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单词 Privatization
1. Several railway lines were closed under privatization.
2. The privatization of state companies continued apace.
3. Is the trend towards privatization reversible?
4. The last few years have seen the privatization of many industries previously owned by the state.
5. We have discussed privatization, but we would prefer not to go down that particular road.
6. We have discussed privatization,[http://] but we would prefer not to go down that road.
7. The prime minister outlined the privatization plans at a press conference.
8. The government intends to go ahead with its privatization plans.
9. Privatization is thought to be beneficial in that it promotes competition.
10. Privatization is not always the gravy train that governments promise.
11. Privatization seems to offer the best hope for the industry.
12. The current debate about privatization is likely to grow hotter in the coming weeks.
13. An early example of privatization was the enclosure of public land for private use by wealthy landlords.
14. There were fears that privatization would lead to job losses.
15. Privatization could become a political albatross for the ruling party.
16. His union was implacably opposed to the privatization of the company.
17. But just as obviously, privatization is not the solution.
18. Privatization would be an untested leap of faith.
19. Then we discuss the case for privatization.
20. Privatization could hold the key to upgrading the infrastructure.
21. Privatization has stalled since the parliamentary election last December.
22. He said that the national priority was now privatization.
23. Privatization need not mean that the government no longer affects how a good is produced and distributed.
24. The Privatization Committee processed offers from the private sector for over 100 currently state-owned industrial companies.
25. The privatization programme has been recognized as a major break with the mixed economy consensus.
26. To this day the privatization of agriculture has yet to occur in tlie agricultural areas of the old Soviet Union.
27. There are sharp divisions within the party over the privatization of the railways.
28. Eastern Europe has become a testing ground for high-speed privatization.
29. The government is running up against considerable opposition to its privatization plans.
30. The unions are in opposition to the government over the issue of privatization.
31. Privatization of oil and gas fields A decision to privatize oil and gas fields was announced on Oct. 1.
32. In this regard, the privatization strategy was criticized as merely transferring monopoly power from the public to the private sector.
33. Revenue from turnover and income tax and from privatization had been less than expected.
34. The first round of privatization was due to start in late March.
35. This was the first such sale in the government's privatization programme.
36. Ownership is obviously central to the disposal of state property - privatization - in the move to a market economy.
37. The privatization of up to 40 state-owned companies was at the centre of the governments economic recovery plan.
38. The government was also pursuing plans for the increased privatization of state-owned enterprises.
39. The potential gain from rail privatization would be a more commercial railway and a better service for the public.
40. It is too early to make a full assessment of the impact of such privatization on industrial efficiency.
41. The bonds might be used in the privatization programme and other debt conversion programmes yet to be created.
42. The privatization plan was subject to further government and parliamentary discussion.
43. Under Chatichai such unions had wielded considerable power and had caused serious disruption to the government's privatization plans.
44. Finally, notice that the question of mortgaging the future hinges crucially on what is done with the privatization revenue.
45. Their plan, they argue, would not have the inherent risks of the more radical privatization plans.
46. Macmillan likened the privatization programme to the reaction of individuals or estates when they run into difficulties.
47. In other words, all the candidates must have the same opinion about privatization.
48. Some commentators and businessmen have suggested that the successful privatization of the National Freight Corporation was a foregone conclusion.
49. However, by August 1991 proposals for general privatization measures had yet to be agreed by parliament.
50. There is still considerable uncertainty, for example, about the privatization process.
51. On paper, the figures for privatization of the land are impressive.
52. This suggests that the privatization of personal morality is well on its way.
53. The so-called Massive Privatization Programme was expected to be presented to parliament for approval in the autumn.
54. The privatization programme also covers schemes to promote deregulation and competition in the economy.
55. According to the Middle East Times of June 11-17, up to 115 of the 150 public-sector companies had been selected for privatization.
56. Critics of the privatization plan claimed that it was improvised, lacked clear conditions and had suffered from poor regulation.
57. They maintained the momentum of the privatization programme in the late 1980s and early 1990s with the privatization of electricity and water.
58. On Aug. 10 the Chamber of Deputies approved a state reform bill on privatization.
59. The current wave of privatization is just throwing more gasoline on the fire.
60. This would be achieved through cuts in the civil service, the freezing of public-sector wages and the privatization of state enterprises.
61. Do people who buy privatization stock see themselves as establishing a stake in the economy?
62. If there is a privatization effort at Rodriguez, we will probably be an active player in it.
63. Privatization of public corporations has become a major feature of Conservative policy.
64. Privatization bill On July 13 parliament passed the necessary legislation to privatize 7,600 state enterprises which comprised 80 percent of the economy.
65. In September 1989 a draft law was presented which aimed to facilitate a large-scale privatization programme over the next five years.
66. In order to tempt investors,[/privatization.html] governments have therefore taken to offering sweeteners with their privatization offers.
67. Their privatization programs slipped badly last year, and both governments desperately need cash.
68. The donors may press for further policy changes, such as increased cost recovery and further privatization.
69. Economy Measures aimed at opening up the economy to foreign investment and the privatization of state companies continued apace throughout November.
