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单词 Frightening
1. The situation was getting quite frightening.
2. Failure is never quite so frightening as regret.
3. Don't stand so near the edge! You're frightening me.
4. I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.
5. The intensity of the hurricane was frightening.
6. The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.
7. It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous.
8. The most frightening assumption in this world is that most people assume you are intelligent.
9. That's a frightening thought.
10. The speed of the car was frightening.
11. The high level of crime is frightening away tourists.
12. The jet zoomed low over the houses, frightening everyone.
13. It was all very frightening to a small boy.
14. It's frightening to think it could happen again.
15. He found the responsibility rather frightening.
16. Please call your dog off it's frightening the children.
17. Starting a new school can be quite frightening.
18. The mask was so lifelike it was quite frightening.
19. This is extremely frightening for elderly people.
20. It was a very unpleasant and frightening attack.
21. The magnitude of the epidemic was frightening.
22. The number of youngsters involved in crime is frightening.
23. The deathly pallor of her skin was frightening.
24. It was the most frightening experience of my life.
25. Frightening cruelties were inflicted on child factory workers well into the 19th century.
26. Going into hospital can be very frightening for a child.
27. He used to get cheap thrills out of frightening the girl next door.
28. His aspect was frightening.
29. Police are looking for a sex pest who is frightening late-night travellers.
30. After the quietness of home and school,() university had been almost frightening.
1. The situation was getting quite frightening.
2. Don't stand so near the edge! You're frightening me.
3. I had a frightening encounter with a poisonous snake.
4. The intensity of the hurricane was frightening.
5. The fishermen said the company's seismic survey was frightening away fish.
6. Police are looking for a sex pest who is frightening late-night travellers.
7. It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous.
8. That's a frightening thought.
9. The mask was so lifelike it was quite frightening.
10. After the quietness of home and school, university had been almost frightening.
11. His aspect was frightening.
12. It is frightening to most children to waken and find a stranger.
31. The noise was frightening.
32. It's frightening to think how easily children can be hurt.
33. "Frankly I found it rather frightening." — "A little startling," Mark agreed.
34. Seen from the student's viewpoint, the oral exam can be frightening.
35. What can we do to make the experience less frightening?
36. She took evident delight in frightening the children with horror stories.
37. The whole car shuddered with an almost frightening surge of power.
38. I number that crash among the most frightening experiences of my life.
39. Sam became quite frightening when he was in a rage.
40. It is frightening to think what might happen if she left him.
41. It is frightening even to think of the horrors of nuclear war.
42. It is frightening to most children to waken and find a stranger.
43. He was an impostor -- dark, frightening and mysterious.
44. It's been getting too frightening.
45. The crime rate in this city is frightening.
45. Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress day by day!
46. The hysteria of the screaming girls was somewhat frightening.
47. The Raiders can hardly imagine a more frightening sight.
48. May I conclude with a frightening thought for Labour.
49. They're really on the ball, quite frightening sometimes.
50. And it's frightening to some people.
51. There was, I thought,() something slightly frightening about him.
52. Food is more frightening to me than death itself.
53. Hard, warm and, most frightening of all, so familiar.
54. The data transfer was the most frightening part.
55. During her visit she had two frightening experiences.
56. Nowadays food can seem like a frightening health hazard.
57. What is frightening about this risk?
58. But that just made it a very frightening experience.
59. It's been quite frightening to see.
60. Most frightening of all is the time scale.
61. It was frightening not to know what was happening.
62. It was not proper fighting but something more frightening.
63. It was nasty, brutish and to be frank frightening as they tried to make sure they won the vote over Maastricht.
64. Most frightening of all, no one knew how you got it.
65. The most frightening thing was that I thought it would never stop.
66. It had now become a very frightening ride, and chills began to run through me.
67. Were those somehow frightening sensations of pleasure followed by an instinctive guilt and terrible anticipation?
68. For Crevecoeur it was a religious experience as well as a frightening one.
69. It is the most frightening place I have every played in.
70. Whatever way they sliced the statistics, the mortality of the red spruce was dramatic and frightening.
71. A sui - ... what you did, is a very frightening thing, Liz.
72. Mr. Rifkind I think that it must have been a frightening experience for people trapped within the train for that time.
