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单词 Split up
(1) 'They've split up.' 'Since when?'
(2) Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.
(3) They were split up into groups to close the enemy.
(4) When they split up she flung herself into her work to try to forget him.
(5) His land is split up into several widely scattered plots.
(6) My parents split up last year.
(7) Let's split up now and meet again at lunchtime.
(8) They split up after ten years together.
(9) The band have reportedly decided to split up.
(10) John has just split up with his girl-friend.
(11) She reacted very badly when her parents split up.
(12) The party split up into small groups.
(13) The word is they've split up.
(14) We split up our profit yesterday.
(15) Who told you we have split up?
(16) I split up with my boyfriend last year.
(17) I thought she'd split up with her boyfriend.
(18) The rock group split up last year.
(19) This situation has split up the family.
(20) The teacher split up the class into three groups.
(21) The quarrel split up the two friends.
(22) I was sad to hear that they'd split up.
(23) The family agreed to split up the estate.
(24) The day was split up into 6 one-hour sessions.
(25) She split up with her boyfriend last week.
(26) She's split up with her boyfriend.
(27) Jenny and Joe have split up.
(28) Steve's parents split up when he was four.
(29) They split up into two teams.
(30) The stocks have split up to 2 million.
(1) 'They've split up.' 'Since when?'
(2) Research suggests that children whose parents split up are more likely to drop out of high school.
(3) They were split up into groups to close the enemy.
(4) When they split up she flung herself into her work to try to forget him.
(5) His land is split up into several widely scattered plots.
(31) Several years after they'd split up they met again by chance in Paris.
(32) They finally split up.
(33) One minute they're madly in love and the next they've split up again.
(34) Now, children, you must split up into two groups for this game.
(35) After a lot of heart-searching, we decided to split up.
(36) They have split up for a long time,but they're better now.
(37) Friends were flabbergasted by the news that they'd split up.
(38) When we split up I felt like doing myself in.
(39) The group has split up and re-formed several times with different musicians.
(40) We've had a pretty bad time while you were away. In fact, we very nearly split up this time.
(41) When my parents split up, it was all very adult and open.
(42) If it comes to the crunch and you and your husband do split up, you can always stay with us.
(43) Please don't split up when we get to the museum.
(44) It upset me no end to hear they'd split up.
(45) I really put my foot in it with Ella-I didn't know she'd split up with Tom.
(46) I'm glad you split up. She wasn't right for you.
(47) Who told you that Mary and I had split up?
(48) We were split up into groups to discuss the question.
(49) The house has now been split up into individual flats.
(50) I split up with my last boyfriend three years ago.
(51) Her company has had to split up and work from two locations.
(52) M., and we would split up into platoon-sized ambushes.
(53) We even split up for a while.
(54) This year, they split up.
(55) When my parents split up they didn't know what to do with me.
(56) The rap star confirmed yesterday that he and Jennifer had split up.
(57) However, I've recently split up with my boyfriend because of the pressures of failing to conceive.
(57) is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
(58) The old Soviet armed forces should be split up between the new states, not consolidated under the flag of St Andrew.
(59) Some of the farms have been split up into smallholdings.
(60) You think I've lived like a nun since we split up?
(61) But marriage is still more stable than cohabiting: unmarried couples who live together are four times more likely to split up.
(62) From there the various groups would split up and make their way individually.
(63) That the classical wooden-bodied Pullman cars of earlier days had long since been split up and sold or scrapped was no deterrent.
(64) You guys can split up the driving however you want.
(65) Her life and career after she and Burton split up confirms the opinion of her energy and flair - and her directness.
(66) To split up a great State, created by a thousand years of historical development, means taking a big step backwards.
(67) The material for a given vehicle was split up for convenience under various grouped headings.
(68) The unit split up into three convoys for the long march to Kufra.
(69) Unfortunately, my parents' marriage slowly hit stormy weather and they split up.
(70) His parents split up when he was young and we lost contact with him.
(71) We'd have a much better chance of finding the child if we split up into groups.
(72) Lots of big companies tied the knot, while some huge ones split up.
(73) He started drinking heavily after he split up with Debbie.
(74) He is strongly motivated by a desire for the collection never to be split up again.
(75) His father died, he lost his job and he split up with his girlfriend, Darlington magistrates heard.
(76) To split up work into its components mirrored the intellectual tradition of calculus.
(77) The couple split up after Farrow saw nude pictures of her adopted daughter Soon-Yi Previn, 21, taken by Allen.
(78) It's bad enough having a seriously ill child without all having to be split up.
