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单词 Returning
1 Anyone returning the necklace will be handsomely rewarded.
2 She thought longingly of returning to Paris.
3 Thank you for returning my call.
4 After returning from France, he joined the army.
5 When returning, he discovered the room in disorder.
6 She is hopeful of returning to work soon.
7 The Council has set out a timetable for returning to civilian rule.
8 I'm returning your call.
9 The tragedy happened as they were returning home from a night out.
10 First-generation immigrants may dream of returning "home"; their children say Britain is their home.
11 Not returning phone calls is a grave crime in today's culture.
12 She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe.
13 He left the room, returning after a short interval with a message.
14 There is nothing like returning to a place that remains unchanged to find the ways in which you yourself have altered. Nelson Mandela 
15 Some students returning to the country may face political persecution.
16 We understand that you'll be returning next year.
17 The helicopter was returning from a reconnaissance mission.
18 Communities of otters are slowly returning to British rivers.
19 She lives in dread of the disease returning.
20 He's returning to his army station.
21 The returning soldiers enjoyed a rousing reception.
22 David could feel his anger returning.
23 The returning bomber crews were debriefed.
24 A breeze sprang up as we were returning.
25 Was he a spectre returning to haunt her?
26 Sanity appears to be returning to the stock market.
27 Now they are returning to claim what was theirs.
28 Tom didn't bargain on his wife returning so soon.
29 Students returning to school after absence must bring a note from their parents.
30 These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
1 Anyone returning the necklace will be handsomely rewarded.
2 She thought longingly of returning to Paris.
3 Thank you for returning my call.
4 After returning from France, he joined the army.
5 When returning, he discovered the room in disorder.
6 She is hopeful of returning to work soon.
7 The Council has set out a timetable for returning to civilian rule.
8 I'm returning your call.
9 The tragedy happened as they were returning home from a night out.
10 First-generation immigrants may dream of returning "home"; their children say Britain is their home.
11 Not returning phone calls is a grave crime in today's culture.
12 She's returning to Australia tomorrow after six months in Europe.
13 He left the room, returning after a short interval with a message.
14 These birds migrate to Europe in the summer season, returning to warmer places in the south for the winter.
15 Some students returning to the country may face political persecution.
16 When returning back, he discovered the room to be in disorder.
31 Guests are returning in increasing numbers— a sure sign that we are on the right track.
32 After returning from Paris, David moved to a squat in Brixton.
33 A growing number of people are returning to full-time education.
34 By a cruel irony, he died in a crash while returning home from the war.
35 Flinging aside the wishes of his parents, the student went abroad for a year before returning to his university.
36 He is returning to this country after a five-year stint in Hong Kong.
37 Returning to work after a long break can be a terrible shock to the system.
38 The plane was returning to the airport soon after takeoff when it burst into flames.
39 Soldiers returning from the war had glutted the job market.
40 He showed great character returning to the sport after his accident.
41 There will be the problem of where to relocate the returning troops.
42 The climbers are a day late returning from the mountain and we are beginning to have fears for their safety.
43 We have set up a task force to look at the question of women returning to work.
44 He's returning to the team this season, hoping that the old magic can be made to work once more.
45 He said he was against returning to old authoritarian ways.
46 Officials were accused of laundering the stolen funds overseas before returning them to the US.
47 We'll be off the air for the summer and returning for a new series in the autumn.
48 Seeing her son returning from the front she was climbing the wall.
49 I didn't read it all but I think the purport of the letter was that he will not be returning for at least a year.
50 The bat compares the sound of its cry with the sound of the returning echo.
51 The librarian slapped a fine on him for returning the books late.
52 On returning to Boston, she formed a close friendship with her aunt.
53 After the wedding we'll be returning to Massachusetts, where we work and plan to live.
54 The people lined the streets to hail the returning heroes.
55 The high cost of childcare made returning to work economically impossible.
56 When returning back(), he discovered the room to be in disorder.
57 The astronauts succeeded in returning from the moon to the earth according to the plan.
58 The soldiers were returning from a six-month tour of duty in Northern Ireland.
59 The people rained gifts upon the heroes returning from the war.
60 The strikers refused to be blackmailed into returning to work.
61 He left a note to the effect that he would not be returning.
62 Official reports in Algeria suggest that calm is returning to the country.
63 'You were both wonderful!' 'So were you!' we said, returning the compliment.
