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单词 They say
1, If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be true. 
2, If they say you are good, ask yourself if it be ture. 
3, They say a good sweat will cure a cold.
4, Don't pay any attention to what they say .
5, I don't care what they say.
6, They say that it will rain.
7, They say there are brigands hiding along the way.
8, They say that time heals all wounds.
9, They say he used to be her lover.
10, What they say doesn't matter to me.
11, And then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad.
12, They say somebody slit her throat.
13, They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps.
14, They say the young girl's ghost still haunts the house.
15, The guerrillas exude confidence. Every town, they say,(http:///they say.html) is under their control.
16, They say " thunk " on the analogy of'sunk ".
17, As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.
18, They're not really as hard up as they say they are.
19, They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country.
20, They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did.
21, They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.
22, They say he's certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor.
23, They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world: someone to love, something to do, and something to hope for.
24, They say that it will rain tomorrow.
25, They say he is very clever.
26, They say she has a 'past' .
27, They say that hardship is good for the soul.
28, They say they mean you no ill.
29, It is not the destination so much as the journey, they say.
30, Originally the builders gave me a price of £2000, but now they say they underestimated and it's going to be at least £3000.
1, Don't pay any attention to what they say .
2, I don't care what they say.
3, They say that it will rain.
4, They say there are brigands hiding along the way.
5, They say that time heals all wounds.
6, What they say doesn't matter to me.
7, And then, they say, no spirit can walk abroad.
8, They say somebody slit her throat.
9, They say they will stay to rebuild their homes rather than retreat to refugee camps.
10, They say the young girl's ghost still haunts the house.
11, The guerrillas exude confidence. Every town, they say, is under their control.
12, They say " thunk " on the analogy of'sunk ".
13, As they say, every cloud has a silver lining. We have drawn lessons from the decisions taken.
14, They're not really as hard up as they say they are.
15, They say they expect the meeting to have a marked impact on the future of the country.
16, They say loggers are destroying rain forests and trampling on the rights of natives.
17, They say he's certain to get a nomination for best supporting actor.
18, Originally the builders gave me a price of £2000, but now they say they underestimated and it's going to be at least £3000.
19, Everybody bought some just because the goods were cheap; but they turned out to be faulty — they say fools rush in.
20, Don't feel ashamed — we don't despise the widow's mite , and, as they say, every penny helps.
31, They say eagles used to nest in those rocks.
32, Employees should watch what they say in personal emails.
33, They say it's bad luck to spill salt.
34, What did they say about the house?
35, They say it's better to give than to receive.
36, As they say, honesty is the best policy.
37, The rest, as they say, is history.
38, They say we're going to have a hot summer.
39, They say that real Yorkshire beers don't travel well.
40, They say he's not much cop as a coach.
41, They say her husband knocks her about.
42, They say nasty things about him behind his back.
43, They say he's screwing the boss's wife.
44, Christians profess their faith when they say the Creed.
45, They say that power is an aphrodisiac.
46, What did they say in reply?
47, What else did they say?
48, They say that love is very near to hate.
49, They say he's a terrible flirt.
50, I don't care what they say.I shall go on just the same.
51, They say we are going to have a new school.
52, They say there's plenty of opportunities out there, you just have to look carefully and you'll find them.
53, Free marketeers are vehemently opposed to the new safety regulations which they say will increase employers' costs.
54, If they prove that I was wrong, then I'll go by what they say.
55, They say the people of Los Angeles speak 12 languages and teach just as many in the schools.
56, They say he was a great actor but that was before my time.
57, They say that genius often goes hand in hand with madness.
58, There is often a kernel of truth in what they say.
59, Well, you know what they say - blood's thicker than water.
60, They say that he would even double-cross his own mother.
61, They say power corrupts.
62, They say they are making steady progress towards a peace settlement.
63, They say God spoke to them and told them to go on a mission to the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere.
64, They say it would be political suicide for the party to abstain.
65, Her husband was a good catch. They say he's very rich.
66, I don't really want to spend the weekend working, but as they say, a little mortification of the flesh is good for the soul.
67, Everybody bought some just because the goods were cheap; but they turned out to be faulty — they say fools rush in.
68, Whether they say it aloud or not, most men expect their wives to be faithful.
