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单词 Realise
1. I didn't realise your husband was here, Dr Jones - I hope I'm not intruding.
2. I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.
3. Make sure students realise that 'fat' is an unflattering or pejorative word.
4. You don't realise how aggravating you can be.
5. Cross-dressing is far more common than we realise.
6. 'I didn't realise it was a formal occasion.' 'Obviously!'
7. How much did you realise on the house?
8. They didn't realise that we'd broken their secret code.
9. I realise that he hasn't come up with any new ideas, but by the same token we haven't needed any.
10. If you were in the Sahara, you would realise the value of fresh water.
11. Being a prudent and cautious person, you realise that the problem must be resolved.
12. As the plot unfolds, you gradually realise that all your initial assumptions were wrong.
13. Now people are starting to realise that he means business.
14. All thinking people realise that we must stop wasting our natural resources.
15. I didn't realise we had to write each answer on a new sheet of paper.
16. Various textile techniques will be explored to realise design possibilities.
17. I realise she can be very annoying, but I think you should apologise all the same.
18. When did you realise that the money was missing from your account?
19. They realise that passing exams is no longer enough to gain a place at university.
20. It scared him to realise how close he had come to losing everything.
21. I don't think you realise the gravity of the situation.
22. I'd just begun to realise he was taking me for a ride.
23. The miseries I went through made me suddenly realise with a blinding flash what life was all about.
24. Immediately we realise that something is very wrong.
25. I realise now it was very selfish of me.
26. If we carry this argument to its logical conclusion, we realise that further investment is not a good idea.
27. Two weeks before an exam it's always panic stations as I realise how much I still have to do.
28. It did not require a great deal of perception to realise the interview was over.
29. We don't want to lose him. At the same time, he needs to realise that company regulations must be obeyed.
30. If he's got an ounce of common sense, he'll realise that this project is bound to fail.
1. I didn't realise your husband was here, Dr Jones - I hope I'm not intruding.
2. I realise now that the things which used to niggle and annoy me just don't really matter.
3. Make sure students realise that 'fat' is an unflattering or pejorative word.
31. It gives them a bad reputation, you realise.
32. Dave doesn't realise how desperate I am for sleep.
33. We now realise that these claims are totally unfounded.
34. This is how you realise they have different origins.
35. Didn't they realise that mountaineering was a serious business?
36. If only Mr Brooke were to stick his head above the parapet he would soon realise that fact.
37. Did you realise that even now there are no legal standards for the manufacture of either sanitary towels or tampons?
38. But they come to realise that they are imprisoned by a transparent but impenetrable wall, which can never be crossed.
39. This falling from the branch business, she thought, made you realise how the years were passing.
40. This sounds like an invitation to buy from renewable technologies until you realise that the intended non-fossil fuel source is nuclear power.
41. It didn't take Lowell long to realise that the bull hadn't unearthed any pieces of urn.
42. Most companies will provide one-off initial sums expecting to realise the investment within three to seven years.
43. Barred from selling shares to outsiders, some of the younger generation of Moores are keen to realise their enormous paper wealth.
44. The second year you realise that it' s terribly, terribly hard.
45. It took me a while to realise that the elder daughter had only a stump instead of a left arm.
46. And, of course, I realise that when I bring forward proposals they will have to be judged on their merits.
47. This is a year when you could realise the attractions of being self-employed.
48. But a top North West broker reckons the group is set to increase borrowings to realise the potential of its businesses.
49. Was Cullam a complete clod or did he realise how macabre his words had been?
50. This because we realise it is not always practical to carry the card about with you.
51. They are now 20 years older and must realise that to remain silent is to prolong the agony for Brian's parents.
52. But, as you will realise, the act of digging down towards the rabbit creates a lot of disturbance and vibration.
53. Surely even an idiot must realise that they wouldn't donate this huge amount out of the goodness of their hearts.
54. He opened a bottle of champagne and before she had a chance to realise what was happening they had been making love.
55. Satan does not realise that real freedom is found in obeying the voice of reason.
56. We realise today that this reactionary generation grew up to be the most materialistic the world has ever known.
57. And a stable currency gives industry a chance to realise the potential released by the reforms of the 1990s.
58. It is important to realise that the law-breaking of large businesses and corporations can have severe consequences.
59. Looking at him I found it hard to realise I'd ever known him.
60. They did not realise that the obligations they were taking on left them with no leeway to cope with worsening market conditions.
