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单词 Hack
1. We had to hack our way through the jungle.
2. Warrior stroke Jingtao hack flow without sinking, coward in be in smooth water will drown.
3. You could hack several workers to help you carry these boxes.
4. You can't hack all day!
5. The town's history goes hack to Roman times.
6. One more hack and the branch was off.
7. He can't hack such a heavy task.
8. Don't hack him, he's busy now.
9. Do you hack to be cheated?
10. I'm going to hack the tree down.
10. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
11. He managed to hack the code.
12. He made a hack at the log.
13. Let me hack together a checking program.
14. A Sunday newspaper hack uncovered the story.
15. Don't just hack at the bread - cut it properly!
16. He doesn't often hack.
17. The explorers had to hack their way through dense jungle.
18. A programmer had managed to hack into some top-secret government data.
19. They managed to hack their way through the jungle.
20. To hack to death all that didn't fit in.
21. Very much a hack and secretarial job.
22. They passed me hack and forth over his open coffin.
23. At first, he seemed like any other union hack, a holdover from the Boyle era.
24. Not even the most dedicated Outsider hack works after midnight, except on deadline days.
25. It is hard to avoid stormy waves when you are sailing in rivers;and it is hard to avoid brambles when you are climbing rugged mountains.We hope you can fearlessly fight the stormy waves and hack your way through the jungle.
26. Lots of people leave this job because they can't hack it.
27. I've been doing this job for years but I just can't hack it anymore.
28. You have to be strong and confident and never give the slightest impression that you can't hack it.
29. I tried working on the night shift for a while, but I just couldn't hack it.
30. I was sure he was going to take a hack at us.
1. We had to hack our way through the jungle.
2. You could hack several workers to help you carry these boxes.
3. He made a hack at the log.
31. Shortly thereafter, Rodman welcomed Johnson back to the league with a sharp hack to the head.
32. William Holden plays a hack scriptwriter down on his luck, and his purple prose gives the film its biting tone.
33. Ace was at the front of the vehicle, using Daak's chainsword to hack at the metal-plated skirt.
34. The hack drivers aided and abetted this extortion, hustling unwary tourists to the Davis establishment.
35. Greens hope to rally crowds to block the road-building crews as they hack their way into the thick forest.
36. It really was a magnificent creature, more of a warhorse than an everyday hack.
37. Though cynics may say something else, long lunches are part of the job description for a working hack.
38. What is left over often goes hack to the Third World.
39. It was heralded by more than one hack as being just another gadget.
40. Before the election Davies was considered just a political hack.
41. I never could understand why anybody would want to daily cut and hack on bodies or parts of bodies.
42. He burst into their midst,[sentencedict .com] flailing about him with the flat of his sword as if he would hack them all apart.
43. So if yours is looking poorly, hack it out and replace it.
44. A teenage boy managed to hack into military computer networks.
45. Eventually, it will stop going up and will fall hack to earth.
46. He was, however, a hack, a dyed-in-the-wool Fleet Street man.
47. But against all my expectations, the longer he kept away, the more I found I could hack it.
48. While Grover tried to sweet-talk him, he would hack a chair to pieces.
49. The hack drivers, who were present in droves, were a different breed.
50. As far as I was concerned, it was just a little short of hack work.
51. It is also rather embarrassing to stop dead on a hack and be unable to proceed further.
52. Tomorrow a bathe in the cold north sea and a hack out.
53. ReplayTV is more difficult to hack because it uses a proprietary operating system.
54. The average tusk weight has dropped from Poachers ambush elephants, machine-gun them and then hack their tusks out.
55. Dunn and Hack began to scour the literature, but found no mention of the muscle.
56. We have a wide network of hack routes and we have four teachers.
57. But a hack solo in a great song - it's still a great song.
58. I just can't hack it.
59. Can you hack into Henderson's office computer?
60. All. I'll show you how to hack around that.
61. Dreiser had apparently disappeared into hack journalism.
62. Now he's dead; nothing carp bring him hack.
63. Kanban is a hack around this limitation.
64. You can hack into Abbott's database, right ?
65. A hired hack an'a free issue nigger!
66. Can you hack it as a lumber jack?
67. He started to hack away at the tree bark.
68. The cards -- including one featuring a cat that reads "Is there anywhere I could hack up a hairball like say on a former employer's head?"
69. The right-hand side in Figure 1 represents the kind of coding you did in high school: you hack on it until it works, then continue to hack to make changes.
70. Wanna be a hacker and hack Google? Go to Lanxiang!
71. I still shudder when I look hack on the past.
72. A trotting horse suited for routine riding or driving; a hack.
73. NPC B: Killers on the loose, rookies to train, and now a talentless hack of a sketch artist who can't draw a face!
74. The main techniques are twining and wrapping head, thrust, hack , uppercut, cloud and drag.
75. It's a small notion, but it matters, because in the long run we want our handset developers to be open, and let us hack on them as much as we want.