70. High-ranking officials were said to be rigging privatization to their own advantage, using their influence in local administrations.
71. The latter move came in the wake of parliament's decision of Dec. 11 temporarily to suspend the privatization process.
72. In 1985 he had set up a consultancy firm which in the past year had advised the government on privatization.
73. Privatization would equalize that by eliminating any say city residents now have.
74. According to the OECD survey, the privatization programme involved little change in management or improvement in efficiency.
75. After weeks of intense inter-party debate, clauses relating to privatization had been omitted.
76. Privatization is simply the wrong starting point for a discussion of the role of government.
77. Hence, the Reagan urban policy celebrates the themes of deregulation, decentralization and privatization.
78. Privatization could be the honeypot of all time for Wall Street, according to Wall Street executives and analysts.
79. The market quickly comes to be seen as unfair, and political support for official privatization falls.
80. The Industry Ministry was scheduled for abolition, to be replaced by a State Committee directed towards drafting industrial strategy and privatization.
81. This is not uncommon and it has occurred with many of the privatization issues in the equity market.
82. Privatization of Tucson Water will not remove any lead or sewage from our tap water.
83. At a time of large-scale privatization, one should be seeking to strengthen competition policy.
84. It was not a typical privatization, since all shares were sold to employees - what we call an employee buyout.
85. The fifth would-be author, former privatization chief Alfred Kokh, had quit over a similarly dubious book deal three months ago.
86. Privatization, like nationalization, imposes a stiff workload and absorbs a great deal of parliamentary time.
87. The programme of privatization involved the sale of the national airline, telecommunications company and shipping line to local and foreign investors.
88. The petrochemical division of Pemex was seen as the crown jewel of the privatization frenzy.
89. Other forms of privatization have been closer to the dominant forms identified at national level by Mohun.
90. Critics of the privatization plan also worry that many individuals do not have the expertise to make wise investments.
91. This is partly due to the privatization programme which has been implemented in recent years and has reduced the number of public corporations.
92. It remains the hardest to get right. On paper, the figures for privatization of the land are impressive.
93. But privatization of any government function has been hotly contested issue in Sacramento.
94. This translates into deregulation and privatization.
95. a blueprint for the privatization of health care.
96. That could be fatal to its privatization.
97. But following the path-depended[sentencedict .com], privatization and loosen regulation now can not have a rapid procedure; we should own a stable law system and a mature market.
98. Secondly, land privatization influenced the military strength ofthe Assyrian Empire.
99. Firstly, land privatization affected the finances of the Assyrian Empire.
100. Chen, Xueming. "Retrospect and Prospect of Public Transit Privatization in China. " Submitted to the Journal of Advanced Transportation for publication.
101. You don't have to be a conspiracy nut to see how this story parallels real world concerns about medicalization of human behaviour, privacy, civil rights, and privatization of government services.
102. "Simply transforming a state monopoly into private monopoly squanders the potential of privatization," says Newfarmer.
103. Privatization of national corporations represents an effort to swim with the tide of internationalization and liberalization.
104. Currently, Russia is back to near peak production levels due to privatization and subsequent modernization of its oil assets.
105. For it is now apparent that the Bush administration's privatization proposal will amount to the same thing: borrow trillions, put the money in the stock market and hope.
106. The privatization of property spurred the creation of a commercialized housing industry with developers and investors.
107. He talked to important officials about privatization and stock markets and monetary reform.
108. The audience will appreciate a clear statement of what is meant by "debt conversion," "currency devaluation," "privatization," and other economic terms.
109. There is great difference between Czech and Russia in the privatization way.
110. Thirdly, land privatization shook the bases of the Assyrian monarchy.
111. This means uncovering the class exploitation and alienation that lie at the core of marketization and privatization policies, and debunking the myth that there are no alternatives to the market.
112. Logically, advocates of land privatization base their illogical argument on the premise of a false proposition and go against rules of inference.
113. Thatcherism:Mrs. Thatcher firmly believed in self-reliance and what has come to be known as privatization. Her policies are popularly referred to as Thatcherism.
114. Therefore , five dimensions of privatization government utility are composed of three pre - conditions and two limitations.
115. First, the marginalization of literature brought aesthetic experience secular, privatization trend.
116. It does not mean perishability of public ownership even though privatization has been a world trend.
117. No matter what, the Private enterprise steps in the petty loan company to be an important breakthrough, the banking industry privatization can do truly.
118. In conclusion, land privatization was the fundamental reason of the fall of the Assyrian Empire.
119. Malaysia – the government's planned privatization agenda, the reclassification of Malaysia from "emerging" to "advanced emerging, " and strong direct foreign investment.
120. Public - sector unions , not surprisingly, are adamantly opposed to most privatization.
121. In terms of economy, the Iran-Iraq War results in privatization of economic formation with political purpose and many problems in economic recovery, debts, .
122. In other transactions involving privatization of government-owned companies, it may have a special arrangement where a certain portion was set-aside for citizen retail investors.




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