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单词 Alarmed
1. Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic increase in pollution.
2. Alarmed at the first sound, we hit the dirt.
3. She began to grow alarmed when she realized how late it was.
4. We could not see what had alarmed him.
5. Warning: this building is alarmed.
6. The noise of thunder alarmed one all night.
7. She was alarmed by his violent outburst.
8. The government is not unduly alarmed by these figures.
9. I was slightly alarmed by what Susan told me.
10. The whole building is alarmed.
11. Many voters were alarmed by the President'snew stridency.
12. Don't be alarmed - it's just his way.
13. The news that the enemy were near alarmed everybody.
14. Natalie was alarmed by the news, and with reason.
15. The spread of cholera alarmed the whole city.
16. Alarmed by the noise, the birds flew away.
17. My mother was alarmed when I fell over.
18. She was alarmed at the prospect of travelling alone.
19. He was alarmed to discover that his car was gone.
20. I was a bit alarmed at/by how much weight she'd lost.
21. This door is alarmed.Sentencedict
22. Last October the bank balked, alarmed that a $24m profit had turned into a $20m deficit.
23. I'm rather alarmed that you're planning to leave the company.
24. His intensity and the ferocity of his feelings alarmed me.
25. The breaking of a branch under my foot alarmed the deer.
26. We are all alarmed by the rise in violent crime.
27. I was alarmed by his naivety and ignorance of international affairs.
28. They should not be too alarmed by the press reports.
29. Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
30. The doctors have decided to keep him in hospital overnight but there is nothing to be alarmed about.
1. Environmentalists are alarmed by the dramatic increase in pollution.
2. Before the enemy's attack he crossed the river and alarmed the unarmed villagers.
3. She began to grow alarmed when she realized how late it was.
4. The spread of cholera alarmed the whole city.
31. The damage to the marsh has alarmed environmentalists.
32. Others are alarmed by too much emotional intensity.
33. Though normally phlegmatic, Jan was beginning to get alarmed.
34. Richard's puzzled look alarmed me.
35. Alarmed storekeepers locked their doors.
36. Alarmed, she swung around and lit the candle.
37. Neighbours were alarmed by the early morning gun attack.
38. Arnold was alarmed by the idea.
39. He looked confused and quite alarmed.
40. But prominent psychologists and psychiatrists are alarmed.
41. Hence the alarmed thought on the part of many that he might have taken his own life.
42. Alarmed by the case, foreign governments are talking of retaliation.
43. No doubt she should have been alarmed at this thought but she remained excited by it.
44. He ignored complaints from alarmed consumer groups in order to maintain popular momentum for a measure he regards as essential.
45. A person who is alarmed experiences a sudden fear or apprehension of danger - some sort of anxiety.
46. He had developed a droning style of speaking, and the general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends.
47. But by that time Pius had become alarmed at the pace of change.
48. Fleury dismissed our fears as groundless, though he was secretly alarmed.
49. Constanze, thoroughly alarmed, forbade him to do any more work on the Requiem until his health improved.
50. When she got downstairs they were both waiting for her, so obviously waiting that she stopped dead and looked alarmed.
51. Their saving schemes, if safe, are boring and investors get alarmed by the low interest rates.
52. Alarmed, she had hurried to it, to notice immediately that a small jade figurine was missing.
53. The car is still alarmed when the car is started and the doors are locked.
54. She stopped short just inside the kitchen door, startled and alarmed to see such a change in Elizabeth.
55. I don't feel alarmed as I know of many secret passages, but they have all become too small to use.
56. Its international indebtedness had reached such alarming proportions under the previous Khedive that its Western creditors had become seriously alarmed.
57. They were alarmed that the continuing growth in the number of foreign tourists could be jeopardised by an isolated serious incident.
58. Realising that something had gone wrong, the alarmed miner was making his way out of the pit.
59. Getting alarmed I pushed my hand under his jacket and withdrew it covered with blood.
60. An alarmed octopus or one that is near death turns a cadaverous gray.
61. That's why we're so very alarmed at the Government's new league tables.
62. The tail is vibrated and shaken against rocks when the snake is irritated or alarmed and serves as a warning.
63. The church was most alarmed by groups flooding into the country after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
64. The local hardware shop proprietor was perhaps not a little alarmed when asked to supply 15 broomsticks before October 31st!