73. In frightening contrast fitzAlan looked tough and completely immovable, and bigger than ever in the confined space of the alehouse.
74. Male speaker Apart from the awful seasickness, the most frightening part was Cape Horn.
75. Male speaker I fear for Birmingham with this madman let loose( ), wandering around the streets frightening the children.
76. It was a very frightening experience - and only afterwards could we laugh about it.
77. There was no sense that a great adventure, or even a frightening one, was about to begin.
78. Witches are more frightening then wizards, wolves lurk in grandmother's clothing.
79. They are fascinating and frightening; they arouse anger and they are defiant.
80. But when you first see it, it can be rather frightening, so hold on to small children's hands.
81. Cream overflowed the edges of the shallow dish, another little twist of frightening confusion.
82. The rapist who wins women's trust and then abuses them is a more sophisticated, devious and frightening operator.
83. Crossing roads is always frightening at first, and the patient may have to relearn how to use pelican and zebra crossings.
84. Frightening thoughts, but ones that serve as sobering reminders of the need to protect your loved ones with life insurance.
85. There is something almost frightening about the pace of development.
86. It is usually to relatives that the peasant migrating to the city turns for help in the new and frightening environment.
87. The most frightening thing about what was happening was that Cesar did not appear to be angry.
88. Egan recognizes the frightening ability children have to hurt their parents.
89. She had driven slowly forward to the yellow demarcation line and the frightening folds of barbed wire.
90. More commonly, the term is now used to describe any really frightening dream.
91. But the best way for us to deal with it was as a family because it's less frightening that way.
92. Mr Broady painted a frightening picture of considerable violence and a fair amount of popular hostility to the police.
93. The senator's strong nationalistic views are frightening to many liberals.
94. For example: - Confusion and frightening hallucinations - Unbalanced emotions or more serious mental disorders - First-time heroin users may be sick.
95. Although frightening and painful, the actual violence is generally less terrifying than living in a constant state of uncertainty and threat.
96. In the frightening new craze, youths take a cocktail of drink and drugs before going out to look for trouble.
97. The exposure was a little frightening at first and instinctively he kept close to walls.
98. Isabelle must have left a legacy of frightening bitterness behind her in this place in order to set off a reaction like that.
99. The random event is frightening to all of us because we are defenseless.
100. There is still a complacency in official thinking about the recession which is frightening.
101. It is a little too cumbersome to be charming, although that bassline becomes increasingly frightening.
102. That's why nuclear war is so frightening - like slapstick.
103. I believe that generosity becomes less between nations, as the world economy heads for a more frightening decline.
104. Suddenly, she remembered some one had once told her that falling in love was a frightening experience.
105. The discovery that it is true can be a frightening and instructive process.
106. Not so much by getting them to understand as frightening them with a Breathalyser test and losing their licence.
107. That was why Everett, suddenly, seemed more real, more frightening than usual.
108. Further, there was the frightening possibility of new secret weapons.
109. Lord John thought Jane looked very beautiful but also rather frightening.
110. Never before had I passed such a terrible night, disturbed by the most frightening dreams.
111. He wore sinister rimless spectacles, and had the potential to become frightening.
112. Certainly some famous recording artists have had some frightening moments when they have been nudged and brushed past by these two ghosts.
113. This may confirm Joan's fear of greed and make it more frightening for her to know about her own.
114. The prospect of students saddling themselves with enormous debts to pay their course fees and their maintenance is a frightening one.
115. Paris is a fascinating place, one of the best in the world, and it is frightening New York a lot.
116. They like their drama to be exciting, but not too frightening.
117. It was frightening to get a dozen screaming phone calls a day, and nothing I could say made any difference.
118. If the threats grew too frightening, he could always reconsider.
119. Opposition is seen as traumatic, a frightening situation because it recalls the violence of Mecca before the triumph of the One.
120. He says some one people can go through the experience of the crash all over again and it's very frightening.
121. He saw a line of fires stretching across South London, huge fires at regular intervals, their flames red and frightening.
122. Thus we do not intend to provide evidence here of frightening rates of soil loss and desertification throughout the world.