(79) California and Cassidy reunited Spirit in 1974, but after three albums in three years, the group split up.
(80) We all seemed to split up and go our separate ways afterwards.
(81) A child is not equipped either semantically or phonetically to split up the utterances that come flooding from adults.
(82) They split up for a while and then reunited to search for the items on the last few cards.
(83) The only hope we've got is to split up and leave the quarry in little groups, once we get back.
(84) After that duet for Dufloux and Nadia Dumas, the sexes split up.
(85) As with any difficult action, we split up in stages, using the method of successive approximations.
(86) Just as space was decomposed into regions, time was split up into eras, seasons, and epochs.
(87) The comfortable middle-class life she had enjoyed fell apart when parents John and Marie split up.
(88) It split up the back, and, at the shoulders, the sleeves came entirely free.
(89) On this view, the original deposit is merely shuffled around, split up and shuffled around again.
(90) Jameson lost his job and split up with his wife after the scandal broke.
(91) Before they split up, Stroud had already moved her new boyfriend, Mark Evans into the house as a lodger.
(92) Vic and Emelia split up and now Sarah has dumped Julia for an as yet unnamed new man.
(93) Jennifer and insurance salesman Dennis Crawford split up when the model was a teenager.
(94) A normal, loose-fitting skirt can be split up the side and fitting with a Velcro fastening.
(95) Tony talked about his ex-girlfriend and then remembered how upset he had become when his parents split up when he was 14.
(96) They're always arguing but I don't think they'll ever split up.
(97) We had split up all the household chores that way: a week on and a week off.
(98) The U.N. team split up to inspect several sites in the south of the country.
(99) This was after David had split up with Hermione and was nursing a broken heart.
(100) She'd split up with her boyfriend and he was so annoyed he sent a tape he'd made to the press.
(101) He and his wife Brooke Hayward were on the verge of divorce - they finally split up in 1969.
(102) When her act split up, he offered her a permanent studio within the premises where she could run her own classes.
(103) Even though we split up she was blooming marvellous.
(104) And Bo housing production industry appeared to split up subtly.
(105) The musical group split up more than three years ago.
(106) Compounds can often split up by chemical reactions into their constituent elements.
(107) During lunchtime, when surveillance tended to be less intense, the Texas 7 subdued nine supervisors, four officers(), and three uninvolved inmates. Then the group split up.
(108) Three carpellary primordia were split up in the center of the bisexualflower buds, And eventually three-carpellary Unilocular inferior ovary was formed.
(109) When they split up, they both claimed to be the rightful owner of the comic book.
(110) "So try to split up your workday into short sprints of 90 to 120 minutes each, with a 5-minute break in between," Achor says.
(111) Cone of Pinus banksiana falls into two types - closed and split-up, closed cones don t split up for many years on trees.
(112) For a start, it was split up into only four tracks!
(113) After entering the 19th century, scientific discipline highly split up and the scientific activity became a kind of special job.
(114) I am a Partizan supporter, but my heart is split up between Valencia and Madrid.
(115) There always bad faith between the couple and no one was surprised when they split up.
(116) When the laser beam goes through the diffraction grating, it is split up into a central bright beam plus a number of side beams.
(117) In embryo the 10th week, from the artery between the section in unripe condyle blood supplies farthermost part, still maintain did not split up condition.
(117) try its best to collect and build good sentences.
(118) Don't think this gang is monolithic -- it can be split up.
(119) "People split up and have these God-awful joint custody arrangements, so youwould think that they stay separated for the kids' sake, but I'm not seeingthat, " she said.
(120) Well, because we split up the calculation in 400 additions, a rounding error got big. I wonder what will happen at 100 frames per second...
(121) Master, they've split up. I humbly suggest we scry on the leader.
(122) As the message moves through the processing pipeline, it may be transformed, routed to other channels, split up, responded to, or aborted and sent on a dead message channel, all inside the bus.
(123) The tanker Erika sank in 1999, coating French beaches, and the Prestige split up at sea in 2002, spreading heavy fuel oil onto Spanish coasts.
(124) Esophagus cancer is to point to former hair the cancerous tumor at esophagus, basically include scale cancer, gland cancer, did not split up caruncle of cellule cancer, cancer.
(125) In 1991, the USSR split up into its constituent republics.
(126) Did the two of you split up in the woods?
(127) Mr Fryer's parents split up when he was very young.
(128) Just as a general egg cell differentiates through epigenesis to become a legion of specialized cells, so in evolution animals and plants split up into varieties more dependent on narrower niches.




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