69, They say she died after a witch cast a spell on her.
70, She's just gone off the boil , as they say in the midwifery traded.
71, They say the new general is able to breathe courage into the army.
72, This policy, they say, is at best confused and at worst non-existent.
73, These fanatics are in deadly earnest when they say they want to destroy all forms of government.
73, is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
74, I dread to think what they say about me behind my back.
75, They say the snow will last until the end of next week.
76, Don't feel ashamed — we don't despise the widow's mite , and, as they say, every penny helps.
77, Modelling yourself on someone you admire is not the same as aping all they say or do.
78, You spend two hours cooking a meal and they say "it's disgusting" - that's children for you!
79, They say they're not going to leave, but how likely is that?
80, Their actions lack consistency; they say one thing and do another.
81, They say men can't communicate, but Lee and his mates talk for England when they get together.
82, The accounts department is niggling me for ten cents they say I owe them.
83, They say they're not willing to give any more than they've already offered.
84, They say they'll be here on time, but I have my doubts about that.
85, Personally I don't think he's very attractive, but they say beauty's in the eye of the beholder, don't they?
86, They say 'Tom, shut up' and I go 'No, you shut up'.
87, They say I'm too old, but I'm going to prove them all wrong.
88, They say they are caught in the crossfire between the education establishment and the government.
89, They say that she has been all over the world.
90, They say it's a beautiful place, but I myself have never been there.
91, You know what they say, prevention is better than cure .
92, They say that talking to yourself is the first sign of madness!
93, They say they are not going to be hurried into any decision.
94, They say you can catch really big fish.
95, They say the judge was bought.
96, They find no clues - so they say.
97, Local government, they say, is not without blemish.
98, In particular, they say it boasts a convenient location.
99, Like they say, June is busting out all over!
100, But seeing is believing, as they say.
101, Got too big for his body, they say.
102, They say there is no practical alternative.
103, They say the cases bear no similarity.
103, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
104, They say that another recession is on the cards.
105, Strangled with her own brassiere, they say.
106, It must be the warm climate, they say.
107, And they say bikes are too complicated to get on board.
108, They say they simply believe that Aldrich violated the rules by not obtaining full clearance for his manuscript.
109, Domestic violence, they say, is all over town, in all types of neighborhoods.
110, They say the jobs could be a long time coming.
111, He lets bygones be bygones, they say(), and is always happy to welcome back the wayward.
112, They say there is a doorway from heart to heart, but what is the use of a door when there are no walls. Rumi 
113, They say that yields of corn, cacao and fruit have dropped dramatically since the oil started gushing.
114, It would be nice to have a suit with a better fit, but as they say, beggars can't be choosers.
115, They say the canal is a big tourist attraction, and has been neglected for too long.
116, They say that it could erode existing arms control agreements and lead to a new arms race.
117, Now they say she had not advocated strongly enough for her patient.
118, They say that the pack reached only the more affluent areas where house prices averaged £150,000.
119, The campaigns used to emphasize face-to-face campaigning in early caucus and primary states, they say.
120, The originals of such paintings were done on buckskin, they say.
121, They say such a requirement would place an unfair burden on them.
122, They say you have to hit bottom before things start looking up.
123, There's a new batch in, about fifty, they say, to fill up the last posting.
124, They say perhaps it was an escaped convict who got into the house while Joe was out.
125, They say it contains eight percent alcohol, and the locals down it by the gallon.
126, Black children from middle-class or affluent families, they say, are more apt to adopt what is commonly called black slang.
127, Republicans bewail what they say is a likelihood that Democrats will sit on nominations.
128, For the next year or so, they say, most Texans will still have only one choice for local telephone calls.
129, They say she was also impressed with his ability to work with others.
130, They're not bluffing when they say this could start a civil war.
131, They say the airlift has brought new hope to people who would otherwise have faced a bleak future.
132, They say it wouldn't be necessary at all if farmers used less chemical fertilisers on their land.
133, They say contractors are infringing the authority's new builders' code of conduct.
134, They say it would be an inexpensive way to help slash the budget deficit.
135, They say senior clerics conspired with high-ranking intelligence officials to carry out the murders.
136, They say I had the vanity to suppose that he and I might one day share the authorship of some literary work.
