) Vanity is her worst failing.
5) She feels shame at failing in the exam.
6) The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.
7) The regime has been criticized for failing to uphold human rights.
8) The family were evicted from their house for failing to pay the rent.
9) My father's business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets so as to save it.
10) The airline has been criticized for failing to heed advice/warnings about lack of safety routines.
11) Children are worried about failing in front of their peers.
12) She knew that by failing her exams she could jeopardize her whole future.
13) The police pulled him over for failing to stop at a red traffic light.
14) The plaintiff was guilty of contributory negligence for failing to wear a crash helmet.
15) She was disqualified from competing for a year after failing a dope test.
16) Failing to complete the work constitutes a breach of the employment contract.
17) The government is being widely criticized in the press for failing to limit air pollution.
18) He was convicted of failing to muzzle a pit bull.
19) Failing eyesight finally forced her into an old people's home.
20) The earthquake sent buildings tumbling into one another like failing dominoes.
31) Failing eyesight forced him to retire early.
32) He was nuked by the failing.
33) I lived in fear of failing my end-of-term exams.
34) Failing some rain soon,the crops will wither.
35) Failing his final exams was a crushing blow .
36) Wealth is failing to trickle down through society.
37) She was disqualified after failing a drugs test.
38) His short-term memory is failing .
39) Failing his exams really dented his confidence.
40) The boy's failing grades dismayed his parents.
41) The hospital said that his kidneys were failing.
42) He angrily stomped his cricket after failing the fight.
43) He was jailed for failing to pay maintenance arrears.
44) He was desperately trying to save their failing marriage.
45) Failing an exam was a new experience for me.
46) She was reprimanded for failing to do her duty.
47) Wages are failing to keep up with inflation.
48) Three athletes were sent home after failing drugs tests.
49) Failing the exam was a bitter disappointment to him.
50) The economy was clearly failing.
51) In a way,[http:///failing.html] I suppose I'm frightened of failing.
52) He was 58, and his health was failing rapidly.
53) The president has been accused of failing to articulate an overall vision in foreign affairs.
54) Union leaders blasted the Government for failing to tackle the jobs crisis.
55) Failing the final exams was a bitter disappointment for me.
56) Doctors are failing in their duty if they do not warn their patients of the dangers.
57) Failing one exam is not the end of the world.
58) Give her a book, or failing that, buy her something to wear.
59) Who wants to buy a computer from a failing company?
60) Ask a friend to recommend a doctor or, failing that, ask for a list in your local library.
61) The earthquake sent buildings tumbling into one another like failing dominoes.
62) He was bucking the odds when he bought that failing business.
63) The boy was pitched out of the school for failing to pass the examination again.
64) The government was accused of failing to run the economy competently.
65) There are severe penalties for failing to declare all your income to the tax authorities.
66) The selectors were accused of showing prejudice in failing to include him in the team.
67) In the failing light, it was hard to read the signposts.
68) His boss called him to account for failing to meet the deadline.
69) Recent business news has been littered with stories of companies failing.
70) Failing Smith, try Tom.
71) If we did not report what was happening in the country(), we would be failing in our duty.
72) Failing health dwindles ambition.
73) Water industry chiefs were rapped yesterday for failing their customers.
74) For the first time in my career, I was failing.
75) The soldier was reported to his superior officer for failing in his duties.
76) He felt he would be failing in his duty if he did not report it.
77) The system is failing most disastrously among less academic children.
78) His eyesight is failing.
79) The witness was admonished for failing to answer the question.
80) The school has come under attack for failing to encourage bright pupils.
81) She was partly to blame for failing to look as she crossed the road.
82) If you don't revise, you run the risk of failing.
83) All the time his business was failing, he kept his wife and family in blissful ignorance.
84) Deafness and failing eyesight are among the infirmities of old age.
85) Find someone who will let you talk things through, or failing that, write down your thoughts.
86) We could hardly see the ball in the failing light.
87) They tried to shore up the failing economy by means of tax increases.
88) He has suffered from failing health/has been failing in health for the last two years.
89) The party's main failing has been their inability to present a united front to the people.
