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单词 Scrambled
1, He scrambled to his feet as we came in.
2, The girl scrambled over the wall.
3, Bad weather scrambled the air schedules.
4, He scrambled over the rocks.
5, He scrambled awkwardly to his feet.
6, She scrambled up the steep hillside and over the rocks.
7, They finally scrambled ashore.
8, He scrambled up the cliff and raced towards the car.
9, We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.
10, He hurdled the gate and scrambled up the hill.
11, Alan scrambled out of the way.
12, He scrambled 200 feet up the cliff face.
13, Maybe the alcohol has scrambled his brains.
14, They scrambled us of the room.
15, I can easily whip you up some scrambled eggs.
16, Cork scrambled a 10 win over Monaghan.
17, I scrambled down the icy slope.
18, The children scrambled out of the hollow tree.
19, The audience scrambled for the exits.
20, She scrambled along the rocky path.
21, They scrambled frantically over the piles of debris.
22, Who has scrambled up my sewing things?
23, The children scrambled up the hill.
24, They scrambled as soon as the call came through.
25, A helicopter was scrambled within minutes of the news.
26, Our conversation will be electronically scrambled.
27, The children scrambled for the coins.
28, Alcohol seemed to have scrambled his brain.
29, Ann threw back the covers and scrambled out of bed.
30, In this exercise,(http:///scrambled.html) the words in each sentence are scrambled.
1, He scrambled to his feet as we came in.
2, He scrambled over the rocks.
3, He scrambled awkwardly to his feet.
4, She scrambled up the steep hillside and over the rocks.
5, They finally scrambled ashore.
6, He scrambled up the cliff and raced towards the car.
7, We scrambled up the nearly perpendicular side of the mountain.
31, A helicopter was scrambled to help rescue three young climbers.
32, I scrambled to the top of the steep earth bank.
33, The arrival of the charity van set off a minor riot as villagers scrambled for a share of the aid.
34, He was near to panic as he scrambled out of the building.
35, Micky scrambled to his feet and hurried into the kitchen.
36, The signal is scrambled into code before it is sent.
37, She scrambled down the tree as quickly as she could.
38, Tea/supper Scrambled egg on wholemeal toast.
39, Pascoe scrambled up and found cover behind the light.
40, His brain is completely scrambled tonight.
41, Lorton scrambled up under the dome.
42, He scrambled to his feet to join the others.
43, Officials scrambled for ways to meet the demand.
44, Crawfish omelette Cajun omelettes are more like scrambled eggs.
45, He scrambled frantically out, coughing and spluttering.
46, The scrambled eggs were a little bit runny.
47, Her brain felt like scrambled egg.
48, A few combinations scrambled over only to fall apart on landing.
49, They were given away free. Under the bridge outside the Friedrichstrasse Station, we all scrambled for papers.
50, I noticed his look of alarm, and scrambled to my feet and stared forward, also listening intently.
51, She went into the kitchen, scrambled three eggs and returned to the living room to eat them.
52, Error correction is what modems do to compensate when bits get lost or scrambled because the phone connection is less than perfect.
53, Numbers of Hurricanes were scrambled at various times during the mid-morning.
53, try its best to collect and make good sentences.
54, She scrambled the piece of paper back into its sugar-and-vanilla-scented tin box.
55, A mass of bodies scrambled over the shelves, everybody was shouting at one another and books were being thrown in all directions.
56, If you're hungry, I can fix you some scrambled eggs.
57, The money has run out before on him, but we scrambled around to get him to stay.
58, He gave a roar of rage, scrambled to his feet and turned round, his right arm raised.
59, I like a light lunch, perhaps scrambled eggs and salmon.
60, He unlocked the boot, scrambled in, and slammed the lid on himself.
61, He added a little cream to the finished scrambled eggs and put fried croutons round them.
62, Gripping the butt of the revolver, he scrambled to his feet and pushed himself forward.
63, A rescue helicopter was scrambled after his empty dinghy was spotted floating out to sea.