123. It was a very frightening subject, personal experiences came up.
124. They were identical, skinhead clones with square faces and frightening brutish expressions.
125. It is frightening, a triumph of the will over material circumstances.
126. Driving on the left-hand side of the road was unfamiliar and a little frightening.
127. Andrew has learned to make this outcome more likely by escalating the tantrums into very violent and therefore frightening episodes.
128. We debated hopelessly, going round in ever decreasing circles: the Alps too crowded, the Himalaya too frightening.
129. Her booming voice, very frightening to children, was usually occupied in gossiping to every passer-by.
130. I saw some pictures recently of a famous movie star with a lift ... frightening.
131. It is not frightening, I guess, but not the most pleasant thing you could do on your day off.
132. He had flown over it, and from the air it looked thoroughly frightening, a deep green maze of iron-spine mountains.
133. I was just a novice and he was fairly frightening, not giving an inch until he had sounded you out.
134. Flying in an airplane can be a frightening prospect for some people.
135. Robert Julian saw them in action often in 1971: Gunships were pretty frightening.
136. There are so many people with guns these days, it's really frightening.
137. She had a clear and frightening premonition that she would not be able to manage it.
138. It is a frightening experience, and I have never heard of anyone doing it a second time.
139. A stock index does not oscillate with such frightening amplitude as we have witnessed recently unless to announce some tectonic change ahead.
140. The perception was frightening, but there was a sensation of healing in his chest and a pervasive sense of well-being.
141. No other school is more multicultural than Hunter, and the differences are exciting rather than frightening.
142. But kidnapping as an income source is an increasingly popular and frightening practice.
143. It's frightening to think that something like this can happen in America today.
144. He reared his torso a little way above hers in a pose that connected their loins in frightening intimacy.
145. At this point I was witness to an extraordinary, moving and almost frightening scene.
146. To Floy, they were beautiful and rather frightening and immensely powerful.
147. I knew that what I had seen was a hallucination, but it was so real and frightening.
148. Yet its value can change with frightening speed, depending on such unpredictable outside pressures as interest rates and recession.
149. It was even more frightening than the chugging, and it came right up to the shelter door.
150. She had spent the last ten days in bed, suffering from shock, the after-reaction fierce, frightening.
151. As he grows older he becomes more grotesque and therefore more frightening and effective in his second role.
152. To many early rail travellers, however, the gloom of the tunnel was very frightening.
153. The rail privatisation issue and the appalling loss of freight from the railway to road haulage is frightening in its implications.
154. Take that silly mask off -- you're frightening the children.
155. True, the share price recently took a frightening tumble, but local activity has been maintained.
156. It makes me very happy but it's a frightening kind of happiness.
157. After so many years, going back to college and studying was a frightening prospect.
158. Female speaker Being put to sleep, being cut open, it's all a bit frightening.
159. Console users take gaming seriously, and their brand loyalty is frightening.
160. The consequences for the financial future of the nation and even of the world are really frightening.
161. A flame leapt out unexpectedly, caught on some dry grass, and raced across a half-dead meadow with frightening speed.
162. An almost frightening moral certainty swept over it and began to soothe its pain.
163. The first time I ever heard anyone speak in tongues I found it strange, fascinating, and a little frightening.
164. Even though he never physically abused me, the verbal abuse was frightening.
165. The prospect of putting weapons in space is frightening to many people.
165. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
166. The fury aroused by his anti-Pitt eloquence was at once frightening and flattering to his vanity.
167. So why did she now feel this frightening apprehension - a deep, numbing fear of what lay ahead?
168. But sometimes it is frightening, thinking of the struggle life is if one takes it seriously.
169. The funny thing was, this was less frightening, even though it was real.
170. But what I see tonight with ten times magnification is almost frightening.
171. The bits of information range from play dates with friends to the sometimes frightening bits and pieces of domestic violence.
172. The scenery inspires awe and apprehension and fear even on a summer day; in stormy conditions, the effect is frightening.
