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单词 Birdman of Alcatraz, the
释义 Birdman of Alcatraz, the the Birdman of AlcatrazBird·man of Al·ca·traz, the /ˌbɜːdmæn əv ˈælkətræz $ ˌbɜːrd-/  a name given to Robert Stroud, a murderer who used his time in prison to learn about birds, especially the canary. In the early 1900s he was put in prison for killing a man in a fight. Then in 1916 he killed a prison guard and was ordered to spend the rest of his life in solitary confinement. He died in prison. A film The Birdman of Alcatraz was made in 1962 with the US actor Burt Lancaster playing the part of Stroud.Bird·man of Al·ca·traz, theSyllable  




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