90) Failing to tackle the deficit would be throwing away an opportunity we haven't had for a generation.
91) Any soldier failing to report would be considered absent without leave and punished accordingly.
92) He was expelled from the party for failing to withdraw his controversial remarks.
93) You must realize that failing one exam is not the end of the world.
94) The military court reprimanded him for failing to do his duty.
95) We're suing our suppliers for failing to fulfil their contract.
96) Britain was accused of failing to fulfil its obligations under the EU Treaty.
96) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
97) The minister criticised the police for failing to come up with any leads.
98) The Prime Minister contributed to his own downfall by failing to control his government.
99) Your failing to note her mistakes is a serious omission.
100) They were failing lamentably to help their sons grow from boyhood to manhood.
101) They pitched two members out for failing to pay the money they owed.
102) Three admirals and a top Navy civilian will be cited for failing to act on reports of sexual assaults.
103) His business is failing; he's mortgaged all his assets to try to save it.
104) Three members were ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that they owed.
105) The report lashes into police commanders for failing to act on intelligence information.
106) He was banned from driving for six months after failing a breath test.
107) He was criticized by the committee for failing to report the accident.
108) They were chucked out of the club for failing to pay the membership dues.
109) Shedloads of cash are needed to improve the failing health service.
110) The government are failing in their duty to protect people.
111) Two members were flung out of the club for failing to pay the money they owed.
112) The captain was demoted for failing to fulfil his duties.
113) The aid programme was misconducted, resulting in large quantities of food failing to reach the famine victims.
114) In failing to return the money he betrayed our trust.
115) The government was blasted by the opposition for failing to reduce inflation.
116) His powers are failing.
117) His one big failing is that he never says he's sorry.
118) Our failing hopes/spirits revived.
119) Appointments are available on the 2nd and the 6th of this month but failing either of those, we could fit you in on the 15th.
120) She was banned from the Olympics after failing a drug test .
121) He was charged with careless driving and failing to report an accident.
122) She tried to paper over the cracks, but I could see that the relationship was failing.
123) For failing to report the accident, his licence was endorsed.
124) Several broadcasters have been criticized for failing to give even-handed treatment to all the parties during the election campaign.
125) The school has been criticized for failing to set high enough standards for its students.
126) I'd be failing in my duty if I didn't tell you about the risks involved in the project./failing.html
127) After failing to get into university, he lowered his sights and got a job in a shop.
128) Her eyesight is failing.
129) The event got off to a shaky/poor start with the stage lights failing in the first few minutes.
130) An apparently failing memory is damaging for a national leader.
131) That's a general British failing. In the USA it's quite different.
132) He was made bankrupt for failing to pay debts totalling over £2 million.
133) Students will be marked down for failing to follow directions.
134) The council is signally failing to keep the streets clean.
135) He was declared bankrupt after failing to pay a £114m loan guarantee.
136) The Prime Minister was savaged by the press for failing to take action quickly enough.
137) The police are failing to take adequate measures to check the growth in crime.
138) Sufferers from the disease have failing mental powers and poor memories.
139) My sight is failing,[] and I can't see to read any more.
140) Two members were booted out for failing to pay the money they owed.
141) We will probably have the conference at the Hyatt Hotel or, failing that, at the Fairmont.
142) His last months in office were marred by failing health.
143) He was coaxed out of retirement to help the failing company.
144) He had siphoned thousands of pounds a week from the failing business.
145) Doctors have criticized the government for failing to invest enough in the health service.
146) The government has been slammed for failing to take firm action against drinking and driving.
147) The committee yesterday launched a scathing attack on British business for failing to invest.
148) Theodora watched the senior clergy failing to respond.
149) But again Western culture is failing us.
150) She reproaches her backers for failing her dream.
151) He also warned the present pay structure was failing to provide the correct size and quality of workforce.
152) Yet, Lord Taylor accuses newspapers of slanting accounts of sentences, of failing to convey salient facts.
153) The Board dismissed him for allegedly failing in his duties to teach junior doctors.
154) Former president Nixon strongly criticized Bush for failing to respond to the crisis in the republics with a massive aid program.
