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单词 Bogus
1. On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus.
2. She was fooled by his bogus identity card.
3. She produced some bogus documents to support her application.
4. He said these figures were bogus and totally inaccurate.
5. The telegram turned out to have been bogus.
6. The school was bogus , the prospectus was all got up.
7. Bogus social workers have been preying on old people living alone.
8. Their offices are bogus, their elevation self-proclaimed.
9. A bogus policeman attempts to abduct two children.
10. But this bogus community, spirited up to serve administrative convenience, does not exist.
11. Crimes are not bogus simply because they are not heinous.
12. Can it indeed be bogus and worthless poetry that has obsessed critical reviewers for nearly twenty years?
13. Read in studio A bogus policeman has tried to abduct two children and to extort an on-the-spot fine from a driver.
14. What we must do is to distinguish between bogus and genuine refugees.
15. There has been a spate of incidents where bogus officials have called on the homes of elderly people.
16. There is nothing unfair and nothing bogus or malicious about upholding the law and prosecuting people who are charged with breaking it.
17. If he was writing a bogus pamphlet,() he might as well be a bogus native of Oswaldston to boot.
18. Bogus applicants offend ethnic minorities as much as anyone else.
19. Two more recent bogus defectors were Oleg Bitov and Vitali Yurchenko.
20. Police have been hampered by Mr Urquhart's use of bogus names.
21. Police are also asking people to be on the lookout for bogus officials following several incidents in the area.
22. The right hon. Gentleman can not put a cost on his compassion, for it is bogus.
23. The suit said Streich Lang allowed Western to engage in sham real-estate deals that recorded bogus profits.
24. Just like Harry Sherman, the night of the attack by the bogus nurse, the thought occurred to him.
25. Louka is also plagued by the police who are very suspicious about his bogus marriage.
26. Since receiving a copy I have scrutinised it with a fine toothpick and believe the whole thing to be completely bogus.
27. Yet he hated to think of Wheeler, who represented everything bogus and hollow, desecrating his beloved church.
28. Their faults seem so deeply ingrained, from quantitative measures and bogus statistics to valueless currencies and not caring about the environment.
29. First, many critics see this as a silly game of publication counting, a bogus guide to merit in the lab.
30. A new Act will guarantee sanctuary to genuine refugees but prevent bogus applications for asylum.
1. On investigation, his claim was found to be bogus.
2. She was fooled by his bogus identity card.
3. The telegram turned out to have been bogus.
31. What is not bogus is the position Selda Soyturk is in today because a guy lost his mind behind the wheel.
32. Tommy's has had to fend off many bogus Tommy-wannabes over the years.
33. Bogus jobs line threat DIAL-A-JOB firms advertising bogus vacancies could soon be outlawed.
34. The jury heard he constructed a bogus defence claiming his wife was murdered by some one to whom she was supplying drugs.
35. The child was taken away from her parents by a bogus social worker.
36. Guppy and Marsh, having lodged their bogus insurance claim,() flew back to New York on Concorde.
37. The government has announced tough new measures to deal with bogus asylum-seekers.
38. Mr. Winnick Is the Home Secretary aware that the argument is not about bogus asylum seekers?
39. Poindexter resigned; and North went into a bizarre media limbo reserved for bogus patriots.
40. In these circumstances it is often easier for parents to support their children's non-attendance by providing bogus explanations for it.
41. They issue certificates of deposits, often based on fictitious assets such as bogus gold mines.
42. Many computer messages attacking the team and its owner were sent by people using bogus identities, Stesch said.
43. Other unusual and seemingly bogus addresses: Thirty people registered at youth hostels.
44. A spokeswoman for the charity said today that the bogus collections could have damaging repercussions.
45. Nor does it make any bones about the fact that its heroine's claim for political asylum is bogus.
46. It has also sent the West numerous doubtful and bogus defectors to muddy the waters.
47. The four were alleged to have participated in a 3,600 million yen swindle to extract payment for bogus steel shipments.
48. Abrogation of the bogus constitution.
49. Many outsiders think the crisis exposed this as bogus.
50. Everything else was bogus, only money was genuine.
51. bogus claims of injury by workers.