64 The government halted its policy of returning Zimbabwean asylum seekers to their homeland.
65 The minister is returning to Paris to answer the allegations personally.
66 There was no virtue in returning to Calvi the way I had come.
67 Males between 18 and 20 had to leave a deposit as a guarantee of returning to do their military service.
68 The staff returning from the fiesta in Palma?
69 There were to be no excuses for him returning.
70 Most children feel anxious about returning to school.
71 It is therefore worth returning to basics.
72 A function returning the vertical cursor position.
73 Half of them were dropouts returning to school.
74 And now Curval was returning the favour.
75 Circumstances such as these can lead to real apprehension about returning to practice.
76 I must apologise for returning somewhat dryly to the procedural point that has been raised during the debate.
77 They left the fate and wondered for a moment about returning to Ring's.
78 Fearful of returning to what was then the Soviet Union, she applied for asylum, a request that was denied.
79 I was returning to the house with a mixing drum when I heard the crash.
80 The planes are returning to the United States, although F-One-Eleven fighter bombers are staying on.
81 Characteristically, Scargill is not returning the compliment and is not planning to co-operate with the alliance.
82 As the oar disappeared into the distance, his last chance of returning to the team's hotel with dignity drifted away.
83 Returning home, she learned from a neighbor that there had been a commotion in her condo.
84 It has been written to meet the needs of those returning to work after a career break.
85 A spacecraft returning from an asteroid is not limited to carrying water.
86 He looked at me, then my bike, and without returning the gesture,(http://) twisted the throttle to blast away.
87 He also meets a leader who, after Mr Mandela's abrupt departure, can't help returning to the basic question.
88 Both in summer and winter thousands came to the mountains, returning home with yoghurt, cheese and other products.
89 Fifthly, the disappointment at not returning home becomes another loss.
90 By this time, of course, the Federals were returning the fire.
91 There she wept and fought to compose herself before returning to the parlor with a small, pinched smile.
92 Some he would take home, copying them out most carefully before returning them in their leather cases to their proper places.
93 The only difference was that the Guides could look forward to returning to comfortable homes.
94 He saw himself returning as a beggar with limbs deliberately deformed, whining for alms on the sea-front at Bombay.
95 Markets typically include a provision for resolving disagreements by returning the product or through arbitrage in other cases.
96 Based at Southland hospital he will manage the hospital discharge scheme, organising support for people returning home after treatment.
97 The net effect of these factors is to dissipate the energy of the returning hammer.
98 Mr Popple, upon returning home alone, found the spider floating in the toilet-bowl.
99 The jury deliberated 26 days before returning guilty verdicts on 24 of 25 counts.
100 In the afternoon there is an optional excursion along the shores of Lake Como returning by boat.
101 Many returning refugees have found themselves dispossessed once more, made refugees in their own land.
102 By law, returning Kazakhs are supposed to be entitled to certain benefits, including housing and financial assistance.
103 To add insult to injury(), our family health services authority is returning our claims for Haemophilus influenzae type B immunisation unpaid.
104 From time to time he broke off his labours to return to the great court to look out for Tutilo returning.
105 Returning to the side door, he stood just inside it for a while and then stepped out to the sidewalk.
106 Yorke, 21 today, was returning home from a charity event at 2am, the city's magistrates heard.
107 Leafy and Obey stayed away for close to an hour, returning at last after midnight to admit defeat.
108 The pleasures of art tend to be diminished by returning to a complete absence of hot bath water.
109 In 1972, it was allowed back into the region, like some disgraced aristocrat returning from exile.
110 This, of course, assumes that there are returning officers in existence to whom the Clerk can send the writ.
111 He intended to stay six months before returning to the secure family practice.
112 She was convicted of assault and cleared on appeal but was prevented from returning to work.
113 The financial benefits gained in terms of productivity and maintaining an occupational income by returning to work are clear.