61. But once you open the book and view the video you realise that for £62 you have the best buy in town.
62. Intensive indoor rearing of livestock is relatively new and people are only just beginning to realise what it means for the animals.
63. Most people probably don't realise but, with this kind of emergency treatment,(http:///realise.html) time is vitally important.
64. One look was sufficient to make them realise they had made a dreadful mistake.
65. Do you realise that by lying to the court you have committed perjury?
66. Even I wouldn't realise until they opened their mouths - which was only to sing the malai national anthem.
67. Eventually Ponyboy and Celie realise that they should always be themselves and rely more on their own inner strengths.
68. Anna would never have settled down to marriage with a gorgio, I realise that now.
69. I didn't realise it would get up your nose so quickly and so far.
70. When I see the reaction of people to my films, I realise Dharmendra is still fresh in their minds and hearts. Dharminder 
71. It's time for him to match his maturity with his golf and realise he's not going to win every time.
72. Study the airline accident reports and you will realise the truth of this.
73. It's been a short(), obstacle-filled but fruitful struggle for Moonshake to realise their potential.
74. We can remind ourselves of, and help our children to realise, the need at all times for compassion.
75. And a specialist in alcohol abuse says youngsters don't realise the dangers associated with what is a potentially harmful drug.
76. It is possible to add to or realise the investment at each quarterly dealing day.
77. We now realise the importance of hedgerows, of small fields, of clean rivers and of less intensive agriculture.
78. Out among the olive groves and white-washed villages, or in the streets and galleries, you realise how little has changed.
79. Further, does he realise that Rolls-Royce now has very little chance of being specified as the lead engine on the 777?
80. But once your anger has subsided, realise that you allowed the crash to happen.
81. Once you realise that some blocks need to be matched early, in order to gain access to others, things get tougher.
82. Before choosing a painting or drawing package it is important to realise the fundamental difference between them.
83. Accidents at work can often happen, yet many people do not realise they may be able to claim compensation.
84. We must begin the process of raising awareness among our white brothers and sisters so that they realise that they are hurting us.
85. Now, however I realise that they all grow up in different stages and learn to do different things at different times.
86. Aspirations, a sense of how we can realise our potential, give us power and motivation.
87. Now we realise that we should help farmers to fulfil our conservation objectives as well.
88. I suddenly realise I haven't remembered the others for hours. I forgot their supper yesterday.
89. Now Vinnie will realise why we did not sit down in the pub.
90. I realise you were desperate to protect him and keep him from harm.
91. They become disillusioned when they realise that their parents have just as many faults as everyone else.
92. We realise that this is simply a small sacred spot in the midst of environmental carnage.
93. It is essential to realise at the outset that desktop publishing software is totally unlike any other software product category.
94. We aim to create a society in which all men and women can realise their full potential and shape their own successes.
95. The exceptions, good guys like Lee Evans and Harry Hill,() have yet to realise their full telly potential.
96. Mind you, I wonder if, at their age, they realise that kippers are smoked herrings.
97. I failed to realise for some considerable time the importance of commitment from the top down.
98. It was therefore left to Lear to realise the full potential of lithography, and to revolutionise bird illustration in the process.
99. You know that pivotal moment when you suddenly realise you're getting old?
100. Some do not realise that they are pregnant at all, like Lorraine, who had never even started her periods.
101. Certainly from the moment you land you realise that you are no longer on familiar ground.
102. Firstly, we have to realise the full potential for growth and profitability of our plastic tube technology.
103. It is important, however, to realise that discipleship still involves this sacrifice for some.
104. It was where the Knudsen had once hung. How stupid she'd been not to realise it from the start.
105. Only later did anyone realise that he was due to sing a live solo performance for the station.
106. He remembered little about the fires because he was under the influence of drink and did not realise what he was doing.
107. You may not realise, as you watch the humble caddie walk the fairways[], how heavy that bag is.
108. The accused need not realise that he is putting some one at risk: Seymour.
109. It wasn't really very bad but it was a dull ache that made her realise she would never get to sleep.
110. I didn't realise how tired I am - and I've got a lot to do tomorrow.
111. It's only when you've heard his extraordinary story that you realise this is no ordinary man.
112. In fact, international law is both more pervasive and more effectual than we generally realise.
113. Or was astute enough to realise that what worked for a few hours a week might not work full time.
114. Most readers won't realise just how wide a circulation Environmental Issues has.
115. To enable a business to buy in the shares of retiring directors or other shareholders who wish to realise their holding.