137, And they say she would have gotten away with the murder were it not for a pang of conscience.
138, They say mixed colleges attract more applicants and find it easier to retain academic staff.
139, An added benefit, they say, is that it offers a lifeline to the unemployed.
140, So wise so young, they say, do never live long. William Shakespeare 
141, They say she was not fired, but failed to return after a leave of absence.
142, They say it could cause difficulties, but are waiting to see whether the idea will come to fruition.
143, They say that because the chalk's porous, dangerous chemicals could seep into groundwater below.
144, They say they make more phone calls, schedule quicker appointments, do more comprehensive screenings and even make occasional house calls.
145, They say they consider him uncorrupted, and are impressed by his relative lack of political ambition.
146, Heaven knows what they say when they are really angry with some one.
147, Good for arthritis sufferers and they say it even stops snoring.
148, But they say methods such as plea bargaining help to stop the courts becoming congested.
149, They say Mind presumed an inquiry would involve the families and those advising them and we were astonished when it did not.
150, They say it's normal procedure at other Universities to wash contaminated materials like rubber gloves and glass containers.
151, Far from it, what they say for public consumption appears to be at odds with what they are saying privately.
152, They've lodged an official complaint against the police, who they say were treating the case as suicide.
153, They say anyone who thinks they recognise him should contact police immediately.
154, Music is a means of catharsis for them and they say they like to do things in extreme.
155, They say a Greene King victory would mean closure for the Abingdon brewery, but not the end of the Morland name.
156, They say that it does not deal with the problem of people who persistently reoffend while on bail.
157, That would be excluded, they say, as force majeure-a superior power, or unforeseen circumstance.
158, They say that at a certain point it will stop expanding and start contracting again, back into the original primal seed.
159, The couple decided to visit Gregory, who they say was very apologetic about it all.
160, And being better informed they say, will help those like Gillis to a better recovery.
161, All bets are recorded on microfilm at the betting shop, but they say they have no trace of it.
162, And they say any spare cars are being snapped up by foreign buyers.
163, Nomatterwhat they say, they're a pop band, and a damn fine one at that.Sentencedict
164, Now, they say, future battles will be waged on features and added value.
165, To know what people really think, pay attention to what they do, rather than what they say. Rene Descartes 
166, They say any breach of trust has been offset by his attempts to set things right.
167, Women are routinely raped by bandits and border guards, they say.
168, They say that the better the secret agent, the less one hears about him.
169, They say their business makes sense for winners who need immediate cash to pay off debts, start up businesses or invest.
170, They say he’s watching us from the heavens. If he doesn’t answer, I tell him in this poem that I’m going to pull this curtain of the sky and forget about him. It is a way of expressing my anguish, written when I felt helpless. Gulzar 
171, Light a match, they say, and flames flicker over it like brandy on a Christmas pudding.
172, They have lost no time in sounding the alarm about an impending famine, which they say threatens 1.9m people.
173, Listen carefully to what people say and how they say it. Pay attention to views other than your own.
174, They say that most of the problems that arise from mouse use are, in fact, examples of mouse abuse.
175, They say that the handwriting at the top bears no resemblance to that of any Press office staff.
176, A group identity, the way they say black beetles do?
177, It is not responsible for the deaths of any peacekeepers, they say, and there is no cause for alarm.
178, They say revolution begins at home, and right now Robert Redford is trying to get you to change your viewing habits.
179, While accounting identities always hold, they say nothing about bilateral trade deficits or surpluses.
180, They say they now want their employers to take immediate action.
181, Police raised their body count in a case they say proves that the former Yugoslav president Slobodan Milosevic covered up war crimes.
182, They say people usually get upset and scream blue murder and all that shite, but no me.
183, You have time to digest the unexpected worm, as they say about early birds!
184, And they say they don't believe Wellstone has the votes to sustain a filibuster to block the bill.
185, They say there are schemes available that could be implemented, such as the simple water butt.
186, In regular high schools, they say, they are treated like nine-year-olds-and often act accordingly.
187, They say it is a way to avoid a closer look at the venture.
188, They say genetic engineering improves crops.
189, They say he is an old hand at hunting.
190, " Laid up, they say, " exclaimed Drouet.
