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单词 Uncanny
1, His powers of observation were uncanny.
2, The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.
3, The silence was uncanny.
4, I had an uncanny feeling I was being watched.
5, I had an uncanny feeling of being watched.
6, She bears an uncanny resemblance to Barbra Streisand.
7, It was uncanny really[], almost as if she knew what I was thinking.
8, Their baby bears a strong resemblance/an uncanny likeness to its grandfather.
9, An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle.
10, Clinton had an uncanny ability to sense the pulse of the nation.
11, He has an uncanny knack of being able to see immediately where the problem lies.
12, I had this uncanny feeling that Alice was warning me.
13, Tony was unnerved by the uncanny familiarity of her face.
14, He had an uncanny sense of balance.
15, Uncanny, perhaps, but absolutely true.
16, Stack saw an uncanny resemblance to his fictional Josh.
17, There is something uncanny about Tesla, something almost mystical.
18, He evokes its atmosphere with uncanny skill.
19, It was the quietness that was so uncanny.
20, There is an uncanny resemblance between this reasoning and that which had earlier led John Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry.
21, He has an uncanny ability to guess what you're thinking.
22, It was uncanny the way that he always knew when he reached the pew.
23, They have an uncanny way of escalating minor adversity into major confrontations and luring coworkers into the toxic circle of conflict.
24, Not having to give verbal commands seemed uncanny at first,(http:///uncanny.html) but before long it just seemed natural.
25, But like most of his colleagues in Hampden Babylon he had an uncanny knack of pushing the self-destruct button.
26, But one listens to her final records with dismay after hearing the fresh, uncanny beauty of the early ones.
27, A number of athletes have gained reputations for this uncanny ability.
28, One of the lessons we have already begun to learn is the almost uncanny universality of the religious experience.
29, In the multi-tracked recording Mr Jarvis plays 99 roles, many of which bear an uncanny resemblance to well-known actors.
30, The experience is unsettling, as if voyeuristic, and also uncanny, like a brief time travel, and absurdly pleasing.
1, His powers of observation were uncanny.
2, The hero, Danny, bears an uncanny resemblance to Kirk Douglas.
3, An uncanny light seemed to be coming from the castle.
31, Republicans concede that the president has an uncanny rhetorical talent that he has used effectively to put congressional leaders on the defensive.
32, He had an uncanny way of making me feel simple.
33, It was a face in fact which bore an uncanny resemblance to a young Jack Palance.
34, The rumors bore an uncanny resemblance to whatever people feared most.
35, He had a deep knowledge of the habits of all the local wildlife and an uncanny knack of befriending them.
36, It was uncanny and Maggie was never so glad to see the light from her own room and get Ana back indoors.
37, He had predicted with uncanny accuracy the result of a snooker championship.
38, It was starting to be unnerving, this ability of his to judge her with such uncanny accuracy!
39, He was dressed in the garb of a Catholic priest and he bore an uncanny resemblance to the now legendary Spencer Tracy.
40, Keanu Reeves plays a criminal defense attorney who has an uncanny knack for picking sympathetic jurors.
41, And he has this uncanny ability to synthesize concepts from a few isolated observations.
42, There was an unnatural silence, like the uncanny hush immediately following an explosion.
43, Jack knew quite enough about her uncanny ability to choose the wrong men.
44, We hope that this book will help sportspeople accept their encounters with the sublime and uncanny.
45, In one of the tales of the Arabian Nights the sovereign has the uncanny experience of meeting himself.
46, Time seems to slow way down, in an uncanny way, as if everyone were moving in slow motion.
47, Boilly had the uncanny ability to record the individual and the crowd simultaneously.
48, As some one said ... him and Strach had an uncanny knack of supporting each other when needed.
49, The policies of central banks in the post-cold war years bear an uncanny resemblance to those of the 1920s.
49, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.
50, To her, Roz was uncanny in her ability to perform. handle outrageous situations, do.
51, Recovering his balance with uncanny speed, he snarled and launched himself after the still tumbling figure of his intended victim.
52, Anyone who worked with him recognised his uncanny ability to find something oddly heroic in all the manifestations of human weakness.
53, But, in an uncanny moment of premonition, I am able to see through the mists of time to Judgement Day.
54, Hogarth devised a line of beauty that has an uncanny similarity to a woman's back!
55, Again and again he was saved only by the uncanny accuracy of his shooting.