116. With care, you can realise all your ambitions without lifting a finger.
117. Quite frankly it makes me angry to realise how the politicians, and fuzzy-thinking educationalists have cocked up my child's schooling.
118. There are even two precocious child skaters, who make you realise how long the process of togetherness takes to gell.
119. It is short for a par 5 but you soon realise why.
120. It's then that you realise he keeps his psychotic tendencies hidden, only to be let out onstage.
121. When you invited me to stay here, I didn't realise you planned to collect the rent in kind.
122. My annoyance at missing the fish turns to relief when I realise I am not snagged in the roots.
123. And Nicholson's have not been slow to realise the commercial potential of this classic heritage.
123. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!
124. She couldn't see his expression but it didn't take a fool to realise that distaste and contempt must lurk there.
125. It took Rauschning a long time to realise that his standpoint was exactly opposite to Forster's.
126. The couple caring for the baby in their Middlesbrough home realise there is a long way to go.
127. As you will realise I am a complete novice regarding these problems and would appreciate a little advice to sort them out.
128. The walk-in centre is the result of two years' struggle by an international group of scientists to realise an ideal.
129. The sound of raised voices made him realise that in fact things were far from splendid so far as this party was concerned.
130. The redaction critics claim: It is important to realise that the Gospel writers were not writing history as we understand it.
131. Increasingly Hick is having the same problem at county level as bowlers realise a potential flaw.
132. For a split second, Constance failed to realise that he had released his grip on her.
133. A crisis in the family makes you realise the old adage that life is not a dress rehearsal.
134. We don't realise that when we connect to the internet from home, some one may be watching our every move.
135. But big audiences meant that country guitarists were quick to realise the benefits of an amplified electric guitar.
136. In a moment they would realise what she was doing and keep their fire at floor level.
137. You can do it so naturally they don't even realise it.
138. But to realise he had so little faith in her - that really hurt.
139. We've just finished a breakfast that makes you realise Cleese must have really researched Fawlty Towers.
140. This also gives him an introduction to what he will later come to realise is an example of personal freedom.
141. But as time goes on you begin to realise this is not the whole story.
142. Yet one of the conditions for any scientific enquiry is to realise that something is in need of explanation.
143. It is important then to realise that ischaemic heart disease has different natural histories with different manifestations.
144. It was only when they tensed, curling and tightening their grip on the floor, did he realise they were alive.
145. The universe was created for a purpose, and this purpose is to realise intrinsic values among persons in relationship and community.
146. Let him realise one thing: she might be poor, but she was nobody's doormat!
147. Male speaker Juggling is a challenge, as soon as you learn one trick you realise there are others.
148. Anyone with experience of floppy disks and education institutions will realise the problems inherent in this scheme.
149. Does he realise that, given the present replacement rate, the average bus will be on the road for 30 years?
150. You have the sense to realise that taking out your anger on him is not the answer and will threaten your relationship.
151. It may be several hours before you realise that the cowpat is a date, and the white bit a blindfold.
152. They apparently already have it, and have the good sense to realise it.
153. Everybody needs to realise that this is a huge undertaking.sentence dictionary
154. I didn't realise at the time the extent to which it would actually alter my life.
155. Others may not realise that some antibiotics interfere with the Pill's effectiveness.
156. This allows the landowner to realise cash by selling machinery and cuts the working capital requirement without having to profit share.
157. But follow the financial columns and you realise this club will be bought and sold, like any other worthwhile commodity.
158. Your generation is very selfish. They don’t want India for its Ganga, but for their economic pride and self-respect. I’m hopeful because the chaos and crisis has reached a saturation point. This is our only chance. If it goes down a little bit more, then there is no scope. The youngsters have to realise that things are in their hands now. Gulzar 
159. Theatre managers were quick to realise the dramatic potential of such a dazzling light.
160. I do realise, though, that I can hardly advise people to do as I did.
161. Although most upset the family has come to realise Mary has no place in the real world nor their own.
162. It's quite possible you won't even realise this, so long as you each mirror the same changes.
163. I realise the Lady Yolande is a noblewoman and that you were instrumental in arranging her marriage to the late King.
164. I suddenly realise that we are attacking the enemy positions and we are now running through the trees.
165. Finally, Compact validates achievement in school and encourages students to push themselves to realise their potential.