52. They must not be led into making bogus investments.
53. At present safe printing ink applies extensively already at commodity prevent bogus.
54. Even John McCain signed a bogus confession when tortured by the Viet Cong.
55. We adore "The Front Page" and "Scoop, " which present us as lazy, unprincipled, and hopelessly in thrall to bogus information.
56. Humphys' book laments the growth of "cliched, dumbed-down, inflated and bogus management-speak" which he says now passes for English.
57. The con man used a bogus credit card to buy many valuable goods.
58. The most common bogus criticism of BSD-licensed software is the assertion that someone can come along and "take away" the freedoms it grants.
59. Any article that was not the real thing was called bogus.
60. Some have involved defacing Estonian websites, replacing the pages with Russian propaganda or bogus apologies.
61. Why is it that movie makers feel the need to use bogus science when the real science is probably more exciting than the made-up stuff?
62. In particular financial product advertising, always seems "barren, bogus and blusterous", therefore it comes to be difficult clients for advertisers.
63. Message me the names of bogus refuse you really stink.
64. Russell is appealingly brash until a bogus subplot forces him to suggest borderline psychosis.
65. Classics appraisal, these RMBs that did not bogus fund are true money.
66. Wasting time joining bogus sites or finding that they want money after all can be quite a disillusioning experience.
67. The essential property and developmental course of Euclidean space(), symplectic space and bogus space are studied.
68. These dichotomies (between efficiency versus correctness, efficiency versus programmer time, efficiency versus high-level, et cetera.) are bogus.
69. A bad deal may well be worse than no deal, if it lets Mr Mugabe stay in power, with Mr Tsvangirai's lot as supplicant partners in a government of bogus unity.
70. The crooks discovered the plant and fed him bogus information.
71. Had Marxist theory been unmasked as bogus by some world-shaking newresearch?
72. Data side. model, model , laser prevents the composite material as bogus to gain ground gradually.
73. According to the doctors interviewed for "Fathead", the lipid hypothesis is "bogus".
74. Google has yet to offer so much as a preview of the OS, andstories of prerelease downloads have proven bogus.
75. As with the bogus country gentlemen , it was becoming a little of an act.
76. Some will be justified and some bogus, but unless you know the relative proportion of each, you don't know whether your overall uncertainty is mostly justified or mostly bogus.
77. It is inequitable in the world. That is bogus if some one saying dispassion.
77. try its best to gather and build good sentences.
78. There are more bogus jobs than there are real jobs.
79. As a responsible corporate body, the CBN is once again warning all recipients of fraudulent letters on bogus deals, that there are no contract payments trapped in the bank's vaults.
80. With these in hand, the thieves need only set up a bogus money transfer without tipping off the bank.
81. The company was bogus, the prospectus was all got up.
82. He made up some bogus data in his report and got expelled.
83. They must not be lade led into making bogus investments.
84. Regard the contemporary money of latitudinarian now delegate as creed, its generation, development gets the influence of card bogus creed.
85. When news reached Lome, the Togolese football federation was perplexed since at the time of the bogus international in the Middle East, the real Togo team was returning from a match in Botswana.
86. The police quickly found the distributors of the bogus twenty - dollar bills.
87. Many outsiders think the crisis exposed this characterisation as bogus.
88. She went out to make a " meet " to buy more bogus bills.
89. Basically can say to go up to achieve bogus formerly developed acme make classically.
90. According to the complaint, these schemes included manipulating the amount of income and federal tax withholdings claimed on their customers' tax returns, resulting in bogus claims for tax refunds.
91. Because this must grind seriously, read advertisement, discern true bogus, the connotation of anatomize advertisement word.
92. The Nelson Mandela Foundation has been forced into an embarrassing climbdown over its allegation that an African leader concocted a bogus endorsement by the anti-apartheid hero.
93. File of its place approbatory , appoint with it for bogus document, content does not have distinction, distinction depends on carrying out the accessory that collect fees only.
94. Actually, go considering from the person's angle, the noble also can divide a good noble all the same, bad noble, false even noble, bogus noble comes to true noble and downfallen noble etc.
95. "Bogus patents like this one highlight the problems with our current patent system," Cindy Cohn, the EFF's legal director, said in a statement.
96. Bogus quantification attempts to compress complex problems and analyses into single observations.




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