56, A beautiful boy, dark eyes and hair, with an uncanny way of putting issues in perspective.
57, With the uncanny prescience of children, they had divined that he was a fake.
58, Bonefish's real name was Hector, but he had earned his nickname because of his uncanny ability to find the elusive fish.
59, She has an uncanny sense of what others feel.
60, And then there is its uncanny self-organisation.
61, The similarity between the two is uncanny.
62, She impressed me as so uncanny and fateful.
63, The client's uncanny intrusion started the solicitor stuttering.
64, Yet he has all of Kushner's uncanny novelistic confidence.
65, The scene and circumstances were so very uncanny.
66, Sadat had an uncanny psychological discernment.
67, This little pill targets cancer cells with uncanny precision.
68, He is an unyielding defender , with uncanny instincts. Thriving in adversity.
69, This person, quite uncanny, is still a bedlamite, probably, is likewise the type of a contrive house.
70, Only two of them, however, are needed to explain the uncanny valley. These are humanness and eeriness.
71, The Bedlington Terrier is often described as a "lamb on a leash" because its unique blond, curly hair and soft, round features give it an uncanny resemblance to the farm animal.
72, The Golden Mean is a ratio that appears to connect (in some uncanny way) with all sorts of sensually pleasing creations, man-made and organic.
73, To sense or intuit a person's thoughts or motives in an almost uncanny way.
74, It would be what they describe as the uncanny semblance between owners and their pets.
75, Take aeroboat, the tourist can look down at from inside sky configuration the islands of each different, experience the uncanny workmanship of nature.
76, There was something uncanny about such resolution in this the oldest living Forsyte.
77, Hal's got that uncanny ability to see into the future.
78, The uncanny valley may not be an exact representation of people's perceptions of the bizarre, but a few studies provide some basis for Mori's intuitions .
79, His draftsmanship and technique display an uncanny mechanical reproduction that generates an uncanny reality.
80, By contrast, on television, where he has been appearing more frequently, he acts with uncanny sangfroid.
81, The physical resemblances are uncanny, right down to the bulbous eyes of one woman being mirrored in her piscine meal.
82, like honey, or how much we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees posses, we have a horror of being.
83, Alfred Prufrock, a poem which is lauded as marking the beginning of modern poetry for its stream-of-consciousness use of uncanny images.
84, He seemed to have an instinct about the cards. It was uncanny.
85, Grand Canyon the two sides are red rock fault, craggy rock, called uncanny workmanship.
86, These are just a few of the athletes that continually wow us with their agility and uncanny power and strength. We know them for what they can do from the neck down.
87, When painting, crafts teacher at hypogastric gas, the force made in the wrist above the mean, fine head of the non-power, uncanny workmanship, astounding .
88, Day 161 : For some reason, I have an uncanny sense that something bad will happen tonight.
89, The uncanny tufa formations take on a golden appearance at sunset.
90, we have read about the uncanny sense of direction which bees posses, we have a horror of being stung.
91, He was very frail, and his eyes were really uncanny.
92, Some of the very best work has an uncanny quality: Euler's Formula, Bruegel's Hunters in the Snow, the SR-71, Lisp.
93, For this he often uses extremely closed and narrow space like a labyrinth that is made with cardboard. It causes an uncanny experience to the audiences who hesitate ones' next step in the dark space.
93, is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.
94, It was uncanny, this rising sea in a dead calm, and their voices unconsciously sank lower.
95, Good design is often strange. Some of the very best work has an uncanny quality: Euler's Formula, Bruegel's Hunters in the Snow, the SR-71, Lisp.
96, Heavy mist inside, a mold faintness the pearly figure uncanny flotage of the paste is on the sea surface ugg claccic ascend and fall to float according with the wave.
97, Kieslowski started his career making documentaries, and uses an almost uncanny power of observation to capture the intimate details of everyday life in an objective and unsentimental manner.
98, We have an almost uncanny blind spot in our intellect.
99, Great white sharks, like this one, use an uncanny sense of smell combined with a unique sensory system that detects bioelectric impulses in the water to find vulnerable prey up to miles away.
100, Since Google's Jan. 12 announcement that it might withdraw from the Chinese market, two knockoff Web sites have appeared in China bearing an intentionally uncanny resemblance to Google sites.
101, The white feather lips Cape starts to hang up a to put on an uncanny laugh, slowly and slowly to station 2 folk by the side of the spring eye walk.




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