166. It is about time that we started to realise that the financial centre of London is not the key to our success.
167. They did not seem to realise how fragile the ceremony was.
168. Danzigers were far too busy protesting and petitioning, nursing wounded pride to realise the potential of their situation.
169. Perhaps she does not realise that that is a characteristic of people becoming more prosperous.
170. It is of paramount importance to realise and appreciate the value of deep groundstrokes.
171. There's concern that schools may not realise what help is needed because the children seem to be coping in the classroom.
172. Little did she realise how soon she'd need to exercise her new skills.
173. However, it is important to realise that these problems do not stem directly from the new Higher Still arrangements.
174. The aid organisations realise that the task is too great to embark on any other course.
175. Forgotten, or decided it had been idle talk, a vow impossible to realise.
176. Had Charity made some ghastly mistake and would she realise it and change the record pretty smartly?
177. View them in alignment with each other to realise the overall artwork design.
178. Jenny Colgan, as we realise within a few paragraphs, wants to write Popular Fiction.
179. Didn't she realise how painful an accusation of that magnitude was?
180. Murdock was not the first to realise that the gas given off by heated coal could be burnt.
181. But did you realise that smoking can impair the blood which carries oxygen to the brain and therefore decrease mental efficiency?
182. You realise then, well enough, that making a meal of plants can demand both skill and knowledge.
183. But I realise there are a lot of guys out there trying to do the same thing.
184. That is the background of neglect against which we must realise that the Bill is being introduced.
185. Though he didn't realise it at the time, cricket was his life and consuming interest.
186. It came as a mild shock to realise that there was none.
187. Compare them both and you realise that what we should be parodying in 1993 is rap.
188. She was a clever girl, to realise that there would never be another train in this station.
189. They'd been friends for some time when I first knew them but I didn't realise how long.
190. I know girls in their twenties who do, so I realise how fortunate I am.
191. Anglers paying only occasional visits are unlikely to realise that anything is wrong until all the fish disappear.
192. The purpose is to realise a specific set of values, through an emergent creative and relatively autonomous process.
193. If you realise that you can not make the schedule, then you need to negotiate a realistic alternative.
194. He says unless you know what goes on in his daily life you don't realise what he goes through.
195. Yet he is the first to realise that the world's media spotlight will, once again, be on Redgrave.
196. The warm, delicious smell of home baking emanating from the kitchen made Beth realise just how hungry she was.
197. Engineers now realise that sewerage can not be technically viable without a large domestic water supply.
198. He says didn't realise it was so serious and sent him back to class with an ice pack.
199. One glance was all it took to realise this was one hard nut to crack - his features still completely impassive.
200. Ministers still regard universities as failing to realise their full potential as hubs of growth.
201. As a rule, even the more hardened cases respond to authority when they realise the game is up.
202. I realise this is higher than originally envisaged but I firmly believe our approach will lead to the best result.
203. It was looking to forge partnerships with the council to try to realise development opportunities.
204. She was taken aback to realise just how far her reservations about seeing him had disappeared.
205. Only when they saw the hooded men with blood-covered knives approaching their cars did they realise what lay in store for them.
206. You fire it up just like a normal car, but that's when you realise the Axiam is no ordinary car.
207. 'You realise you'll be stuck out here on your own, don't you?' he smirked.
208. However, the appellants' case in respect of that matter is that they simply did not realise that they were doing anything wrong.
209. Having also personally experienced the problems at Southwark Offset, I realise how daunting the prospect of trying again must have been.
210. Perhaps she does not realise that they are buying private water which is in competition with other private water.
211. Artist Rob Piercy, of Porthmadog, considers himself lucky to be able to realise his childhood dreams.
212. She loved him so much, and to realise that she was only an episode in his busy life was bitter indeed.
213. Only when he stooped and some lire changed hands did she realise that he must be intending to walk back.
214. Even they realise, however, that the real world makes that an increasingly forlorn hope.
215. I remember leaving a ledge to abseil down Scafell's East Buttress once only to realise I was falling out of control.
216. If I think the reason for moral thought and action is to realise intrinsically worthwhile states, I have been duped.
217. Does he realise that home workers in my constituency receive as little as 40p an hour?
218. De Gaulle meant, as you would realise, that he wanted to take her out of earshot and have a whisper.
219. I finished the song and only as I left the stage did I realise I had wet myself with fear.
220. If you do this during a landing, there will not be time to realise your error.
221. Sir Herbert Morgan took it upon himself to act as chairman of an unofficial committee to help realise the three-year project.