64, Instant scrambled eggs, frozen fried eggs, canned eggnog, and many other convenient egg foods are being market tested.
65, Also, they can all help you make and eat scrambled egg for tea.
66, Testaverde later scrambled for 12 yards, breaking tackles with Steve Young-like dexterity.
67, Depending on circumstances, it can often decrypt scrambled data, for a fee, of course.
68, She scrambled into shorts and T-shirt, tamed her thick russet waves by tying them back in a ponytail.
69, As she scrambled from his reach, he seized her around the waist and pulled her back to him.
70, Our sand lizard, resembling a green mini-monster from prehistoric times, scrambled over the twiggy heather.
71, The Corporals ran around screaming and kicking us, as we climbed and scrambled up the muddy path to the house.
72, Together, the Doctor and Bishop scrambled through the inner door against the mounting pressure of air.
73, Spurred on by a new hope, she ran across the road and scrambled up the smooth grassy side of the hillock.
74, I scrambled to learn more and managed to keep a half step ahead of humiliation.
75, He almost lost his balance and tipped the chair over as he scrambled back down to floor level with it.
76, Consciousness of the audience made Michael Banks nervous, and nervousness scrambled the lines in his head even further.
77, Small children scrambled for the scattered coins before they washed down the drains.
78, Chop a little cooked ham, tomato or mushroom into a scrambled egg or an omelette as a variation.
79, Half blinded by the foam, Christine scrambled for something to grab on to to break her fall.
80, The music press scrambled around, at times rather pathetically, to grasp hold of the truth.
81, The ham was desiccated, the scrambled eggs congealed, and the fruit juice fermented.
82, He makes the best grilled cheese sandwiches and scrambled eggs because of his fearless use of butter.
83, She had scrambled through the middle years of the decade.
84, Precooked and frozen scrambled eggs with sausage are one combination of ready-to-eat breakfasts being marketed.
85, She pushed all thoughts of Julius out of her head, scrambled out of bed, and began to open her presents.
86, But the networks have scrambled to keep them on the air for another year in an attempt to stem audience erosion.
87, A police helicopter was scrambled and armed units joined a search for the gunmen.
88, My legs folded, both knees hit the ground, and I scrambled, in a rage, back on to the wheelbarrow.
89, I scrambled to my feet and ran panicked through the woods, calling out for them.
90, Then he scrambled to his feet and hared off between the trees.
91, Under his critical gaze, Claudia ate scrambled eggs and bacon instead of her usual slice of toast.
92, Being left in front, Morley Street looked a sitting duck approaching the line but scrambled home.
93, Stranger scrambled out from under the porch and went ofF up the trail.
94, In the hushed silence that followed he scrambled to his feet, his face and neck flushing scarlet.
95, Haig and Kendall scrambled into their kit as they mounted the engine.
96, The limousine was finally slowing to a halt and they scrambled for their shoes.
97, Mrs Taxos spoke sharply and Meg scrambled all anyhow on to the warm fur back and gripped the springy mane.
98, Micky scrambled to his feet and hurried out of the room, grabbing his coat as he went.
99, In this game, the letters of the words are scrambled.
100, While recalling their moments upstairs, he could speak of scrambled eggs.
101, As soon as the shooting stopped, he and his friends scrambled to their feet.
102, She scrambled over the garden fence and joined them, shy, thrilled.
103, Pascoe heard her scream and scrambled across junk and debris in the darkness.
104, I also make wonderful creamy scrambled eggs and gooey-centred omelettes.
105, Fernando drew away from her and Ruth scrambled to her feet, smoothing the creases from her dress.
106, Paul Lane came back with two plates of scrambled eggs and buttered toast.
107, The brothers toiled and scrambled to build the company, then they toiled and scrambled to keep it alive.
108, Instead he scrambled in his pocket for some notes and threw them on the floor.
109, Rosie at once scrambled to her feet, the marbles she had in her lap dropping and clattering over the polished wood floors.
110, I scrambled up and reached for the eject button on the cassette deck.