173. The prospect of increasing the risk of cancer is frightening, but you must keep certain facts in mind.
174. It all had to be done in the dark and was rather frightening.
175. Carolyn was dismayed; she had found the place very frightening on her previous visits.
176. The prospect of servicing and repairing such equipment under lunar conditions is simply frightening.
177. It's very frightening, this - the thought that people actually know what's going on in your mind.
178. When distressed, black people naturally resist accepting help in frightening institutional settings from people they do not trust.
179. Learning About Life A young horse will take time to learn about life and about what is a genuinely frightening experience.
180. The first few days in a residential home can be very frightening for many elderly people.
181. Soon Alice has woken from her strange sleep and the frenzy that was becoming quite frightening.
182. We have heard some frightening things about multiple sclerosis and would like to know if we should see a doctor right away.
183. Anthony Hopkins was much more frightening as a serial killer than Currie is as the son of Satan.
184. She couldn't blame him for frightening Anna, for losing his temper with the child.
185. It was rather frightening to think how easily men could do what they wanted, simply because of their superior physical strength.
186. And it was that secret pleasure that was most frightening.
187. Driving in big cities can be pretty frightening for many people.
188. The letter H became the most frightening in the alphabet.
189. Undoubtedly suffers from insomnia and when he does sleep his dream life must be productive, distorted, and possibly frightening.
190. It is the fear of frightening off investors that has stopped the government investing in water quality.
191. He is the first frightening indication of Tokyo's apparent infatuation with rap.
192. It was the most frightening moment of my life and I was icy calm.
193. He was caught up in frightening events far beyond his comprehension.
194. Rapturous elevation frightening the God of Light.
195. His heart bumped in his breast with frightening loudness.
195. try its best to collect and build good sentences.
196. The idea of death is frightening to most people.
197. The night elves dispatched a number of scouts posthaste and the scouts returned with frightening stories of the orcs' past atrocities during the First and Second Wars.
198. Bullying can indeed be distressing and frightening for those at the receiving end.
199. In the process, Morgan revealed that he's capable of frightening (and unfunny) invective, and left his audience wondering whether he is a garden-variety homophobe.
200. I tossed halfsick between grotesque reality and savage, frightening dreams.
201. For an agoraphobic person, it's a difficult and frightening experience. Some may turn back to head back to the safety of home.
202. All this gave Ming - feng a frightening premonition of what her own destiny would be.
203. " Ryan wrote, "the hotel may be Mr Qaddafi's strength and the opposition do-or-die site, the frightening thought kept in mind.
204. A nation without men, with only pleasure - saturated, spineless screen - watchers is a truly frightening prospect.
205. Frightening for sure, but even more frightening is her mug shot.
206. The Scoop: Martin Scorsese's adaptation of the 2003 best-selling crime thriller novel by the same name tells the frightening story of two men trapped in a prison for the mentally ill in 1950s America.
207. So at last he ran away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew over the palings.
208. Ignipuncture sounds frightening, but actually it doesn't hurt at all.
209. A full - blown dollar crisis top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening.
210. The philosopher Rene Descartes suggested a similar worry: the frightening possibility that all of one's experiences might be the result of a powerful outside force, a "malicious demon."
211. The Devil Bird, or Ulama, is a frightening horned bird of Sri Lankan folklore.
212. This was a frightening thing. It could not be a coincidence!
213. Although you may never have symptoms, finding out you have an aortic aneurysm can be frightening.
214. The first bird to eat this repellant move about nervously and frightening away the rest.
215. Glowing, frightening faces emanating from the pumpkins were meant to frighten off the evil spirits thought to roam the streets on Oct. 31, the Celtic New Year's Eve.
216. If you rant and rave at it, you'll simply make the job of convincing the dog it would be better off working for you far more difficult because you'll be confusing and frightening him.
217. Perhaps more frightening, Ebola was also detected in farm workers who tend to the infected pigs.
218. The quip has gained a frightening new relevance ahead of a "great leap forward" to an economic union that can keep the markets at bay.
219. Also the wish of some filmmakers to produce sensationalistic and frightening movies has contributed to the expansion of that lie, that we all come with those same selfish and egoistic intentions.
220. This, however, was not nearly so frightening as driving myself in a Fiat Punto to the southeastern tip of Sicily.
221. The truly frightening thing about terrorism is the awful randomness.
222. When something frightening happens, the sympathetic nervous system makes the heart beat faster so that it sends blood more quickly to the different body parts that might need it.