65. My feelings had been normalized, and I relaxed, knowing that I need not be alarmed.
66. Many who had no wish to see the principles of 1834 modified were alarmed by the rise in poor relief expenditure.
67. They were even more alarmed by hostility to the papal diplomatic service.
68. The game's popularity alarmed the authorities, who promptly banned it, thus assuring the total success of the animal game.
69. Robinson was surprised and a little alarmed at such an untypical gesture.
70. Many women are alarmed by suggestions of a link between the contraceptive pill and breast cancer.
71. Imani saw herself in the minor over the sink and was alarmed.
72. Some first-time eaters may become alarmed as this happens, thinking they have somehow become the victim of a time-lapse photography gag.
73. Alarmed, and thinking that my President needed me, I dashed to get there, driving at foolhardy speed.
74. Down from one corner of her mouth Wilson was alarmed to see a thin trickle of dark red blood.
75. Conservatives struggling to reconcile this drive for security with the inherent and seemingly indispensable insecurity of the competitive society were profoundly alarmed.
76. She was alarmed to hear a very obvious lack of conviction in her voice, though.
77. Zborowski took his words literally and was alarmed that Modi had sold his paintings himself.
78. Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the plan.
79. Suddenly alarmed, the people who had dearly loved the dogs were forced to hold their puppies under water till they drowned.
80. But just as they did so, ecologists, epidemiologists, and alarmed demographers have taken up the cry.
81. Officials believe that the public tends to make impossible demands and would be alarmed by disclosure.
82. Alarmed by Hitler's rise to power( ), Stalin was actively pursuing an alliance with the Western democracies.
83. That alarmed the conservationists while failing to satisfy the engineers.
84. What happens is that another physician group, alarmed at losing patients, scrambles together and offers to do it for less.
85. Primary voters alarmed by his angry rabble-rousing sighed and turned Doleful.
86. She bit her lip in confusion, alarmed at the wash of warmth in her body.
87. Jean-Luc, working at home, grew alarmed when his wife and daughter did not return promptly.
88. Alarmed, she thought she saw a black man lurking just behind her.
89. Those alarmed by insect life should consider holidaying in Skegness.
90. People are alarmed that women are putting off marriage longer and longer.
91. Peering round, she was alarmed to see no sign of life in the empty wastes.
92. She should not be embarrassed or alarmed if she feels faint.
93. Businesses are alarmed at the costs they foresee in complying with the new rules.
94. She stood up straight, wiped at her face and seemed alarmed to find it veiled.
95. Alarmed by that thought, she stared fixedly if unseeingly in front of her.
96. He began by explaining the Miles affair very soberly and logically, because Mr Greenleaf would probably be pretty alarmed by now.
97. But experts at the Coney Hill Psychiatric Hospital are alarmed.
98. Alarmed, Mei-ling and Ei-ling initiated a subtle intrigue designed to keep Stilwell in place.
99. Much of the cost-cutting is driven by patients and their employers, who were alarmed by rising insurance premiums, she said.
100. When the Council's housing policy was first introduced and applied many people in Orkney were alarmed by its implications.
101. They came out of the last slopes of the Jebel without having alarmed anything more than a couple of herds of goats.
102. They are alarmed at the sustained physical effort of the Broomfield players and the manner in which they battle for possession.
103. He thought she was graceful ... she felt idiotically breathless, flattered, confused - and even more alarmed than ever.
104. Both sexes may erect hackles on neck when alarmed, to form prominent whiskers.
105. Joseph was alarmed by Monteith's message, and bewildered that he could have been so misunderstood at the previous council.
106. If you already have a timber-frame house, however, do not be alarmed!
107. Handicapped drivers were also alarmed to hear they would be prevented from using the streets like all other drivers.
108. Do not be alarmed by this trend but always warn the parents that it is a possibility.
109. He was not particularly frightened himself, more excited and interested than alarmed, but he did not want to endanger Nona.
