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单词 Equitable
(1) Each person must have an equitable share.
(2) He has urged them to come to an equitable compromise that gives Hughes his proper due.
(3) If that works, can't Equitable go back to normal?
(4) The others exist only as equitable interests.
(5) We need a more equitable tax system.
(6) By appealing, Lloyd's is seeking to achieve equitable treatment for all Names with personal stop-loss recoveries.
(7) The beneficiaries will acquire an equitable interest and, therefore, an equitable lease. 2.
(8) For example your own columns continually describe Equitable as if it is bankrupt, in trouble, or in crisis.
(9) In the Lords, they were represented by Equitable even though they had a case against the assurer.
(10) We have to find ways of providing an equitable supply of food that does not depend upon crude market forces.
(11) In each case two ingredients lead to more equitable educational experiences.
(12) However, the change in the equitable interests must be evidenced.
(13) It provides a reasonably equitable and comprehensive service to the whole population at remarkably small cost.
(14) But the rebels introduced an equitable tax system and an agrarian reform program, distributing land to poor villagers.
(15) The Equitable debacle has brought renewed accusations of mis-selling and turned a spotlight on the effectiveness of regulation.
(16) Equitable does not allow paid-up contracts, so policyholders have to encash their plans or continue to make contributions.
(17) Presumably the reason why the bank has an equitable proprietary interest is that the law imposes a constructive trust.
(18) It left the old equitable assignment untouched, and it may be used still.
(19) Equitable imposed a 10 % penalty on any policyholder wanting to take money out.
(20) The conference called for a more equitable distribution of wealth and power among nations.
(21) The plaintiff agreed to lease a property to Lunnis, who assigned this equitable lease by way of mortgage.
(22) Competition that is structured carefully, however, can produce more equitable results than service delivery by a public monopoly.
(23) The trustee has a legal interest in the property; the beneficiaries have an equitable interest.
(24) The excessive concern with disincentive effects has resulted in a less equitable system of taxation.
(25) Mr. Scott Each annual allocation of funds to district budgets has been designed to redistribute resources in a progressively more equitable way.
(26) Other methods can be used if it is desired to give him only an equitable interest in the land.
(27) The court held that, even if there was a constructive trust, such did not create an equitable interest in the brewery.
(28) One might imagine, for instance, that it has turned equitable estates and rights into legal estates and rights.
(29) Before considering them, however, it is convenient to try and identify the equitable principles that the earlier cases had established.
(30) It simply states that present proposals are unacceptable because they do not retain a fair and equitable trading system.
(31) Till 1926 we had not invented a way of mortgaging property without creating equitable interests.
(32) Representation schemes once fair and equitable become archaic and outdated.
(33) It must be said that as a matter of civil law the existence of an equitable proprietary interest is doubtful.
(33) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
(34) By comparison, an Equitable Life 10-year endowment policy, with monthly premiums of £30, would have produced about £8,399.
(35) He hoped an outline deal between a new Equitable board and policyholders' groups might suffice to attract a buyer.
(36) How, then, do we make the economy grow and devise an equitable allocation of its fruits?
(37) They 100 engage more in a dialogue that involves planning and equitable exchanges or balances of advantage.
(38) But Equitable was set on the Halifax deal and has signed a binding contract for the first half of its proposals.
(39) Equitable assignments I turn next to consider the position where part only of a deposit has been assigned.
(40) Our reader was invited to make his annual contribution to his Equitable Life pension plan.
(41) The policy instruments which have been used to try to achieve this equitable goal have evolved slowly.
(42) Administrators can require student groups to obey a variety of reasonable regulations governing the equitable and responsible use of school facilities.
(43) Weighted capitation is expected to be a more equitable system of distribution, taking account of the young and the elderly.
(44) Nor, today, is the bundle of rights making up the share regarded as equitable only.
(45) Perhaps you and your co-workers can appeal to your employer for something that is more equitable.
(46) Thus, under the name of trusts, equitable rights in land grew up again and flourished.
(47) A Common Law right was practically, though not theoretically, nullified by the existence of a countervailing equitable right.
(48) We invested in Equitable Life because it was constantly listed as one of the oldest, most financially secure and efficient companies.
(49) The defendants' conduct was not unconscionable, nor an interference with any legal or equitable right of the plaintiffs.