111, The year before he'd had scrambled eggs for Christmas dinner and no presents.
112, Gough scrambled forward from mid-off but just failed to hold on to the catch.
113, Now she could hear heavy breathing, gasps and a grunt as some one scrambled up the rubble in front of her.
113, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
114, They scrambled from the police car and headed down a narrow alleyway, their hands resting lightly on their sheathed batons.
115, Hot liquid and entrails spilled over him, and he scrambled out from under the thing.
116, Scrambled eggs and omelets from this product, however, were wet, runny, and lacked the egg aroma.
117, Eyes that turned her insides to jelly, scrambled her mind, made her feel dumb and stupid and childish.
118, Then he and his three uninjured crew scrambled on to life-rafts - and were themselves rescued by helicopter.
119, He tripped and fell, scrambled to his feet and sprinted out of reach.
120, I scrambled to my feet a little sheepishly as one of the Officers had turned round and was observing me as I approached.
121, Distillers scrambled to develop processing techniques that would allow them to carve out their own niches.
122, Its glory days came when Spitfire and Hurricane pilots scrambled to defeat Hitler's Luftwaffe despite overwhelming odds.
123, The survivors scrambled back to the sepoy lines pursued by a vengeful squadron of Sikh cavalry.
124, We scrambled out of our tents shouting excitedly, straight into the pools of torchlight coming from the mountain rescue team.
125, They scrambled to retrieve them, croaking out blessings and thanks.
126, It jerked against the safety-chain, leaving a narrow gap through which he scrambled to safety.
127, Before he knew what he was doing, Dougal had scrambled into the gazebo and was kneeling beside the body.
128, He scrambled to his feet and charged full tilt down the side of the dell.
129, The miners scrambled back up the hill of the slanting deck and the ship steadied.
130, He scrambled to his feet, knuckling sleep from his eyes with both fists.
131, He stumbled over the upturned pot but scrambled back to his feet.
132, Residents stood shivering in the chilly night air as Red Cross officials scrambled to find them lodging after they fled their homes.
133, He ran across the side street, scrambled on to the pavement.
134, As Joe scrambled to his feet, Rex shouted and pointed upward.
135, He scrambled up the side of the quarry to his car.
136, She had desperately scrambled at the shiny sides of the toilet-bowl as she slid into the water but to no avail.
137, Democrats either ducked for cover or scrambled to put the focus back on Gingrich.
138, Once again, Charlie scrambled up and out of the trench only yards behind.
139, Finally we heard a faint sound in the distance and scrambled into the woods.
140, She and several others scrambled out and on to a fire escape.
141, I'll have tomato juice, waffles, scrambled eggs and tea.
142, Could you possibly knock me up some scrambled eggs?
143, After taking more scrambled eggs with Toona Sinensis.
144, He scrambled sideways down the scree slope.
145, Two Eggs Scrambled with Smoked Salmon, topped with Sour Cream and Chives on an English Muffin.
146, In transit, this information is scrambled and unintelligible to any eavesdropper.
147, In our code, we scrambled letters so words are unrecognizable.
148, With only an instant's hesitation, Simon scrambled down the ladder into the hatchway.
149, Scrambled. Please. Hm, no, I think I want sunny side - up.
150, Cain scrambled eggs, Canadian bacon, corned beef hash and toast.
151, At the ducking of the hens, the chicks scrambled for the feed, chirping.
152, Zoe was badly cut as she scrambled down rocks to reach him.
153, Eggs that are scrambled and eaten with toast are typically unfertilized.
154, Workers scrambled to carry priceless objects out of harm's way.
155, Edwina returned her attention to breakfast - lightly scrambled eggs and toasted English muffins.
156, Seeingas a potential embarrassment, the US Central Intelligence Agency scrambled an aircraft to stop the assassination.
157, Boiled, fried , poached, scrambled or would you prefer omelets?
158, I'd like a half grapefruit, coffee, scrambled eggs and bacon.
159, On June 6, Israeli units were scrambled to attack Jordanian forces in the West Bank.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 0:49:41