110. Everyone was alarmed when the elevator jolted to a halt.
111. As a staunch feminist, she grew alarmed as all the positions of power were taken by men.
112. This has alarmed the Local Government Ombudsman who would like powers to investigate persistent offenders.
113. The discovery alarmed him so thoroughly that he tried to force his way back to the door.
114. My mother was alarmed by my fits of weeping and chronic insomnia.
115. However, he was alarmed to find the army was being infiltrated by those he regarded as religious extremists.
116. You will have seen how alarmed we are by the plans to meet a vast increase in aggregates demand.
117. He alarmed us as children: he had a gruff manner, a game leg and a pronounced cast in one eye.
118. Small children of two or three tend to be alarmed at a banana-skin fall, not amused yet.
119. In another reprocessing plant, an air monitor alarmed, and as a precaution, personnel evacuated the area.
120. Some vague sound had alarmed her - a creak, a footstep, maybe even a door handle turning.
121. He was so alarmed by Mr Brownlow's excitement that he fainted once more.
122. However, a resurgence of working-class agitation during 1833-4 alarmed the Whig government and the propertied classes in general.
123. This fish gives off a poisonous mucus from its mouth when alarmed.
124. He had expressed a similar thought to a neurologist friend of his once, to receive an alarmed look in reply.
125. He had not been here before and he was alarmed by the vast expanse of water that now stretched ahead of him.
126. The aggressive signals from Washington have alarmed the Foreign Office in London.
127. Meredith shrank back, alarmed by the unpleasant intention behind his expression.
128. The chairmen of the nationalized industries were greatly alarmed by this proposal.
129. Out of bravado Fleury dismissed these fears as groundless, but he was secretly rather alarmed.
130. Alarmed, they drop quickly and remain suspended at the end of fine silk-like threads.
131. All the same, a few were quite alarmed by the clowns, shrieking in fright and clinging to their mothers!
132. They were all very alarmed by the prospect of substantial movements of people.
133. Their classmates and the parents of those classmates are alarmed to see the quality of academia lowered.
134. She became alarmed when she could not waken her husband.
135. Furthermore, it had been alarmed at local initiatives taken in the immediate aftermath of the June war.
136. Alarmed, Marjorie made an appointment to see the vet that evening.
137. The debris on the floor alarmed her: screwed-up paper, stale coffee-cups, heels of sandwiches.
138. Franco became very alarmed at this and told him to put his money away immediately.
139. They were alarmed by a sudden air attack.
140. The Americans are alarmed at this prospect.
141. The noise alarmed the whole roost into flight.
142. People began to feel alarmed about the cholera.
143. The general appearance of sluggishness alarmed his friends.
144. The clang of the firebell alarmed the village.
145. He was not alarmed at receiving the telegram.
146. The factory would have produced toxic paraxylene,(http:///alarmed.html) and residents who learned of the plans were understandably alarmed.
147. The past few years, booth price rise has alarmed outlets of wearing apparel.
148. What has particularly alarmed some corporations is that Jenkins now is chairman of the Financial Accounting Standards Board.
149. He said:'Parents should not be alarmed if chellold tells a fib.
150. King Antiochus III's military leadership kept Parthia from overrunning Persia itself, but his successes alarmed the burgeoning Roman Empire. Roman legions began to attack the kingdom.
151. When clouds shrouded that new moon, as they did this night, the people dispersed, alarmed.
152. In Maiduguri, a bomb attack at a police station alarmed voters, although no one was killed.
153. Alarmed, Hung - chien urged her to rouse herself a little so as not to disappoint Hsin - mei .
154. "People are alarmed when they see these kinds of outbreaks and they want the food industry to do something," Robert Brackett, a food industry analyst said.
155. People were alarmed by the driverless Chevy Nova wandering down the street; I called it the Flying Landsman.
156. The Committee consists of European elder statesman who support Turkey's membership and are alarmed by the "vicious circle" of events that is jeopardizing Turkey's EU prospects.
157. Evacuate instruction content: Guests, not being more alarmed than , not running, do not ride in electric elevator.
158. But as Christianity spread they were alarmed by the continuing celebration of pagan customs and Saturnalia among their converts.
159. The odd dynamic suggests that though investors are alarmed by America's flirtation with fiscal self-immolation, they're not really sure what else to do with their money.