114 The 8.16 from Darlington and the returning 10.38 behaved as impeccably as the reception class at a Victorian Sunday school.
115 At the advanced age of 71, Charles Bronson's wizened features are returning to the big screen.
115 Wish you can benefit from our online sentence dictionary and make progress every day!
116 It is only by returning periodically to it that man can keep in contact with things of ultimate value.
117 After lunch he fared better returning a 76, taking only 35 shots on the inward nine.
118 I made one loop and then another, returning to check up on the kids.
119 Only the middle class gave up the composite career, and today even they are returning to it.
120 Of the six, only Brown is given a chance of returning for the Dallas game.
121 From time to time he did break out, cruising Soho and returning drunk, with or without bedfellow.
122 You might imagine that returning the lace carriage to the left will affect the previous transference, but this is not so.
123 They have to clock out when leaving their desk and clock back in before returning.
124 Returning brought back the pain, but it also brought home to her how far she had traveled.
125 Tories more famous than he had come nasty croppers in the past at conference time, returning tight to their hotels.
126 Those who conserve animals in the hope of returning their descendants to Nature may be disappointed by what they let loose.
127 The mostly white jury deliberated for three days before returning its verdicts.
128 This was confirmed by Virginia Stillman, whom Quinn called each night after returning home.
129 Of most concern is getting the best sound out of the instrument without the strings pulling it apart and needing returning too often.
130 I had seen the march of feudal armies, the victors returning in triumph, captive princes led past in chains.
131 These include returning: Via a back to nursing or re-entry programme organised by your local health board or district health authority.
132 The narrator, returning to the box shortly afterwards, finds that the signalman has been run over by a train.
133 They are making their pitch on radio stations, and are videotaping interviews with returning refugees and playing them in the camps.
134 Again and again in recent years evolutionary biologists have found themselves returning to the theme of parasites.
135 While returning, the enemy began a brisk fire from several guns.
136 Conservative and radical scientific ideas were disseminated from Paris by naturalists and anatomists returning home inspired by what they had heard.
137 The Knights Panther trace their origins to the wars against Araby when returning crusaders brought back outlandish animals from the east.
138 Returning the chisel to the bench, she turned to leave and came face to face with Leo's sister.
139 There's an optional excursion around this historic town before returning to the boat for overnight berth.
140 Often there are no tour guides and travellers are getting lost, or returning with spiritual, mental and sometimes physical distress.
141 Every day on stage at Cinderella Castle, returning visitors join a cast of 75 characters and entertainers in a musical revue.
142 She believes that acupuncture can be very helpful in returning this balance.
143 Surere was returning his gaze out of candid, friendly eyes; convinced eyes.
144 Returning home on December 21, 1926, he was met by an imposing delegation.
145 Former world cycling champion Lance Armstrong is returning to the sport after a year-long battle with testicular cancer next year.
146 After completing an apprenticeship under his father in maintenance,() moved to Newark for two years before returning to Barton-on-Humber.
147 Before returning to Washington to await the returns, Dole cast his vote in his hometown of Russell, Kan.
148 He enjoyed the dance, and, returning with his Confederate escort, was safely landed in his own lines before daylight.
149 On returning to work employees are offered a position at at least the same level as their last job.
150 Mr Popple had found her lying on the bathroom floor upon returning from the Lamb and Flag.
151 Since returning from his Easter break in Florida he has bungled and backtracked even in his fief, the Senate.
152 He had already considered returning to London in the closing stages of the war, but had thought better of it.
153 Returning for the blood test results is worth $ 10.
154 Men who had emptied their slop buckets were returning to their cells.
155 She was now fearful about returning to school, but agreed to discuss this with her tutor.
156 People were returning to their cabins after a day ashore.
157 Sometimes aircraft returning across the Channel are in a bad way.
158 He could feel his strength returning; could feel the brandy coursing through his veins, filling him with a warm glow.