(50) Msika has been promoted to vice-president, equitable distribution has not been achieved, and the nation is shuddering with the consequences.
(51) An equal distribution of medical services does not provide equitable opportunities for medical care to these different groups.
(52) Umpires are even empowered to use their own initiative to ensure that a game reaches an equitable outcome.
(53) For example, if the title deeds are left with the company, an equitable mortgagee by deposit will take priority.
(54) The equitable distribution of donated livers should be based on the most practical widespread benefit.
(55) In other words, what is needed is not only an equal but an equitable geographical distribution of educational resources.
(56) Therefore, this is an equitable assignment which can not be impeached.
(57) Our selection procedure still exists, but I want to see it changed to one which is more equitable.
(58) The award will be the amount that the tribunal considers just and equitable in all the circumstances.
(59) It has to be emphasised that Equitable is still solvent with very substantial assets irrespective of some recent withdrawals.
(60) The Court of Chancery grew and developed equitable principles and maxims.
(61) Calls for a more equitable distribution are interpreted as opposition and silenced with the gun.
(62) The result was that in these cases the separation between legal and equitable ownership ceased.
(63) Programs which compensate farmers with new land on an equitable basis, with credit and technical support,(http:///equitable.html) must also be considered.
(64) The victim has only an equitable interest, and the accused is not guilty of theft of the shares.
(65) They can stop paying into their company top - up plans, but there is little point in calling Equitable for advice.
(66) Clearly, the government policies required to make the use of education and health services equitable are a daunting package.
(67) Some couples have forged partnerships they consider fully equitable.
(68) This is an equitable solution to the dispute.
(69) Paying a person what he has earned is equitable.
(70) The classic remedy for copyright infringement is equitable relief.
(71) Although namely equitable 19 annuals old, the body fashion was excrescent Gao Da Dun, like a mountain of Wei E, full of a sense of security.
(72) We have to consider specific performance and other equitable remedies.
(73) The speaker, calm and equable, claimed that he would campaign for equitable treatment of all citizens.
(74) The second is half-market action and the relative compensation is an equivalent exchange based on unity that is called the model of Equitable Cost Pricing.
(75) A fee simple estate may be either legal or equitable in nature.
(76) The rules for import licensing procedures shall be neutral in application and administered in a fair and equitable manner.
(77) Equitable subordination doctrine is a legislative exploration about whether the controlling company's claim should be subordinated when the subsidiary is bankrupt.
(78) The Company will be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief to prevent a violation of this agreement.
(79) Tax principle of E business:neutral principle , finacial revenue principle, equitable principle is expounded, finally, the tax policy to E business is studied.
(80) The characteristics of the equitable norms are non - standard , non - definition and supplementary.
(81) Rothschild : If so, I believe we can arrange an equitable exchange.
(82) A good local tax has a base that is horizontally equitable.
(83) To deduct or withhold ( part of something due ) for an equitable reason.
(84) The arbitral tribunal shall have the authority to make such orders granting interim or provisional relief during the pendency of the arbitration as it deems just and equitable.
(85) We are committed to an open, equitable , rule - based, predictable and non - discriminatory multilateral trading and financial system.
(86) Ford and Drake say that since women suffer economically much more than men when they get divorced, snagging a good provider is ultimately critical to an equitable settlement.
(87) Legal funding serves as important purpose by providing the funds necessary for their plaintiff to continue the case until an equitable settlement is reached – no matter how long it takes.
(88) The current situation of non-prosecution disobliges the requests of economical, efficient and equitable principles of suit.
(89) This stress appears to move the curves toward the ideal, more equitable.
(90) As a basic principle in the delimitation, equitable principle has been established gradually in international practice, and become one part of international practices.
(91) On the surface, this is "equality before the law, " the embodiment, but also fair and equitable performance.
(92) Corruption was inevitable so long as businessmen wanted exemption from equitable taxation.
(93) Our country has transformed equitable mortgage which had been replanted to Hangkong, transformed equifable mortgage has played a big role.
(93) Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
(94) Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable ownership rests with the beneficiary.
(95) S. Court of Claims). This court primarily hears money claims against the U. S. government although new equitable jurisdiction has been given to it by Congress.
(96) Taking measures from the characteristics of equitable mortgage practice, discusses ots legal status, puts forward some suggestions for perfecting the system of equitable mortgage.