155) I fear we may be in danger of knowing the price of everything but failing to appreciate its true value.
156) Students failing to comply with the rules will be subject to the provisions of Ordinance 1985/7[/failing.html], Students Discipline.
157) Or might an innocent acquirer be assailed for failing to satisfy some other requirement?
158) Instead he admitted lesser motoring offences including drink-driving, failing to give a breath test and not stopping after an accident.
159) Maxwell could spend some time in the slammer for failing to keep up with court-ordered guidelines after a marijuana conviction.
160) ""Failing your exams isn't the end of the world,'' said Kay's mother, careful not to sound disappointed.
161) And by failing to address them, it actually helps sustain them.
162) On 21 September 1982 Mr. Dennis committed an act of bankruptcy by failing to comply with the requirements of a bankruptcy notice.
163) Finally, after failing to wake anyone at the third home, I entered the courtyard anyway and disrobed at the well.
164) Todd yesterday admitted driving with excess alcohol and failing to stop and report an accident.
165) Foreign-exchange reserves have been maintained at their current low level only by failing to pay back some foreign debt.
166) As to negligence it was true that Moorgate Mercantile had been careless in failing to register their hire purchase agreement.
167) Children are failing exams and dropping out of school in colossal numbers.
168) Any disciplinary action taken for failing to follow procedure would be eclipsed by the success of his capture.
169) The country earned Western criticism for failing to participate actively in the allied campaign in the Gulf.
170) Not to have achieved recognition as a failure, felt Dyson, was almost worse than the failing itself.
171) Otherwise we put the continuity of vital work in jeopardy by failing to shelter it from the winds of international currency exchanges.
172) He's charged with causing death by dangerous driving, failing to stop and report an accident and driving with excess alcohol.
173) It will prevent the taking of prompt action to improve failing schools.
174) Your life is full of opportunities and possibilities. It is yours to create, to enjoy or to suffer. You may lead a successful or failing life – depending on how much you are committed to and prepared for your life. Dr T.P.Chia 
175) Dalglish switched his sights to Marker after failing in a £2.5million bid for Craig Short.
176) Opportunity is a source of damage, failing, regret or remorse for those who abuse or misuse it. Dr T.P.Chia 
177) If authorities are failing to increase their spending on discretionary awards commensurately, that is their decision.
178) And yesterday his heartbroken wife Jane slammed police for failing to find him after she raised the alarm 48 hours earlier.
179) This, to us, highlights the opportunism of this conference in failing to address the pressing basic issues which confront women.
180) Norwich City and Blackpool have been handed fines by the Football Association's disciplinary committee for failing to control their players.
181) Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who dropped out after failing to attract enough money or support.
182) The report also faults the balloon crew for failing to maintain radio contact with the ground.
183) Bruch criticized obesity researchers for failing to recognize that dieting was not only psychologically debilitating but medically simple-minded.
184) The 36-year-old blonde beauty was unable to hide her bitter disappointment at failing to win her libel action against the People.
185) It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default. J.K. Rowling 
186) His health was clearly failing, but he did what he always expected his boxers to do.
186) is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
187) Bush came in for severe criticism, first for encouraging the coup, then for failing to support it.
188) Miller resigned abruptly after Hallinan publicly criticized her for failing to report the incident to him in a timely manner.
189) After failing to agree damages that BA would pay to Virgin, Mr Branson has launched new legal action.
190) It's financial clout that counts or, failing that, kicking up a stink.
191) Student leaders accuse him of failing to understand the system.
192) The governor of Leyte island blamed the government for failing to impose a total logging ban.
193) The motion accused the government of failing to protect the lives of citizens.
194) In particular, they have been censured for failing sufficiently to take into account the needs of local people.
195) But by failing to register in time you will have lost the chance of being given preference in allocation.
196) That alarmed the conservationists while failing to satisfy the engineers.
197) His centrist, compromising instincts, embodied in the New Democrat covenant, alienated core constituencies while failing to impress opponents.
198) And believe that his case highlights the failing of the criminal justice system.
199) The New York City officials were found in contempt of court for failing to find shelter quickly enough for needy families.