191, They say Chinese classical theater abounds in stylized conventions.
192, They say every family a skeleton in the cupboard.
193, Nothing they say could faze him.
194, Don't you believe a word they say, Fraulein Maria.
195, They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.
196, The well is , they say, great and inexhaustible.
197, They say President Lincoln never slopped over.
198, They say it's part mouse, part lie detector.
199, They say these flyers are pasted all over Seoul!
200, They say Dr. Trefoil is very rich.
201, They say surgeons shouldn't operate on their own family, right?
202, Don't they say the only foolish questions are unasked ones?
203, Theseus: The Ghost of Sparta. Then what they say is true.
204, They say there are inherent difficulties in diagnosing female sexual dysfunction.
205, They say a legal market facilitates the laundering of illegal ivory.
206, They say he killed a clerk at a liquor store down there earlier today.
207, You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jan Fonda.
208, Every time they come to a new house, they say, " Trick or treat! "
209, Unlike Mr Ch á vez , they will quietly support political liberalisation in Cuba, they say.
210, They say an apple, banana or a ripper riper piece of fruit is not needed.
211, They say it can take five months to get replies from Polish authorities.
212, Well, it's possible - confused, hypnotized, loony - you know - a brain storm as they say down in New York.
213, They say hegegern proxcide hydrogen peroxide or carbamidecarbamide peroxide may also help.
214, They say the president will be here, but I think it is just hot air.
215, They say a study released last week by the Education Department only strengthened their arguments.
216, They say he is an Islamist threat to the separation of religion and government in Turkey.
217, They say the wax can be softened with mineral oil, Glycerin glycerin or eardropsear drops.
218, Meanwhile, in the capital, Kabul, police arrested three men they say were planning a suicide bombing.
219, House: Is it true what they say about Jewish foreplay?
220, He's criticized for his stoic personality. They say he doesn't even smile on his birthday.
221, That design, they say, is shaped like the letter U.
222, Milt: They say all that just to make you trust them.
223, In such an eventuality, they say, anti - base sentiment could spiral out of control(Sentence dictionary), forcing rash decisions.
224, They say there is divinity in odd numbers , either in nativity, chance, or death. Away!
225, They say the smog's the reason we have such beautiful sunsets.
226, They say stomach floozy fluids could leak if the stomach wall is not closed completely.
227, They say she was in a porno movie, with a member of the local police department.
228, That's what they say, but who knows what really goes on backstage?
229, Why do they say that's not your social security number?
230, They place their lives in forfeit for what they say. "
231, But if you don't, they say you are mealy mouthed forever!
232, By inauguration day , Jan . 20, the situation won't have improved much, they say.
233, They say one way to renew the soil is to use a plant called mucuna.
234, Joel: They say it's going to be a beautiful, sunny day!
235, Did they say it's shallow as a wading pool, or shallow as an open grave?
236, Writers, they say , are whiny, self - indulgent creatures who spend too much time alone.
237, It is somber there, they say there are evil monsters there.
238, They say the likely treatments is radiation and glioma hereby [ chemotherapy ] .
239, And they say only a trained professional can tell if a person is dyslexic.
240, They say even risky bonds are a cushion against uncertainty about the stock - market rally's staying power.
241, They say the discovery is forcing them to rethink how birds evolved.
242, You must be! Running us all out of business, they say. Balderdash!
243, I think the Reserve bank is optimistic in thinking that anyone will believe what they say.
244, You can talk to Miss Quested about the Peacock Throne if you like - She's artistic they say.
245, They say you need not to use especial anti - bacteria soap.
246, Therefore they say, " Is Saul also among the prophets? "
247, They say much of the soil lacks enough phosphorus and nitrogen.
248, They say Longjing tea is pure and fragrant and has a sweetish and mellow taste.
249, These theories, they say (http://), point to Parachinar in Pakistan's Federally Administered Tribal Areas.
250, Janet: They say it's a lot to do with the greenhouse effect.
251, Gretl : Don't you believe a word they say, Fraulein Maria.
252, They say it will let them tout progress in the war.
253, But they say natural climate change could be the cause of Mount Kilimanjaro's problems.
254, Jack: You bet. They say the heroine is played by Jane Fonda.




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更新时间:2024/10/7 1:07:29