76. China's well-documented industrial espionage network is used to hack into Pentagon computers to steal military technologies.
77. But where should the carts I wish to hold hack go?
78. A bill of counter hack attacks is making its way through the US Congress.
79. Yes, we have hack saw , a panel saw, and saw , apart from saws of different sizes.
80. Bushwhacking is also a term for using a machete to hack through thick jungle grass or undergrowth, which is used more to scare off animals near you than to carve a path.
81. As reported earlier on today about the PS3 Vulnerability and Network Hack which left weaknesses found on their PSN system (See Here), Sony have officially said sorry.
82. But question is, is this a K2 thing, a hack of some kind, or just a KOL coding line that tried to control market?
83. This is a pattern that many websites have used for years—put some example or explanatory text inside the text box—but the developer always had to hack the code.
84. By default, GRUB does not look in that location for a config file, so you must add a small hack to the file in the original location.
85. At their most puerile , games are a grand hack.
86. Similarly, your project doesn't have enough time to do something right, so you hack a just-in-time solution and hope to use some future time to come back and retrofit it.
87. Counter hordes of enemies in concentrated armed combat, destroy specific targets, hack computers, drive futuristic vehicles, defend areas and more.
88. Fixed an issue where players were able to ally with opponents when alliances were locked ("share hack").
89. This is really only a hack, though -- generally you shouldn't rely on the lexical representation of an XML document.
90. She gave Scarlett a glare as she saw her look longingly at the hack.
91. The 'blitspin' hack repeatedly rotates a bitmap by 90 degrees by using logical operations: the bitmap is divided into quadrants, and the quadrants are shifted clockwise.
92. Jack London a hack who knocked out 1,000 words a day.
93. If I can hack into it, I can shut it down.
94. A database back-end is too dangerous and unfriendly. What if I need to hack on the data directly?
95. You think your schoolboy techie friend can hack into these servers?
96. As a hack writer, Ban Gu's course of literary works can be divided into two periods.
97. Wielding the billhook allows Heavy Billmen to hack, stab and chop if needed and being encased in anything from half to three quarter plate armour means they can shrug off considerable damage.
98. Task List also displays a default task token, such as TODO, HACK, or UNDONE, or a custom comment token.
99. LulzSec said on Monday in a Twitter message that it was seeking to hack government websites to leak "classified government information."
100. Unlocking, on the other hand, is a hack that lets you use your iPhone on another cellular network.
100. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
101. Osbaldiston jabbed his finger at it, harking hack to our conversation about Roger.
102. 'Anyone who's bored here is a stick in the mud, ' says 65-year-old Barbara Hack, at left.
103. He was a literary hack, naturally fast in pace and brilliant in action.
104. That party hack is just in politics for the money.
105. The best way to remove this lever is to cut it off using a hack saw.
106. Smith tries to convince them that he can hack it as a police chief.
107. Rather, yawning helps regulate the brain's temperature, according to Gary Hack, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, and Andrew Gallup, of Princeton University.
108. Kanban is a hack around the limitations of the physical world.
109. Setting the hack ground music in reading room is helpful to keep calm, relieve of anxiety and enhance the study interest for the readers.
110. To cut ( something ) in a crude, unskillful manner; hack.
111. While you are free to life hack on your own terms(), don't forget these universal principles.
112. Even though the authorized user hack has been made moot, you can still have the no credit history person co-sign a loan with a good credit history person.
113. "We can put a man on the moon, but we do not understand what the function of yawning is, " said study co-author Gary Hack, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry in Baltimore.
114. I wanted to hack around for a year after college, but my finances disagreed.
115. That system will be ready in 2012, James Hack, director of the National Center for Computational Sciences at Oak Ridge, told Computerworld.
116. The earlier use of an assigned priority for the ABC production was a little bit of a hack, I confess.
117. The News of the World seems routinely to have asked a private investigator to hack into mobile-phone mailboxes, which is a crime.
118. The green so of cutting hack on energy use strikes me as misguided.
119. Among the regular catch there are grouper, wahoo, hack fish, barracuda and an occasional huge sailfish.
120. The second reason is that we tend to end up with scruffy code in multiple-test methods, as we hack around making the tests reasonable.
121. Until now, we still don't know which actual address to hack to get more gold.
122. The Guardian said that the incident had been reported to the police, and that the hack was being investigated by the central e-crime unit at New Scotland Yard.
123. Ying Bojue is a typical embodiment of all the evil and virtue of a hack, both past and present. In this sense, the chara...




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