159 The elevator, with a bump, returning from the cellar opened simultaneously with the street door.
160 One year later, the Eastbourne Road school is returning the compliment.
161 For men, returning home after years away from their wives and children, a new beginning had to be made.
162 Returning to work the following day we found out how Donald had spent his Christmas.
163 Instantly we fell in love with the area and have been returning regularly ever since.
164 Returning to the front entrance, he found Hendrix still waiting for her food, smoking yet another cigarette.
165 Apart from the village, there are interesting walks around the northern peninsulas to neighbouring bays, returning through fertile farmland.
166 This may mean demolishing the building or returning it to its original use.
167 There will then be a day's walk in the local area before returning to Soll and your hotel.
168 Ex-inmate Tony Cohla told yesterday how the thought of ever returning to Ashworth makes his blood run cold.
169 It is proper to end this presentation by returning to the equation we began with.
170 He would be gone from here, perhaps returning briefly at nights for some food, then off again.
171 They have left, believing they could do better for themselves elsewhere, and then having gone they dream always of returning.
172 She heard him returning just as she sat back to admire her handiwork.
173 The sky had darkened, clouds had gathered, and birds were returning, flying in belatedly to feed their chicks.
174 Nicholas Humphrey's project, to establish a theory of how consciousness evolved, begins by returning to sensation.
175 It isn't about the dead hand of the past,() the unsettled guilt-edged accounts of history returning to haunt the present.
176 Mr Trie gave us a donation which we will be returning.
177 That incident occurred about 10 to 15 miles offshore, as the four fighter planes were returning from a training mission.
178 We would also suggest an attempt to conciliate Fred by returning the responsibility for special functions to him.
179 What is your country doing to prevent Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge returning to power?
180 He was given 25 years but tried to negotiate a cut in his sentence by returning half of the stolen gold.
181 Because the wooden benches were filled with sleeping soldiers returning from war.
182 It was only by chance, returning on the other side, that she saw its brass plate.
183 Please acknowledge receipt of this document by signing and returning the enclosed form.
184 I even became so desperate that I thought of returning to corporate life.
185 He liked being next to her; he felt all the possibilities returning when he touched her cheek with his finger.
186 Ludens received one shock as he was returning to the cottage.
187 Returning to our earlier theme, we notice there is a tradeoff for shareholders' representatives in employing a manager.
188 A 12 mile cycle tour starting from Hawkhope to the Holt, returning via the pub at Falstone.
189 I would conclude by returning briefly to the Marleasing judgment.
190 The Giants were leading the series 3-1 and wanted desperately to avoid returning to Wrigley Field for a sixth game.
191 Returning missionaries spoke to large audiences who were eager to hear how their efforts elevated the heathen.
192 Quickly she went into the next room, returning a moment later with a small linen basket.
193 The offer was conditional on the exiles returning to the country by Dec. 31, 1991.
194 Returning on air, Dick Enberg got Maguire to expand on the comment.
195 The following day we could knock it off in few hours before returning to base.
196 It was soldiers returning from the battlefields who're credited with making that election a labour landslide.
197 This time, it was Reyna returning the favor to Wegerle.
198 A returning female alights within a few feet of where she last left her baby.
199 My sister, my father has told me in a telephone conversation, is returning to the West Coast.
200 I mean, a chump who spends an entire three-hour train ride returning voice mail?
201 We lost no time in returning to the headquarters.
202 Ruiz - Geli is not interested in returning to the dark ages before Modernism.
203 Finally, the clearest articulation of value is expressed in returning business.
204 The six-person jury deliberated about two hours before returning with the verdict.
205 With the gloomy prospect of returning to work, many people may suffer post-holiday syndrome.
206 Out on the water flickering lights and soft - voiced choruses marked the fishers returning from the reef.
207 Returning them to the mercies of chaotic Jamaica would offer few benefits.
208 He departed at a brisk gallop, but on the way met Gethings and Cutter returning.
209 Elsewhere, a figure of 30,000 returning Palestinians has been informally mooted.
210 Returning indoors, he replaced the broom and decided to roll up his bedding.
211 My prospects of returning to a suitable job are dismal.




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