(97) "I believe it's important for all farmers to examine farm policy, to draft farm policy that is equitable, that is predictable and that is beyond challenge, " said Johanns.
(98) China will work to reform the international economic system and promote a more just and equitable international economic order.
(99) Morgan was the appointed Actuary of the Society for Equitable Assurances in 1775.
(100) The result of the apportionment of property and debts must be equitable.
(101) Unit of equitable distribution operation can make managing stock truckage uses market goods center, reduce content to spread cost, improve exercise efficiency.
(102) Notwithstanding the foregoing , each of the Parties shall have the right to apply to any court of competent jurisdiction for preliminary or permanent injunction or other equitable relief.
(103) In the countries of Anglo-American Law System, the trustee has the legal title of the trust property, while the beneficiary has the equitable title of it.
(104) We will continue to give impetus to the Doha round of trade talks, oppose protectionism in all forms, and work to make the international economic order more just, equitable and mutually beneficial.
(105) In the U.S., the injection has retained its equitable character.
(106) Legal ownership rests with the trustee, and equitable or beneficial ownership rests with the beneficiary.
(107) A corresponding one in the anglo-american law system is interlocutory injunction which originated from equitable law.
(108) Third, China and the United States are key stakeholders in the establishment of an equitable, open and fair international economic order.
(109) We hope to usher in a more secure, stable, peaceful and equitable world order.
(110) Without the development and equal participation of developing countries, there cannot be common prosperity in the world, nor a more just and equitable international economic order.
(111) The woman, chaussure pas cher, appointed as 58-year-old Tatsuko Horikawa, was found in a smooth arsenal expanse merely equitable huge enough for a person apt squeeze into misrepresentaation downbound.
(112) We believe you can redistribute this money in a way that's equitable to take care of the poor of the inner city.
(113) Tax principle of E business:neutral principle , finacial revenue principle, equitable prin...
(114) The thesis sets up a strategy - integrated, equitable, competitive and incentive compensation system for DNMC's function department.
(115) Commerce Secretary Gary Locke called for "more equitable" trade with China in a speech last week and said China does not always follow through on its promises.
(116) Seven treasures equitable considering brush-off, on act not be cautious a bedcover pack to suffocate, hurriedly infuse a few orange juices just difficultly keep on swallowing.
(117) Does the organization allow for equitable representation by clubs in the district?
(118) Article 56(3) of the UNCLOS embodying the equitable principle makes a guidance on how to delimitate the continental shelf.
(119) The judges applied the laches and equitable estoppel to patent laches in America.
(120) The nurse, acting through the professional organisation, participates in creating and maintaining equitable social and economic working conditions in nursing.
(121) In this paper, ideally equitable indexes are established by synthetically considering three appraisable factors, i. e. water environmental ability, GDP and City population.
(122) The article discussed the meaning of equitable distribution productivity and principle!
(123) Each Party shall accord to investments treatment in accordance with customary international law, including fair and equitable treatment, full protection and security, and non-discrimination.
(124) In this paper, the problem of the slot assignment of CDM GDP was studied, and an optimization model based on equitable delay cost assignment was established.
(125) A trust is a fiduciary relationship with respect to specific property , to which the trustee holds the legal title for the benefit of one or more persons, who hold equitable title as beneficiaries.
(126) Equitable income distribution is an important indication of social equity.
(127) We pledge personal respect, fair compensation and honest and equitable treatment.
(128) Wang proved that if G is a multigraph with maximum at most 3, then G has an 5 equitable total coloring.
(129) Tax principle of E business:neutral principle , finacial revenue principle, equitable principle is expounded, finally, the tax policy to Eb...
(130) These representatives will promptly meet and negotiate in good faith to reach a fair and equitable settlement.
(131) In Britain, when the damages can't provide enough compensation for the plaintiff, the judge offers interlocutory injunction to them by equitable law.sentence dictionary
(132) The cases will be filmed using High Definition Television (HDTV) and will be projected using high-resolution wide screen format at the AXA Equitable Center.
(133) There creature equitable a maid-in-waiting said that the prince still has a time of time apt come behind, Su leftovers sleet once drags a mattress of thin be gushed above the soft Ta.
(134) Most employees expect to receive an equitable wage or alary and to be given gradual increases in the amount they are paid for the use of their skills and abilities.




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