222. This caused some confusion in the grandstands as most spectators did not realise that they had gone through Kyle and O'Grady.
223. He felt blood on his face but still did not realise the full extent of the wound.
224. Learn to tie it and you will realise there is nothing better.
225. By this stage we were beginning to realise the formula is two days in Paris, six days in a health farm.
226. Most people caring for diabetic patients realise the importance of the patient actively participating in the very first injection of insulin.
227. But, before you can find a solution, you first have to realise that a problem exists.
228. Stephen admits he's unlikely to realise his lifelong ambition of playing for Aston Villa.
229. All of this helps us to realise that a great miracle lies in the very handing on of faith.
230. Mature people realise that when their attitude becomes negative, this is a signal for trouble ahead, including self-victimisation.
231. Even so, it took me till I got to my own house to realise the very simple truth.
232. It has more room for manoeuvre than it appears to realise, more options than it is willing to acknowledge.
233. The man who is so insensitive that he doesn't realise what's happening needs it spelt out to him.
234. Does not the Minister realise that the unemployment figures in the Province are deplorable?
235. Out from behind a petrol pump appeared a figure that was female, though it took a few seconds to realise it.
236. You soon realise that you're expected to play straight man, but it's hard to complain.
237. There is obviously an ambitious streak in me but I do realise that I am still very young and inexperienced.
238. Forward-looking companies realise a good atmosphere at work and good relations with colleagues are crucial to hanging on to staff.
239. Do you realise, that I've been soldiering longer than anything else since I was a schoolboy?
240. The role of the computer analysts may be more of facilitator than designer, helping to realise the users' wishes.
241. I could not make out whether his conscience was troubling him or whether he didn't realise what he was telling me.
242. The message is to learn from previous mistakes and realise good health is good business.
243. Her parents had had the sense to realise how unhappy she was,(http://) and had made alternative arrangements.
244. What he'd seen done to Grant made Forster realise that whatever it was struck with demonic speed and savagery.
245. Many fail to realise that, due to obvious lack of water for motive power, it was ever a working mill.
246. I hope they realise by being here we will bring in a huge amount of trade.
247. Indecision is the most unsexy thing on the planet. I dont know if I'm sexy but I think decisiveness is sexy. I also lose trust and faith in them when I realise I'm a bit on my own and thats a very disheartening feeling. Drew Barrymore 
248. Her stomach was turning nervous somersaults as she rang the bell but she was determined no one should realise it.
249. It was almost a shock to realise that there were actually big waves out beyond the flimsy rim of woven basketwork.
250. Does he not realise the bitterness of the steelworkers who were in no way consulted?
251. But young people now realise that certain buildings, for instance, are theirs and they don't want them ruined.
252. For a few moments he didn't seem to realise she was there.
253. But then you realise that there's no room whatsoever for larking about and enjoying yourself.
254. The elements of black tie are more versatile than many realise.
255. Liana stood on the doorway silently. She just came round to realise what had happened.
256. You have only to ask the questions to realise the fatuity of the idea.
257. He had failed to realise that the tape recorder was still running.
258. When we eventually see him do it, we realise that here is a ruthless, narcissistic, power-hungry boy who grows up to be the barrio boss.
259. Ms Merkel is herself more pragmatic than many Americans realise.
260. China must realise that its ballooning foreign reserves are a problem.
261. I realise that an Englishman who generalises about Ireland invites trouble.
262. Even in car - mad Windsor people are starting to realise that change is inevitable.
263. No one seems to realise the magnitude of this problem.
264. And the list is; reactor vessel integrity which as you probably realise now is reactor vessel embrittlement, pressurised water sump pump performance, we'll look at that.
265. Wayne Rooney is readying himself for a pivotal season in his career, as he admits that he is desperate to realise his full potential.
266. He could hardly realise how it had all come about.
267. It was only as I crossed the river that separates North Korea from China that I started to realise how desensitised I had become.
268. Through the Exercise in Negation and the Questionnaire, the Triennial invites all colleagues in the art field to help imagine ways to realise the 2008 Triennial .
269. The verb in question is written variously realize and realise.
270. After seeing how inhumanely these chickens, ducks, cows, lambs and pigs are treated, anyone with an ounce of compassion would realise that these selfish actions desecrate life itself.
271. Some do not even realise that cyclical downturns are normal.
272. I realise that there is very little that I can offer Frieda materially.




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