223. The most frightening thing of all was that not a sound could be heard.
224. But it was not to be: Selina the grass snake failed to get past the publishers, who thought children might find her frightening.
225. To any woman, Bluebeard was the perfect husband - except for his frightening, large(http://), blue beard.
226. One night in February, high school principal Matthew Smith got a frightening wake - up call.
227. There are Moon-reflecting Dragon Pond, Iron Chain Precipice and Moer Scarp, etc. , which are frightening and impressive.
228. The tiger doesn't look frightening at all when it is sleeping tamely in the cage.
229. "More frightening than the canines, " wrote the photographer, "was the deep jackhammer sound she let loose that rattled through my chest. " Her display worked; the rival seal moved on.
230. Frightening to think how good he would have been without dodgy knees and the refueling problem.
231. A full-blown dollar crisis on top of a credit crunch and a weakening economy would be frightening.
232. Companies were shielded from competition and heavily supported by tight links to the government and banks, allowing them to borrow and invest willy-nilly while building up frightening debt burdens.
233. "More frightening than the canines, " wrote the photographer, "was the deep jackhammer sound she let loose that rattled through my chest.
234. But if a drop in world market demand for Treasurys sends borrowing costs upward, there could be a ballooning of the interest cost line in the budget that will worsen an already frightening outlook.
235. Newspapers should not give currency to frightening news without making sure of their facts.
236. Ionesco regards death as the most frightening and absurd event.
237. Please let it be a prank." Youngsters on the track are a regular event, though no less frightening for that, and for train drivers it's something we learn to live with.
238. A true dollar crisis has long been one of the more frightening possibilities for the world economy.
239. I mean, Avogadro -- I'm fond of his number, and he is, in fact, an interesting, if not frightening looking man this just didn't connect with me.
240. Was this the answer to the frightening riddle of Tara's silence?
241. Some of these dimensions may seem horrifying and very frightening.
242. We think of them as "dear little" glow-worm, but as larvae, they're frightening monsters - particularly if viewed close to like this.
243. But what seemed an innocent message turned out to be a practical joke - with frightening consequences.
244. As millions of individuals and their families can attest, a brain disorder or injury can be frightening, frustrating and ultimately fatal.
245. Word spread quickly through the city that the once adored Ladyface had suddenly gone mad and become a frightening man-killer . The people ran to the king for help.
246. To the novice, this kind of thing is confusing and frightening.
247. Today i still remember what that man looked like: he had a head of blown-up hair like Einstein's, and what was more frightening was its fiery-red color.
248. But the truly frightening thing was the emaciation of his body.
249. A support weapon that excels in delivery of sustained automatic fire, its accuracy and high cyclic rate make it frightening to be on the receiving end of its brunt.
250. English: So at last he ran away, frightening the little birds in the hedge as he flew over the palings .
251. More frightening is Word's AutoFormat feature, which tries to interpret user behaviors like use of asterisks and numbers in text to automatically format numbered lists and other paragraph formats.
252. But he said the scientists "frightening people witless by following the party line" are motivated by politics and research funding.
253. I saw she was sorry for his persevering sulkiness and indolence: her conscience reproved her for frightening him off improving himself: she had done it effectually.
254. In a town that can be very frightening to the foreigner the Zulu Nyala was a sanctuary in every way.
255. The sun was then reported to have careened towards the earth in a zigzag pattern, frightening some of those present who thought it meant the end of the world.
256. Dogs running free can be unwelcome, frightening people or leaving behind unwanted "presents".
257. Ain't nothing more damn frightening than driving with a cougar in the car.
258. From time to time his sharp cough broke the rather frightening stillness.
259. Sometimes it might be frightening, like when the big snake thing attacked and started petrifying all the muggles,(http:///frightening.html) or if there were dementors drifting round while you were sleeping.
260. The years of puberty and early womanhood are difficult, even frightening, for many girls.
261. A warm tide of feeling, bewildering, frightening, swept over her.
262. Watching a child struggle to breathe during an asthma attack is frightening for any parent.




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