200) The Men were outside his cage trying to open it but failing because the branch had buckled it.
201) We are coping with this change and that, but failing to enhance our capacity to manage change in general.
202) Everton's record of failing to keep a clean sheet in 15 matches soon looked ominously likely to continue.
203) It was also criticized for failing to anticipate the catastrophe.
204) And she blasts supermarkets for failing to pass on profits to customers by cutting prices.
205) Just to be using brain and muscles and feelings all together at once, and not failing.
206) Eighty-nine lots were sold for a total of £1.55 million, with a further sixty-three lots failing to find buyers.
207) In both two sons were blessed by a dying father whose sight was failing.
208) Why did they wait? ... Social Services are criticised for failing to report child abuse.
209) There is already evidence to show knitwear firms are failing to attract sufficient numbers of young people.
210) He screamed as loudly as his horse that was now blocking the high road with its failing death throes.
211) Our greatest glory is not in ever failing, but in rising every time we fail. Confucius 
212) Organising a procession, and knowingly failing to comply with the conditions imposed. 3.
213) Job fears and the mortgage debt trap are failing to halt the housing slump.
214) Problems arise from the fact that the fear of failing is not equally shared.
215) It also criticized the electricity companies for failing to take the lead in developing alternative energy sources.
216) Macleod was attacked by both liberals and conservatives in the Legco for failing to provide sufficient tax concessions to middle income earners.
216) try its best to gather and build good sentences.
217) Read in studio A racial advice centre is facing closure after being criticised for failing to provide an adequate service.
218) One of the major problems is foreign aid agencies failing to find out what roles women play within society.
219) He faces a four-year ban after failing a drugs test at the Barcelona Olympics.
220) The police were criticized for failing to take action during the riots.
221) The duchess's chief failing seems to me an inability even to spell perjury.
222) Hating himself for that snobbery, he drove the boy harder, refusing to admit to himself that he was failing.
223) Participating in a procession and knowingly failing to comply with a condition imposed, or inciting another to do so. 4.
224) It is the failing of youth not to be able to restrain its own violence. Seneca 
225) Amos Brown, a supervisor, also accuse Graham of failing to fight hard enough against the sin of racism.
226) She was forced to leave the convent because of her failing health.
227) They appeared in court accused of failing to comply with a notice to quit their mobile home.
228) Claudia Schneider is charged with one count of failing to disclose bankruptcy and has also been held in Miami since May.
229) The Committee criticized Gingrich for abusing mailing privileges and for failing to report a real estate deal.
230) Su, distraught because thieves had stolen her suitcases, was arrested for allegedly failing to show police an identity card.
231) The committal order was for failing to attend court for examination of his means in proceedings to enforce judgement debts against him.
232) NTOs have come in for criticism for failing to make significant strides in plugging the skills gap.
233) Local authorities have been condemned for failing to tackle the problem of homelessness.
234) Middlesbrough Council housing chairman Bob Brady said the Government was failing to address an extremely serious problem.
235) After repeatedly failing his examinations, he was eventually called to the bar in the Inner Temple.
236) As family Christmasses go, the gruesome Moons in their storm-lashed failing farm take some beating.
237) The defendants owed the deceased a duty of care which they had breached by failing to examine him.
238) They were all the same, those men, turning away their heavy faces and failing to acknowledge my greetings.
239) The United Nations was criticized for failing to react sooner to the crisis.
240) Failing to communicate anything helpful to Marcello, the little Umbrian angel looks straight at the camera, and at us.
241) We should look with deep understanding and compassion upon those whose relationships have failed or are in danger of failing.
242) In the same month he was indicted for failing to comply.
243) Luke adds the extra comment about the failing of the sun's light.
244) But federal workers and private contractors not being paid are frightened about failing to meet mortgage and other financial obligations.
245) The 84-year-old Oscar-winner has been fighting a losing battle against failing sight for the past year.
246) Investigators recommended that Flynn be reprimanded for failing to get required advance clearance of his remarks from the State Department.
247) Preventing failing public school students from declaring themselves home-school students to avoid the no-pass, no-play rule.
248) They were charged with failing to have professional indemnity cover.




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