160. Events in the life of Christ rose up before them with a distinctness that alarmed them.
161. I overslept and missed the exams , I get alarmed and woke up suddenly .
162. But when revised estimates were made, the company became alarmed.
163. This alarmed me in case anything untoward formed the foundations of his memory.
164. We received reports of IDP's being tortured and we are alarmed by this situation, said Schmitt.
165. Wales coach Mike Ruddock will be alarmed at how his side allowed Scotland back into the match in the second half.
166. No charges have been filed, but the dragnet alarmed investors.
167. It hounds an alarmed kestrel out of the park, then barrels through a flock of seagulls.
168. I saw the sun sinking gradually, and I got quite alarmed lest we should be benighted.
169. The very hubris of French claims alarmed the other powers.
170. As they approached they saw the "Nyi Nyi" Mythic Zebra Finch people coming, and the snakes became alarmed.
171. Similarly, Brazil's arms build-up, which includes plans for a nuclear-powered submarine and new jet fighters, has not alarmed its neighbours much.
171. try its best to gather and create good sentences.
172. Soviet charges that the space station was merely a military launching platform alarmed a number of nonaligned nations.
173. Nontechnical people may be alarmed to hear that the database has been modified, for example.
174. His maniacal raving alarmed the butler, who called Woltz's personal physician and his second in command at the studio.
175. The President was alarmed by the drift toward catastrophe in Europe.
176. The large whip scorpion emits a vinegary odor when it's alarmed.
177. She seemed stilled, almost alarmed, at what had occurred, while the novelty, unpremeditation, mastery of circumstance disquieted him - palpitating, contemplative being that he was.
178. The old feeling of indulgent tenderness overcame her vexation, and she grew thoroughly moved and alarmed.
179. This is only a routine checkpoint, please do not be alarmed.
180. After police cordoned off the road, frustrated and alarmed drivers looked on until vets managed to tranquillise the animal. Police then shot it dead.
181. Mucus gets darker the longer it sits in your sinuses , so don't be alarmed if your early? morning sneezes are green-or rust-colored.
182. Toad was quite alarmed at this very serious and portentous style of greeting.
183. Equipped with self-control reducing valve, pressure alarm hand vent, and safety valve-takeoff 3-level safety device, tanks can be alarmed and protected from over-pressure operation.
184. His mother is alarmed at the ghastliness of his face.
185. They were alarmed by the sudden rumbling in the earth.
186. That always happens at the end of a major cycle, but it could have alarmed you to see so many familiar elements of your life disappear.
187. Grandma: Now now, it's nothing to be alarmed about, I will have it off in a jiffy. Do you know where your father keeps his chisels ?
188. The spectre of Valentine rising before the poisoner would have alarmed her less.
189. The two events which most alarmed the British ruling class in the closing decades of the 18th century were the American War of Independence and the French Revolution.
190. And he kept repeating this nonsense insistently that finally they grew alarmed.
191. On September 13 , nearby Taiwan northeast corner's seacoast, the very rough sea waves raise unceasingly(), alarmed.
192. Alarmed, Chiang went to Sian in person to repair the situation.
193. The staff were somewhat alarmed by the man, who was in an excitable state.
194. She looked at Tom, alarmed now, but he insisted with magnanimous scorn.
195. Therefore, do not be alarmed at water drippage as the valve is doing what it is designed to do.
196. In answer to my question about the occasion for the conference, he explained that it was being sponsored by several alarmed and public-spirited corporations.
197. Alarmed, Dick sought out our pastor and explained the situation.
198. In case misfortune dead machine, must not alarmed, do sth without authorization closes machine restart, and should personnel of invigilate of report of raise one's hand.
198. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
199. Paul, alarmed that such ritualism is now serving as a wedge between communal affirmation of the salvation shared by people of all races and cultures, critiques the misuse of the Law in this way.
200. Some psychiatrists have patients who grow almost alarmed at how congenial they suddenly feel.
201. Her sudden and inexplicable loss of weight alarmed her doctor.
202. The priest put spurs to his horse and fled in haste , much alarmed.
203. There was a determined squareness about his slender shoulders that alarmed her.




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